//------------------------------// // A Better Place? // Story: Everything Went Numb // by lolcatsmanseven //------------------------------// Darkness, smothering and heavy, was all I could feel. I numbly attempted to take stock of my body, but found I couldn't feel anything. Am I still alive? Where am I? And why do I feel so... heavy? After several tense moments, I noticed that my skin was damp, or at least some part of it was. Why am I wet? Slowly, I reached up with my right hand and felt my face. Hesitantly, I rubbed where I could feel the wetness. What I felt stunned me, and I quickly felt all up and down my neck and face. This... This isn't blood. Did someone wash my neck? I cracked open my eyelids. It was a big mistake. The light in wherever I was contrasted heavily with the darkness I had been in; it made my eyes burn painfully. I slammed my eyes shut, waited several seconds, then attempted to open them again. This time the light did not hurt too much, though my vision was still too blurry to accurately judge my surroundings. I attempted to sit up, but had only managed to get to my elbows when my energy abruptly ran out and I fell back onto what I noticed to be a blanket. Now with nothing to do, I thought. OK, what do I remember? There was a punk who tried to rob me, and I... died? I did die right? I mean, I specifically remember my throat getting destroyed. But, I couldn't have really died, right? I mean, if I was dead I wouldn't be able to do this thinking, would I? But, what about that voice that talked to me? Was it real? Nah, it couldn't be real. I mean, how could I die yet still be alive? Or what if I did die, and I just imagined the voice? What if I'm bleeding out right now, but I just think I'm peacefully lying here? I shuddered; that thought greatly disturbed me. My reverie was interrupted by a sharp sense of pain emanating from my neck. But I thought my wound had been healed and washed? How is it still hurting? I delicately held my throat, though it did nothing to limit the pain shooting through my body. As the pain blocked out all of my other thoughs, I realized it was my throat that was hurting, not my neck. Upon closer inspection, I realized I was thirsty. Extremely thirsty. I guess whoever saved my life didn't give me any water. This is bad. If I don't get some water soon, I don't know what state I'll be in. I resolved to simply wait for my savior to bring me water. This left me more time to think, which I did not need. Why... Why did this have to happen to me? Out of a world of six billion people, this had to happen to me. To me! I didn't deserve this! And if I did, there was plenty of people who deserve this much more than me! Why didn't this happen to Joseph?no one can pretend he wouldn't deserve this. But no! I had to be the one to get my throat cut! I started getting really worked up as I realized how blatantly unfair this whole situation was. I know it sounds like a little kid having a tantrum, but I clenched my fists and ground my teeth until I lacked the energy to do so, at which point I relaxed involuntarily. After my little freak out, which is very hard to do when you can barely move, I realized that my exertion had only made my thirst worse. OK, first thing's first. I need to get some water, but it's not like I can get it myself. Wait, someone had to clean my wound and put me on a blanket! Maybe they're still around? With a clear goal in mind, I began to look around the room in earnest. I noticed I was on a blanket in the middle of the floor of what appeared to be a sitting room. It was fully furnished, but everything seemed muchtoo small. I tried to make sense of why this would be. Maybe the person who saved me is small? But, then how did they get me into this cottage? Suddenly I realized what this situation was reminding me of. Wait! So am I in Snow White? Since I'm the one waking up in the cottage I guess that makes me Snow White. I wonder when my Prince Charming will show up? That thought made me happy enough to spend what little enemy I had by drawing the corners of my mouth up into a grin. Wait, since I'm waking up in the cottage, wouldn't that mean I'm about to be greeted by the 7 Dwarfs? That's... quite a step down from expecting my Prince Charming. As I reflected upon the stature of the owner of the house and how I hoped I'd find my Prince Charming, I heard a small noise in the other room. What was that? Wait, it must be a person! At the realization that there was a person nearby, my grin ran away from my face, and I blushed madly. Oh thank god they can't read my mind! Wait, what if somehow they can! I quickly tried to blank my mind out in case they really could read my mind, when the pain in my throat returned full force. I strengthened my resolve, and tried to call out "Water." The keyword being tried. The most I could manage was a weak grunt that I was doubtful could be heard several feet away from me, much less in a completely different room. Shocked at the poor state of my vocal cords, I tried again with slightly more force, and was rewarded with a slightly louder grunt. Oh man! What if they can't hear me? How ironic would it be if they saved me, only to let me die of dehydration! I desperately thought. Fortunately, my fears proved unfounded. "Who's there?" A small, feminine voice weakly called out. Excited at the prospect of finally meeting my savior, I grunted again. I was rewarded by the sound of a pair footsteps, one slightly behind the other. Yes, yes! Please come! I thought as I prepared myself to meet the one who saved me, a girl based on her voice. Suffice to say, I was unprepared for when a small, yellow horse with a pink mane stepped into the room.