Eevee's trip to equestria

by Aleksandr Sherbet

Chapter 12.5 feelings for a certain poké

"Hey Sweetie Belle why does Eevee treat you like a little sister and he treats us like friends?" Scootaloo asked

"I don't know maybe he thinks we get along well." Sweetie Belle said to Scootaloo

"Still he can at least tell us he cares about us." Applebloom said

"If he didn't care about then why'd he comfort us when we got scared of that dream?" Sweetie Belle asked

"Maybe he was annoyed by us and wanted us to shut up." Scootaloo told Sweetie and Applebloom

"How about we ask Pinkie if she knows anything." Applebloom inquired

"Yeah let's be investigators we need to get to the bottom of this." Sweetie said in total confidence she wanted to prove them wrong she didn't want them to think he was paying more attention to her. She though that they need to be interested in him to get to know him more.

After walking downstairs to the throne room they spotted the six mares,luna,celestia,cresselia,and the lake guardians.

"Pinkie Pie we need your help with something!" They yelled in unison

"What is it do you need help with baking or planning a party or-" pinkie was then quieted by Luna.

"What is it you need help with little fillies." Luna asked

"Well we wanted to know since your Eevee's marefriends has he ever talked about any of us before." They asked

"Why do you want to know?" Luna asked

"Silly Luna I think these fillies have a crush on him." Pinkie giggling

"Do not." Scootaloo said

"No offense Scootaloo you kind of a terrible liar." Rainbow said

Scootaloo blushed furiously. "Well Applebloom has a crush on him too." Scootaloo practically yelled

"Do not!" Applebloom said defending herself

"Ya kind of do Applebloom it seems like every time your near him you seemed flustered." Applejack said

"Oh so this what you girls were talking about when you said he doesn't pay attention to you." Sweetie Belle said

"So you probably have a crush on him." Scootaloo and Applebloom said

It was true Sweetie Belle did have feelings for Eevee but he was with Luna and Pinkie and she didn't want to cause anything between two of her friends.

"Yeah it's true." Sweetie Belle said hanging her head in shame.

"Well there's only one way to find out we need to call him over here so you girls can tell him how you feel about him." Pinkie said

"Oh Eevee could you come in here."

Continued in chapter 13