//------------------------------// // Chapter 8: Interference // Story: The Watcher // by GnollReader //------------------------------// Luna took an involuntary step backwards as he appeared inside the room shortly followed by Celestia. Just like her sister, this was the first time she actually felt his presence, and it spoke more to her than any words could say. There was a fury unlike any other she had ever witnessed that surrounded him like a shroud, and his sheer presence made her feel like she was being crushed alive. "Where?" he asked with a cold voice, evidently trying to fight back his anger. "On that stand." Celestia pointed out. Not bothering to walk in his anger he simply shifted his position to the stand and picked up the dagger in one hand. Turning it silently and inspecting it from all angles as the two princesses observed him. "What is this about?" Luna asked her sister with worry. "I don't know..." Celestia replied with an even voice, "He suddenly became very agitated." "And your request?" Luna asked with hope, but Celestia only shook her head with sadness. "This shouldn't be possible...“ he suddenly whispered, making the two alicorns look up, "This is an outrage..." the shadows around him started to swirl even faster. "What is it?" Celestia was almost afraid to ask. "How many things do you know that are immune to your magic?" "There are a few species and materials with a heightened resistance. The dragons would be those with the highest.“ He held up the dagger for her to see, "Does this look like dragon bone to you?" "We have been wondering about that, but..." Celestia paused, suddenly realizing what he was hinting at, "That dagger isn't from this world... is it?" He made a motion with his fingers, and the dagger started to hover about his outstretched hand. "You are correct... Do you remember what I told you earlier? Nothing that is created within the void may leave it..." he looked at her. "Then how is it possible for this to be here?" "It is here for the same reason my armor is here..." the alicorns gave him puzzled looks, "Everything we carry with us, our clothing, armor, tools... we create them from our own bodies. To do this, the purveyors become one with the void itself, basking within it until it runs through our very veins like blood. We make it a part of ourselves, bind it to our blood and bones... and once the body accepts the fusion..." the dagger slowly started to give off small swirls of black mist, "Our bodies start to produce it themselves. We can use this form of the void to alter ourselves and our surroundings, or condense it to take a desired form. It takes practice, time and sacrifice but we have learned to do it." "I find it hard to believe something like that..." Luna spoke up, "To become a part of something so opposite of all life... is it really possible?" There was a soft hiss as his mask slowly dismantled itself, seemingly falling apart into black smoke as he removed the binding that held it together. The two alicorns felt the blood freeze in their veins as they stared into his face, "You tell me..." he said without emotion before the mask simply reformed around his face again. When the mask was covering his face once more he made another gesture with his fingers and the dagger came to rest on his open hand once more. He held it up for them to see. They were still too shocked to speak, still staring at his mask in horror at what they had just seen. "For something like this to exist here..." he said with a sinister voice, "It requires the presence of another like me." It was an act so far out of line it made his blood boil. There was no other way to deal with this other by himself. He would have to break his own rules again, but it was the only way to do this. He put the dagger into the depths of his clothes, "And I intend to find that person..." he paused for a moment, "Wait here, I shall return shortly..." the shadows started to collect around him. "Where are you going?" Celestia asked with a shaky voice. "I'm going to pay the changelings a visit." and with that, he was gone. --- Queen Chrysalis was in a bad mood these days. Her spy had failed, her beautiful plan had been spoiled. How could this have happened? With the artifact in their possession, nothing should have been able to save the princess... yet she lived, and it drove her mad. Her spies were unable to tell her what had gone wrong, but something strange seemed to go on inside the castle if the rumors were correct. She paced up and down her throne room with angered steps. They had been given the perfect opportunity to rid themselves of their most powerful enemy and they had failed. She should have done this herself, but it was too late, such an opportunity would not represent itself again. Her trail of thoughts was interrupted as a cloud of black shadows started to form inside the throne room. She watched it carefully, had the mysterious voice returned? Would they have another opportunity to... she took a step backwards as a mask of black glass started to appear from the black mist. With horror she realized that this was something different, something very different. The moment the creature set a foot inside the throne room she nearly collapsed under the storm of rage that escaped its form. Before she could react or call to her guards he was on her, picking her up by her throat and lifting her to his mask. As he held her the black shadows rising from his body started to gather themselves around her, starting to encase her whole form, cutting her off from the rest of the world. She tried to struggle, her horn flashing a bright green as she tried to summon up her magic, "Your magic will not help you now, worm..." a voice cold as ice snarled at her. As if on command the shadows dug themselves into her horn, making her scream in agony as the void tore at her very soul, cutting off her magic. His hand pressed down on her throat like steel, choking her screams. He held up a dagger she immediately identified as the artifact, "Where... did you get this?" his voice carried the threat of death, "Speak... or I will tear the skin from you hide!" Every word he said carried enough rage to make her shudder. Even though she wasn't trying to grab the emotions from him they still dug themselves in her very soul. "We found it in one of our tunnels..." she managed to croak in fear. She felt his anger increase even further at her words, it almost burned her mind to be this close to him now. "You dare lie to me!" he shouted at her in anger. The shadows dug themselves into her whole body, tearing at the very flow that bound her to this world, making her twitch in agony as silent screams of pain escaped her open mouth. It wasn't her body he was attacking, it was her soul. And he would make sure she would not dare lie to him again. When the shadows retreated again she simply hung by his hand, gasping for air and too exhausted from the torture he had put her through to even move. He brought her face closer to his own and she watched in fear as the mask started to dissolve, turning fear into absolute horror as she looked into his face. His skin was white as bone, and so thin she could actually see the skull and the black veins that ran beneath it. But it were his eyes that she would forever remember. Where she expected eyes there was nothing... only a bottomless, impenetrable darkness that sat in his eye sockets as black shadows slowly formed around them. "Now..." he said with low voice as she stared into the endless blackness of the void that had long ago taken the place of his eyes, "Lie to me again and I shall tear your soul from your body and tear it to pieces for all of eternity." he pressed the dagger to her cheek, "Where... did you get this?"