I can listen

by walkonfour

a fraternal interlude

The royal quarters did not meet with Big Macintosh's expectations; indeed, he found them to have a far more intimate atmosphere than the rest of the castle. Even given the grandeur of the high ceilings and opulent furniture, he could see plenty of old photographs and keepsakes on display; affections that would not be out of place in any equestrian household. He followed prince Blueblood through the palace halls, somewhat disorientated by the sheer scale of the building. If it came to it, he wasn’t sure he would be able to find his own way out again.

"Well here we are. Please, make yourself at home." the prince had led him through a heavy door to what appeared to be his personal quarters. The room he found himself was lavishly decked out like the rest of the castle, a personal annex partitioned for the prince’s use alone. The price had immodestly decorated his room with what appeared to be numerous portraits and sculptures of himself. Big Macintosh remained stationary despite the invitation; He was desperately worried he would break something valuble.

Rather than being immediately offered the meal he had been promised, Big Macintosh found himself alone with the Prince. Well, he thought. This is awkward… the prince, however, seemed intent on making the situation worse.

"Well then Mr Macintosh; I am sure you have a few things you wish to...ahem... Discuss with me.... But before you pass any kind of judgment, I urge you to at least hear me out, for there are some things i feel you need to hear"
Well that’s a little dramatic thought the down to earth Workhorse. Still, ever the reasonable pony, Big Macintosh could only sit back and listen. Given the day he had been having, he was sure that the prince would not disappoint.

The Prince related to him the full story of his involvement with Rarity; how Princess Celestia, keen that her somewhat wayward nephew find a suitable partner, had insisted he become better acquainted with the bearers of the elements of harmony. While this plan was for the prince to find a partner suitable for a royal, he went on to explain how ultimately he was too shy to approach any of the mares, finding them all intimidating. Only one of the chosen had ever really approached him of their own volition; Rarity at the grand Galloping Gala. He had been so intimidated by the unicorn that he chose only hide behind his title, behaving as the rude, insufferable Blueblood that Big Macintosh had herd so much about.

"....so you see, for an all-powerful goddess, my dear auntie can get entirely the wrong idea sometimes. I'm afraid Rarity was invited back because Celestial believed we had enough in common for me to... overcome my reservations. I made attempts to be more amicable this time though it was to no avail...." At that Bluebloods will finally gave out. He turned away, softly sobbing to himself, left empty by admission.

Poor fellow, though Big Macintosh, feeling a sudden surge of sympathy for the beleaguered prince. It was a common enough problem among stallions, something he himself had to deal with. There were just... so many mares. Sometimes Big Mackintosh found himself wanting nothing more than to chew the fat over a cup of hard cider with another stallion, putting the world to rights. Not so easy in Ponyville; he had only met a handful of other males in his entire life. He had himself lived as an island of masculinity amid the ever flooding tide of females, suffering all the issues that came with isolation; the insecurity, the shyness. Surely it was the same for Blueblood, for even in the royal castle, he was bereft of male company.

Not dwelling on the complexities of a society populated predominantly by mares, he returned to the more immediate issue at hand. The prince was still softly sobbing in the corner, as he had been since the end of his confession, looking decidedly un-princely. That’s it….i knows how to fix this…

“Prince Blueblood”

“…. Yes, Mr Macintosh”

“If yer feelin’ up to it, I think I might have an idea or two ter help matters”

Lifting his head back up to meet the earth pony’s gaze the prince inquired “what did you have in mind”

“Well first of all were Hedin’ into Canterlot” the Workhorse proclaimed “and second –your majesty- you will be Payin’ fer the first round”


Rainbow Dash had been flying around Canterlot for what seemed like hours. she was still smarting from the decision that she, as the primary author of Rarity's current displeasure, should be the one to fix everything. she now found herself drifting over Canterlot, unsure as to how she was to find Big Macintosh. Even as a highly advanced flyer, there was something disorientating about flying over the city at night at the best of times, but tonight it was made even more confusing. The Royal Guard was out in force, no doubt hounding some poor pony caught littering or something. Nothing awesome or dangerous ever happens in Canterlot after all, she thought.

“HEY- Watch where you’re goin’, you almost hit me”


Looking back, the Pegasus realised she had indeed almost collided with one of the Armoured Guards. Not that Equestria’s best flyer was going to admit that.

“Well maybe if you didn’t think you owned the skies you wold be more careful!” the Rainbow mare retorted, daring the barded Pegasus to argue the point.

Maintaining his deadpan expression, the Guard pony didn’t rise to the bait. “Well miss, I will let you off with a warning on one condition; you head indoors immediately. We have been getting reports of dangerous ponies abroad tonight. It would be a shame if you got caught up in the trouble”

Her earlier defiance forgotten, Rainbow Dash’s curiosity had now got the best of her. “Dangerous ponies you say?” she asked, doing her best to look like a concerned citizen.

Yes miss. All night we have been getting complaints about a large red earth pony and his Unicorn accomplice. Should you sight anypony matching ether of these two, do not hesitate to report them. Good day to you.”

Sweet Celestia no…..

It didn't take long for the Pegasus to find the duo in question, and confirm her fears. There stood big Macintosh (though stood may have been an overstatement) outside one of Canterlots les salubrious restaurants, with what could only be a barrel strapped to his back. And next to him, equally the worst for wear was….

No way… Prince Blueblood?


Dear and treasured readers,

sorry for the brevity of the last few chapters, but life is happening to me right now and i'm doing what I can. Promise the next chapter will bring the awesome.

Thanks again