//------------------------------// // The arena // Story: Harry Potter, Knight of the moon // by The Walker //------------------------------// Harry and the rest of the group strolled into the arena, nestled in between two mountains. The arena was constructed out of rough stone and reminded Harry of the world quidditch stadium. Harry looked down the tunnel they were walking in and saw a desk with a bored looking griffin sitting behind it. Steelclaw strode past him and up to the desk. The griffin took one look at him and straightened up and began looking attentive. Steelclaw spoke to him. “I have a competitor for the arena.” The griffin looked past Steelclaw and at Harry and the others. He looked doubtfully at Steelclaw. “Sir, I assume you mean one of the ponies and not your daughter, but I don’t think….” Steelclaw brought his right claw down on the desk in front of griffin. “It’s not your job to think. It’s your job to sign up these who want to fight in the arena and tell them the rules of combat.” The griffin stared at Steelclaw before nodding. Steelclaw nodded at him and gestured for Harry to get beside him. “This is Harry. He’s the one who wants to compete.” The griffin looked Harry up and down, taking note of his larger than usually size for a pony and his horn. “Very well.” The griffin looked at Harry and recited the rules. “Rule one is you can only use what comes natural, so you will have to remove that armor sir.” Harry raised an eyebrow at the griffin, but his horn glowed and his armor lifted off his body. He handed the armor off to Chrysalis who had shaken herself out of her mumbling on the way here and she seized the armor in her green magic. “That’s actually pretty much the only important rule, really sir. Killing is frowned upon, but not actually against the rules while in the arena.” Harry nodded to him and the griffin turned to the rest of the group. “Since I assume you plan on watching him fight, you can head up to the audience now. Harry will be announced shortly. There haven’t been many fights since the change in champions.” Steelclaw frowned at the bit about the champions changing, but left with the group as they headed up to the seats. The griffin gestured at Harry and pointed him down a hallway to his right. “Head that way sir, and come out when announced.” Harry nodded as he went down the hall. Harry sat in a small room with two doors when he heard the announcement. “Today we have a new challenger folks. Hailing from the land of Equestria is Harry.” The door leading to the arena opened and Harry strode out taking in the arena. It was circular which he had expected, but the floor had rocks sticking out of it. Harry frowned at the rocks, something was strange about how they were shaped. He was shaken out of his thoughts when he heard the announcer continue. “For his first opponent, Harry will be facing the griffin king of speed Grayfeather.” A griffin strode from the door and Harry took it in. The griffin was a male, though he was smaller than other griffins Harry had seen. His feathers were speckled with the color grey and Harry noted he had a cracked beak. The fighter called out. “This is who I’m fighting against. A pansy mage who will probably just use magic and not actually fight. You unicorns are all the same.” Harry frowned at the griffin in annoyance. He looked at the crowd who had laughed at his statement. “I only need to hit you once to win.” The crowd fell silent at Harry’s declaration and Harry stared at Grayfeather. Harry heard the announcer cough before signaling the fight to begin. “You think you can beat me unicorn. I doubt you can even catch me.” Harry listened as Grayfeather started to list the ways he could beat Harry when Harry disappeared with a crack. He reappeared next to Grayfeather and slammed a hoof up under his chin. The griffin dropped like a rock. Harry looked down at the griffin. “You talk way too much for a fighter.” The crowd was silent before Harry heard Rainbow dash cheering in the stands. Slowly the rest of the crowd started to cheer. Harry made a small bow to them before hearing the Grayfeather get up behind him. He looked over his shoulder at him. He was frowning. “I lost.” Harry nodded. The griffin shrugged. “That’s alright, I feel sorry if you make it to the champion though.” Harry frowned at the griffin as he left the arena. That was the second time someone had mentioned the champion. “How many fighters until the champion anyway?” “Three.” Harry was startled by the announcer’s words. “Three of the best fighters and then the champion. You have two more to go. You do realize the fights are continuous right kid. There is no break between champions, just one after the other.” Harry nodded his understanding as he looked around for the next champion. He leaped backwards as a paw burst from the ground and tried to seize his leg. He frowned at the diamond dog that pulled itself out of the ground. The dog was covered in thin white scars that crisscrossed his entire body. He was muscled in a way that showed that while he was strong, he had sacrificed none of his speed. The dog grinned at Harry revealing white teeth that came to points. Harry nodded at the dog. “Shall we dance?” The diamond dog rushed at Harry and he rolled out of the way of a punch. Harry felt his eyes widen when he saw the stone that had been next to him get hit and be pulverized. He definitely not let himself be hit by the diamond dog. The dog looked at him before speaking. “The name is Gruff. I see you won’t be so easy to beat as other unicorns.” Harry was surprised at the Gruff’s good grammar, but acknowledged his statement. Gruff grinned before claws came out of his paws and he dug into the ground. Harry glanced around warily before moving himself to the top of a nearby rock. This was an actual fight between two warriors. Harry grinned. A good warrior always used every advantage they have. His horn flared white as the ground started to shift like water. Gruff shot out of the ground and landed on a rock opposite Harry’s. “That is an interesting trick unicorn.” Harry grinned at him. “I have all kinds of tricks. Like this one.” Harry activated the power of the invisibility cloak as he disappeared from sight. Gruff looked around and started to sniff the air. Harry rolled his invisible eyes. That might have worked when the cloak hadn’t been a part of him, but even his scent was cloaked from discovery. Harry could still be heard though so he stood absolutely still. Finally Gruff spoke. “You are right. This is a very good trick.” Suddenly Gruff grinned. “It is only too bad that Gruff has no idea what you have done, for you see Gruff is blind.” Gruff’s head pointed straight at Harry. “And Gruff can still hear your heart beat.” Harry let his invisibility fall as Gruff leaped at him. Harry let out a blast of magic that smashed into the diamond dog and knocked him into the water like dirt, where he sank into it. “Gruff surrenders to unicorn.” Harry spun around and discovered the diamond dog behind him. Across Gruff’s chest was a burn mark that oozed blood. Harry frowned. He hadn’t meant to injure the diamond dog, only knock him back. Gruff nodded at Harry. “Gruff wishes you luck with the champion.” Gruff leaped backwards and burrowed into the ground as Harry let it return to normal. Harry looked around for the third fighter. His eyes stopped on a cloaked zebra who stepped out behind a rock. Harry knew it was a zebra for he recognized this particular one. “Hello Zalos. I’m surprised to see you here.” The zebra nodded at Harry. “I foresaw that I would meet you here again young Harry.” Harry grinned. Zalos had the gift to foresee the future. While Harry wouldn’t normally believe in seers, he had been seen firsthand the power of Zalos’s gift. He had rescued Harry when he had been lost in Zebrica and had guided Harry to civilization. “This is going to be a difficult fight isn’t it.” The zebra seer nodded at Harry. Harry’s horn started to glow a steady white as he called his magic to the front of his mind. Zalos wasn’t by any means slow and Harry wanted to be prepared to hit him with everything he had. A blast of magic launched from his horn and Zalos sidestepped it. Harry noted that Zalos had his eyes closed. “So that’s how it’s going to be?” “Yes Harry, I’m going to fight you with my eyes closed.” Harry disappeared with a crack and reappeared next to Zalos who was already moving. Even as Harry started to bring his hoofs up to hit Zalos, he dodged them before they could even come within inches of his skin. Zalos’s limb blurred as it was brought up and Harry saw stars. He leaped backwards shaking his head to clear it and took in Zalos. He had shifted to a style that seemed to blend several different fighting arts together. Harry frowned at this development. He was an unskilled fighter. He relied mostly on his speed and magic to help him win. His horned glowed brighter. If Zalos wanted to fight with style than Harry would wield magic to level the playing field. Zalos shot forward as the ground erupted where he had been standing. Harry merely stared at Zalos before transfiguring the ground in front of him into a stone wall that blocked his view of the zebra. Harry suddenly leaped backwards as he glanced up and saw Zalos leaped over the top of the wall. Three whips of magic shot from Harry’s horn as he used them to keep the zebra at a distance. Zalos was weaving between the whips with the bare amount of movement necessary as he moved closer. Harry frowned as he regarded Zalos. He would never hit the zebra if he continued fighting like this. Zalos would see every move he made before he did it and dodge out of the way. He really didn’t do finesse that well, so brute force would have to do. Zalos’s eyes shot open as he gaped at Harry while still dodging the whips. “What?” Harry’s horn flared pure white and a wave of magic shot out from it. Zalos was trapped between it and the wall. The wave hit him and he let out a grunt as it pushed him back into the wall. With a snap, his back left leg broke and Harry winced. Zalos merely looked at him, his grey eyes sparkling. “I certainly didn’t expect you to do that Harry.” Zalos looked at his broken leg. “I surrender, now if you would.” Harry strode over to his friend and his horn let out a weaker, but still steady light as his leg set itself and the bone fused together. “Good luck with the champion Harry.” Harry frowned at Zalos who quickly ran out of the arena wincing with every step on his back leg. “Who is this champion anyway?” Harry’s question was answered by a massive roar as a shadow covered the arena. Harry watched as an emerald dragon landed in the center of the arena with a sinking feeling in his gut. He recognized this dragon all too well. The dragon looked at him and its gaze narrowed. “You.” It hissed out a single word before it reared back its head and let a stream of fire let fly at him.