//------------------------------// // Meet some ponies and flip out like a madman part 2/2 // Story: Miraak's super fun time extravaganza in the Land of Equestria // by BlackShadow94 //------------------------------// The stare downs began, in one corner was the shocked ponies of Equestria and in the other was the all time champ, Miraak! Puzzled looks splattered over their roundish faces, while Miraak on the other hand, stood there shaking slightly uttering gibberish only Pinkie pie could understand. There it was, in front of him lay the bane of his existance, the one thing he despised, loathed and feared. Ponies. His brain overheated, like an average political debate in Congress. "Abandon ship! He's gonna blow!" said the ceo of Miraak's brain. Thousands of brain workers ran out the door that said exit, which in reality was his right ear. He noticed the workers stampeding out in panic. Before they got anywhere away from his head though, he grabbed them all up and shoved them back in. "Get your lazy rears back in there, I still need a brain you twits!" Miraak's voice boomed. Now the equine citizens raised their brows higher. "Um, Twilight this may seem out of character but maybe we should clobber him, and send him packing to Celestia." Applejack stared at the loony sorcerer losing his absolute mind. "I second that! Let's beat his brains out!" Yelled Rainbow dash, who flew at Miraak yelling an old pegasi war cry. "Fus Roh Dah!" A great force of relentless fury blasted from Miraak's throat, and toward the flying, screaming pegasus, knocking her into a tree. No wait, it was just Fluttershy. Both Fluttershy and Rainbow dash sat on the ground, their bodies twisted around each other and dizzy. A face hoof was in order for Twilight. Miraak took another glance around his surroundings. He was definitely not dreaming. He let out a low growl. "Oh I'm really going to kill Hermaeus now. If I ever get the chance to and when I find a way." Miraak's eyes lowered to his sword, and back at the ponies raising his covered head. Their eyes now widened even more from unexpected fear. Twilight's eyes narrowed down at the weapon. Miraak caught on. And hung his head back with a laugh. "I see you have spotted my weapon, pony. Too bad I'm gonna kill you all with it!" Unsheathing the wicked weapon the magical warrior goes in for the kill. Swinging with a heavy left hook of his right. What he didn't know tragically was unicorns have telekinetic powers and Twilight has just acquired a large rock. "You think a dumb rock is gonna-" The last thing Miraak saw was a grey boulder that was mysteriously placed near the boutique. So thus, the winner of this round, and all time champ of counter trolling, Twilight Sparkle! Now bow before your princess. Rainbow Dash, fully recovered flung her entire body, wielding Fluttershy like a club, at the unconscious lout before her. "I'm gonna knock you into next season!" Sadly, her sweet vengeance was killed by Twilight blocking her path. "Okay, everyone we're not killing him. Not on this show. Children watch this show for Lauren's sake!" "What about Sombra?" Pinke Puts on her best troll face. "Who the hay cares about Sombra?! He nearly took over the crystal empire, so he can go burn in Tartarus for all I care." Dash's rage filled grin twists into a large, disappointed frown. "Oh, and Rainbow dash if you don't mind, um....put me down!" Fluttershy roared, bonking Dash in the cranium hard. Rainbow rubbed her head painfully, staring daggers at Fluttershy. "'Soon..." Dash swore with a gollum-like expression, staring at Miraak's unconscious body. "Then what do we do with him dear?" Rarity asked, still not acknowledging the snail that was crawling around her leg. "Well we need to-you have a snail on your leg." Twilight pointed out. "Aah! Get it off, get it off, get it off me!" Rarity ran frantically around putting no effort to pull the thing off. Twilight and the others tried to calm Rarity down while the others just stared. "Rarity please calm down," said Twilight. "It's not working. Pinkie the tranquilizer." "Way ahead of you!" said Pinkie who stood proudly atop an already unconscious Rarity who had a tranquilizer dart on the side of her rump. "Alright, Applejack you take Rarity home and I'll shove this creep in my basement until morning. Then we'll get our answers." Applejack stared at her friend worriedly. "That doesn't exactly sound safe Twi." "Oh come now. What could possibly go wrong." Twilight shrugged with a grin. And so Applejack took Rarity home and Twilight locked Miraak in her basement and bound him in chains with help from a grumpy spike. The other ponies just walked back to their houses unsure of what they just saw this odd night. so odd Berry punch swore to never again drink alcoholic cider. And they call it a kid's show. ~To be Continued http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhMvKv4GX5U