An Alicorn's Destiny

by StormDash


Chapter 19


Cloud Gazer was looking around "Queen Aura?" He asked as the other pony faded away. "Wait don't go!" Cloud Gazer held out his hoof as everything went back to normal, Rainbow Dash was beside him fighting the Unicorn. Raindrop was fighting with two other ponies with the help of Misty. Cloud Gazer couldn't hold all of the screams of pain as ponies fell. "The end is near for you!" The unicorn was holding down Rainbow Dash, pressing her horn to her chest. "No it's not!" Cloud Gazer yelled. It has started to rain, Cloud Gazer with his head down raced towards the unicorn. "What the.." the unicorn was cut off as Cloud Gazer head butted her in the chest. Cloud Gazer looked at Rainbow Dash as she got up. "GO!" Rainbow Dash yelled at him still upset. Why...? Cloud Gazer looked up at the redish sun and sighed. Raindrop looked around "Cloud Gazer? Cloud Gazer!?" She was franticly looking everywhere dodging the blows of other ponies. "Looking for somepony?" Flurry Winds smiled in a joyful way. " What have you done to him?" Raindrop spun around facing him, "I did nothing to him, just to let you know!" Flurry Winds retorted as he walked up to her. "But that doesn't mean I won't do anything to you..." he whispered into her left ear. FlameDust was standing looking for any of his friends when something made him turn around. "Good evening, Flamedust!" Queen Aura greeted with a small grin. Flamedust tried to break free but Queen Aura held onto him with her magic.

"Let go of me!" He Screamed as he remembered all the torture she brought to him. "Not until you do me a favor..." the queen said with narrowed eyes "I don't serve you anymore, and you can't tell me what to do!" Flamedust jerked his neck around trying to free himself. "Oh but you will, my dear." Queen Aura frowned as the purple mare and Magenta walked up to her. "Twilight... Magenta... GO!" The tall alicorn growled angrily as the others walked away grumbling to each other. "now Flamedust, what I need you to do..." Aura started, "I'm not doing anyTHING!" FlameDust reared up onto his hind legs. "You will listen to me!" The mare rose to her hind legs and threw them down onto the ground, sending a tiny earthquake shiftinh through the fighting ponies. "Now go kill her!" She touched his forehead with her horn and pointed to Rainbow Dash. "yes master..." Flamedust walked over to the direction of the rainbow colored mare. "Rainbow Dash!" Raindrop called as she pushed through the crowd of ponies. Flamedust reached Rainbow Dash the same time the purple mare did. Raindrop looked at Flamedust his eyes flicker red then back to green. "DIE!" he said under his breath as he shot forwards.

A grey figure stood in Flamedust's way "Run!" Cloud Gazer screamed as he watched Rainbow Dash dart between the ponies. Flurry Winds dashed after her with Raindrop quickly following him. "Are you still jealous!" Flamedust laughed as his green eyes faded into a bright red as lighting fell from the grey storm clouds above them. He's being controlled by Magenta! Cloud Gazer thought as he stood his ground. Flamedust rammed into the grey stallion, knocking him down. "No! are you?" Cloud Gazer yelled over the loud screams of the others fighting. Cloud Gazer tried to get back up after finding his breath again. Flamedust got ferious, the orange stallion knocked Cloud Gazer down again. "LIVE THIS! Cloud Gazer!" Flamedust got ready to punch the grey stallion. Live this... NO! this wasn't how it was suppose to be! The voices were back and louder this time. Oh! But it is... This is your time, Cloud Gazer! There were two paths that you could of taken... Death or Slavery and of course you chose wrong... Cloud Gazer twisted and turned to get free. Flurry Winds held down the struggling mare, when a purple maned filly walked out of the fighting ponies "STOP! please mister don't hurt her!" The filly pleaded with her life. "Scootaloo...go!" Rainbow Dash choked on her own breath as she struggled to talk. Flurry Winds looked down at the mare then back at Scootaloo. The light blue stallion let go of Rainbow Dash and backed away from her looking at his blood soaked hooves "I...I..I.." he stuttered as he flew off towards the crowd of fighting ponies. Cloud Gazer looked up at Flamedust and then closed his eyes accepting his faith. The orange stallion grinned and started to punch the grey stallion until he noticed his victim.

Flamedust snapped out of his mini-trance and looked down at the stallion that laid beneath his hooves "What have I done?!" Flamedust turned around and dashed off not looking behind him; not even once. Misty and Jet looked at the victim "Oh Cloud Gazer..." Misty started as Jet finished her sentence "Risked his life for somepony that didn't respect it..." Jet had his head down as Misty was pushed aside by Rainbow Dash. The fighting has stopped and everypony had their eyes on the body that laid on the ground. "Cloud Gazer?" The rainbow mare stood near him, his coat was soaked with blood and his eyes were dull as he slowly turned to see her. "Cloud Gazer, Get up!" Rainbow Dash pleaded with all her life, her mane was drooping down in her eyes. Cloud Gazer looked into the cyan mare's eyes even the rain makes her look pretty."Think you have a thousand lives?" Cloud Gazer tried to laugh but was interrupted by coughing up blood."I'm sooooo...sorry" Cloud Gazer was holding onto his life. "Zecora! Fluttershy! Anypony? HELP!" tears were streaming down Rainbow's eyes "It's me that should be sorry..." Rainbow Dash's head was down as she sat right beside his side. " I...I" Rainbow Dash started to speak when the grey stallion pulled her chin up "" Cloud Gazer's hoof slipped as he slowly put his head down, a single tear fell from his eye and ran along his cheek. Zecora pushed through the crowd and inspected Cloud Gazer "It's too late, we were to late... He's gone..." the zebra turned around and walked back the way she came from. Rainbow Dash jerked her head up "NO!" the mare weeped her eyes out as Raindrop pushed through the crowd and looked at the victim. Cloud Gazer... She stared at Rainbow Dash "You did this! Why?!" Raindrop had tears falling from her face too. "I didn't do anything..."Rainbow Dash yelled back. "Yes! Yes you did... You left him stranded for that good for nothing stallion! You could of seen that he was only protecting you, but a stubborn mare like you wouldn't budge and now...oh and NOW my poor Cloud Gazer is...dead" Raindrop fell to the ground sobbing.

Twilight walked over to Rainbow Dash "I'm soooo sorry..." She said sadly as Luna appeared behind her "There is something that needs to go..." Luna looked at the purple mare then back at the corpse on the ground. Twilight sighed " I know..." Princess Luna walked over to Twilight and pressed her horn onto Twilight's wings. Twilight looked over at Rainbow Dash, Flurry Winds was trying to comfort her Rainbow Dash must of forgave him. Twilight thought to herself as she was lowered back onto the ground, a searing pain grew in her back as the bones that were once in her wings shrunk back into Twilight's back again. Princess Luna smiled but her smile quickly turned into a saddened frown as she saw all of the dead ponies laying down on the field. Princess Luna nodded to her student "Goodbye Twilight Sparkle!" She yelled sadly as she faded back into the night-time sky.