//------------------------------// // Chapter 12 expecting less but getting more // Story: Eevee's trip to equestria // by Aleksandr Sherbet //------------------------------// Sleep that's all I felt the darkness surrounding me the breeze from the outside and something next to me breathing softly her body provided warmth the feeling of her next to me. Once again I woke up with Sweetie Belle next to me my drawings on the table I couldn't sleep but I couldn't leave her here I shouldn't after debating with my mind I decide to sleep a bit clear my head. POV of Fluttershy I was really worried about Eevee and the stress he's been put in I know he can take care of himself but I still worry. "Hey Flutters do you know where Eevee's at." Rainbow Dash asked "Sorry Rainbow Dash I haven't seen him all day." "Well could you help me find him?" "Okay let's go check if he's with Luna he's bound to be with her." I inquired We ran past many butlers and maids when we turned the corner we saw Luna talking to Pinkie. "Oh hello Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash." Luna said as we walked up to her. "Hey Luna have you seen Eevee anywhere at all." Rainbow asked "I haven't seen him since this morning." Luna told us "Yeah he seemed a little embarrassed this morning." Pinkie stated "What do you mean Pinkie." I asked "Well when he woke up this morning we were all in the same bed and he thought that we had sex." She said smiling "Oh my" "Yeah I know he looked really surprised but I know one day when me and Luna are ready then we'll let him right Luna." "Of course." Luna said "Okay anyway help us find him." Rainbow asked "Okie dokie Loki." We then started walking as we turned the corner. We saw twilight she seemed very excited. "Hello twilight. Why are you so happy?" Rainbow asked "Well I told Eevee that if he could draw some pictures of his evolutions." Twilight explained "But why do you want to see his other evolutions?" I asked quizzically "Well I want compare if there are any significant changes to his body and you never know if we might see another of his species." We were then interrupted by Scootaloo and Applebloom. "Hey did you say you were looking for Eevee?" Scootaloo asked "Yeah have you seen him." I asked "Yeah I saw him with Sweetie Belle." "Where is he now I think in that room." she then pointed towards a guest bedroom. I then opened the door I saw the most adorable sight Sweetie Belle sleeping next to Eevee. POV of Eevee "Wake up." A deep and menacing voice said "Where am I?" I asked "You are in my domain." "And where would that be." "The dream world where dreams are nothing but food to me." "What am I doing here? Are you Darkrai?" "Why yes yes I am. And you seem to be afraid of what I'd do to you." He said giving me a menacing smile. "Yes I am afraid but you hurt my friends. You scare the fillies that I care about." But why do you care about them. They aren't even the same species and some how you got two of them to be your marefriends one of them is a princess royalty none the less. The other is a hyperactive nut I bet you get annoyed when she talks to you." "Take that back jackass." I said trying to calm down "Looks like a struck a nerve. I don't see why a royal mare would waste time with you. Your just some random Pokémon that timid Pegasus found I know you should've just died in the forest let that manticore eat you. What was the name of that Pegasus butter pie. "Her name is Fluttershy. Now I'm giving you five seconds to take back those words you said about my marefriend and my other friend." I said starting to get agitated "You are in position to give me orders. Now lets talk about the fillies what their group's name the cutie mark crusaders. I had a fun time messing with their psyche. It brings a smile to my face know that children are easy to scare you should've looked at their faces when the dream you died in front of them." "I promise you that on nightmare night that I will beat you." I promised giving him a glare. "Well I feel that on that night we shall se who would win." He gave me a smile and vanished. I opened my eyes to see Pinkie,Luna,Fluttershy,Rainbow Dash,Twilight,Scootaloo,and Applebloom. I felt something warm against me I then remembered that Sweetie Belle was next to me or might as well hugging me since her forehoof was wrapped around me. I chuckled at the sight. "Awww that's so cute." Pinkie said I had to blink a couple times in order to get my vision back in order to see it was pretty dark. "Oh hey girls." I said in a hushed tone "Why are we whispering?" Pinkie asked. "Because Sweetie is still asleep." Looking back I saw her holding me like a teddy bear not to tight but enough that I couldn't escape. "That looks so adorable." Luna commented Just then I felt shifting to my side I looked down and saw Sweetie Belle waking up. She then yawn and blushed furiously because of the position she was in her forehoof wrapped around me chest. "Oh I'm sorry." she said "It's okay I'm not mad just a little surprised that I couldn't escape your tiny grasp." I chuckled saying that It was like teasing a little sister. "Anyway the pictures are right there if you want them Twi." I said getting up "Thanks Eevee." she looked at all the pictures of my evolutions she then spotted a picture of minccino. "Um Eevee is this one of your evolutions?" "No it's just an old friend from a different region is all." I said sadly they saw my frown they put two and two together. "Do you miss her?" Twilight asked "Yeah sometimes I wish I could go back to kanto. But my life is here now and I couldn't have it any other way." I gave them a small smile. "I need to talk to Arceus excuse me." I then left and made my way to the Thorne room I saw Arceus. "Arceus may I speak with you?" I asked not wanting to anger him. "If course what is it that you need to talk about." he asked "Darkrai I know he's important I felt something last night. I dreamed about him he said something about dreams and that was his domain I need to find a way to go in and beat him right now." "I'm sorry but you cannot enter the dream realm you need to train in order to defeat him." Arceus stated "Look Arceus I know I'm not strong enough but we have to do something we can't sit around while he's making nightmares for innocent ponies especially foals they would be scarred for life." "We still have three days until nightmare night we have plenty of time to train you I know you have dark pulse,hyperbeam,shadow claw,and psychic." "What I don't even know how to do psychic." He then approached me and looked at me he may seem scary but he looked sincere his face told me 'I will help we are united through thick and thin.' "I'm going to train how to do psychic and many other moves. I promise you that we will defeat him." "Thank you Arceus for helping me." "Eevee I must tell you something very important it has something to do with your family tree." "Okay what is it Arceus." "You come from a line of powerful Pokémon warriors. A long time ago before the regions were set there was a loyal friend I had he was an Eevee like you but he evolved into a strong Pokémon not many Eevee can evolve into but something inside you made me think of that friends he was a great friend. Your great great grandfather Travis he was brave all of legends know about him we were all good friends." Then why are Eevee's so scarce in all regions." I asked "Well Eevee's have an odd DNA trait that let's them have all kinds of evolutions that's why they're rare. Also something else happened a long time ago it seems like a Pokémon that your grandfather was fighting his name was duskinor he made a curse that made many of the Eevee's." "But why Eevee's yes we are scarce but it doesn't mean that young pups should still not have a home." I said a little anger "I promise to tell you more but we must train okay." "We went outside now show me the power of your shadow claw I want to see the power course through you." I concentrated my anger into one paw the paw the swiped across the tree trunk and with one slash the tree broke in half. [youtube=http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Dh3ym9F734w] Good good now I want you to concentrate at the tree trunk don't listen to anything else just concentrate. After a few minutes a glow started to surround the trunk I then pretend it was in the air I opened my eyes and saw it floating. "Eevee where are you." I then got distracted by Pinkie yelling my name. "Oh Eevee." I then ran inside by the look Arceus gave me he looked disappointed that I left but that's my marefriend if he has a problem with my mare he shove it up his ass. I will do anything for her or Luna.