An Alicorn's Destiny

by StormDash

Misty, Jey, and Flamedust

Chapter 9

misty, Jet, and Flamedust

Cloud gazer looked at the ponies again "look, I say we should attack from behind, like a sneak attack" Cloud Gazer drew a stratedy in the dirt with his hoof. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, "look," she said as she smeared his plan. "They seem friendly, let's just go and..." Rainbow Dash stopped when she saw Cloud Gazer's expression. "they might seem friendly, but they aren't let's just go and sneak from be..." Cloud Gazer stopped when he noticed Rainbow Dash has went to say hello. "Stubborn mare!" he cursed under his breath. Rainbow Dash walked close to the ponies, one was an Earth Pony, and the other two were Pegasi. "hello!" Rainbow Dash kindly greeted them. The ponies Jumped off of the rocks they were sitting on "stay back!" the Earth Pony's voice sounded shaky and she was trembling, Cloud Gazer ran out of the bushes to Protect Rainbow Dash if she needed it. "ya'll stay back now" The dark grey pegasus warned them, in an accent similar to Applejack's. "we aren't here to hurt you,"Cloud Gazer explained. the Earth pony nodded "my name is MistyMoon but everypony calls me misty, this is Jet," Misty introduced the dark grey pegasus. "And this is FlameDust" Misty pointed to the other pegasus. hmm, Flamedust's coat is similar to SpitFire's! thats some weird stuff. Rainbow Dash thought as she looked at the orange Stallion.

"What are you doing here?" Rainbow Dash asked as she sat on a rock near FlameDust. "well we had to hide somewhere from...from...from Magenta Sun!" Misty whispered Magenta's name like it was forbidden to say. "you ran into her too!" Rainbow Dash sighed "yea we did. See Magenta tried to kill Flame, and I couldn't let that happen! His sister left him and no-pony was nice to him. But I couldn't just let her kill him!" Jet started to tell the story about How they nearly escaped Magenta's horrid curse." We left and we travelled for about 2 days when we found Misty, she doesn't even know who Magenta Sun is, and I'm not going to be the one to tell her about Magenta!" Jet said. "I was a...guard for Magenta but I was called a slave, one day I tried to Rescue this mare, Magenta killed her though. she thought that if she killed her that the new princess would come and Magenta could...could...could kill her." Flame told his story, "The mares name was... was Swiftstorm? or something like that." Flame said again trying to remember the mare's name. "Swiftstar...?" Rainbow Dash had her head down. "yeah... that was her name, Swiftstar" Flame said. Rainbow Dash eyes became watery she couldn't take all of this sadness inside her, she just had a piece of her heart ripped out of her.! not Swiftstar why her!? Rainbow Dash got up her head still down, she slowly raised it and turned to the forest and raced off "Rainbow Dash" Cloud Gazer got up, when FlameDust put his hoof on Cloud Gazer's shoulder "I'll go after her!" he said and he zipped into the air.

FlameDust flew above the trees looking for the very light cerulean mare. What did I say wrong? Flame Dust asked himself in confusion "What did I do wrong?" He whispered. his maroon mane blew back as the wind hit his face, "maybe I should look lower down?" he said as he floated to the ground. Flame Dust looked around, parting ferns and bushes looking around trees. He doesn't even know how far he has gone from the beach. Maybe it would help if I called for her? he thought for himself. "Rainbow Dash?" He said softly, oh no! that's not going to do! he thought to himself "Rainbow Dash?!" FlameDust yelled. "Where are you?" he yelled again hoping for an answer, right beside him a bush rustled. He walked over to it and parted it so he could search. "Rainbow Dash!?" His eyes filled with pity "could you keep a secret FlameDust?" Rainbow Dash asked the fur beneath her eyes were darker then usual, FlameDust nodded "come and we'll take a walk" He reached out his hoof for Rainbow Dash to grab which she did and they took a walk talking about how the nature is splendid and FlameDust Tried to avoid talking about Swiftstar. But it accidentally slipped!