//------------------------------// // Blessings and Curses Part 2 // Story: The Hearts Melody // by Saro0fdemonz //------------------------------// "This place..." he muttered to himself. Why did he feel so at peace here? Even within the Darkness of his heart, this place called out to him, made him feel at home. Made him feel like he belonged. He shook off the feeling, letting himself sink deeper into the darkness, his body coated in shadows as he made his way deeper into the cave. His piercing red eyes dove into every corner, spotting the changelings hiding, believing themselves to be invisible. He could feel their fear, feel their curiosity, feel their hunger. He pushed it aside, finding a long, crooked, winding staircase. He ignored it, projecting his sight to the top, moments later finding himself standing right where he wanted to be. He was beginning to understand why he felt so at peace here. It was the darkness. He hadn't realized it until now. The cave was pitch black. "And who do we have here?" a voice filled the room. Shadow stepped forward. "My name is ShadowFlare. I come in the Doctors name for the favor owed him for saving your race." he spoke up. The changeling queen merely laughed, snarling as she stared into the young colts eyes. "A favor promised by an old dead traitor. You expect me to respect this?!" she yelled at him. He stepped forward once more, smacking his forehead into hers and causing her to stumble back for a moment. "I do." He stated simply, lifting the Emblem in his magic. Chrysalis snarled and took another step back, her eyes beginning to glow as she probed the stallions mind, but he was ready for her, instantly slamming a wall between her and his thoughts, sending her reeling. He took yet another step forward, filling the Emblem with his magic. "You feed off love changeling. You see into the hearts of creatures and sap away that which they cherish most. What power have you over something that possess' no heart?" she merely glared up at him, pushing weakly to her hooves. "But that's whats important isn't it? You are dying without any source to feed you and your people. They are feeding off what little love you can give them. That's your weakness. You love them, all of them. They are dear to you, I can see it in your eyes and it pains you to see so many of them die even with the love they drain from you. So I'll make you a deal." he walked around her slowly. "You need the love ponies give one another, and the ponies need an ally against the Gryphons." "Why would I help you when I can just take what I want?" "Because if you don't help us, there won't be any ponies for you to feed off of." "But..that's impossible." Pip spoke up, watching the siblings as they held one another. He couldn't tell if the kirin had grown any, though she seemed taller, especially since she walked on two legs instead of four now. He couldn't put his hoof on it, but he recognized the stance from somewhere, or something. "Of course it is" Emerald said with a smile. Pip's eyes widened and he quickly shifted his own stance, blades forming around him in the dreamstate. 'Emerald' gave a sigh and snapped her claws, the blades vanishing. "I know what you are thinking Pip. I'm not Discord, you don't have any reason to believe that of course, seeing as I have these eyes, and the fang. But I have my horns, my magic, my thoughts. If you just give me a chance I'll explain." "Its not like I have any choice." He muttered. This was his dream, he should have been in control of everything, it was a gift bestowed upon him by Luna herself. But if Emerald could so easily banish his thoughts here then he was helpless against her. Amethyst remained silent. He could feel the changes in his sister, but deep down her heart was still her own. He smiled and punched her shoulder gently. "You could've told us you were alive. Its been years Emy." "Well...its only been a few hours for me..." she said, sitting down and running a claw through her mane. "Its a bit hard to really explain, I can already feel his needs in the back of my head, the need to stop being so serious and have fun, to sprinkle a bit of chaos here and there, just a little prank or two" she shook herself, quickly banishing those thoughts and taking a slow breath. "When you cast the Transmodification Spell on Piper, he swapped places with Rainbow Dash. She was struck with powerful Dark Energy, dragged from the deepest darkest pit of the Realm of Darkness where the most powerful of all Heartless are born. When Piper vanished he was instantly sent there. But Harmony snatched him up and began rebuilding his body. For her it took no time at all. But it required her to give a piece of herself to him, to make her apart of him. That's how he was connected to her. In the same sense, I am connected to Discord." SEVEN YEARS EARLIER. Emerald began to pant, biting down on her lip as the Darkness dug itself into her scales. She knew her body could hold itself against it, but not for how long. In an instant she found out as her scales began to fade away, leaving her unguarded soft tissue free for the Darkness to wreak havoc. She tossed and turned within the darkness, her screams echoing down every hallway as she continued to drag the Darkness to her. She opened her eyes and found herself drifting, the pain slow to fade as her body began to fall away. Is this...the darkness? Am I going to become just another Heartless? Oh Nova...I'm so sorry... "Oh come now, you aren't giving up just like that are you?" a voice rang out. Emerald blinked and turned her head, finding two oddly shaped eyes staring into her own. She gritted her teeth and spun, barely noticing her form forcing itself back together. "Discord!" she glared at him, horns ablaze with magic. Discord held up his claw and paw, showing he meant no harm. "I have no doubt you could handle me in a one on one match sweet little Emerald, but that's just what you are. Sweet and Shy. And also dead in a few minutes. The Element of Magic, gone forever." "SHUT UP!" "Is that what you really want? Do you want me to stay quiet while your family suffers? Or do you want the chance to help them?" "Why would you help me?" "Because I'm not as awful as you all see me. For peace and harmony to exist there must be chaos and disorder. There must be a balance. All I want is a little fun and its sooo boring trying to explain myself. I'll put it in terms you can understand. My deal with you will be the same as Harmony's' deal with Piper, but unlike him you won't be a little dog to obey my every whim. I'll give you some of my power, a new stronger, more durable body, and let you run loose to do as you will." he said with a smile as they floated within the void of Darkness. "Why? That doesn't make any sense!" "I know! So, do we have a deal?" he smiled, holding out his claw. Emerald bit her lip for a moment. With her own power, plus that of Discord, she would have enough magic to take him down if need be. She could also return and help in the fighting. Or this could all be a trick to steal my magic so that he can take them down himself. "I see that you don't trust me. That's good, but you can trust your own eyes and you know that these never lie." he waved his paw, a window opening to reveal a peek into the events unfolding in her absence. Piper falling to Niare's cloaked figures. Amethyst escaping with Melody, and Spike and Pip being thrown in cells to rot. She lowered her head for a moment. "You'll give me your magic..and I can stop this from happening?" "Oh no, all of this has already happened and it'll take time for your body to accept its changes. You are running out of time though. Here are your choices. You can die here and end up as the most powerful and deadly Heartless known in all creation, OR you can have some fun with me and save your friends at the same time. So whats it gonna be?" He held out his claw once more, surprised when the Kirin grabbed it. "Alright then, lets have some fun!" he said with a grin and a snap of his fingers. The air around them felt heavy and thick as Emerald finished her explanation. "So this whole time that I was reaching for you, the darkness was blocking me?" Amethyst asked softly. "Yes. Discord said it would be best if I remained within it until the change was complete. That way my body would be more stable as its own form unlike Piper who has to constantly battle his heartless self." "His heartless self? I thought he was a heartless." Pip spoke up. "Not exactly. Piper's body only broke down about halfway before Harmony forced the process to stop. So his entire form is completely unstable. If she allowed a full change his appearance would be closer to her own, horn included. Her way is much faster but far more dangerous. Even with the urge to wreak havoc and chaos, Discords path is still better. He took the time to allow my body to become what it needed to be in order to survive this ordeal." "So...you're a Heartless like Piper now?" Pip asked softly. "No, I was. Again its hard to explain and make sense. Discord has access to magics long forgotten and forbidden. And now..." she brushed her claw against Amethysts' cheek, the kirin blinking in surprise as the blindfold fell away and he looked upon his sister with his own two eyes. "So do I. I cannot yet give you these back in reality, but at least here, you can be you." "Emy..." he couldn't think of anything to say, merely pulling the green kirin close. Emerald sighed softly and held him. "Pip, you might want to rework that escape plan of yours. There's a rescue team coming for you guys. Amy, you have to..." The purple kirin put a claw against her lips. "I know what I have to do Emy. Just promise me this, when we meet again out there, don't give me my eyes back and don't interfere." "Bu..but why?!" "Because I need to earn them and this all started with you godlike creatures interfering in mortal affairs. Harmony wreaking havoc across time by forcing Piper to be born, Discord dragging you from the pit to come help us...we need to do this on our own Emy." Amethyst said softly, picking up his blindfold and smiling over at her for a moment. "I've grown accustomed to the Darkness. And I'll need that advantage for as long as possible against the Heartless and the Gryphons." "As much as I hate to admit it Emerald, he's right. We need to do this ourselves." Pip said with a smile of his own. Emerald sighed and shook her head. "Stallions...bunch of bullheaded stallions is what you are." she muttered under her breath. She sighed and placed a kiss on both of their foreheads and snapped her claws. "At least let me give you this much." and with that, she vanished. The two glanced at one another, touching their foreheads and finding nothing. Piper chuckled to himself, staring into the eyes of one Commander Stormbeak. One of Niares' most favored soldiers. "Me..mercy..." the Gryphon begged, his voice raspy as he struggled for air. "Did your kind show mercy in Canterlot? Did you show mercy on the battlefield? WAS THERE ANY MERCY THEN?!" He screamed, tossing the Gryphon aside. The soldier gasped and wheezed, rolling into a standing position. Piper waved away his own soldiers. "This one is mine." he said softly. The Gryphon panted heavily, blood caked over one of his eyes. He weakly lifted his sword and for a moment Piper saw himself in the Gryphons place. He gritted his teeth, remembering himself being in a similar situation during the War of Nightmare. That's all in the past. All that matters is the future. a voice said in the back of his mind. He roared and launched himself forward, the Gryphon dropped his blade, closing his eyes as Piper's sliced through him. The Soldier fell to the ground with a smile on his face. Piper watched as the body faded away and the corpse slowly became another Heartless. Though this one was different. It did not bow. It did nothing, but smile. "Princess, please, we are starving and in desperate need of reinforcements!" A pegasus begged. Nova sighed quietly. "I have no soldiers to spare. Food is scarce here as well. There is nothing I can do." "T...There must be something...maybe if your Aunt could let the sun out a bit more..." the pegasus bit his tongue as Nova glared at him. "You are aware of her condition, are you not?" she asked softly. The pegasus gulped and nodded slowly. "Then do not ask for the impossible. If you need soldiers you can send scouts to Rainbow Dash and join forces with her. Her military mind is far more skilled than mine. She will find a way to use what little soldiers you have to their full potential." "Th...thank you Princess." the pegasus stammered, rushing out of the castle as fast as his wings would carry him. Nova sighed to herself, her court finally empty. "Am I doing the right thing?" she asked softly, finding little comfort in the hoof on her shoulder. "Of course you are Nova. There isn't anything else you can do." a voice spoke up behind her. She closed her eyes as she felt hooves gently wrap around her, holding her close. "I just don't know anymore..." she spoke softly. "Nova, listen to me. You are doing everything you can...Its not fair and its not right, but its what has to be done." Sunburst said quietly, gently kissing her cheek. Nova smiled just slightly. "Thank you Sunburst..." the pegasus sat beside her and smiled. "It was a good idea to send him to help mom. We just got a report from her. Spike will be returning to the battlefield soon and Nyx has started speaking again. The Crusaders have been reunited and once they recover their power will rival that of our best soldiers." Sunburst said as she looked over the papers. Nova rubbed a hoof against her temple and blinked as she felt something nudge her leg. She smiled and pulled her daughter close to her, the kirin nuzzling her neck. Sunburst fell silent as the two held one another. She knew she could never replace Emerald she cared deeply for Nova and for Aqua. But she could never be the mother the Kirin deserved. She would never admit it, but she heard Nova crying and begging for Emerald to return when she thought her pegasus lover was asleep. It hurt, knowing she could never hold that special place in the Princess' heart, but at the same time she felt she didn't deserve it. Aqua turned to look at her and giggled. "Momma, can we go outside today?" she asked the pegasus. Sunburst felt a stab of guilt and forced a smile. "O...Of course Aqua." she said softly. Nova glanced over at her and Sunburst held back a sigh. She knew that look. They would be having a long talk later. "Try not to stray too far, ok Aqua?" Sunburst said, draping a wing over the kirin. "Aww...ok momma." Sunburst glanced back at Nova who wore a worried smile. The Princess watched as the two left to the gardens where an armed guard awaited them, keeping an eye out for any would-be assassins. Nova sighed and lifted the papers Sunburst had left behind in her magic, her eyes quickly scanning over them. Shadow is walking into the changelings den...without Nox...That can't end well. Spike is alive and doing ok. That's good, and big sis is talking again. I thought she'd never speak again...Aunt Celestia isn't doing any better. We've barely managed to grow anything lately and our best unicorns and pegasi can't figure anything out. This whole war is sapping Equestria of its very essence. To top it all off, Aqua is asking questions about Sunburst... "So, Sunburst. I guess it makes sense. She is cute. It must have taken forever to work out the drawl in her voice." a voice rang out. Nova dropped the papers and looked around. "And the little one is so adorable." the voice continued. It was a voice she knew well, a voice she had been desperate to hear again. But now it seemed to be taunting her as it always did. "JUST STOP IT!" she screamed, lowering her head. The voice faded away, leaving her alone in the Throne Room of the sisters old castle. It was always like this. The voice would appear when she felt the most guilt and then vanish as soon as she lost control of her anger. But this time was different. She felt a claw against her chin, gently forcing her to look up and see a green kirin, just slightly taller than herself. Her eyes widened as the kirin's lips met her own. She pulled away, stumbling back into her throne. "Y...You c..can't...a..are you..b..but..." she stammered. The figure only smiled, sitting cross legged in front of her. She resembled Spike in his teenage years. Tall and lanky, though with perfect curves in all the right places. Nova fought down the blush that rose in her cheeks and cleared her throat. "Who are you? You can't be Emerald. She..." "Sacrificed herself to the Darkness so you could escape. In that last moment she flung you into the arms of your dear Aunt and gave herself so you could go on. And go on you have. It took about three or four years before you finally accepted you'd never see her again and you were finally able to accept Sunburst's love for you. Though each day the guilt grew. The guilt that you had forgotten the kirin you had come to know and love. You never officially ended your marriage with her either and Sunburst never questioned it. That's just who she is and you love her for it. But you still love Emerald as well." the figure spoke up. "So you admit you aren't her?" "I'm not that Emerald. No matter how much I wish it, I can never be her again. but I am YOUR Emerald." "That's impossible. Nothing could survive the darkness." "And who is capable of the impossible?" It only took Nova a moment to figure it out. "Discord. So you are Discord just messing with my mind aren't you?!" she screamed. The figure stood. "No. Discord isn't capable of the sort of bond we share Nova. You can see it, you can FEEL it. You know its me." the smile faded from the figures face as Nova looked into its eyes. Those eyes were the eyes of Discord, without a doubt, but beneath them, deep within were the eyes that use to greet her every morning. The eyes she had come to know and love. She felt tears streaming down her cheeks and shook her head. "But that's impossible...I must be going insane..." she stopped as she felt a claw on her cheek. The kirin smiling at her. "You are insane Nova. All of the pressure on your mind has brought you to the brink and its because of that, because of the madness, that I can take form in front of you now." Emerald spoke up softly. "Just...tell me everything...from the beginning...like she would" Nova whispered, burying her face in the kirin's chest, hardly noticing as Sunburst and Aqua returned to find the Princess with her hooves wrapped around a strange green Kirin. Nox watched as Spike weaved and rolled through the obstacle course that had taken her and her brother months to conquer. It was really something amazing to see. The Drake easily avoided traps and brushed off arrows like feathers, dummies were unrecognizable after he had passed them by and the track record was shattered, but he hadn't seemed to have broken a sweat. He took a slow breath, letting a bit of steam curl around his face. "Nox, how is your mother?" he asked quietly, the silence shattering against the innocent question. "She's...adjusting. Life isn't the same without father and this war has done nothing but drag up memories of what she once was." "and what of your brother?" "He's...complicated..." "and your unborn foal?" he asked, causing her to blush. The Alicorn began to stammer, finally setting on the only words she could focus on. "How could you know?" she asked quietly. "Nox, I wasn't born yesterday. Even when you two were little I could see it. I know others might see it as wrong, but love is love. I dealt with the same thing when me and Rarity first became a couple. I'm happy for you, but have you thought of what will happen if Melody finds out?" "I'd think she would understand..." "Then why not tell her?" "Because...she'll make me stop fighting...she'll be too busy protecting me and then she'll be alone. Nopony else can get close to her, not even Sunshine. She won't let herself become romantically involved. Not until she's won this war. I have to stay by her side. She needs somepony to be there for her and you've seen my brother..Love isn't his strong suit..." she mumbled. "He's only able to show himself when we're alone..." she said, hanging her head. The alicorn blinked in surprise as Spike pulled her close, his breath rolling against her ear. "Nox...everyday you hold back is another day you are causing harm to your foal. Magic is dangerous to an unborn child, especially one such as yours. Amethyst and Emerald were close calls and Rarity barely used any magic. You've been fighting all this time. I don't want to make you worry, but if you don't stop, you'll kill your child." "H...How am I suppose to choose?" she almost begged. Spike placed his claws on her shoulders and looked into her eyes. "Its true she needs you, but there are other ways for you to be useful to her Nox. Please just think on it." he gently kissed her forehead and began to walk away. "Spike...Did you want to see Rarity again?" Nox asked softly, causing him to stop in mid step. "Of course I'd want to see her again Nox...but she's gone. I saw her die." "What? no she's not." Nox slid in front of him, confused by the drakes words. "The Gryphons captured her and killed her in front of me Nox." he said softly. The Alicorn shook her head and smiled. "Spike, Rarity is alive. She's been waiting for you." A soft sigh escaped the young fillies lips as the wind blew by. She lifted her wings, letting the wind drift over them, a light chill running up her spine. She looked up at the clouds and sighed again. Someday I'm gonna fly... she thought to herself. She stood, looking over the edge of the hill, her wings giving a light twitch against another breeze. The winds were perfect, at the very least she would be able to glide along them to the bottom. But as she took a step forward she felt a hoof on her shoulder. She looked up to see her mother shaking her head. The filly sighed and folded her wings against her side. "But..." "Its dangerous." her mother said softly. "But how am I gonna see Papa if I can't ever fly?" she asked softly. Her mother turned away for a moment. "H...He'll find us someday, and then he'll teach you." she smiled slightly and sighed. "Now hurry inside, your dinner is getting cold." "Ok momma..." the pegasus filly hung her head, making her way to the small cottage the two of them shared. The mare waited a few moments more after her daughter had entered the cottage before turning her gaze to the clouded sky. "Piper...wherever you are...we miss you..." Strawberry spoke softly before turning away and joining her daughter within their home.