An Alicorn's Destiny

by StormDash

Jealousy Sparkles

chapter 3:

jealousy sparkles

Twilight Sparkles teleports her way to Rainbow Dash. She angrily slaps the growing horn giving Rainbow Dash a spine-trembling tingle. "ouch, not so hard please!" Rainbow Dash complains as she rubs her growing horn, Twilight moves to her wings, first tugging gently at them after a few seconds of that she yanks the wings as hard as she could "owwwwww" Rainbow Dash spins around knocking Twilight down "what was that for!" She angrily scowls at the Purple unicorn "well i don't know about you guys, but I say your faking!"Twilight exclaims smiling. "wha..." Rainbow Dash slowly walks towards the unicorn. "come any closer and i swear!" Twilight threatens as two guards come up behind her (one with a light green coat and brown mane and another with a red coat and a yellow mane), they both grab her and drag her away " i'm telling you she's an imposter, an imposter..." Twilight screams as she is dragged relucantly away. "NO, Twilight!" Spike races after them being held back by rarity's magic. "Spike she going to be just fine" applejack said as rarity lifted spike onto her back like twilight does and walks towards the doors "wait where are you guys going" Rainbow Dash asked "well i don't know what ya'll doing but i got some buckin to do" Applejack said. "I got to get Spikey-wikey home" Rarity said in a cute baby voice. "Pinkie and i have animals to feed" fluttershy said softly, as Rainbow Dash's friends left the room.

Rainbow Dash slumped into the throne, when the doors creaked open just ever so slightly. "hello?" Rainbow Dash got up to check as she neared the door it slammed tightly shut "hey who's out there?" she screamed through the door hoping to get an answer why do I try no-pony in their right mind would answer to a question like that, she thought to herself but, she decided to try again louder this time " who's out there open this door right now! that was an order from your princess!" she shouted. Rainbow Dash turned around to go back to the seat when the doors swung open "majesty? are you okay?" a guard flew into the room "who are you!" Rainbow Dash asked through narrowed eyes "my name is cloud gazer!" he said putting a hoof up to his helmet. " you aren't a royal guard!" Rainbow Dash inspected him "why... yes i am!" he stuttered, sweat was dripping down his forehead "nope, can't be my guards wouldn't be stuttering like that or sweating like that either," she stopped to inspect him more. "well...I...I...I" he stuttered some more "you what!?" she asked demanding for an answer. "i've come for..."