//------------------------------// // Magic Lessons // Story: Story Time // by Hyzaku //------------------------------// Golden Oaks Library, a place dedicated to reading, fun, learning, and more reading. Twilight Sparkle, Ponyville’s resident librarian-turned-princess had recently taken a more active role in the community. With her newfound authority, she had taken it upon herself to draw more attention to her library. Her plan involved holding instructional classes on her myriad fields of expertise. One such class was her magical tutoring course; a series of lessons designed for teaching unicorn fillies and colts the basics of magic. There was just one tiny problem. In her excitement, Twilight had completely forgotten to advertise any of her new courses to the town. She stared dejectedly at the abysmal turnout; a whole three fillies... and only one was even a unicorn. Sweetie Belle hopped energetically in place, flanked by her two friends, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. “Can you believe it? I’m finally getting magic lessons!” the excited unicorn filly exclaimed. Scootaloo’s head drooped. “Yeah, that’s great...” Apple Bloom rolled her eyes at the dejected looking pegasus. “Ya know, if you’re so bored we could just go back to the club house.” The pegasus filly’s head shot up. “What? No way! Crusaders have to stick together!” “I know that,” Apple Bloom snapped. “But I’m not the one lookin’ all sour and bored.” “I’d be more excited if we were spending time at Rainbow Dash’s place instead of Twilight’s” “None of us can even get up to Rainbow Dash’s house,” Apple Bloom retorted. “Besides, Twilight’s a princess now. I bet she’s a lot cooler than when she was just a super powerful unicorn.” “She’s still probably going to make us read something since we aren’t unicorns.” Twilight released an exasperated sigh. If not for the fact that she had mentioned her plans to Rarity, she might not even have a single student. Still, she knew it wouldn’t be long before Sweetie Belle’s friends started causing trouble if she didn’t keep them entertained somehow. Twilight buried her nose in her lesson plan, trying desperately to distract herself from whatever discussion Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were having. She occasionally glanced up at her clock, counting the seconds until the time she had specified, nine ante meridian, finally arrived so her class could begin. Finally, the minute hoof of the clock ticked over to the top of the hour. With a sharp rapping of her ruler against her desk, the lavender alicorn grabbed the attention of the three fillies. “Class is now in session.” A twinge of excitement ran through her body. There was something exhilarating about being on this side of the classroom. A sense a power! For a moment, she likened herself to her mentor. A wise, powerful, and very beautiful– “Twilight, I’m bored!” Scootaloo interjected. Twilight glared at the orange filly. “I haven’t even started my lesson.” Apple Bloom swiftly, and suddenly, smacked her orange friend upside the head. “Quit complainin’. You wanted to come support Sweetie Belle so just hush.” Twilight grinned. She was content that Apple Bloom could at least keep Scootaloo from interrupting too often. “Now then, Sweetie Belle, we are going to start with some basic channeling. You need to be able to draw on your magical power reliably before you try to perform any kind of spell.” Before she could continue, a shout echoed from upstairs. “Hey, Twilight!” Spike came down the stairs with a single book in hand. “I found this book by your bed when I was cleaning up, but I can’t find where it’s supposed to go on the shelves.” Twilight was mildly irritated that her lesson was being interrupted, again. But that feeling was quickly replaced by confusion. Spike, her number one assistant, the dragon who knew where every single book in the library was located, was unable to find where this book belonged. A slight sense of panic set in. “I probably borrowed it from somepony. What is the name of the book?” The young dragon glanced down at the cover. “Kamaresutra” Twilight engaged full panic mode. “Oh, is that my sister’s?” Sweetie Belle spoke up. “I know Rarity has a copy of that in her room. I found it once when I was cleaning up for her.” “Wait a minute,” Apple Bloom interjected, “Are you sure that’s Rarity’s? ‘Cause I remember Applejack lending her a book with that name.” “Is that what you read with Rainbow Dash when she comes over and you two go up to your room?” Spike asked. Twilight could feel her face warming up. “N-no, that’s not–” “If Rainbow Dash reads it it must be awesome!” Scootaloo exclaimed. “Hey, Twilight, can I borrow that book?” The flustered alicorn suddenly found herself shouting, “Absolutely not!” Silence fell over the room as the four children stared at Twilight. “Why not?” Twilight froze. She wasn’t a mother. She wasn’t ready to have this conversation. that and she was fairly certain that her friends wouldn’t appreciate her ruining the minds of their younger sisters. Her brain scrambled to find a suitable excuse. “Because... I borrowed it from Princess Celestia.” Perfect! There was no way this could backfire, she thought. “Oh, are you done with it, or should I put it back in your room?” Spike asked. “I’m done with it,” Twilight replied. “I was going to return it the next time I see her.” “I’ll save you the trouble.” Before Twilight could respond, the book was covered in emerald flames; turning the tome into a wisp of magical smoke that rushed off to Princess Celestia. Twilight’s mouth fell agape. After a few moments of awkward silence, Spike belched out a small gout of emerald flames that manifested a letter bearing the royal seal. He snatched the letter from the air as it fell and opened it up. As was his standard routine, Spike read the letter aloud. To My Loving Student,         Thank you for returning this study aid in such a timely fashion. I trust that you have taken sufficient notes and I do so hope you found the opportunity to put some of the techniques to practical use. This is certainly a field of study that rewards hooves on experience more than simple study.         If you have the time, please come to Canterlot this weekend. Luna and I have prepared an advanced curriculum on the subject that we we like you to study. Naturally, there will be plenty of field study and hooves on work involved. If this weekend is not suitable, please let me know so that we may reschedule to a time that is more convenient for you. With Love, H.R.H. Princess Celestia P.S. Luna has reminded me to ask you requisition the services of Applejack’s brother, Big Macintosh for our lesson. Twilight was certain that she was nearly red enough to pass for Big Mac. “Oh, I bet that was a book on apple buckin’!” Apple Bloom exclaimed. “Moving on!” Twilight shouted. “Spike, why don’t you take Apple Bloom and Scootaloo and find some a nice, safe book to read while I finish teaching Sweetie Belle.” The dragon nodded. “Hey, let’s go check out the mythology section. I’ve seen some cool looking stuff over there.” He motioned for the two fillies to follow. He pulled a book off the shelf and promptly opened it. He could hear Twilight beginning her lecture as he scanned the page. “What are you looking for?” “Oh, this book has some really weird words in it. I thought maybe with you two helping we could figure them out.” “Why not use a dictionary?” Spike frowned. “I tried. Even Twilight doesn’t recognize them.” “Then what makes you think we can help?” Scootaloo scoffed. Spike shrugged. “I just thought that maybe you could get a cutie mark for figuring it out.” The two fillies eyes lit up. Before they could make their usual exclamation, Spike directed their attention at a specific line. “Here, try this one. It shows up a lot.” The fillies stared at the alien words, their tongues practically twisted into knots just looking at them. However, they were on a mission; a cutie mark related mission! Apple Bloom tried her hoof at it first. She mouthed out several different attempts at pronouncing the words until she finally seemed to settle on something. She took a deep breath, “Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.” Suddenly, there was a flash of light. The chimeric body that appeared was enough of a distraction to stop Twilight’s lecture. Discord looked around the room until his eyes settled on the two fillies and a dragon with an open book. He leaned in close, his gaze was one of pure anger. “Alright, who’s bright idea was it to try to wake up my dad?” Without warning, Spike belched out another letter. Dear Twilight Sparkle,         Quickly, gather your friends and the Elements of Harmony and meet me in Canterlot as soon as you can. A great evil is stirring.         Also, if you can find Discord, have him come with you. Be safe, Celestia Sweetie Belle turned to her friends with an icy glare. “Geeze, if you wanted to do something else today you could have just said so!”