An Alicorn's Destiny

by StormDash

Hearts are gonna be broken

Chapter 13

Hearts are gonna be broken

Rainbow dash looked around Violet's Camp. There were two tents, the big campfire and two mugs of warm apple cider. "Do you really need to have two tents?" Rainbow Dash asked as she pointed over to the dark green tent. "Oh that's Raindrop's tent!" Violet Cheerfully walked over to the tent " Hey lazy! Get up we've got company!" Violet poked her head into the tent and there was a sudden wail of terror, but it almost immediately stopped. "woah! you almost scared me!" Another pegasus pony poked her head out of the tent, her eyes were droopy and looked like she hadn't had sleep in days. "Hey, so looky here Violet you were acually right! Neat An alicorn!" The pegasus stepped out of the tent, and shook her coat.Wow! she looks like a wreck I'm glad I don't look like that! Rainbow Dash was in her own little wonderland when somepony touched her horn. "Cool horn, bro!"

The pegasus put her hoof on the ground and walked back to her tent. "That's Raindrop!" Violet similed. "So where is Raindrop, going?" Jet walked up beside Rainbow Dash. Violet just glanced at him, telling him that he'll find out later. Violet sat back down on the rotting log, she waved her hoof signaling for Rainbow Dash and her friends to come and take a seat. "Wait!" Misty waved her hooves in the air, stopping the other ponies. "Where's Cloud Gazer?" Misty asked looking around, Rainbow Dash shrugged who in Equestria cares! Rainbow Dash sat down beside FlameDust and Violet, Jet sat at the other end of the log, watching Misty. "Why are they so mad at each other?" Rainbow Dash asked FlameDust, "I was just about to asked you the same!" FlameDust whispered back. Raindrop Walked back outside the sun was setting making her golden mane and tail shine like the stars. "woah!" Jet's mouth flew open as the pretty pegasus floated over to the others "what?" she was blushing at Jet. FlameDust reached over and pushed up Jet's mouth "your gonna catch some flies!" FlameDust chuckled with Rainbow Dash, Misty glared at them, What!? she got up and walked away, Am I not pretty enough? she looked at her hooves. Her coat was a very light blue almost white, and her eyes were the color of A dawn sky, similar to a hot pink but lighter. Misty walked around with her head down. "I know I'm not pretty but at least I have a good personality!" She sniffled trying not to cry, Am I that ugly and gross! she looked up at the sky. Dark grey storm cloud were gathering above, she looked down as she was reminded Jet was practically drooling over that Raindrop MARE! FlameDust whispered into Rainbow Dash's ear "I have something to show you!" He pulled her up and together they trotted off into the woods.

Cloud Gazer looked up, Storm Clouds were gathering "great!" he whispered as he turned, his head resting on a pile of moss he created. "I have to obey my master" Cloud Gazer sighed and looked at a beetle scurrying along, looking as happy as it could look. "You have an easy life..." Cloud Gazer whispered letting the beetle crawl onto his hoof when something Sparked inside him. The beetle flew off and landed on it's back trying to get up. She hurt you...She didn't care... Something or somepony was whispering to Cloud Gazer, the wind began to pick up the trees around him began to sway furiously, She was just playing with you... the whispering ended with a cackle, Cloud Gazer's heart shatter into tiny little shards, He looked at the beetle. "live this..." He narrowed his eyes and stomped on the beetle, crushing it to a pulp. Cloud Gazer snapped out of his little trance and looked at the squashed beetle What have I done! I'm turning into a monster! Something behind him snapped, "huh?" he Whispered and turned to faced the noise. He heard laughter in the distance, and he also knew who's laughter it was, the same feeling came Rushing back. Furious Cloud Gazer stalked closer to the laughter, he peered trough a bush. Cloud Gazer inched back his eyes wide, Rainbow Dash and FlameDust were kissing, his worse nightmare has come true.

He stood up and walked through the two Ponies while they were kissing. "Cloud gazer?!" Rainbow Dash yelled madly "What are you doing here?" She yelled at him again, "I demand you..." Rainbow Dash stopped when Cloud Gazer sharply Turned a angrily look on his face "You demand me what?" He walked over to her and pressed his face up to hers "I demand you to give me an answer!" she said. "Well guess what! You can't tell me what to do!" he harshly said getting mader and mader by the second. FlameDust just watched his ears were down and he was crouching. "I'm your princess so I can tell you what to do!" Rainbow dash scowled and turned her back on him. Do it Cloud Gazer... The whispering was back, and this time Cloud Gazer did what he was told to do "You can't because you aren't my Princess..." he started. Rainbow Dash still had her back to Cloud Gazer "What do you mean?" She asked sharply, "News Flash! Magenta Sun is my Princess!" Rainbow Dash's eyes got wide. "you were never my Princess, Rainbow...CRASH!" Cloud Gazer Cackled and flew away back to the others.

Jet and Violet were talking quietly about Raindrop, When Cloud Gazer and Misty arrived, they looked at each other with confused looked. Misty knew what that looked was and she just shrugged with her ears down as she walked back over to the log, about twenty-five minutes later Rainbow Dash and FlameDust came back, Rainbow Dash had her head down and FlameDust had his wing around her. Cloud Gazer Was sitting on a seperate log watching Them. Cloud Gazer's mouth curved slightly into an Evilish Grin, silently laughing at her pain when his eyes got wide when he remembered what he said to her. News Flash! Magenta Sun is my Princess "what did I do?" Cloud Gazer whispered to himself when heard the whispering again, You did great my little guard... Cloud Gazer gripped his ears; he gets up trots away.