Canis Ezo Kage

by BioChemicalWolfGear

Chapter 6

The Everfree forest was quiet and still. The only thing that penetrated the silence was the silent sobs of an orange mare. Just as before, the tree canopy seemed to show sympathy and move aside for the sunlight. She held her head in her hooves as she lay still on the ground. Her sharp intakes of air to her lungs made her back bob up and down as she cried. The wind seemed to ignore her state and continued to blow against the tree canopy and drown out her sobs with the rustling of leaves. Her moment to herself was broken, and she started to pick herself up emotionally and physically.

I was above her on top of a steep rock formation that overlooked the crying mare. I watched with sympathy as she got to her hooves and rubbed the tears off her face. I took this moment to stand and go down the slope behind me. I didn’t waste any time with going down the rock formation and rounding it to meet up with Applejack.

“Her name is easier to remember now.” I thought to myself.

She caught sight of me and looked at me with the same sad eyes and soft frown she did just a few moments ago, in the clearing filled with a large leaf bed. We looked at each other for a few moments before I turned to the right while keeping eye contact. I was between her and Ponyville, and I started moving toward Ponyville while she slowly started to follow. The sympathy the forest gave us seemed to remain and light started to act normally by going through cracks in between leaves rather than drown it out and leave us in shadow. I now looked ahead and watched our path.

Applejack’s pace quickened until she walked side by side with me. She looked around for a few moments, seemingly trying to avoid eye contact with me. I could see her struggle to speak to me from the corner of my eye. I didn’t pay much attention to it because I was busy keeping a look out for Timberwolves. The forest no longer smelled of fresh or dried blood, and I began to think the Timberwolf threat was over.

“Listen.” Applejack started, to my left.

I turned my head to her, but we both continued to walk in the direction of Ponyville.

“Ah don’t want yah to ever do that again.” she demanded. Her voice didn’t carry any spunk or life. She sounded like she was scolding a child about stranger danger after being caught speaking to a stranger. She still held her small frown and sad eyes.

“Ah think ya’ll were tryin’ to help me get past my father’s death…” she mused, flattening her ears on her head before looking at me. “But ah don’t need yer help dealin’ wit’ it. Got it?” she asked, waiting for me to respond.

I nodded my head and looked forward. She did the same.

“Ah don’t know if that’s what yah meant tah do. But yah did something ah’d rather not repeat. Ah mourn mah dad on my own time, not yers.” she stated. I nodded my head again; she picked up her pace and continued, “Good. Now let’s get back tah Fluttershy.”

We continued to walk in silence. I looked back at her and she seemed to still have the small frown on her face while we walked. I felt that I had to do something to make her stop being so sad, so I leaned over and licked the right side of her face lightly. She didn’t seem to mind and she looked at me with a smile before she wiped it away.

I thought about it more until I thought of how everyone who doesn’t have a dog reacts to being licked by one. Usually they would either freak out if they didn’t like dogs, or they’d say stop or something along those lines. But Applejack acted as if she was used to dogs. I put my snout close to her to investigate a theory and I smelled something else.

“Let’s see… I smell pony, another pony, old pony, and… A DOG!” I felt slightly excited when I realized she possibly owned a dog. “A member of a race even closer to me than the diamond dogs?”

The walk to the cottage seemed slightly uneventful. I continued to wonder about the forests change in scenery as we walked. But for some reason the gloominess of the Everfree didn’t seem to come back. I continued to listen out for any surprises around the corner, and Applejack caught onto my apprehensiveness. She began to become slightly paranoid and scan the scenery with me.

We continued like this until the tree-line was visible. She smiled and picked up the pace as I watched her run off and disappear through the bushes. I decided not to waste what little energy I had left on catching up with her. After a while I got to the tree-line while Applejack had her head start. But my stomach reminded me of my predicament when it started to growl and only I could hear it as my coat seemed to absorb the noise and mute it. It was a strange feeling when you knew your stomach was making noise, but it was suppressed.

I followed Applejack’s path through the bush and found myself in the clearing that connected to the girly fence of Fluttershy’s yard. A thought occurred in my mind and I turned to look at the forest…

“What?” I thought to myself with a slight degree of panic.

The forest returned to its gloomy state as if something flipped off a light switch as I left. Just three meters from exiting it seemed normal and the sun shone through cracks in the leaves. Now those sun beams are gone and the forest went from lighter colors to darker and gloomier ones. The shadows seemed to return as if they were sneaking up on us the whole time. The forest had the eerie appearance in it again.

But worst of all was the stench of blood that didn’t exist just a few moments earlier. It was dried two day old blood that only lightly covered the deadly landscape. Now it’s back and showed no sign of ever being undetectable to my nose. It was distinct enough so that anyone with my sense of smell would notice it. But it wasn’t subtle; anyone could smell it if they looked for it, and that’s what scared me. How can such a distinct smell disappear like that?

I turned around and moved with a new purpose back to the safety of the cottage. I felt a slight bit of fear of the strange forest that I knew would disappear in time. But for now I opted to freak out about the seemingly intelligent cluster of trees that just played with my mind like a card shark playing poker. I saw Applejack already in front of Fluttershy when I entered the yard. Some animals tracked my movements as I approached the two female ponies.

“But is your hat really so important? The Everfree forest is dangerous.” Fluttershy asked Applejack with a great amount of worry.

“A-ah well uh…” Applejack stammered while looking sheepish.

I approached and listened into the conversation. I stopped next to Applejack’s right while she thought of an excuse while Fluttershy looked at me and gave me a warm smile. Fluttershy looked back at Applejack with a concerned look.

“Well, ah don’t really wanna talk about it.” Applejack finally answered.

“Oh I see…” Fluttershy replied little shyly.

I had a suspicion that Fluttershy knew more than she was letting on. But I kept quiet about it, not that I would be heard anyway.

Applejack’s awkward mood disappeared in an instant after that, and her ears pointed upward. “Oh horseapples ah need tah get back tah the farm. Zap apple harvestin’ is today an’ we need tah harvest fast! Ah’m sorry Fluttershy, but ah gotta go.” Applejack rushed off over the bridge and ran down the path back to where I assume her farm was.

Fluttershy and I watched her leave with confused expressions on our faces. Fluttershy didn’t have much time to say goodbye since Applejack was very fast. But I was more confused as to why Applejack needed to harvest apples so quickly. When Applejack made it over the bridge, Fluttershy looked back at me with a confused expression.

“What did you two do in there?” she asked.

I cocked my head in thought. Then I straightened it and summarized the events that occurred.

“We had a heart to heart.” I told her simply.

“A… heart to heart? I don’t understand.” she asked confusedly.

I looked at her with an unimpressed look. “It’s something personal for her that I found out. We should let her choose when she wants to tell you. But for now, let’s leave it between me and her.” I answered her, using as many gestures as I could to help Fluttershy understand what I said.

“Oh I see…” Fluttershy looked back in the direction of the path that Applejack ran in. “I guess it’s none of my business.” she then looked at me and something clicked in her head. “Oh my! You must be starving! I’ll get a bowl for you.” she flew off toward the sack of dog food.

She tried to pick it up but her wings didn’t give her enough lift. She landed beside it and tried to pick it up with her teeth. She failed at every attempt and she backed up and put her hoof on her chin while giving the bag a contemplating gaze. She stopped thinking and looked up at an eagle and waved him down with a hoof. He complied and swooped down to land on the bag. But to my surprise he wasn’t there to pick it up.

“Go find Barry and tell him to meet me out front, please.” she asked softly.

I watched with interest as the eagle flew up and over the leaf covered cottage. I was approached by a group of young mice to my right while I looked at the eagle to my left. The mice started squeaking amongst themselves and I took notice of their squeaks. I didn’t turn my head but I put my right ear idly to the right side so it didn’t look like I noticed them. I also heard some subtle movement behind them.

“You ask it!” one whispered.

“No you!” another whispered.

“Guys shush it might hear you!” quietly exclaimed a feminine voice.

“…Uh-” one started loudly toward me, but his sentence died the moment it started.

They seemed a little too apprehensive to have approached me without a bit of peer pressure from each other. I assumed there were more than three mice but I wasn’t sure. The eagle had already left my sight range and I looked toward Fluttershy. She looked between me and the mice quickly with an unsure gaze before noticing my ear was facing them. It was hard not to fully turn it toward them because the muscles seemed to want to face their direction. But I was holding back so I wouldn’t catch them off guard.

Fluttershy caught on and smiled warmly at me before facing back at the cottage and waiting for the bear.

I took this time to look at the small mice that froze in place when they realized I was looking at them. I got a good look at the little mice and realized they barely stood over the grass. There were three of them only a foot from me that stood next to each other. They looked very young, possibly in their early teens. There were five other mice behind them that looked older and were watching me with a great degree of worry. I assumed these were the parents that tried to get them to come back to a safe zone while I was out.

Two of them were brown while three of them were white. The white ones were sneaking through the white flowers to blend in while the brown ones stayed anywhere the grass was.

I couldn’t help but smile a little. But I tried not to let my smile show because I knew that would be creepy in their eyes, or at least very unnerving. I looked between them and I assume the parents. I noticed how good the parents were at sneaking and the ones that were brown seemed to keep low and stop moving so I wouldn’t see them. I commended their skill greatly.

I looked down at the three smaller mice that approached me first. “Is there something you would like to ask me?” I asked them.

I scanned the area around me and turned my whole body toward them. I sat down making sure there weren’t any mice below me. Considering I barely noticed the adults’ approach I could assume that the mice could have been under me and I wouldn’t know. The abundant smells of other animals would mask their own scent, and their careful movements keep them from being noticed until I spot them or hear them rustle the grass.

They didn’t say anything for a while until the one in the middle spoke up. “H-how to y-you hunt?” He squeaked shakily.

I could tell he was the oldest of the group of three, and their leader. The one on the right had feminine features and seemed slightly younger than the leader. The one on the left was the very youngest because he was smallest. But size is a good liar.

The adults seemed to hold their breath with anxiety, after the leader of the group of three spoke. They seemed to think I’d pounce at a moment’s notice, and that was also a mentality the younger mice seemed to share. I decided I’ve left them in suspense long enough and I responded with pride.

“As silent as possible.” I started, lifting my nose while slightly puffing out my chest. “Although that’s how I hunt.” I continued, my voice taking on a serious tone. “Other wolves hunt a little more savagely. Timberwolves would normally tire out their prey and corner it. Although I had the pleasure to be swarmed by many packs at once, during their most recent mating season.” I told them while rolling my eyes at the part about the Timberwolves.

“What! Are you the wolf that led the Timberwolves away from the beavers the other day?” asked the leader forgetting the apprehensiveness he previously felt.

I nodded in confirmation. “My name is Hushed Shadow. My traveling companions were Woodcutter and Lumberjack…” I paused and cocked my head to the side when I realized I was able to remember their names so well.

“No way! How did you get away?” he asked, forgetting who I am.

The adults seem to lose their tensed states and listened in quietly. Although one white one rose out of her hiding place and spoke up.

“I-I’m sorry if they’re bothering you Mr. Hushed. I-if you allow me to I’ll bring them back home.” She semi pleaded with a nervous smile.

“It seems they still don’t trust me.” I thought to myself.

The leader spun around with a disappointed face. “Aw mom! I wanted to talk to him! He doesn’t even mind the questions!” he turned back to me with a smile and asked, “Right?”

I decided to be reasonable and answered, “No, I don’t mind their questions.” I then turned to the white mouse and politely added, “But if you don’t want them speaking to me, then I won’t speak to them.”

She looked at me strangely. She then nodded and replied, “I don’t want you speaking to them without me around.”

The other two mice groaned in disappointment.

“But mom!” the leader protested petulantly.

The white mouse pointed at him with her right paw while putting the other paw on her side while giving him a stern gaze, “No ‘buts’ from any of you.” she then leveled her gaze at me sternly to make her point, “Ok, I’ll allow them to ask questions now, but remember, when I’m not around, you can’t talk to them.”

“I won’t forget it.” I told her.

“Good.” she smiled triumphantly. “And if you do forget, then I’ll get Fluttershy to uuuuse…” she paused dramatically, and finished ominously, “The Stare!”

I stared at her for a few moments with confusion on my face. But I nodded my head in confirmation. I doubted this ‘Stare’ would do much to me if it’s exactly what I thought it would be.

“Well, it must be a big deal if she thinks it can intimidate me. Or maybe it’s just a ruse to keep me in line.” I reasoned to myself.

“…Sure.” I replied dismissively. I looked back at the leader of the group of young mice while his mother approached them while they looked at me. “Anyway, do you have any other questions?”

The younger mice all wore smiles while the hidden adults seemed less apprehensive. They remained low to the ground and tried to stay out of my sight. I began to suspect they were part of an ambush team.

He was about to speak up before the younger female mouse interrupted him. “Why are you here?” she asked, receiving a glare from the leader.

“I’m here for the ponies. I’ve come a long way to see them. Mostly it’s because I want to study them, and learn more about their culture. Plus, I heard Fluttershy can give me free food so that was why I came here in particular.” I told them.

“How do wolves sneak?” questioned the leader.

“It really depends on which wolf you talk to. I hide and live in the shadows. You’ll never see me unless I want you too.” I stated confidently.

“I’m sure us mice can give you a run for your money.” the leader’s mother commented proudly.

I rolled my eyes and broke eye contact with them for a few moments. But those moments were all I needed to see a Pink Flamingo walking by a meter in front of me; and walking right toward a mouse.

“Watch your step.” I stated and he turned and looked at me funny. “There’s a mouse in the grass.” I clarified while looking at a brown mouse directly in his path.

He looked down and scanned the grass. At the same moment the brown mouse stood up with an incredulous look on his face.

“You could see me?” he asked shocked.

I responded with a smile. “I saw all five of you the moment I turned around. I thought you knew?” I tilted my head.

“U-uh no! How’d you spot us?” he asked.

The Flamingo opted to stay out of the conversation and went around us while keeping a close look at the ground.

“You thought you were hidden?” I asked back with a snarky remark.

He gave me a pout and crossed his arms, opting to not respond. The other three still hidden in the grass and light covering of white flowers stood up and looked at each other with confused looks. Then they moved forward to stand beside the group of four in front of me.

“How’d you know where we were?” asked the mother with shock on her face.

“I... saw you?” I answered, my tone indicating that it was incredulous to believe otherwise.

“Did you catch us moving?” She asked.

“No, you were all pretty still when I looked around. Your coats weren’t very good contrasts to where you were. Brown doesn’t go with green. White doesn’t go with green and white.” I explained as closely as I could to what I thought happened.

“H-how? No animal can pick us out like that! Especially when we’re hidden.” replied the mother.

“You’ve obviously never met an Ezo.” I gloated. “My race is the master of stealth. You’ll never see us, unless we want you too. It’s the reason why you haven’t seen more of my breed.” I explained.

“Hushed!” came Fluttershy’s voice from behind me. I spun around and looked in the direction of the cottage and saw Barry leaving while on all fours while Fluttershy waited at the door looking at me and called out, “Your food is ready!”

I looked back at the mice, and before departing I stated, “Sorry, but I haven’t eaten in two days because I was traveling with the beavers. You can ask questions later, but for now I’m hungry.”

I stood up and quick trotted out of the yard and onto the path that led up to Fluttershy’s cottage door. I wasted no time in entering when Fluttershy moved aside and let me in. I saw a bowl of dog food over in the corner and I rushed over to it. I started eating as fast as possible and as much as I could. The pack of dog food was next to it but I ignored it. As I ate, I smelled the distinct scent of grains and other animal feed in the bowl. I concluded she didn’t wash this from feeding the animals previously. I didn’t care though because I was hungry.

I finished the entire bowl and picked up the stray pellets that fell out as I was eating. I looked up happily and started looking around at the room. It had wood floors and several bird houses that were built into the walls. Food bowls were stacked in the corner of the room next to bags of food pellets. They all seemed to be the same product except for ones that looked like they were for birds. I began to suspect that all the animals were mostly herbivores except for the eagles I saw in the clouds.

“Oh my. You were hungry!” exclaimed Fluttershy with surprise.

I looked back at her and realized she was floating a meter above me. I watched her float there with her hoof in front of her mouth before she smiled when she noticed me staring. She flew over to me and rubbed my head with her hoof. I honestly expected it to feel really good since dogs liked it so much, but it wasn’t all that significant. But the display of affection wasn’t lost and I wagged my tail. And wagging also happens to be another thing that I can control.

“Hey, I have an idea.” Fluttershy suggested, her voice taking on a new sense of excitement. “How about we find your beaver friends?”

“Yes!” I barked happily while shaking my tail.

I made it as dramatic as possible so she’d know I want to see them. She started giggling and I stopped.

“Did I do something funny?”

“Ok, we can go see them. But I want to stop by a friend of mine so we can figure out what kind of dog you are.” she added enthusiastically.

She landed on the ground and walked toward the door. I followed closely behind her and let her go first out the door. She got out the door and I followed her on her left. She turned her head to the right and looked back at the door. I walked past her as she slowed down and turned her body toward the front door.

“Are you coming?” she questioned loudly.

“Am I really that good?” I thought.

I then got the most diabolical idea and I quietly walked up to her. When I was close enough I licked the side of her face.

“YEEEP!” she jumped in fright and ended up hovering three meters in the air.

She looked back at me while hyperventilating. My ears flattened on my head and I gave her a sad face to avoid being in trouble. She lowered herself to the ground while doing a few breathers to calm her nerves. She then looked at me with a neutral gaze that hid her analyzing eyes. I played dumb and started to wag my tail and start panting.

“You’re really good at sneaking up on me. Please don’t do it again.” she demanded softly and I nodded my head in confirmation. “Good, now let’s go.” she added with renewed enthusiasm.

She began walking down the dirt path and I followed behind her while still panting. I then decided that panting would be a good idea anyway because we’d be walking in the sun. I looked up at the sky and realized it was beginning to go down. But it was still pretty high in the sky so it was the afternoon. I looked back at the trail and listened for anything new or familiar.

We went five minutes of walking without anything really happening. Fluttershy kept an ear facing me to make sure she knew if I strayed or if I stopped panting. I decided to not tempt fate and I kept panting while walking beside her. Our pace was steady and within ten minutes we reached Ponyville.

The buildings looked nothing like Fluttershy’s. We were on the trail to her house and we could see Ponyville from the other side of a small field full of flowers of all different kinds. The buildings that I could see seemed similar to what I remember from my world, only shorter. Not that the height of the buildings was a problem for me these days. Being slightly smaller than these ponies makes it easy for me to get anywhere they can.

Fluttershy went forward while I kept by her side. I was nervous because of the possible reactions to a wolf. But considering Fluttershy runs a shelter and has a bear as a bouncer to said shelter, the ponies might overlook my presence. We made it to the center of the clearing without incident and my nerves began to dominate my thoughts. I couldn’t stop thinking about how the ponies might go in an uproar or one may decide to skin me and sell my coat.

My senses were heightened when we finally reached the boarder of the field and the buildings of the town. I looked around nervously as we walked between the houses. There weren’t any ponies out yet so I felt like I was in the clear. Fluttershy noticed my apprehensiveness and gave me a reassuring smile that I almost missed, until I looked back in her direction. That smile calmed me a bit, but she didn’t know about how valuable my coat was. In fact I wasn’t even aware of the price of my coat.

“It’s ok if you’re nervous.” she cooed reassuringly. “I was just as shy when I first came to Ponyville. Trust me, there’s nothing to worry about.” she extended a wing to pet my back.

“If only being shy was the problem.” I thought while rolling my eyes.

Although her wing was comfortable as it stroked my back, I understood now why dogs like being pet. It’s like a massage that you couldn’t give yourself because you don’t have hands. It’s also similar to being a human and not being able to get one because you can’t rub your own back. Regardless of the comfort, it calmed my nerves slightly and I realized that Fluttershy would be my guardian angel while in town.

I mentally noted to never come here alone, unless it’s for a good reason.

We continued walking down the dirt path and soon came upon a few ponies. They looked my direction and raised a few eyebrows but continued walking as if it never happened a few seconds later. A group of female ponies seemed to start talking about me after they saw me but they were around the corner before I caught on to what they were saying.

While walking down the streets of Ponyville I was able to get a sense of their culture. They seemed very community oriented and concentrated on beauty. Not physical beauty like making themselves pretty or wearing make-up. But architecture beauty. The houses seemed more personalized than I really gave them credit for at first glance. Each had a varying degree of decorations on their homes and flower pots outside their door. Some had bushes outside that grew flowers.

I assumed the ponies are naturally herd animals. But now that I think of it I’m starting to think they’ve evolved a community mentality. But I saw ponies always in pairs and few of them were really alone so I picked up my previous theory that they remained herd animals. Their children however act more like human children. As I walked with Fluttershy to her friends’ place I saw a group of children talking to each other. There were three, and they were talking about the strangest things.

“So what we gonna do to get our cutie marks today girls?” said an orange Pegasus between a unicorn and a regular pony.

The regular pony was yellowish with a pink bow in her hair. The orange pegasus had purple hair. While the little white unicorn with two toned light pink and purple hair. Fluttershy and I were passing by them at about a three meter gap between us and the small group of children. We were also down wind so their scents drifted into our path. As Fluttershy and I walked passed I could smell their scents with the lingering scents of the places they’ve been. I could smell sweat, grass, something really clean, and apples.

“Wait, Apples?” I stopped and looked at them.

Fluttershy must have heard me stop panting and she looked over at me as I stared at the children. The orange one noticed me and raised an eyebrow. I decided to play the playful dog so they won’t be afraid when I approached them. I started panting and wagging my tail, then I whined playfully and headed toward them. Fluttershy seemed ok with it and followed after me as I trotted toward them with a wagging tail.

“What?” asked the unicorn, when she saw her friend stare off behind her.

She turned around with her yellow friend and looked at me. They were all watching me approach with quizzical expressions. Fluttershy’s expression was more worried and apprehensive than calm and observing. I walked up to them and I sniffed the white little unicorn thoroughly and found that she smelled of fabric and perfume. She didn’t apply the perfume to herself though, and she obviously lives with someone that wore too much of it.

The one in the middle gave off a smell of sweat and rainwater. She must be athletic or active very often to sweat enough to leave an after-smell. It wasn’t bad but it was there. I assumed the rainwater smell was because she went swimming recently or was trapped in the rain, but it hasn’t rained in the past few days.

Now that I think of it… I don’t think I’ve ever seen rain yet.

Now the one with the bow smelled like apples. But not only that, but her scent was the same scent that Applejack lightly gave off. I assumed she was her little sister because I smelled the other scent of a dog and another pony, plus the older pony smell. It would only make sense if they were sisters. I began wagging my tail wildly and started whining and growling playfully while booping her with my nose.

“Fluttershy what’s wrong with your dog?” asked the orange one, who gave me a weird look.

“I’m sorry girls, but I don’t know what’s going on…” she replied as she watched me with interest as I played with the little yellow pony.

“Well, he’s awfully friendly.” added the little yellow pony with a smile.

I started licking her face and she tried to block me with her hoof. She was way stronger than she looks too. She seemed to almost seem motionless as I tried to get past her unstoppable hoof.

“He really likes Applebloom.” commented the little white unicorn.

I let up and let Applebloom get her breathing room. I tried to repeat the name ‘Applebloom’ in my head over and over until I remembered it. I knew I’d forget later, but if I repeat it now then I’d remember it longer when I hear it again. Eventually the name will become permanent. But I backed up a bit while wagging my tail.

“Ya’ll ‘er funny.” Applebloom joked with a smile.

She started to wipe the spit off of her face.

“Ew that’s gross.” commented the unicorn.

I had a devilish idea to lick her but I felt that would be pushing it.

“Well, he don’t drool as much as Winona.” admitted Applebloom.

“Hush,” ordered Fluttershy sternly, “Come.”

I looked back at her and stopped wagging my tail and forgetting to pant. Out of my peripherals, I noticed the orange one looked at me with an impressed look. I looked back at her quickly and noticed the other ponies didn’t seem to notice other than Fluttershy. I connected the dots and realized the orange one was very aware of her surroundings. Which is usually a sign of extreme paranoia.

“How paranoid do you have to be to notice someone not breathing?” I mused to myself.

I started panting again and I walked beside Fluttershy as she continued the journey to god knows where. As we got further away, I heard Applebloom speak to her orange friend.

“Hey Scootaloo, are ya’ll ok?” she asked with some concern in her voice.