An Alicorn's Destiny

by StormDash

Barely Escaped

Chapter 7

Barely Escaped

Rainbow Dash frozen in place with terror just stared at the bolt of magic "NO!" Cloud Gazer screamed as he jumped to block the magic Bolt, Cloud Gazer flew in front of Rainbow Dash just as the bolt of magic slammed into him. Rainbow Dash looked at him then at Magenta Sun, Something Snapped in Rainbow Dash "you!" Rainbow Dash whispered with narrowed eyes, Magenta Sun looked stunned well...well...well Cloud Gazer the hero! Magenta Sun chuckled. Rainbow Dash struggled to put Cloud Gazer on her back something thick and hot trickled down her back and along her side, Rainbow Dash couldn't stop now to check if he was okay, not yet. Rainbow Dash silently made her way over to a window she slowly unlocked a window, when her hoof slipped and the lock clattered against the glass, Magenta Sun snapped back into reality "No you don't!" she scowled as she charged up her magic to shoot another bolt at Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash looked at Magenta Sun then back at the window she pushed it open and gather up all her strength and heaved her and Cloud Gazer up when something push her out she tumbled out of the window as she looked up she said Magenta's big grin "goodbye Rainbow Crash!" Magenta Sun laughed as Rainbow Dash fell farther down with Cloud Gazer right below her, she tried to use her wings to catch up with Cloud Gazer. She caught him and heaved upwards just before they hit the ground "NO!" screamed Magenta Sun as she slammed the window shut.

Rainbow Dash flew farther and farther away, when something snapped, her and Cloud Gazer plummeted towards a forest. Rainbow Dash crashed onto a tree branch and slid off and landed on the ground. Cloud Gazer landed on the ground right beside Rainbow Dash he was bleeding badly, Rainbow struggled to get up but she somehow managed. "Cloud Gazer!" she coughed up more blood as she slowly made her way to him. Rainbow Dash sat down and inspected Cloud Gazer, somehow she knew how to heal him even if it couldn't heal him completely he could as least travel, Magenta Sun probably had her guards looking for them now. "Cloud Gazer!" she said again as she put her horn on his forehead, she thought about healing him and thats all she thought about as Cloud Gazer was being surround by Rainbow Dash's magic Aura. Cloud Gazer coughed and looked up at Rainbow Dash "Thank you, Rainbow... uh... I mean Princess Rainbow Dash" he said as he dusted himself off "How did you heal me?" he said as he Noticed Rainbow Dash's wing. " I don't know," Rainbow Dash gasped in Pain as Cloud Gazer lifted her wing up gently "what are you doing?" she asked. "I'm inspecting." he replied, "Princess Rainbow..." he was interupted, "please call me Rainbow Dash!" she said. "uh, okay." he said as he looked into her eyes "your wing is..." he said. this is going to KILL her! he thought to himself. "what!?" she said getting frightened. "it's broken" he said as he watched Rainbow Dash's eyes fill with sadness. "broken...broken...BROKEN!" Rainbow Dash's voice got louder "Do you know how important my wings are to me!" Rainbow dash screamed at Cloud Gazer, Rainbow Dash continued not letting Cloud Gazer answer "I wanted to do great things, but I need my wings to do them!" She said not even afraid to cry infront of Cloud Gazer. "What did you want to do?" He asked as he looked Rainbow Dash in the Eye " you don't need wings for everything!" Cloud Gazer said solemnly "NO! you don't get it I can do the Sonic Rainboom, I can get into the wonderbolt's academy, but without my wings I wouldn't be able to do any of that stuff!" she said sadly. " No you couldn't but you don't need your wings to make friends, or to have fun, or...or...or find your...special some-pony" Cloud Gazer said as Rainbow Dash Looked back up at him. "But I'm Rainbow Dash!" she said, " and I'm Cloud Gazer!" he said sarcastically. "Hahaha" she said with a fake smile. "so your the famous Rainbow Crash?!" he laughed "Nooooo!" she said, Cloud Gazer got up "Mares and Gentle-colts, please give a hoof to the all mighty the oh so famous RAINBOW...CRASH!" He said in his best announcer voice, as rainbow dash fell over laughing "what?! you gotta admit I'd be a pretty awesome Annoucer!" he said happily I wish I could just tell you that I love you! he looked at her and sighed and looked away.