by varilla111

Who is the dragon?

Who is the dragon?

“I made them with magical enhanced silk, for more durability”

Rarity arrogantly explains the details of the school uniform. Headmaster Land seems surprised for Rarity’s contribution for his school. He leans forwards from his office chair and grabs one completely new beret from a box. He turns it examining the delicate borders and feels their texture, is from quite a fine fabric. “All I can say is that I’m impressed” Land stretched the beret and put it back in the box. “Thank you”

“Don’t mention it” Rarity seems to not mean it at all “This will teach you who I am, mule” Rarity fought a smile and looks away from land’s eyes. Land raised an eyebrow and thought in what to say next. He already accepted the uniforms and thanked her, but she is still standing in his office.

“… So, you said you are donating this?”


Land scratched his head in confusion. He didn’t want to offend Rarity by asking her to leave, but she is standing in his office with a smirk in her face, and he isn’t sure how to proceed.

“You got mail! ‘Smack’” A grey Pegasus with derped yellow eyes smacked her face in the window. Derpy Hooves shook her head and smiled widely after recovering from the hit. Land raised both eyebrows and approached the window to open it, Derpy handed him a bunch of letter envelops all destined to his institution. Derpy hoof saluted him and flew out lowering her head in time to avoid hitting the window frame.

Land looked at her with a smile. “Mail to my window? That is a brilliant mare!” Rarity frowned at him with a disgusted face. She was waiting for an apology from headmaster for not accepting her, but witnessing how he called Derpy brilliant just heated the blood in her arteries.

Rarity smoothly turns slapping him in the face with her tail, and leaves his office. She hissed complains all the way out. “I am surrounded by idiots! Brilliant, Ha! Unbelievable …”

Land recoiled backwards from the slap and gestured in confusion “What just happened?”


“Oh boy, I always wanted to study at a school!” Spike said with enthusiasm.

Twilight Sparkle waits nervously in the waiting corridor just next headmaster’s office. She brought Spike with her and she is unsure of what Land’s reaction will be. She has Rose supporting her right next to her sit. “Calm down Twilight, Spike is a wonderful dragon, I am sure headmaster will accept him!” Twilight smiled but her moral didn’t go up any more, she knew allowing a dragon in a school is rather unthinkable for some ponies.

“I just … doubt headmaster will accept you Spike” Spike looked at twilight with assuring eyes.

“Don’t worry Twilight, I will show him my most refined self! He can’t give me a ‘no’ for an answer” Twilight smiled at Spike and caressed his head.

The door leading to the office opened letting some angry pony out. Twilight panicked and stood from her sit and attempted to back away “Oh no, I think we should do this another day”

“No way, I wanna talk to him! I always wanted to be a student!”

“You are just a baby, you can’t say you always wanted something!” She overpowered Spike’s useless attempt to stop her, but Rose stood in the exit door frame.

“Wait, chill out Twilight!” Twilight tried to get out with her, but Rose replied thoughtfully “If you don’t tell him now, then when?”

“Another day, I don’t know, we still have plenty of time!” Twilight desperately tried to exit the corridor and take Spike out of the school before any pony saw them. Spike broke from her grasp and Rose tried to reason with Twilight but she was pushing very hard and not caring if she could break something.

“Twilight stop! Just think about Spike!” Twilight ignored her and proceeded to levitate Spike with magic.

“Let me out! Spike doesn’t need school anyway!”

“But …” Spike tried to discuss but her magic rendered him unable to fight back.

“Twilight get a hold of yourself!” Rose watched worried how Twilight lost it.

Twilight is so disturbed her horn sparkled violently. Involuntarily she casted spells around turning small things into plant pots, ash piles and setting tiny fires in the wall paper. In the corridor formed a mini tornado that swerved papers and chairs around, fortunately the fire was put out by it. “I can’t! I DON’T WANT TO LOSE THIS JOB!”

Rose stepped back and slapped twilight in the face, Twilight blinked and recoiled from the hit. The tornado vanished. All the furniture and paper fell to the ground at once. Spike fell to the ground as well after being shook aggressively by Twilight’s magic, he was intact thanks to his natural dragon armor. Rose apologized “I am sorry, but are you doing this for you, or for him?” Rose pointed at Spike which is close to tears.

Twilight came to her senses “I …” She Inhaled loudly, she is close to tears as well “I am sorry, I just … couldn’t control my emotions, this hardly happens to me … it’s just … deep inside … ‘sigh’ I always wanted to be a teacher” Twilight raised her eyes apologetically, single tears slid down from them. “After being Celestia’s protégé, being a teacher was my most wanted thing, that’s why I signed up here the very first day” Twilight reveals she always wanted to teach, instead of being a student taking classes, she wanted to switch places with her educators.

Spike cleared the tears from his eyes and spoke submissive to Twilight “Well … if that’s the case …”

“No Spike, I was selfish just now … very selfish” Twilight pointed at the mess in the corridor. “Seriously, you are not a slave! I should let you do stuff more often” Twilight smiled and tenderly leaned a hoof under his chin “I have dreams, but I cannot let my dreams crush the ones of others like this, especially yours Spike” She kissed Spike in his forehead.

Spike smiled from the heart. With watery eyes he hugged Twilight “… Thank you Twi” Twilight hugged him back and promised to never react like that again. She and Spike shared quite a touching moment, but that didn’t stop time from passing. Ponies stood around jaw dropped and staring at the chaos in the room.

“Miss Twilight, what happened in here?!” Headmaster Land came out of his office to see the mess heard from there. He suspected from her disorganized mane and tail she could be the cause of this. “Twilight Sparkle, please, into my office” Twilight did as told and motioned Spike to follow her inside. Twilight took the chance to fix her mane with a simple spell. Spike hesitated at first, but he took a deep breath of courage and walked inside with an inflated chest. Headmaster closed the door and asked them to take a sit. Both Twilight and Spike sat in short cushioned red chairs. He looked at both of them for a while, tapping his hoof in the desk and thinking what to say. “Clearly …”

“I did it!” Twilight jumped in

“I know, I feel lucky such an incident didn’t happen while we were imparting classes. Some foal could get hurt or worse” Headmaster lectured Twilight. “I am counting on your advance unicorn magic not only to teach it, but to keep this institution safe and sound” He really lamented hiring Twilight now, such intellect often comes balanced with poor sanity. Headmaster looked at some papers in his desk, he fiddled in them and talked over to Twilight trying to sound the fairest possible “I will forget this incident today, but if such a thing happens again I am afraid I would have no other choice …” He raised his eyes to meet hers, twilight got the message and nodded to him.

“I promise I will make it up! No salary this month and I will never let that happen again!”

It is much more than what headmaster would have agreed to, but saving some money for his personal account wouldn’t hurt “Hmm deal!” Twilight noticed a suspicious tone in his voice. Headmaster smiled at her and felt certain she would not cause any more trouble. “Well, off you go! See you tomorrow morning for your first day as a teacher!” Twilight felt goose bumps in her back and she wanted to ignore what she had to do. But her subconscious wouldn’t let her. She was very close to lose her job and she is going to risk it another time.

“Headmaster Land, I have a request …” Twilight looked away and rubbed her elbow uneasily.

“I am listening” He smiled brightly trying to make her feel more comfortable.

“I want to put my youngling in here”

“I didn’t know you were a mother!” Headmaster said concerned about it.

“No I’m not, Spike is more of …” A bright idea illuminated her mind “Well yeah, I am a mother, because Spike is adopted!” Spike felt like objecting, but Twilight patted him in the head so hard he bit his own tongue. Spike is Twilight’s personal assistant since he was born. This circumstance is inconvenient if she wants Spike to be a student like any other, besides its time Spike receives a more proper treatment from Twilight. It just came to her mind to see the world from his eyes. Living every day and not doing things a normal kid would do: cleaning, cooking, writing letters, running errands, working, rarely playing and at the end of the day, sleeping in a doggy basket next to her bed “… Never saw it from that perspective” His entertainment is inside a library “Because he doesn’t know any better” Twilight‘s genius was so deep inside the books she didn’t pay attention to her pride “And yet he doesn’t complain” She looked concerned to Spike. Spike returned a questioning look “Just look at you, so young and … resilient”

“Adopted eh? So where is he?” Headmaster broke up her realizing of things just in time. Twilight turned her head to face him, she was decided “I will be more than happy to get him a seat in this institution!” Headmaster continued talking and felt eager to meet her pride.

“He is right here, next to me. Say hello Spike” Time to settle this.

Spike got down his seat and leaned over the desk, he politely shook Land’s hoof. “Nice to meet you headmaster Land!” Land shook Spike back and stopped a few seconds to take it all in.

“… So the adopted youngling you want to put in my school, is a dragon?” Twilight nodded and felt a relief after seeing his smile “Hahaha, You are joking, right?” Twilight got back to be worried, not that she was surprised by his answer. Land's smile slowly fade, he saw in Twilight's eyes she wasn't kidding. He found himself in a odd situation and replied how he thought appropriate with clear words "I cant do that"

“But, why?!” Spike complained

“Because…”He pointed at his hoof “You breathe fire, fire is dangerous” He pointed at his other hoof “You are a carnivorous being” running out of hooves to point at, he got to the point. “I cannot allow you in here. You are a flammable menace, the most dangerous of predators. You are a dragon!”

Twilight got in “But he is just a baby dragon and he has never, ever, ever, ever, ever attacked any pony!” Land looked at her surprised, she may be a little more insane than he thought.

“Still, dragons grow and they get very greedy, and then they burn things, kill things!”Land sighed “And yet you ask me to allow one in this school, I am disappointed Twilight”

“Spike is different, he has never harmed anything on purpose … He knows the value of others and the value they give to things!”

“A dragon that understands the importance of others? What is he a philosopher?” Land asked in disbelief. Spike put his claws over his desk and tried to prove him.

“Here look, I can write!” Land watched with a gesture of confusion and surprise. “I know good manners and I only eat gems and candy, I am not a savage!” Spike chews a butter mint from a bowl on his desk. Land put a hoof under his chin.

“You are not like other dragons … indeed” He is analyzing the situation. Accepting a dragon may closure his whole project, one day goes wrong and a student gets burned, and things get increasingly harder. And what for? Letting a lonely dragon educate himself “Look Spike, education is a gift we all deserve to obtain …” He sighs deeply, this situation is growing him white hairs over his already grayish mane. He rubs the skin in between the eyes and speaks back. “I cannot have you as a student here, you look promising but you are danger to my institution”

Spike frowned very disappointed. He understands the risk headmaster didn’t want to take, a dragon is always dangerous. He walked to stand next to Twilight “Well … we tried, it’s time to go home”

Twilight felt very sad to see Spike fail in what he wanted. She would not stand and let this go on. She stood in front of his desk “Headmaster! He proved to you he is harmless!

Land’s face wrinkled, he took his decision and yet some pony dared to oppose to it. “Miss Twilight! I said it’s not safe!”

“Not safe? You are treating Spike like he was a walking bomb! Just look at him!” Land looked at Twilight with surprised, she was not taking his verdict. “A harmless, tiny, baby dragon!”

“Twilight Sparkle, you have spoken enough!” Headmaster raised his voice “Don’t forget what is your place in here!” Twilight felt him speaking with authority, trying to show the power of being her boss. Twilight shrugged it off, if he knew to what pony he was speaking to, he wouldn’t be speaking with that tone. “I will NOT accept a dragon!”

Spike accepted his verdict and tried to push Twilight out of the office “Come on Twilight, he clearly does not want me here and you are going to get in trouble!”

Twilight turned her head “Fine, then I don’t want to work here”

A bioelectric signal produced a spasm in Land’s face “… Wait, what?” He observed how Twilight turned around to leave his office. If she just were any teacher of his he will be all right with her quitting, but she imparted math and magic, the two hardest subject to obtain a good teacher for them. And Twilight is probably the best magician out there. Land is walking in a minefield now, one bad step and he may lose great opportunities to enhance his institution. “Wait a second, please” Twilight stopped and fought a smile of triumph “Are you saying that if I don’t take Spike in, you are quitting?”

“Well … yes, that’s right”

Land scratched his mane in frustration “You can’t do this”

“Try me” Twilight found it easy to stand to him, basically nothing compared to what she has stood against. Time passed.

“Classes suppose to start tomorrow” Land said bitterly

“I know” Not part of her plan, but the odds worked for her wonderfully.

Having no other choice, headmaster Land agreed to her terms on one condition “You will sign this document that specifies you have complete responsibility on the actions of this dragon!”

“Don’t worry headmaster, you won’t regret it!” Twilight smiled brightly, quite opposite to Land’s bitter frown.

Spike half smiled. He wanted to study in a school not only because that’s what every pony does, but because he wanted to grow wiser, and years of living in the library showed him the unlimited power and joy of knowledge. The only thing he wishes now is that he signed-in this institution with a less aggressive argument. “Well, good things are hard to get, aren’t they headmaster?” Land said nothing and thought if Twilight was the real dragon in this pair.