Spike the Knight

by vadram

Chapter 39 Haze part 1

Haze part 1

Words, just words, with nothing connecting them, no voice behind them, just words.

“... just cut it out...”


“...let me do it...”


“...blood... give me...”

“...Apple Bloom, you need to...”


“... stopped, now we just...”

“... soon...”

“...be careful not to...”

And feelings.

“...YOU IDIOT...”

“... just grind some gems...”

“... the big knife...”

Of something cold.

“... there, now all we need to...”

“... went wrong...”


“... just a little acid...”

Of something hot.


“... it will grow back...”

“... need it anyway...”

“... huh, well what do you know, I guess he...”

Of something odd.

“... just shove it in...”

“... he won’t feel a thing...”


Of something new.

“...throw him in the...”


Of something nice.

“... rabbit with...”

“... and some...”

“... for the little ladies...”

Of something even nicer... warm... and wet... wrapping around him, before falling back unconscious.