

Early Humans : Marya Evans Thatch, Journal

I don't believe it! My heart is pounding, as if it wants to escape from my chest and burst out from underneath my dress! The dark age is over, he proclaimed from the top of a battle wagon! I cannot translate my emotions onto writing well, and I apologize to my descendants in advance, but you shall never feel the same as though I am at this moment. For centuries, we have fought amongst ourselves. Over guano pits, small lakes, and ore deposits. Many a life had been lost, and for what?! But no longer, no longer shall we squabble between humans. We are one. And it is the will of a single man, Black Forest.

It is not his real name, everyone knows that. I mean, what kind of name is Black Forest? It gives dark, sinister vibes, similar to a highway robber. Nay, he is the shining beacon of light while the other scum of the tunnels are no more deserving of food than mere rats. Single-handily, he broke the long feud between Frechs and the Bronts. He managed to turn our greatest battlefield and graveyard into a city of hope and prosperity. We no longer live in the Death fields, but in Sanctuary. Sanctuary... that name brings up old feelings from when I was but a child, hidden under a blanket with my favorite stuffed bear. Speaking of which, where is old Winston? I could've sworn...


Hello again! It has taken the better part of a day, but I have finally found him. His worn-out stitching are breaking, and the stuffing is slowly leaking out, but he is just as I remembered him. A little thin, or as my grandmother would say, "If I rolled you up and spiked your hair, I could use you to clean out the chimney!"


I must mend him when I have the time. Silly me! Talking about a bear as if it was alive!


The chimney doesn't need any cleaning, we haven't used it for a good week now. We have been much too busy. Father


I have to leave. Terese is calling for help. The new city has many new people, who all need clothes. My fingers are still red and sore from the many needles I have threaded.

I must leave now. If you are reading this, there is a new day ahead of us.

-Marya Evans Thatch, seamstress.