//------------------------------// // Chapter 1:Sneak Out // Story: A Chirp in the Dark // by Permafrost //------------------------------// The green flames died away as the scroll for General Carapace was sent. Pinchers stared at the air a moment, wondering what his superior officer may think of his update. Would he be mad that it has taken so long to learn about those mares, or would he perhaps be anxious and try meeting them halfway back to the kingdom? Regardless, he knew the journey back would be more time with this rookie, and perhaps he could teach her more about the dangers that come with volunteering for these scout missions. He only knew all too well not to underestimate a pony. Pinchers sighed lightly and took off his hat, staring at it a moment before laying it on a nearby tree branch. It was nearly identical to the hats those cowponies wear, but his had a black stripe around the middle, a special addition made by a friend of his. How he longed to be with those cowponies and country ponies, farming in the fields, bucking fruit off trees, etc. It's why him and a few close friends were able to get Queen Chrysalis to make the farming division, to allow them to feel the joys of putting in hard labor. Of course, a big reason it was allowed was so disguised changelings could use food as gifts so the love would be easier feed on, but as long as they could do what they wanted, Pinchers didn't really care. He looked around, seeing the darkness around them beyond the trees. He knew if a bigger creature tried to attack they'd have to run, but he didn't think that would be a problem, not tonight. He had early sprayed the area with a little something he picked from a peddler called "Creature Keep Away", which is supposed to keep anything from timberwolves to ursa minors away, incredibly useful out here, in the Everfree Forest. Pinchers smiled lightly to himself for a moment, thinking himself clever, before looking down at the sleeping changeling mare beside him. The rookie, Chirp. He sighed and laid down, wings buzzing slightly as he got comfortable. Withen minutes of laying his head down, he closed his eyes and fell asleep. Moments later, Chirp slowly opened an eye. Upon seeing her superior asleep, she opened her eyes and carefully stood up, being sure to make minimal noise. She had to see that pony again, she couldn't stop thinking about her. She moved quietly and quickly away from Pinchers and quickly headed back to Ponyville. As a cottage neared, visible between the trees, she heard low growls coming from around her in the dark. Yellow eyes glared at her from the darkness. She wanted to scream for help, wanted light to appear and push the eyes away, but didn't dare to with the possibility of Pinchers hearing. Instead, she picked up speed, running faster and faster until she broke out of the forest. She tried stopping and tumbled in the process, her wings buzzing slightly in annoyance. She stood and shook her head quickly before looking forward, seeing Ponyville in the distance. A large smile spread her face at the sight. As she took a few steps towards the village, her horn glowed green and her hooves were covered in green flames. As the flames quickly engulfed her, she took on the form of a grey pegasus. She closed her eyes as a black music eighth note appeared on her flank. Her tail came out much further and bushier, now nearly touching the ground behind her. Her mane grew out, part of it falling next to her left eye, and her horn disappearing. As she opened her eyes her transformation finished, her eyes now that of a pony, colored a dark brown. With her disguise in place, Chirp flapped her wings a couple times before taking off into the night sky, scanning the land below for where she knew she could find this pony once more. She marveled at the scene below, how beautiful such a place could look blanketed by the night. Although it took some effort, with the help of the moonlight, she was able to make out buidings she remembered visiting earlier in the week. Sugarcube Corner, Carousal Boutique, and numerous other smaller buildings where she asked about the ponies that protect Equestria. A sad thought washed over her at this realization, that ponies don't like changelings, have feared them ever since the wedding incident. She slowly descended to the ground as neared where she wanted to be. She walked quickly, the thought sticking to her as she eventually stopped on a hill, overlooking an orchard of apple trees. She slowly laid down as the last light in the house beyond the trees turned off. "I'm such an idiot," she whispered to herself as a tear rolled down her cheek. "Why would a pony even give a changeling the time of day before running off to a guard? Why did I even come here?" She laid her head down and sniffled. As she closed her eyes more tears fell as she slowly cried herself to sleep, feeling hopeless and alone.