The Ranger's Apprentice: Book 'EQ,' Malkalam's Wife

by GordonFreebrony

Chapter 4

The scene in the Canterlot throne room was anything but normal. A full company of Royal Guards, and two Solar Guard squads stood in the over-crowded throne room, with their weapons drawn and pointed at four strange creatures. Two of the creatures were black and insect like, with holes in their hooves, jagged horns, and insectoid wings sprouting from their quadruped, pony-like forms. The other creatures were even stranger, their bipedal bodies towering over the ponies, green cloaks surrounding their still frames.

The princesses looked down upon these creatures, along with five of the six ponies behind them. The sixth cowered behind a cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane.

“Changelings, in the throne room?” came the voice of Luna, princess of the night. “How can this be? We should have sensed them!”

“Calm, sister. It has been a long time since we last faced them; it is a small wonder that we didn’t sense them. This brings a whole new aspect into this equation.” Celestia, the princess of the day, replied to her sister. Then she turned to one of the unicorn Guards next to her, adopting a commanding tone. “Shining, can you still cast your force field spell?”

The indicated Guard saluted, replying with “Yes, Princess.”

“Good, I want it erected over Canterlot as soon as you’re ready. I’m sorry that it has to be so close to your big day.”

“Yes, Princess.”

Suddenly, a purple unicorn with a blue and pink mane stepped forth, bursting in to the conversation. “Shining, what big day?” She asked.

Shining looked around uncomfortably, rubbing his armor-clad foreleg against the back of his head. “Yeah, ummm, about that. You see, I wanted this to be a surprise, and let you know with an official invitation, but: I’m getting married!”

“WHAT?!?!?!?!?!” Came the shout from the purple mare, followed by similar, surprised shouts from the five ponies behind her. “To who?”

“Cadence, your old foalsitter! We are supposed to walk the aisle in three weeks.” Shining said, trying to appease the angry mare in front of him. “Isn’t that great Twili’?”

Twilight stopped, her face completely frozen in surprise. Then she began leaping about in an excited huff, chanting “Your marrying Cadence!” in an amazing show of child-like enthusiasm.

Throughout this exchange, which had stolen the attention of everyone in the room, Will and Halt had slowly begun moving towards the exit. They crept along, stooping to collect their strikers, before continuing towards a small door set in the wall which probably led to the servant’s quarters. They reached the door, slowly tugging open the heavy gold-plated orifice. However, just as they opened it far enough to squeeze through, a golden field enveloped the door, slamming it shut. Will and Halt grinned ruefully, stepping away from the door, returning to the center under the gaze of Celestia.

Finally, Twilight stopped prancing, seeming to return to her senses and turn back to the obvious problems moving towards and slumped in the center of the room. Celestia took this cue, addressing the group in front of her.

“We have a major problem. Canterlot has been infiltrated by Changelings. All Guards are to report to the medical ward for scanning. Also, if there is anyone you notice acting strange, even the slightest, report to me and I will scan them. Hopefully the Captain can keep those changelings not in the city already out, and we can rout those inside. You have your orders. As for you,” she gestured with her hoof towards Halt and Will, “we will continue our discussion in the privacy of my study.” She stopped for a moment, thinking. Then she called out to the guards again. “Do not tell of this to anyone outside the Guard, and make sure that those you tell keep the secret. It would be better not to panic the populous.”

Nodding to herself, Celestia led her sister, the six ponies, and the Rangers into a smaller door to the right of the throne. The room they entered was small as well, the curved walls covered in bookshelves. There was a small desk pushed into an alcove, covered in papers and quills, a small inkwell expertly hidden within the desktop. Celestia sealed off the door behind them, and cast a silencing spell so that they could not be overheard. Then she turned to the ponies and humans in front of her.

“First off, sister, can you rouse your night guard and give them their purpose again? We need to know which citizens are changelings without alerting them of the problem. The last thing we need now is panic.”

Luna nodded, walking out another door set in the wall of the small room. Celestia then turned towards the Rangers, who were examining the room around them behind their cowls. Their mouths were placed into the carefully structured scowls that they held when trying to inspire fear and mystery into those they spoke to.

“Alright,” She sighed, forcing herself into a poker-face, “I can’t let you off. I still have to put you through the trial. The people would call for blood if I just gave you freedom, Cobalt Shield is the most popular Solar Guard, and injuring him like you did has colored the peoples’ opinions of you.”

Will fought the urge to say ‘You don’t say,’ keeping his taciturn expression locked on his face.

“The best thing I can have you do is plead guilty. I have complete control over your punishment, and if you fess up and accept it, it will change the population’s opinions, and it won’t allow the jury to ‘suggest’ the sentence. Until tomorrow, you will have to stay in your cell. As for your diet,” she shuddered for a second, revolution breaking through her poker-face for a moment, “I regret to inform you that we can’t provide for a carnivorous species.”

Loud gasps filled the room, the six ponies stepping back in fear. Fluttershy hid under the desk, only the tip of her pink mane showing from beneath the wooden structure. Twilight and the rest backed up, disgust etched onto the surprisingly human-esque equine faces.

“However,” continued Celestia, “I can ask the griffin embassy to share a part of its imported meat,” she shuddered again, “with you. I would ask you to refrain from ‘digging in,’ as some carnivores are want to do, and attempt to keep the mess from filling the cell. Also-“

“Hold on,” Will interrupted, his mind having just caught what was wrong with the Princess’s statement, “Did you say Gryphons?”

The Princess blinked at the interruption, but recovered quickly. “Yes, I did say griffons. Half eagle, half lion. Don’t you have them in your world?”

“Well, Yes and no. They are mythical beasts, much like unicorns, in our world.”

An indignant huff distracted them, as a white unicorn with a purple mane stepped forward, throwing out her chest.

“Do I look like a myth or a beast to you?” She asked, her snobbish manner immediately reminding Will of some of the minor nobles of Castle Araluen.

Will looked over at the elegant unicorn, deciding to milk some enjoyment out of her. He had an intense dislike for people with a superiority complex, and only barely holding back anger with the human nobles in Araluen. The Princess watched the enfolding scenario with veiled interest.

“Well, I guess I can’t call you mythical anymore.” Will said, folding his arms. It took the unicorn a second, before the hidden insult crossed into her brain. However, instead of the arrogant anger usually held by nobles towards someone who has insulted them, she immediately began to tear up.

“You think that I’m, I’m, I’m a BEAST!!!!” She wailed, pulling a small read couch out of nowhere and falling onto it. Twilight sent a reproachful glare towards Will as she and her friends moved towards Rarity.

Will was taken aback by the unexpected reaction, and it took him a moment to move. His conscience was bothering him, and he shot a glance towards Halt before walking towards Rarity and apologizing.

After Will apologized, Rarity immediately brightened up, shoving the couch back to wherever it had come from. A short cough from the Princess stopped further chatter, causing Will and the ponies to turn towards the previously forgotten ruler.

“As I was saying,” she said, her voice betraying no emotion other than veiled mirth, “I can have the griffons provide meat for you, but I cannot allow you to eat outside your cell or, if you are allowed to be free, outside the griffon embassy. And if you even think about making a meal of my little ponies, I swear that your last days will be spent in complete and utter pain.” The normally jovial ruler let her face slip for a moment, showing a hidden anger and power that was enough to cause Halt to take a step back. It was as if the fury of the sun was contained within the delicate body of the Princess, held back by willpower alone.

“That won’t be necessary, Your Highness,” Halt said, showing a rare flash of actual fear, “We don’t survive solely on meat, and have gone fully vegetarian quite a few times in the past. I am sure we could find some sort of vegetables here, assuming you do eat foods other than hay, grass, and oats.”

“That is a relief.” replied the Princess, “If you will return to your cells, I will send down a meal for you both.”

Will and Halt turned to leave, when a high-pitched voice suddenly beckoned them back.

“Hold on, we haven’t been introduced yet. Well, I mean I introduced myself to him, but he wasn’t really in a state to respond. I’m Pinkie Pie. I almost forgot we have to be introduced for the plot to make sense, but I remembered anyway. Who are you?”

Will was taken aback by the voluble flood that flowed from the lips of the energetic pink pony. He took the hoof that was pushed into his face, slowly shaking it and wondering how she had somehow been stretched down from the chandelier so she could be at a comfortable height to talk to.

“Hi, uhhh… My name’s Will. Will Treaty.”

“Nice to meet you Will Will Treaty! Who’s your friend?” the pony replied, flipping down from the chandelier and walking over to Halt. Will held in his laughter at Halt’s expression, replying to Pinkie.

“That’s Halt, and by the way, my name has only one ‘Will’ in it. It’s Will Treaty. Just call me Will.”

“Okay Will. Anyway, This is Applejack, “ she pointed to an orange pony with a blonde mane, who kept eyeing them with distrust. “this is Rarity,” the white unicorn that had cried at his insult, “this is Twilight Sparkle, “she pointed to the purple unicorn mare, “and you’ve already met Rainbow and Fluttershy,” she gestured at the two pegasi in the corner, one under the desk and one trying to pull the other out of her hiding spot. “Oh, and of course, you know Princess Celestia, the kind, benevolent ruler that raises the sun!”

Halt and Will blinked, slowly chewing through the info-dump shoved at them in the span of three seconds. Halt was the first to recover, replying with a curt nod of the head. Will followed soon after.

“Oh, and who were those cave-ponies with you?” Will stopped, turning back, panic in his eyes.

“I forgot about Tug! Where is he?” He asked, turning towards the princess.

“Your companions? They are safe, in their own cells. They are to be held on trial for being an accessory to your crimes. I was going to hold their own audience, to hear their side of the story before the trial.”

Will stopped, his eyes bugging out. He stared at the princess for a moment, his face impassive.

“I think you broke Will, Princess.” Twilight said, leaning over to get a closer look at the still figure, only to jump back at the loud, raucous laughter than began to roll from between Will’s lips. Everyone in the room jumped at the sudden noise, only for it to be doubled when Pinkie joined in.

Halt stood in the shadows, holding back as much as he could, determined to keep up the reputation of stoic, grim Ranger. He was moderately successful, only giggling for a moment, until Will finally stopped, panting for breath.

“Oh, you… have got… to be kidding… me. You honestly… think that Tug… and Abelard… can… Hahaha…” He wiped a tear from his eye, slowly recovering from his fit. Finally he stood up, casting a shadow upon the small ponies with his slender frame. He opened his mouth to speak, before being interrupted by his former mentor.

“I do believe,” Halt said, keeping his voice level, even if he was giving off a small smile under the cowl, “that my young friend here wished to say that our horses cannot speak, and, though they are intelligent and cunning, they cannot be held responsible for any actions we make. They have been trained to be our companions, friends, and allies. Every action they make is generally to protect us or those that we hold dear. I cannot be held responsible for what I and my companion here will do if they are harmed in any way.”

The grim Ranger’s voice became the gravely, terror-inducing tone that Halt had perfected over the years. The ponies visibly flinched, save for the Princess, until two stepped forward.

“Ah hope ya’ll.. ain’t trying to thre.. atn’ ahr Princess,.. right now. If you are, then I… aught to buck you down the cliff o’er thare.” Applejack and Rainbow said, their voices mingling and merging as they talked.

Celestia, however, stepped forth, having picked up on the hidden concern within the Ranger’s warning.

“I assure you that your… horses, as you say, are being well cared for. I can summon them here, but I will not be held responsible if rash actions on your part jeopardize your footing with us.”

Halt nodded, acknowledging the threat, while the group moved back to the throne room. There was no sign of the changelings; in fact, the only sign that something was amiss would be the amount of guards now stationed within the room. Celestia drew up two chairs, quite literally in fact, and placed them done next to the throne close to where the cushions the other six ponies were now sitting on.

Will just sat there, his mouth agape, staring at the two brand-new chairs. He walked over, touching them, feeling the rough grain of the wood.

“What sorcery is this?” He asked, remembering the words that a certain scribe had used in one of his more recent plays.*

“Sorcery?” replied Twilight, “No, the Princess used conjuring, not sorcery. That’s a completely different branch of magic.”

“Right, I’ll just pu…” Will was cut off by the Princess clearing her throat, before she began speaking to the guards.

“Storm Chaser! Bring the other prisoners here.” She said, her commanding tone allowing no argument. The indicated guard flew off, his wings beating furiously as he sped through the gates and down the hallway.

The conversations held between each group went along the lines of “Now what?” “I don’t know.” After about twenty minutes, the sound of hooves clacking against the marble floor of the castle met them, along with the grunts of a few other ponies. All of a sudden, a piercing whinny was heard, causing the guards to jump and open the doors to see what was wrong.

Will, upon hearing Tug’s whinny of alarm, began racing down the throne room, jumping over the guards and grabbing a spear as he passed. Halt followed close behind, mirroring Will’s actions with the other guard. They rounded the corner, seeing a small group of unicorn guards trying to hold back Abelard and Tug, both of whom had been unsaddled and unbridled.

The two Rangers began to attack the guards, being careful to use the butts of the diminutive spears. Soon, they overcame the already-tired guards, dropping the spears and moving to calm their mounts.

“It’s okay, Tug,” Will said soothingly, rubbing Tug’s muzzle, “No need to be worried.” He looked into the horse’s eyes and could swear that Tug responded with something along the lines of:

Worried? Me? Ha, I’m more worried about what you’ll do to the people that captured us.

“I know, I know. We should get back to the Princess.” Will said, turning towards Halt. Halt arched an eyebrow, a small, sad smile hinting through his taciturn expression.

“She’s right behind me, isn’t she.” Halt nodded. “And she’s rather angry, isn’t she.”

“Yes, she is.” Came the deceptively calm voice of the enraged princess. “I thought you could be trusted. I thought you would control yourselves.”

Will looked down, ashamed with himself for some reason. “I… I….”

“There are no excuses for this. I am disappointed.”

That broke Will out of the stupor he was in. Why should I be ashamed? I was only protecting my kin! “Now look here, I was protecting one of my few friends, one who has seen more blood and gore than forty score of your puny little lives! He has saved my life more times than I can reasonably count, and you think that I should have just left him while he was in distress!” Will ranted, barely drawing for breath as he poured all of his confusion and anger into it. The force of his shouting was literally causing the small yellow pegasus to slide slowly away, as if in a gale. Every pony in the room, guards, the ones from the town, and the princess laid their ears flat against their heads. Even Halt took a step back from his enraged former apprentice.

“I have traveled farther than any of you probably have, I have faced down hulking Kalkara, I have leapt across huge chasms, burnt bridges, faced down Wargals, lived as a slave, routed an invasion, exposed a false sorcerer, faced down assassins, pulled my friends from the brink of death, been stabbed, shot, slashed, burnt, and beaten, stopped a revolution twice, taught fighting styles I only saw once to a group of farmers, commanded an army, and killed off insurrectionists wishing to kill a king. Most of these achievements were accomplished with my horse. I braved a god-damned desert, became dehydrated, and was almost eaten alive, just to find Tug. If you think that I will let my horse, my friend, my brother get hurt because of a few waist high ponies, and the anger of a damned princess, then you are sorely mistaken.” Will finished, breathing heavily as the ponies around him took quite a few steps back.

Halt moved up, placing his hand on his former apprentice. “I think they understand.” He whispered into Will’s ear, before slowly leading him back to the horses and walking towards the cellblock. He flashed a quick signal, and the horses began to follow them.

After turning a few corners, they entered the dungeon-like area. So far, no signs of pursuit had been heard or seen, so the two Rangers proceeded to search the area for their equipment. They looked in through the bars, using their skills to ghost silently to each cell. Tug and Abelard had been told to stay in a small closet-like area, kept on a ‘quiet’ stance.

After peeking into the minor guard posts, and searching the empty ones, they finally reached a small, locked door. The room inside was empty and dark, although small glints of metal reflected what little light actually fell in through the window in the door. The simple lock was easy enough to pick open, falling to the ground as the rangers entered the room.

Inside, they found their horses’ tack, along with the few emergency supplies they kept in the saddlebags always. They hoisted the tack, searching through the rest of the room, finding nothing else of use. They quietly ran back to their horses, saddling them, but keeping the straps loose.

They left again, moving back to their previous area, searching through for a weapons storage area. They finally reached a small hallway, with multiple doors on either side. The hallway had four guards in it, two on each side. Will ghosted to the other edge of entrance to the hallway, pulling out his still-threaded strikers. The two Rangers attacked at the same time, hitting the armored guards simultaneously. The only sound was a small, muffled yelp and a quiet clank as they moved the bodies to the side. The guards at the other end didn’t move until Will and Halt knocked them out as well.

After stashing the unconscious guards, the two Rangers searched through the remaining rooms, finding their equipment and emergency rations. Will grabbed a piece of jerky while Halt had a biscuit. They ate on their way back to their horses, their thoughts bent on escape.

They reached the closet, pulling out their horses and leading them back to the main hallway before mounting. They slowly cantered along, searching for a gate. They kept to the center of the hallway, allowing the red carpet to muffle the hoof falls of the horses. Their heads moved, their keen eyes seeking out every possible escape route. However, each and every door was locked and sealed with an unknown power, unable to be opened. They continued down the hallway, making sure to keep arrows nocked and ready to fire.

As they rounded a corner, they saw two things. One: A large drawbridge, raised and held in place by two ropes. The second thing they saw was a line of guards in golden armor, completely covered with almost no weak points, save for those that would completely kill the guards if an arrow entered that spot.

Will leaned over to Halt, whispering a plan in his ear as Shining Armor, the captain of the Guard, stepped forth.

“The Royal Sisters command you to stop, before more drastic measures must be taken. Remove your weapons and lay them on the ground next to you, and no harm shall be brought upon you.”

The unicorn stood there, his purple, full-plate armor glinting in the torchlight. The shield emblem on his chest flashed as he nodded his head in satisfaction as the two Rangers lowered their bows. He watched as they placed the arrows back in their quivers, their hands moving down and resting on the pommel.

“Good, now remove your knives and other weapons, and lay them on the ground, ther- wait, what are you- SCATTER!!!” The unicorn yelled in surprise, his guards jumping to the side as the two Rangers suddenly pounced forward, their horses jumping in a spurt of acceleration that would have shamed an Equestrian Games runner. The two Rangers pulled out an arrow each out of their quivers, their sheer speed allowing only a glimpse of the crescent-shaped arrowheads before they shot said arrows, their bows releasing twin thrums before a hiss, snap, thump reached the ears of the guards. Then a huge thud followed the rangers, the drawbridge having fallen down. The two arrows were buried deep in the wood on the far side, the ends of the two ropes lying next to each of the arrows.

Will grinned at Halt, his plan having fallen into place perfectly. They galloped down the bridge, heading for the edge of the city. There was a pink glow suffusing the entire city, and the horizon was covered in the very same color. They wondered at it, but had no time to think about it as they fled down the road. They reached what looked like a road leading out of the city, although there were two metal bars running down each side. The purpose of these bars were unknown to the Rangers, but they filed it away as they ran towards the transparent pink haze cutting through the path. They spurred their horses on faster, hearing their pursuers

Tug pulled ahead of Abelard, the young horse’s speed increasing without the horse seeming to tire. Both horses jumped, pulling their riders towards the pink haze. Time slowed around Will as they rocket towards the insubstantial color, before a brink pink light flashed, sending both horses and corresponding riders flying backwards. Will felt a great pain in his back, and heard Tug whinny as if from far away. He tried to turn towards the sound, a long tunnel of blackness entering his vision, only to be blocked by intense pain. The last thing he saw was a blue mane, and a white horn.

*Made up completely, no hold in the series’ canon.