//------------------------------// // ALICORNS // Story: An Alicorn's Destiny // by StormDash //------------------------------// Chapter 15 ALICORNS! violet sighed, they've been flying around for hours now "nothing!" She whispered as she swooped down to take a look. "Cloud Gazer.." Raindrop whispered looking around "What is Violet looking for?" She asked silently her golden mane blowing back letting the wind flow through it. "She's looking for a secure place to camp!" He whispered back dodging another fluffy cloud, he turned back to Raindrop. "Oh well, there's something over there!" Raindrop tilted her head slightly to the right pointing somewhere. Cloud Gazer flew up to Violet "Hey Violet... Um Raindrop thinks she found a Place" He yelled over the roaring wind, Violet's ears perked up and she yelled to the others "let's go! Raindrop," Violet waited for the Purple mare to reach her, "You lead the way!" Violet smiled as Raindrop led the others to a place near a beautiful Spring. "Woah! look at this place!" Jet walked over to the spring "It's so pretty!" misty observed everything Mostly where Jet was. Cloud Gazer turned to see FlameDust put a flower behind Rainbow Dash's ear, Cloud Gazer smiled happily before he turned to the purple pegasus "Hey Raindrop? How did you see this place?" He asked still wearing his smile. Raindrop turned around, she was staring into the spring "oh, I spotted it with my Hawk-like eyes!" she stretched her eyes with her hooves, Cloud Gazer laughed as Raindrop giggled. "Hey! You two, are you going to stand there doing nothing or help us!" Misty yelled over to them, Misty was trying to untangle Jet and FlameDust. "Seems like they're KNOT happy!" Cloud Gazer playfully nudged her on the shoulder as he trotted by. giggling Raindrop Put up her green tent, and went over to help Cloud Gazer start a fire. The light grey Stallion grabbed two pieces of Flint and bashed them together hopingi for a spark, Why can't I get the stupid thing to light! He looked up it was dusk, the stars were just coming out. Raindrop snuck over to him "you seem to be having trouble" she whispered in his ear, Blushing Cloud Gazer laughed " Uh, No! I'm getting it perfectly lit!" he bashed the two flints against each other, just to be laughed at by Raindrop. " It seems like your perfectly keeping us from the warmth..."She smiled and grabbed the two flint from Cloud Gazer, "See the point of this is not to just clank them together, like you were doing. The point is two Hit them together ever so slightly, but not to fast and not to slow!" Raindrop Hit them together over some kindle, A spark flew off of the flint and landed on top of the Stack of Kindle. Hours and hours pasted before everypony went to bed. Cloud Gazer laid beside the crackling fire, He let out a surpressed sigh. The stallion tossed and turned all night but he couldn't fall asleep so he walked over to the bush that FlameDust gave one of those flowers to Rainbow Dash. Thorns scrapped and cut Cloud Gazer but the stallion kept on walking with his head down. In the distance something snapped probably just a squirrel or something. Cloud Gazer didn't mind Squirrels so he walked a little more when he heard somepony curse. His voice disappeared as he stood there somepony, or something was watching him. Cloud Gazer finally had enough courage to sprint back to Camp, not looking behind him once. The fire has gone down just a little but it was still enough for him to huddle next to it. Raindrop peered out of her tent, her mane wasn't messy, neither was her tail. The purple mare looked around, when she saw Cloud Gazer she walked over to him. "Cloud Gazer?" She whispered as she nudged him up to his hooves. "You can go sleep in my tent for tonight, okay?!" Raindrop smiled as she settled onto the ground, where Cloud Gazer was just laying. Cloud Gazer went to protest when Raindrop shot him a look that told him to do it. The tent wasn't what he expected it to be, there was a sleeping bag and a brush with a mirror hooked onto it. The grey pegasus walked over to the corner of the tent and just sat there with his head down. Raindrop was breathing softly and somewhat snoring, Cloud Gazer looked around. "Everything's clear!" He whispered to himself as he shook his head I need to stop talking to myself! He tiptoed over to Raindrop, He cocked his head slightly and smiled at her. Cloud Gazer walked over to the other side of the Fire and waited for sleep to arrive. When morning came, as usual Cloud Gazer was the first one awake. Not wanting to wake anyone up he snuck up out of camp looking for berries or something tasty. Everypony must be starving, we haven't ate for about two whole days! Cloud Gazer Spotted some Chesnuts. He floated over to them, He started to pick them when a purple Unicorn jumped up from the Tree and on top of him "Where is she!?" The purple mare's mane was tangled and had twigs, leaves, and other debris in it. "Where is who?" Cloud Gazer stopped himself from shaking "oh I think you should know!" The purple unicorn hissed, spraying Cloud Gazer with saliva. The Pegasus looked at the mare closer this time and relized that she also Had wings too "Your an Alicorn too?" Cloud Gazer asked, as the mare nodded with a big grin on her face. He signaled her to follow him as he gathered up the food again. When they arrived everypony was up. "Hey everypony!" Cloud Gazer dropped the chesnuts as the purple mare walked over to Rainbow Dash. The Rainbow colored mare looked up in astonishment "Twilight! YOUR AN ALICORN!" Rainbow Dash screamed as she looked at Twilght's wings. "Oh and just to tell you," Rainbow Dash interrupted Twilight " Did Princess Luna give you them?" Rainbow Dash asked happy to see one of her older friends "Oh no! Luna didn't give me anything... Queen Aura did" Twilight's teeth were yellow but the sun made them shine as A wide grin stretch across her face.