Once Upon a Time; Failed Spell


On the Train to see the Princesses

The week was up, and now all of the ponies, strangers, elements, and crusaders (after being taken to the emergency room and having a looong lecture on skydiving without a responsible moniter, no offense to Pinkie), had managed to save up bits and were buying each other tickets for the train to Canterlot. Naturally, the Crusaders all sat together, chatting exstatically about going to meet the sun and the moon princesses personally. Having only been there once, and only for Hearth's Warming Eve, the three fillies of the group had their hopes about getting a tour of the castle from Pinkie Pie or Fluttershy (mostly them being the "more fun ones").

Emma sat alone, wanting to think more and enjoy the scenery. The rest sat in larger groups, chatting about what they were going to do if the princesses did know. Mainly meeting the rulers of this land had made most of the group excited, and Blue, after hearing of Luna, wanted to hear more about her. Emma simply hoped that nothing would go wrong. As Rainbow had told her, almost every adventure they had, something bad happened. She had been told of a few of the many thing that had gone wrong, mainly the Changeling Invasion, the Discorded Town, and the Everlasting Night. Emma would have been much happier if Equestria was really the place it seemed; happy, shiny, and absolutely-nothing-could-go-wrong. Well, at least she had taken her share of licks, and would be prepared if something went wrong.

It also seemed most apparent, acctually, to Emma, that something would go wrong. It almost always did. It would be a miracle if something had gone terribly right, but if it did, it might've been a trap. That's why she was also so cautious simply in Ponyville. It had ponies that said they would protect you, then places like the Everfree which had animals who wanted to eat you, or like the Changlings who could take on the shape of a pony. It looked like a haven, but it was also a death trap. Just like the Enchanted Forest, it's a place with happy endings, but dangereous things in between those happy endings. Emma thought.

The ride seemed far too short for her liking, and she found herself getting off last, behind the crusaders. Twilight and her six friends quickly escorted the strangers to the palace, which seemed almost as big as the castles in the Enchanted Forest. Twilight had a quick word with the guards by the inner entrance, and they led them through a hallway and halted them beside two large doors; on one door, a moon was imprinted, on the other was a sun. One of the guards slid between the two doors, too fast for the strange group to see what lay on the other side. Quiet whispers were heard before the doors were opened, and two large alicorns stepped out, one white, the other navy blue.

They were standing before Celestia and Luna.