An Alicorn's Destiny

by StormDash

Flurry Winds?

Chapter 16

flurry winds?

Twilight sighed like she'd been through this before, "WHAT?!" Rainbow Dash stumbled backwards. "I've had enough traitors for one life time!" Rainbow Dash Shot cloud Gazer a glance as she was sent tumbling into the spring by Twilight's amazing magic, Rainbow Dash stepped out of the spring "haha very funny Twilight" Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "What do you want!?" The rainbow colored mare sighed as she sat down. "I've just come to inform you that Flurry winds, is going to be around... Which means here" Twilight rolled her eyes, at her old friend. Rainbow Dash's breath was caught in her throat, Long time no see... Twilight's voice lingered in Rainbow's ear. "Rainbow Dash?" FlameDust slowly walked up to the mare. "WHAT?!" Rainbow dash screamed, Rainbow Dash stood up "I'm sorry, Flamedust... It's just that" Rainbow Dash trailed off. "What? you know I'm always here for you." FlameDust rubbed up against Rainbow Dash's cheek. Cloud Gazer watched them silently. The night when Rainbow Dash ran off, when they were still at the beach, kept on flashing in his mind. I should of been the one out there looking for her, comforting her! Cloud Gazer stopped focusing on the others, when something brushed up against him. "huh?" The stallion turned his head, he was staring at the beautiful mare sitting beside him. Raindrop stared up at him, he was slightly taller then her but that didn't matter to her. "cute."

She turned back to look at the others, when misty walked out of the other tent. "hey dash, Jet and I wanted to know who Flurry Winds was?" Misty cautiously walked over to the mare, acting like she would blow up just by hearing the name "Flurry winds". Rainbow Dash looked at misty "He was a pegasus from Flight School, He was super fast and daring! We would always be neck and neck with everything such as: Racing, Grades, eating, or other Weird things. But sometimes he got way ahead of himself and made mistakes, but he would blame his own mistakes on ME!" Rainbow Got up and went over to make a fire. "Years past and somehow he still found out how to blame everything on me, Even his own dirty room! My dad sent me to a Mare and Stallion Flight Camp, which was also torture because he was my Room-mate, But one day I got him in trouble and he went all crazy on me saying that I will RUE the day." Rainbow Dash jumped back as the flame burst into a giant flame, shrinking by the second. "Rue? What does that mean?" Raindrop asked with her head slightly to the right. "Rue, means that the pony will bitterly regret what they have done." Cloud Gazer spoke up. "OH shut up!" Rainbow Dash yelled " I don't need your help!" She screamed at him. " Guess what, Princess! I wasn't helping you, I was helping Raindrop! Cloud Gazer yelled back in a bitter tone. "Why would I want to help you?" He got up and walked away. All the other ponies gathered around the campfire telling stories, as Raindrop ran after Cloud Gazer.

Cloud Gazer stomped through the foliage "Why would Rainbow Dash do that?" He whispered. Flurry Winds soared through the sky looking for somepony, Where in Magenta's Sake is that worthless Rainbow! Raindrop ran up to Cloud Gazer "Woah, What happened back there?" She asked, pity filled her eyes. "Please don't pity me, She just a Cyan colored FREAK!" He Yelled. Flurry Winds stopped to listen to the conversation, when Cloud Gazer stopped he flew down to greet them. "Greetings!" The light Blue Stallion bowed to the other ponies, RainDrop looked at him in a confused way. "Um why are you bowing?" She asked with full curiousity. "Oh it's just polite!" Flurry smiled "I couldn't help but over hear that you two know or have met a Cyan colored mare?" He asked again. Cloud Gazer smiled, I'll teach Rainbow Dash not to mess around with me. "Oh yes..." Cloud Gazer's voice was muffled by Raindrop's hoof "Do you really think we should be telling this creeper about are biz?" Raindrop asked "af curse ah fo!" Cloud Gazer pushed Raindrop's hoof away " I mean't of course I do!" Cloud Gazer smiled and turned back to the other Stallion. "Yes we know her, she has a Rainbow Colored mane too! Her name is Rainbow Dash!" Cloud Gazer smirk in a somewhat evilish way. "Oh well I'am mighty cold, do you have a fire or something around here?" Flurry Winds asked all innocent. maybe I could get these suckers to get me to go to Rainbow Dash! Flurry Winds shook himself acting cold. "Of course We do!" Cloud Gazer signaled Raindrop And the stallion to follow him back to the camp. "so why are you guuuyyys out heeerrree in the midddle of nowherre?" The light blue Stallion slurred his words making it sound as if he was shaking.

Cloud Gazer shook his head as he parted the bush with the pretty on it. "hey everypony! look at who we found!" Cloud Gazer smiled when Rainbow Dash's mouth dropped open "HOW dare you!" She stood up and stalked over to Cloud Gazer "How could you bring this...this Fiend, to our camp." Flurry Winds smiled and turned around kicking Rainbow Dash in the lower jaw. Rainbow Dash slid back blinking fiercely, she stumbled to get up as Flurry Wind slyly made his way over to her "This is for making me get a B in the strength course!" He hissed as he brought he hoof up ready to squish RD. The Alicorn rolled out of his way just as his hoof hit the ground spreading dust everywhere. Flurry Winds shook his tail trying to get her mad, when he looked at Cloud Gazer and smiled. "What if I hurt your Stallion-Friend over there?" The stallion pointed at Cloud Gazer, "WHAT?!" Rainbow Dash's eyes narrowed she scraped her hoof on the ground angrily. "I'll kill you!" she murmured as she readied herself to charge when the Stallion zoomed into the Air "not if you can't catch me!" He called from above before blasting off. Rainbow Dash looked at the others "Get packed!" She still had her Eyes narrowed as she raced over to the tent to start packing.