An Alicorn's Destiny

by StormDash

Love and Hate

Chapter 12

Love and hate

Cloud Gazer got up and dusted himself off "what do you mean?" He narrowed his eyes at Magenta Sun. She cackled in a beautiful, yet frightening way. "You are trying to stir up a mess, then when all the tension between you two! Rainbow Dash will mess up and she'll die! Just like the rest of her pitiful family!" Magenta squealed in delight! Cloud Gazer's ears began to feel hot and uncomfortable "that's not what i'm trying to do at all" he said as he turned to leave "Hold it!" Magenta demanded "mother wouldn't be pleased about this!" She stomped her hoof on the ground. " to bad!" Cloud Gazer started to trot away "I said HOLD IT!" Magenta voice echoed through the trees. Magenta stopped Cloud Gazer from going anywhere, "and you will do as I say!" She turned Cloud Gazer around. Tiny bolts of magic sparked out of Mageta's horn. Cloud Gazer twisted and turned trying to escaping the breath-taking pain, as the bolts hit him. "Do you understand me!" She said powerfully she feeds off of other ponies pain! Cloud Gazer's mouth flew open as the bolt got even more painful. "I said do you understand!" Magenta asked. Cloud Gazer gathered up his strength "yes..." He struggled to get it out, when all of the sudden the pain just stopped. "Good! I want to see some progress soon!"

Magenta smiled her evil little smile before disappearing. Cloud Gazer stunned just stood there looking at the place Magenta was standing just a few seconds ago. "Stupid Magenta!..." Cloud Gazer was interrupted by a painful jolt." What in Celestia's name!?" Cloud gazer shook it off. Cloud Gazer walked around a small pine tree this is where the Shop should be... He peered over a rose bush, gazing at the camp. FlameDust was guarding, Misty and Rainbow Dash seemed to be talking. Cloud Glazer flew over the bush avoiding the thorns. Rainbow Dash looked over her shoulder, "speak of the devil" she watched Cloud Gazer landed softly beside them "what are you two talking About?" Cloud Gazer asked, Misty looked at him "you should know!" Cloud Gazer looked at them "oh! That vile creature, Magenta..." Cloud Gazer fell to the floor, FlameDust silently laughed, Rainbow Dash looked at him like he was going crazy. " Oh my...! Cloud Gazer! Are you okay?!" Misty jumped up to see if he was okay. "Yeah..." he coughed " I'm just fine.." He stumbled and staggered as he pushed himself back onto his legs. FlameDust watch Cloud Gazer carefully "Are you sure?" He asked, when he heard voice coming closer. "Everypony let's go! They're coming!" He whispered as Rainbow Dash woke Jet, Misty was carefully guiding Cloud Gazer over to where FlameDust "hurry!" FlameDust pushed jet up to his hooves and they all set off, Rainbow Dash looked behind her, the Aquamarine Unicorn was a couple tail-lengths behind them "I think we should should set off in another direction!" Rainbow Dash pointed up to the sky. "But I can't fly and I don't think Cloud Gazer has enough strength," the wind pounded in her ears. "too bad there's three pegasis and one earth pony and one Pegasus that might not be able to fly!" Rainbow Dash picked up Misty and put her and her back, letting FlameDust and Jet carry Cloud Gazer together.

Misty watched as the trees began to disappear, Thick and heavy clouds have surrounded them. Misty's eyes started to close when she slid off Rainbow Dash's back "um Rainbow Dash!" Misty screamed as she flew off Rainbow Dash's back, falling into a cloud and since she wasn't a pegasus she just fell right through it. Misty looked down, she was getting closer and closer to the trees, when something grabbed her Rainbow Dash has been chasing after her the whole time. Misty looked up watching the llike purple mare flying up to get back to Rainbow Dash. "come on, you guys seem tried!" the mysterious Purple mare flew off, Misty was still in her arms. Rainbow Dash and the others had no other choice but to follow. The mare landed not to far from a fire, she let Misty go. Misty looked up at the sky waiting for the others, finally her neck started to hurt so she went over to where the mare was roasting some apples. "want some apples" The mare held up one of the roasted apples. " thanks" Misty said and looked back up at the sky. "Violet sun," the mare said holding her hoof out, "huh what?" Misty said "The name's Violet Sun but you can call me Violet!" The mare said it again.

"Oh, hello my names Misty Moon but everypony calls me Misty" She shook Violet's hoof. Rainbow Dash landed right beside the fire "how far are we from that unicorn?" Rainbow Dash asked. Violet looked at her in confusion, "Pretty far... why?" Violet asked. "because Rainbow Dash has already been shot by her..." Cloud Gazer wobbled as Jet put him down. "I can answer my own questions!" Rainbow Dash turned to him angrily. "Woah why is there so much tension being stirred up around here?" Violet asked her eyes wide in shock. Like anypony would understand! Cloud Gazer thought as he looked at the orange Stallion, Well... somepony would Cloud Gazer stalked away in anger "how could she like him!" Cloud Gazer mumbled. Cloud Gazer looked at the sky, he was lying on the ground I still do serve Magenta... Cloud Gazer thought. "What am I thinking!?" Cloud Gazer asked shocked "I couldn't serve her! She's so hateful!" He said as another spark shocked him. Everytime I talk bad about Magenta I get shocked... so what would happen if I disobey her! Cloud Gazer shot up "I can't trot my way out of this!" His eyes were wide in horror.