An Alicorn's Destiny

by StormDash

Cloud's Story

chapter 4- cloud's story

Cloud Gazer looked around the room, "don't lie to me" Rainbow Dash's voice boomed through the room. Cloud Gazer looked at Rainbow Dash " i've come for..." he stopped and looked down at his hooves then back up at Rainbow."who'd you come for cloud Gazer?!" Rainbow Dash stared at him in horror as his frown turned into a big grin."for you" he said in a deeper voice, he grabs Rainbow Dash and flies out of the palace in a blur."get off me!" Rainbow Dash struggled to get away but she couldn't get free. "why are you doing this?" she asked sadly thinking about never seeing her friends again. "i have to. " he whispered over and over again "you have to, what? Rainbow dash could keep her voice from sounding shakey, anymore, Cloud dust snapped out of the mini trance he was in and dropped Rainbow Dash in a dark room, he followed her " where am i, answer my questions!" she ordered him. "Okay, first your in evergreen chamber," he started nervously. "The what chamber?!" She said as her voice echoed around the pitch black Room. "The...the... Evergreen Chambers" he stutter anxiously "and before you say anything, the Evergreen Chambers are equestria's largest chambers, they are sound-proof and Pitch black," he describes the horrifying chambers. "why, am i here though?" Rainbow Dash asked getting mad now. "let me begin from the start," he said as Rainbow Dash opened her mouth to Argue. "Trust me, we have time," he said, and Rainbow Dash shut her mouth when he answered her unspoken question.

"when i was born i was a pale grey and my mane was dull, and most fillys and colts have their eyes open and they cry, but I wasn't like them, my eyes were shut and i was silent. My parents were scared that I wasn't going to live, and they had a right to be scared," he stopped to plop down on the mossy floor. "So my father went to the highest mountain to find her," he stopped again. "who?" Rainbow Dash asked " Queen Aura, thats who, a horrible alicorn that feast on young ponies emotions," he screamed. "But my father didn't care, all he cared about was me living. He went to her and gave away my Freedom, He gave away my Freedom for my Life. Years later my coat was grey and my mane was shiny and I was happy not knowing that I was a slave myself," he stopped again to wipe away a tear. "let's skip a few more years, so I'm about sixteen when our door flew off it's hinges, I was knocked out and when I woke up, I was in a horrible room filled with weird ponies, none were my parents though, That's when I seen her first! A Dark Purple mare with bright Red eyes and a dark blue mane, Everything about her was SCARY!" he strained to keep his voice down. "she came over to me, and used her powers to control me, to control my mind! Everything I once had was torn away from me as I became her servant, I couldn't run away for she might of killed me, I couldn't hide for she would find me." he sounded like he was going crazy but he rambled on " years and years of terrorizing ponies, years of torture can make a pony mad, but I had one thing that she could rip out of me," he said calming down "my memories..., but a year later Queen aura had a daughter, she named her magenta sun, magenta was even worse then her mother and I couldn't take it anymore, so I ran away. Magenta found me and she tried to hurt me but before she could i pleaded with all my heart, that i would do anything, anything at all." he stopped at the memory, the horrors. "and what did she make you do?" Rainbow Dash asked "she told me that she would spare me if I showed her I was loyal to her and her mother, so I had to bring you to her so you could die..."