Broken Blossom

by BronyWriter

Am I or Am I Not?

Silver Spoon shifted in bed, completely unable to sleep. Naturally, nights where she truly got a good night's sleep were rare after Fire Ruby's death and now everything that had happened with Diamond Tiara...

She pulled her comforter tighter over her body and once again rolled over in bed. She couldn't think about Diamond Tiara anymore. She wished that she had good times to recollect, when her and Diamond Tiara were at the height of their friendship, but all of the times she could think of embarrassed her. Her past cruelty to Sweetie Belle was the reason that her daughter was in the ground instead of sleeping peacefully in the next room.

The gray mare rolled over yet again and reached towards her nightstand where a foal sized necklace with a small fire ruby embedded in the front rested. It was meant to be a birthday present for her daughter. It had only been three weeks away when she was killed. She had seen it in a Canterlot department store when the two of them had gone last with Diamond Tiara and her daughter. She had instantly fallen in love with it, and Silver Spoon had made sure to get it the second she thought that Fire Ruby wasn't looking. The silver necklace would have matched her soft red coat perfectly if she had ever gotten to wear it.

Silver Spoon put the necklace down and looked up at her alarm clock. It was three in the morning and she had work in four hours so she needed to get to sleep. She rolled onto her back and let her head sink deeper into her pillow. If she didn't get to sleep soon then she would be too tired to do her job right.

Silver Spoon closed her eyes and was about to force herself to slip into dreamland when a small noise entered her ears. Her ears flickered up and her eyes snapped open and began scanning her room. That wasn't the sound of the walls of her apartment settling or somebody walking around downstairs. It sounded like... It sounded like somepony opened the door.

Her breath caught in her throat. There was another noise. Somepony was walking through the entryway, closer to her room. Unless she was dreaming than somepony was in her apartment and coming towards her room. Was it a thief? Did somepony know about who she used to be and had come to rob her? She pulled the covers over her head and did her best to hold completely still. Maybe in the darkness she would not be noticed and no harm would befall her. She silently cursed herself for not hiding Fire Ruby's necklace under the covers with her for if somepony was here to rob her they would certainly go for that first.

Her apartment was silent for a minute and Silver Spoon began to wonder if she was hearing things or if it was the night playing tricks on her. However, those thoughts were laid to rest when she heard an elongated creaking noise, signifying that whoever had come into her apartment was now opening the door to her room. She bit her tongue to hold back a whimper as she heard the sound of hooves softly trotting over the worn down carpet right in the direction of her bed.

Just as the noise of somepony walking into her room was at its loudest, it stopped. The intruder was right next to her bed, doubtlessly aware that she was under the covers and wide awake. Silver Spoon heard the sound of metal scraping lightly against wood as the pony took her daughter's necklace off of the nightstand. Silver Spoon actually did whimper at that. Now instead of her daughter having it some cheap two-bit hood was going to pawn it off at the Manehattan black market to make a quick bit.

However, instead of the sound of it being put in a saddlebag, she heard it being placed back on top of the nightstand. She frowned slightly. If the pony wasn't going to take the single most valuable object in the place then why was he or she here?

Before Silver Spoon could think on it any more, she heard the sound of a unicorn horn firing up and she saw her blanket engulfed in a bright blue magical aura. Slowly the comforter was rolled back and finally pulled off, exposing Silver Spoon entirely to the intruder. The gray mare had to hold back a shriek of terror at the sight of the intruder. He, or she, she couldn't tell, was a pony as black as night itself. The only distinguishable feature was a pair or bright red eyes that looked down at her, unblinking.

Silver Spoon lay on her bed, fear freezing her to the spot. Every molecule of her brain told her to run, to scream for help, to fight back if necessary, but her body did not respond to her mind's commands. The two ponies continued to stare at each other, their eyes locked and each looking into the very soul of the other. Finally Silver Spoon managed one quiet, meek, and terrified sentence. "You're here to kill me," she whispered. It wasn't a question for her, it was a statement, an acceptance of her impending fate.

At her words, the pony above her blinked once. His or her red eyes trailed to the floor and the horn fired up. Out of the corner of her vision Silver Spoon saw something rising from the floor. Her heart dropped into her stomach when she saw what it was: a large knife.

Silver Spoon's eyes trailed back up so that they locked with the intruder's. "Doesn't really matter, does it?" she muttered. "I mean look at me: my daughter would be ashamed of me if she saw me like this." Silver Spoon let out a weak half laugh/half sob. "It'd almost be a kindness."

The pony blinked once again and the red eyes flickered briefly over to the necklace on the nightstand. The intruder took a deep breath and grumbled something to herself. The voice was unmistakably a feminine one.

Silver Spoon's half smile faded and she looked back into her attacker's eyes with almost childlike fear. "Just don't make it hurt me too bad, okay?" she whimpered.

The red eyes closed and the knife slowly inched higher in the air. Silver Spoon shivered once but forced her eyes shut so she wouldn't have to see the knife as it swung downwards. She hoped that it wouldn't hurt too bad, that it'd just be a little pinch and then she'd fall asleep for good.

The knife never came down. It never plunged itself into Silver Spoon's body, bleeding her out and ending her life. Instead Silver Spoon heard it hit the floor with a muted thud and an elongated whimper filed her ears. She opened her eyes and saw the black figure sitting on the ground in front of her bed, her head in her forelegs. Silver Spoon's body reacted and she leaped out of bed and backed against the wall. She reached forwards and flipped on the nearby light switch, bathing the room in an artificial white glow. The sudden light blinded Silver Spoon for a moment and she slammed her eyes shut until they adjusted.

When she opened them again, she saw that the black figure was still on the ground, but she was not black anymore. Instead her coat was a pure white. She looked familiar, almost as if... "Blossom?"

Blossom flinched back at the sound of her name and she turned her head back to Silver Spoon and once more locked eyes with her. While before her eyes had been blank and unforgiving, now they were wet with tears and regret. "'m sorry," she mewled. "I don't wanna be her; please don't let me be like her."

Silver Spoon's jaw dropped. "Blossom, what are you doing here?"

"She told me to kill somepony," Blossom muttered. "She told me she'd go away if I killed somepony." Blossom sniffled and wiped her eyes with her foreleg. "If she leaves me alone I can be happy again, I can move on and not h-have to worry about being scared of any of this anymore."

Despite her internal warnings Silver Spoon took a small step forwards. "Blossom what happened?"

"I see my aunt in my dreams and she tells me to kill somepony. She thinks that I like what I did to Miss Tiara." A sob coursed through Blossom's body. "And I did. Celestia help me I did. S-She cut off my mane and tail and part of my ear and she was gonna take my cutie marks away."

Silver Spoon took another few steps forward and slowly reached out to put a hoof on Blossom's shoulder, stopping only to slide the knife under the bed. "Blossom, what's going on?"

"I see her a lot these days," Blossom whimpered. "I see her when I sleep, I see her when I'm awake..." Blossom turned around and looked up at Silver Spoon with wide eyes. "I see her right now. She's standing right behind you."

With a yelp of shock Silver Spoon jumped onto the bed and looked where she had just been standing, half expecting to see The Ponyville Butcher in the flesh come to help her niece kill her; but the room was empty save for her and Blossom. "Blossom you're scaring me," she said whispered fearfully.

"I know," said Blossom glumly. "I know the knife is under the bed but I'm not gonna use it!" Blossom shot up onto her hooves and wheeled around, glaring daggers at an empty spot in the middle of the room. "She doesn't deserve anything else to happen to her! She never did!"

Silver Spoon began crying tears of fear and she curled up into a ball on the bed. Blossom ignored her and kept on talking to nothing. "I'm not going to hurt anypony, Aunt Rarity, I'm not! I'm gonna do it, I'm going to go back to see Dr. Mind and I'm going to get rid of you for good, even if it means that the princesses lock me in..." Blossom let loose a sob and her damaged ear twitched. "Even if it means that the princesses lock me in a padded cell forever. I'm not going to kill anypony else."

Blossom hung her head and flattened her ears. "I'm sorry, Miss Spoon," she mumbled. "I'm sorry you had to see us talking like that. I'm sorry if I scared you."

Silver Spoon had begun crying thick tears of pure fear but Blossom's words reached out to her. "Blossom, you're very sick," she said softly.

Blossom chuckled weakly and nodded. "Yeah. I know." Blossom turned her head up to look at Silver Spoon. "But I'm gonna go see somepony. I promise that I'm not going to try to handle it by myself anymore, okay? I'm gonna get help, even if it means that the princesses never leave me alone again. I'm sorry that I almost hurt you, Miss Spoon."

Silver Spoon took a deep breath and relaxed her stance slightly. "It's okay. You... you didn't."

"Doesn't matter," Blossom muttered. She turned around and began walking out of the room. Before she did, she halted and turned her head back to Silver Spoon. "I'm really sick so I'm gonna go get some help on one condition." Silver Spoon gave a sharp nod. "You do the same thing, okay?" Blossom's eyes scanned the room. "Fire Ruby loved you, Miss Spoon; she wouldn't want to see you like this. She'd want her mommy to be happy. That's the best thing that you can do for her, I guess, be happy again. You do that and I'll try the same."

* * * *

The next morning Blossom walked into the house at Sweet Apple Acres to find her aunts, uncle, and honorary sister sitting at the table. The four of the looked up when they saw her walk in and seemed to breathe a collective sigh of relief.

"Well where in the hay have you been?" asked Applejack with more than a hint of maternal sharpness. "We've been worried sick about you ever since you didn't come home when ya said you would!"

"I was out," said Blossom simply. "I wandered around a bit and tried to clear my head. I've got a lot going on."

"Well ya couldn'ta maybe told us 'bout that before you ran off to Celestia knows where?" said Apple Bloom with a frown. "You told us you'd be home two days ago, your pa didn't even know where you were!"

Blossom closed her eyes and sighed. "Look, it's complicated, okay? Just know that I'm alright and that I've decided that I need to see Dr. Mind again."

The eyes of all four Apples widened and Applejack stood up from her seat. "Blossom what's goin' on with you? You didn't want to see Dr. Mind no more and now you disappear fer two days and you suddenly want ta go back to him?"

"Aunt Applejack please just trust me on this," Blossom pleaded. "I need some space right now but I know that I need help."

The ghost of a glower appeared on Applejack's face. "What happened to you sayin' that all you needed was yer family ta help ya through this?"

Blossom's eyes shifted to the side and she uneasily scratched the back of her neck. "I just..." She sighed. "I don't know if you can help me with the kinds of things I'm going through."

Applejack's eyes widened for a second before they hardened into blank expression. She sat back down in her chair. "Fine. You want alone time and to go see some shrink then that's yer choice. Yer a grown mare and can make yer own choices. Go have yer alone time."

Blossom groaned. "Aunt Applejack don't be like that. I just..." She shook her head. "I don't know what's happening to me right now."

"Blossom Ah ain't mad at ya," Applejack insisted. "What ya just said kinda hurt is all. Ah just said that yer a grown mare so Ah'll trust that ya know what's best fer yourself."

Blossom nodded sadly and slowly began walking up the stairs to her room. Before she made it up, she heard Applejack call out to her again. "Write yer pa and tell him you're okay, ya hear? He's real worried about you."

Blossom gave a frustrated sigh as she walked into her room. She shut the door behind her and shook her head. "That could have gone better," she mused.

"I agree," said Rarity, "you don't need to treat her like she's worthless just because you've given up."

Blossom growled angrily and wheeled around to see Rarity idly relaxing on her bed. "Just go away!" she growled.

Rarity rolled her eyes. "I think I made my position on that quite clear, Blossom. You didn't kill so I'm not going anywhere."

"Yes you will," Blossom insisted. "I'm going to see a psychologist for as long as I need to to make sure that I don't see you ever again in my life!"

Rarity chuckled before stretching and hopping off the bed. "Are you sure that you're ready to give up? I already told you that all you need to do is kill some faceless drone and I'm gone. Why did you choose Silver Spoon anyway?"

"I don't know!" said Blossom angrily. "I should never have tried it in the first place!"

Rarity tisked and shook her head sadly. "You were so close to getting rid of me forever, Blossom. All you had to do was swing the knife down and a sad mare gets to see her daughter again and you get to be happy."

"I wouldn't have been happy if I had done that, my life would have been destroyed!" Blossom insisted.

Rarity shrugged. "I suppose we'll never know now, will we? You could have been happy but now you're surrendering to the princesses. What, are you going to extend your forelegs to them and demand that they drag you away in hoofcuffs?"

"If that's what it takes then yes!" Blossom snarled. "I'm not going to hurt anypony!"

"But you already did!" said Rarity. "You disemboweled Diamond Tiara and you killed her daughter and her daughter's friend."

"Diamond Tiara physically mutilated me and Fire Ruby and Golden Necklace cornered me in the woods and I got scared! I didn't want to kill Miss Tiara and I didn't want to kill Fire Ruby and Golden Necklace! I only killed the three of them because I was scared!"

Rarity's small grin twisted into a triumphant smile at Blossom's words and her eyes traveled to the spot just behind her. Blossom frowned and turned to see what her aunt was looking at. She gasped and backed up a few steps when she saw who it was. "A-Apple Seed I..."

She was cut off when she the glare of utter contempt that her sister was giving her. Apple Seed took a step into the room, mirroring Blossom's uneasy steps back. "Ma and her siblin's just went outside to start the day's work. Ah came up here to check on you and Ah heard what you said. You killed Fire Ruby and Golden Necklace?"

Tears began streaking down Blossom's face and she backed up against the bed. "Apple Seed, I can explain--"

"Shut up!" Apple Seed yelled. "You don't get to talk no more! Ah'm the one who gets to do all the talkin' here, you lyin', betrayin' pitiful little..." Apple Seed let out a roar of anger and slammed her hooves into the ground.

"Apple Seed you don't need to lose your temper!" Blossom whimpered.

"Yeah Ah think Ah do!" Said Apple Seed angrily. "You let yer ma take the blame for murders that you did yerself?! Ah have every right ta be mad at ya fer betrayin' yer ma like that!"

Blossom collapsed onto her haunches and began loudly sobbing. "I didn't betray her, she asked me to do it! I was scared, I didn't know what to do!" Blossom's face hardened into a glare. "I was seven years old!"

"Fine, you were seven and yer ma told ya to do it and ya did it because you were scared," snapped Apple Seed. "But what about when you were older? What about when you were thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, or eighteen? You've been livin' under our roof here while yer ma is in a nuthouse for somethin' you did fer ten years!"

"They were gonna kill me if they found out!" Blossom wailed.

"Yeah?" Apple Seed rushed forwards and came so close to Blossom that all she could see was Apple Seed's fiery red eyes, blazing with contempt and anger. "They didn't really kill yer ma for that, how do ya know that they woulda actually executed a scared seven year old?"

"It's the law! It's what they did to my aunt!"

"Yer aunt was a serial killer, Blossom," Apple Seed spat. "She got what she deserved fer killin' ponies fer fifteen years. You don't know that they were gonna kill ya, Blossom. They didn't. Execute. Yer. Ma!"

Blossom let out a pitiful wail and curled up into a ball on the floor, sobbing her eyes out. Apple Seed looked on with no pity for the pathetic unicorn. She merely shook her head. "Mah ma always taught me that family was the most important thing in life. Betrayin' the mare who gave birth to ya like that..." Apple Seed scoffed. "A mare who does somethin' like that ain't no sister of mine."

Blossom let out another wail of sorrow. "I'm sorry!" she wailed "I didn't mean to hurt them!"

"If ya truly are sorry, then Ah think you know what ya need ta do."

Blossom gasped and immediately stopped crying. She looked up at Apple Seed with wide eyes. "They'll kill me!" she moaned.

Apple Seed slowly nodded. "Yeah. Maybe they will. Maybe you'll get the same punishment that yer aunt did. But you'll have done right by yer ma in the end." When Apple Seed spoke next Blossom could hear the first traces of tears in her eyes. "Ah'll cry fer ya, Blossom. Ah'll cry fer mah sister but at the same time Ah'll be proud of her; proud that she did the right thing in the end and was selfless." Apple Seed walked past Blossom towards the nightstand by her bed where her Stetson lay. "Until you do that you and Ah have nothin' else to say to each other. Ever."

With that Apple Seed grabbed the hat in her mouth and walked out of the room leaving the scared unicorn huddled up next to the bed.

Blossom continued to stare at the empty doorway for a minute almost as if she hoped that Apple Seed would run through it again to embrace her and tell her that she didn't mean it that she'd help her but she never came. Slowly Blossom managed to push herself up to her hooves and walk towards the door. She went down the stairs, out the front door of the house and began running.