//------------------------------// // Transformation // Story: An Alicorn's Destiny // by StormDash //------------------------------// chapter 2 transformation Rainbow dash screamed in agony as her wings grew to superior lengths. She was lowered onto the ground as she felt on top of her head "what in celestia's name is that!?" She screamed as ran to the nearest mirror. There was a slight bump on her head " Awesome!" she jumps up "I'm an alicorn!" she eagerly trots around the empty room, until the iron door slid open and three royal guards trotted over to her, "majesty, come this way!" one of them said and guided her back the way she came before her transformation. Rainbow Dash looked through a glass window showing the room her and her friends were in before she came an alicorn "no-pony said my friends couldn't come with me?" she said puzzled as they stopped in front of the window, she stopped herself before she could tap on the glass. Her friends were laughing at pinkie pie like usual. " come on majesty we have to," the guard grabbed rainbow dash leg, she pulled away " in order for me to come," she stopped and turned around sharply pointing at her friends "they have to come with me!" she said as the three guards looked at each other, "fine, you go get her friends," the first guard pointed to the third guard. The third guard scurried away " Quickly!" The third guard yelled after him. Rainbow Dash walked reluclantly down a narrow hallway to the her royal throne " i promise, your friends will be there waiting for you" he encouraged " finally!" Rainbow Dash raced off towards her friends. "AJ, and pinkie,and everyone else!" She greeted them with a big group hug "woah dash, what's that!" pinkie pie jumped up and down "ewww, it better not be an infection!" Rarity shreeched. "oh" she whispered loud enough for them to hear "it's a horn" she said looking down "A WHAT!?" some-pony screamed what will happen next? who was the pony that screamed? found out in the next chapter (Jealousy sparkles)