An Alicorn's Destiny

by StormDash

Princess Luna?

Chapter 8

Princess Luna?

Rainbow Dash looked up at the sky, dark storm clouds were scattered around it. "That's weird..." Rainbow Dash stated when she looked down at Cloud Gazer, he was sound asleep snoring like Pound Cake use to do. Rainbow Dash smiled and looked back up at the sky, The sun was setting, its purplish-pinkish glow made the moon seem weak, I wonder who sets the sun now? Rainbow Dash Thought as she watch the last light of the sun go down behind the horizon. When the trees started to sway back and forth, How, how are the trees moving! Rainbow Dash back away Theres isn't even any wind! . Magenta Sun probably didn't send any guards because they never came and because of Rainbow Dash's broken wing, and Cloud Gazer is still to weak to travel. When a frightened blue mare came running out of some bracken.

"Princess Luna?" Rainbow Dash said utterly confused why is she here? I must be dreaming! Rainbow Dash thought "I must be dreaming!" Rainbow Dash said what she was thinking. "No you aren't dreaming my dear princess!" Princess Luna bowed "Princess Luna what are you doing here if you don't mind me asking?" Rainbow Dash sat down waiting for an answer " Well Twilight and I were discussing the issue about her storming out on you," Princess Luna Started at the beginning of the story. "And she got mad because you're an Alicorn and she isn't, so she stormed out of the palace and I can't find her anywhere!"princess Luna said, her eyes clouded with worry. "Princess Luna! Don't fret I'm sure she okay!" Rainbow Dash tried to calm down the panicked mare. "But I could only fear for the worse!" Princess Luna said as she looked up at the star covered sky. "She could be in danger!" Princess Luna. or just she bit off more than she could chew! Rainbow dash thought smugly

Cloud Gazer poked his head up sleepily, "what with...all the noise?" he grumbled half awake half asleep. He opened his eyes just a bit "Princess Luna?" Cloud Gazer said uncertainly, then he sat straight up "oh uh...Princess Luna it's so nice to meet you" Cloud Gazer Bowed. Rainbow Dash looked at him then chuckled softly. " What are you two mares talking about?" Cloud Gazer asked. "Well, Twilight Sparkles is gone! and we don't know if she's in trouble or if she's just way over her head!" Rainbow Dash said as she looked at Luna, her head was down and she looked like she was crying why is she crying? She barely knew Twilight! Rainbow Dash looked away and then looked back at Princess Luna "So what are we going to do about this?" Princess Luna looked up "What can we do?" Cloud Gazer asked followed with a yawn. "We got to go find her!" Princess Luna said with a smile.

"Why do we have to go after her!" Cloud Gazer said as he pushed aside a big fern. "Princess Luna has to go back to the Palace, she can't go running around Equestria all day long, looking for Twilight!" Rainbow Explained, ducking as the fern came swinging back into place. "I still think that if Princess Luna cared so much about Twilight then she would of at least thought about coming to find her with us," Cloud Gazer said. "Plus what if Twilight just needed to be alone for away, and by the sound of it, I wouldn't want to be you right now!" Cloud Gazer stopped to look around for any danger. "What do you mean, Cloud Gazer?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Well by the sound of it, Princess Luna described Twilight as being somewhat jealous of you," He said when he stopped. Rainbow Dash admiring the scenery, almost ran into him. "Hey Cloud Gazer why'd ya stop?" Rainbow Dash asked getting Annoyed. "hush!" Cloud Gazer slowly walked around some bushes carefully watching where he stepped, He looked around, there was a beach the tides were low but there were three ponies whispering to each other, always looking behind there back. who are there? and why do they look so jumpy? Cloud Gazer thought when some-pony tapped him on the shoulder, he jumped around in a 180 degree "For Celestia's sake! Cloud Gazer, what is the matter with you!" Rainbow Dash asked when she saw the three ponies.