An Alicorn's Destiny

by StormDash

Clouded Hearts

chapter 11

Clouded hearts

Rainbow Dash rubbed her eyes to make sure she was seeing correctly. "Princess Celestia?" she said again. "Rainbow Dash, Equestria is in a great danger you a your friends are the only ones that can stop it..." Princess Celestia warned her, Rainbow Dash sat down confused "I'm just one pony, that had hopes and dreams!" She said looking up. Princess celestia just nodded, she slowly lower her head letting her horn touch Rainbow Dash's horn. "What's happening!" Rainbow Dash said as something sparked inside her, she hasn't felt this way in such a long time "what are you doing to me?" She asked when Princess Celestia lifted her horn up, "I healed you, you would be able to stop the Great Danger!" Princess Celestia walked away from Rainbow Dash, she used her magic to whip up this image, it was mostly like a video. "Whats happening?" Rainbow Dash asked as she watched the horrors, Ponies from all around, Good and Evil, fighting . "who's that?" Rainbow Dash continued to cover Princess Celestia with Questions, Rainbow Dash was pointing at a Dark Purple Alicorn, she seemed the same height as Princess Celestia. "That's Queen Aura..." Princess Celestia said as she turned to Rainbow Dash "hurry..." she whispered, Rainbow Dash got up ready to ask another question when Princess Celestia Faded away. Rainbow Dash woke up with a jolt, " I?" She got up and started to wander around Misty was sitting beside a tall Oak tree, "Misty?" Rainbow Dash whispered, not certain if that was her or not. Misty looked over her shoulder then looked back. "hey, Dash" Rainbow Dash walked over to Misty and sat down beside her "What's wrong, misty?" Rainbow Dash asked when she seen the tears running down her face, " Me and Jet..." she started to sob again, Rainbow Dash looked away. More tears, More pain! she thought to herself before turning back to Misty. "We had a fight and now...! and now we aren't talking I like him but I don't think, anything gonna happen between us now!" She was crying again now and Rainbow Dash couldn't help but cry with her "Everything's gonna be just fine, do you understand me Misty?!" Rainbow Dash tried to cheer up the weeping Earth Pony. Misty nodded, then yawned. "Here, you go sleep I'll keep watch" Rainbow Dash said as she watched Misty go back to her temporary bed. Rainbow Dash looked back at her wing Princess Celestia said she healed it... Rainbow Dash unwrapped the bandages, her wing looked perfectly fine, it didn't look crooked or bent, or anything. Rainbow Dash smiled and Looked back at the other ponies, "time to take a test fly!" she whispered to herself.

Cloud Gazer woke up from his deep sleep, He looked over to where Rainbow Dash would usually be sleeping. Cloud Gazer got up and Stretched. Rainbow Dash looked over at him the looked away still stretching her forelegs and flexing her wings. "What are you doing up?" Cloud Gazer asked but all he got from Rainbow Dash was a grunt. "okay, where ya going?" He asked, "you would like to know!" Rainbow Dash sneered as she got up and blasted up into the air, Cloud Gazer followed "looked I'm sorry!" He said, "you can't be sorry for being jealous!" Rainbow Dash Angrily said, "It's just a Stallion thing!" She flew off, Cloud Gazer followed. "And being stubborn is a mare thing!" Cloud Gazer mumbled loud enough for Rainbow Dash to hear. Rainbow Dash stopped flying "Well, maybe if Stallions like you wouldn't tick us off we wouldn't be stubborn!" Rainbow Dash flew back down to where the other ponies were sleeping. Cloud Gazer looked at the rising sun "I love you..." He whispered and he too flew back to the other ponies. Jet was on watch when Cloud Gazer landed in the middle of their temporary Camp, Misty was slightly snoring and Rainbow Dash was talking to FlameDust. Cloud Gazer sighed as he watched the two ponies talk, he turned around and slowly walked away, A stone whisked into the air and landed close to a squirrel. The squirrel was fleeing up a near by tree when Cloud Gazer trotted by kicking the stone again, "Why was I so stupid!" Cloud Gazer murmured to himself, "I should of knew she wouldn't beleve me! but I have experience with kind of stuff!" He plopped down on a mossy rock, He stared into a stream watching his reflection ripple along with the stream's current. "I'm a monster!" He said as he got up to see his reflection more carefully, "what the...?" he whispered as he leaned closer to see his reflection, A light magenta mare was standing behind him, Cloud Gazer jumped back tripping over the rock he was previously Sitting on. Dazed and confused, Cloud Gazer looked up seeing Magenta Sun looking down at him, "Well done... Cloud Gazer!"

Rainbow Dash got up and said her goodbyes to FlameDust, she walked over to the sleeping mare and prodded her with her hoof "Misty! Wake up!" She said softly, after Misty didn't get up Rainbow Dash grabbed a stick with her mouth and ran it down Misty's back. Misty jumped up, "snake!" she screamed and ran to the other side of camp, shaking! Rainbow Dash spit out the stick "Chill out, Misty!" Rainbow Dash turned around to face the trembling Earth Pony, "It was just me." Misty stopped shaking and blushed in embarassment "oh" she whispered, still blushing Misty passed Jet and went over to FlameDust asking if he has seen Cloud Gazer. obviously Jet and Misty hasn't made up yet. Rainbow Dash shook her head, Where is that good for nothing Stallion, anyways? Rainbow dash thought to herself as she looked around she didn't see him anywhere, but why should she care. FlameDust looked up "Hey Dash! come on join us!" He smiled as Rainbow Dash turned and went over to them. "Okay, so I was just telling my story about what happened to me before I met Jet and FlameDust!" Misty put her hooves in hooves in the air, as Rainbow Dash sat down. "okay so continue!" Rainbow Dash smiled warmly as misty continued. "So I guess I'll start at the begining! So my mom and I were happily together she had to work two jobs though, we wern't that rich we were at the bottom of the Wealthy chain" Misty explained, but I was happy and thats all that mattered until one day, A Stallion came and took me away, He put me in a foster home! I never did see my mom again, I ran away from that nasty place, when everypony was sleeping."Misty stopped again but this time to catch her breath. "I spent 6 years scavenging for food, fighting for shelter until Jet and FlameDust found me one night Scavenging in a trashcan on Mane Street. At first I was scared FlameDust would mumbled a mare's name, Magenta Sun, I asked who she was but Jet won't tell me and neither will he!" Misty pointed to FlameDust. "You don't need to know her, and I'm not ever EVER going to talk about that vile creature!" FlameDust said cooly. Misty looked at Rainbow Dash "Will you tell me who she is?" Misty asked, adding the puppy face. Rainbow Dash looked at FlameDust, who just shrugged his shoulders. "okay I guess I could..." Rainbow Dash said as Misty smiled and sat back down. "Magenta Sun is an Alicorn... Just like me but she's a Princess just like me..." FlameDust sat up "your a PRINCESS!" His eyes got all wide. "yes, I'm princess, but magenta is an evil, vile princess she's just like her mother but worse, because she doesn't feed off of young ponies emotions she feeds off of their pain..." Rainbow Dash stopped as misty's eyes got wide "woah!" thats all she needed to say.