Welcome To Equestria!

by BluPony

-8- Nightly Exploration

Welcome to Equestria!
The First Arc...

~~~~Chapter 8~~~~

~~~~Nightly Exploration~~~~

Anyone like world-building? Think you know everything there is to know about
Ponyville? Well, I’ll tell you one thing. You don’t even know the half of it!

Luna sure makes nice nights...

~Blu and Hotshot

~~~~Viewpoint: Blu~~~~

“No-no-no-no-no!” I said as the race to keep the cart moving sped on. Derpy had accidentally bashed into Rainbow Dash and the cart, making it speed a little faster than I was, and I was going full gallop already.

The cart bumped my rump as I felt the harness go forward on my back. With a last effort, I dived forward, unfortunately letting the cart rise into the air and begin to flip. Closing my eyes, I used my magic to slow down the barrels the best I could. The ground rumbled and a crack sounded through my ears. “Well,” I thought to myself. “There goes that job...”

“Derpy?” I wondered out loud as the dust settled around us. “Rainbow?”

“Derpy, I do NOT see how you’re still on the delivery team!” said an annoyed pegasus from a few feet away.

“I usually don’t go that fast, or my eyes screw up...” The low voice of the wall-eyed mare explained. “I tried warning you guys, but I was too late.”

“Don’t worry about it, accidents happen.” I ensured while I slowly got back up on my hooves.

“Yeah, that’s true.” admitted the cyan pony. “How are the barrels?”

“Yeah, how are th’ barrels?” The southern-accented mare asked with a bit of an annoyed tint to it.

Turning my head around, I found the most obvious holder of the voice. “Err, hey Applejack. Good to see you again.”

“Yeah, you too. Though ah’d like to know why there’s a bunch of barrels and a broken wagon on my land.” she persisted. “By the looks of it, they don’t look too bad ‘cept for one.”

Derpy stepped forward. “There was a bit of a turbulence ‘cause of me. I accidently bashed into Rainbow Dash and the wagon and Blu couldn’t keep up, and-”

“Hold on, it wasn’t all your fault.” Rainbow interrupted, getting up and trotting up beside me to face the orange earth-pony. “I kinda sped the wagon up a bit too much so Derpy had her little eye-messing up thing and he isn’t that fast. No offence.”

“Well, I appreciate you owning up to it.” the stetson-wearing mare smiled. “That doesn’t seem like a simple bump though.”

“Dives were never my best plans of action.” I said plainly.

“Ah, figures. Alright then. You check on the broken barrel, Derpy and Rainbow, you make sure the other barrels are fine and upright, and I’ll take a look at the wagon to assess the damage.”

All three of us nodded to her orders and got to work.

After looking at the crack in the barrel for five minutes straight, I got nothing. “Baaaaah. I can do air magic, make tornado’s, levitate things, probably even teleport, yet I can’t fix a simple wooden crack?” I complained to myself quietly. “Least powerful unicorn ever...

"Are you alright sugarcube?" Applejack came up behind me.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I just can’t fix the darn crack in the barrel.” I responded. “Might have to get another barrel.”

Rainbow Dash and Derpy came up beside us, reporting that the other barrels okay. “You look like you need some help.” Derpy speculated.

“Hmm, maybe Sweetie Belle could do it, since she’s the sister of a seamstress and all.” she suggested.

“Sweetie Belle?”

Applejack whistled loudly with a high pitch. How exactly, I don’t know, but Equestria was not a place to question logic. Either way, Winona came running. “Could you run and get Sweetie Belle from the treehouse? You might have to take the whole group, but that doesn’t matter too much. Get to it!”

With a nod, the loyal dog ran in the assumed direction of the treehouse. “Smart dog.” I mentioned with a somewhat gaping mouth.

“Yep, she’s sure energetic. Reminds me of the time we herded the cows right past Ponyville.” the orange mare reminisced with a chuckle. “Anyway, the important thing to know is if she’s going full speed, she’ll be back in only a couple of minutes.”

I nodded. True to her words, the dog came back along with the rest of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Ohhh boy...

“You’ve already met Applebloom, there’s Sweetie Belle, and that’s Scootaloo.” Applejack introduced.

“Hi!” “Hey!” “‘Sup!” the fillies greeted respectively.

“Hey there girls, you ready to help us out?” I asked, knowing the answer.

The three nodded. “Cutie Mark Crusader Repairers go!” they yelled energetically. I chuckled at their enthusiasm. “Where do we start?”

I thought for a second. “Hmm, Applebloom, you help out your sister with the wagon over there, Sweetie Belle, I need some help with this barrel, and Scootaloo...”

I thought for a little. I had no idea what to assign her.

“How about you find that missing wheel that popped off? And maybe get a bit of extra wood incase we need it?” the stetson-wearing mare beside me suggested. Scootaloo nodded in content.

“Me and Derpy will go with her.” Rainbow Dash added in. It was obvious that she was trying to keep the clumsy grey mare out of trouble, which I mentally thanked her for it.

“Alright, let’s get to it then.” I nodded with a smirk.

As the group dispersed to their tasks, I was left with the high-pitched unicorn that held a curious expression. “So, why do you need my help?” she asked.

A small blush appeared on my cheeks. “Well, thing is, my magic isn’t really strong and I can’t seem to fix this crack in the barrel. Do you know any seamstress magic that could perhaps seal it back together?”

“Rarity is way better at seamstress stuff than me, but I think I can try this one spell she taught me.” she figured hopefully. “Lemme see the crack.”

I pointed it out on the lopside barrel. Sweetie nodded and her horn began to glow and her eyes shut. The crack began to glow as well, albeit a little weaker. At first the crack slowly started to repair itself and then *crack* by this time the crack became bigger than it was before while cider was starting to spill out.

“Save the cider!” I heard Rainbow exclaim from a distance.

“I got it!” I shouted back with my horn glowing, gathering up wind to slowly collect what was left of the pouring liquid. By the time I was finished I had a wind barrel holding the liquid.

"That’s one way to use that wind magic." Applejack said with a chuckle.

“Err, yeah. Now what?” I asked with a slight bit of strain. “I can’t hold this forever.”

“Pour it on me!” the cider-deprived pegasus pleaded loudly.

“Not a chance.” the orange farm-mare stated bluntly. “Go and get a new barrel from the barn and maybe you can have-



“Ciiiiiiideeeeer!” a speedy pegasus sped coming back to the straining unicorn and company holding a nice unbroken barrel. Luckily, she slowed down enough to stop only few feet from the mid-air cider barrel.

“Okay, good. Applebloom, could you crack open the lid for us?” Applejack asked, in which the bow-wearing filly nodded and got the nearby crowbar.

With a nice *pop*, the lid opened. “Euuuuugh.” Blu groaned as he manipulated the wind further to funnel the apple-scented liquid into the barrel.

“Ewwww, metal-y.” Applebloom complained, making a large *pbbbbt* sound.

“Don’t worry about it, we’ll get that taste out of your mouth later.” Scootaloo assured. “I just got an idea for another way we could help out. To the kitchen!”

The fillies eyes sparkled. “Cutie Mark Crusader Apple Chefs!”

Before anypony could object, the small force of creative destruction were on its way.

Applejack exasperated a long sigh. “Never a dull moment around here, is there?”

“Seems not.” I chuckled, then remembered the letter and got it out of the mailbag. “Oh, now that that’s over, you might want this.”

With a nod, the freckled mare took the letter and opened it up. “Hmm, well that’s quite interesting. “Dear AJ, how’s the applebucking going? Hope its doing well. Also remembered it’s almost cider season, so I got some extra cider barrels from our place and sent them along their way over there to you. Hope they got there okay and good luck to your rainbow friend since I hear she is really unlucky when it comes to cider. Hope to hear from you soon. ~Braeburn”

“Huh, he actually remembered me. Cool. I mean, of course he remembered me. I’m the fastest pegasus ever, there’s no way he’d forget me.” Rainbow Dash bragged.

“Yeah yeah.” Applejack said, brushing off the prideful speedster. “Blu, do you mind hooking yourself back up to the wagon and hauling these to the barn. I know you won’t crash, as long as Rainbow doesn’t speed you up or Derpy derps up again. No offence.”

“I’m alright. I kinda don’t mind it anymore. I gotta see him through the delivery though.” the grey pegasus reminded.

“Ah, that makes sense. You joined the Ponyville delivery service.” the stetson-wearing mare speculated.

“It’s more of a trial run. Anyway, the wagon good to go?” I asked.

“Yup, was just a wheel that fell off. It’s good now. Need help hooking up?” she offered.

“Nope.” I declined. “Just give me a second and I’ll be ready to go.”

With a nod, I headed over to the wagon with the new barrel in my magical grasp.

“Remind me again why I signed up for this.” I groaned. “When I said I was ready to do this, I think I lied.”

“Stop your complaining, and the word you’re looking for is mistaken.” Applejack reminded. “Anyway, it’s only a bit more to go. You can do that.”

I huffed, but nodded. She was right of course, but I do have a bad habit of complaining when I walk, or trot in this case. Nevertheless, it didn’t actually take very long.

“Alright, that should be good. Thanks for bringing them over.” the country-pony thanked.

“And thanks for helping us out. I would have been screwed if it weren’t for you.” I responded.

“No issue at all. Ponyville folk aren’t as impatient or forgiving as some in Manehattan. Plus, we’re used to disaster every once in awhile, so something like this wasn’t a problem.” she explained. “Now how about you ponies take some cider for the road.”

Pulling out some flasks and a wooden tap, she handed Derpy and I two flasks each, filled to the brim with cider. Catching the look on Rainbow’s face, Applejack smirked. “10 bits and you can have the rest of the barrel.”

“Deal!” the rainbow pegasus exclaimed with a big smile on her face.

Derpy looked up to the sky. “Blu, I think we’re late.”

“Hmm, for what?” I asked curiously.

“Oh, I forgot to mention earlier. Me and Muffin Drop usually hang out at Sugercube Corner for a little at the end of the work day. I’m guessing Muffin invited Hotshot over for the same reason, so we should probably put the wagon back and turn in.”

“Alright, I’ll hook up again and try out this cider. Thanks again, Applejack.” I said, hooking up and taking a small swig of cider, wonderful cider.

“No problem, just be more careful and everything will be fine.” she reminded.

With a nod, me and Derpy went on our way.

~~~~Viewpoint: Hotshot~~~~

“Hey! You guys finally made it” Muffin exclaimed happily.

“Speaking of which, what took you guys so long?” I added with a questioning look.

“Two words: Rainbow, and Cider.” Blu said with a blush.

“Seems legit.” I responded with a chuckle to his blush.

Speaking of which, how is the cider?” Muffin chimed in.

“The cider is fine.” Derpy assured.

“And quite delicious.” Blu added.

“You got some as well?” I asked with an arched eyebrow.

“Indeed.” He responded with a mischievous smile.

“You lucky pony.” the purple pegasus said in mock.

“Well,” Derpy started “We do have some more if you're interested.” she said while she pulled out four large flasks full of fresh cold cider.

“Wow, I can’t wait to try some.” I said as i grabbed the flask with my magic and put it around my neck.

“Now why don’t we head into Sugarcube Corner and we can have some cupcakes on me” Muffin said as we entered said establishment.

“Why, if it isn’t my two new friends! Oh, and hi Derpy. Hey Muffin Drop.” the pink hostess greeted. “What’ll it be?”

“We’ll have four of your specialty cupcakes.” Muffin said.

“Wait, what do you mean speciality?” Blu asked, mind flashing back to a famous fic that he never had the stomach to read.

“Just some cupcakes with some unique ingredients. They’re delicious!” the jumpy pony said with excitement as Blu and I shot a look at each other both thinking the same thing.

“As I was saying four of your specialty cupcakes please!” Muffin re-ordered.

“Coming right up.” she said with enthusiasm. “Just have a seat and I’ll bring you the cupcakes.”

We did as she said and took a seat. Within minutes, we were given the four specialty cupcakes, consisting of a vanilla cupcake base with rainbow-colored icing. I looked up at Blu, his face turning partly green with sickness, meanwhile looking to see Muffin and Derpy wolfing down their cupcakes.

Seeing this I took an experimental bite of the cupcake, looking up once more at Blu’s face that was even more green than it was before it tasted..... Delicious! Despite the fanfic I read, I wolfed down my cupcake in ten seconds flat, looking at Blu once again and giving a nod saying it was ok to eat it, wondering if that’s what he was waiting for. Just then, I saw him take the experimental bite only to see his gone faster than I ate mine.

“Wow!” Blu exclaimed loudly. “These are amazing!” he said with everyone in the room staring at him and I simply face-hoofed myself right there. A little time passed and I realized I hadn't even tried the cider yet so I grabbed the flask with my magic. With the lid close to my lips, there was a sudden noise to the side of us.

“There you two-! Oh, hey, Derpy, Muffin Drop. It’s been a while.” the lavender mare greeted abruptly. “Anyway, I need you two for a quick checkup. It won’t take long, I promise.” she assured, looking at me and Blu.

“Well, at least I got to eat that cupcake.” I sighed. “Alright, let’s go then.”

“Gee, thanks for ditching us.” Muffin said in mock sarcasm. “But really, I guess it’s fine. Derpy and I need to talk for a bit. Meet us back at the inn in half an hour?”

“I don’t see why not.” Blu piped in. I nodded as well.

“Alright, see you guys later.” she said while Derpy waved a hoof.

“So, do we have to do that extensive testing stuff again?” I asked as we walked through the door to the library.

“I don’t think so. Just a few brief questions, stuff since we last tested, that type of thing.” she assured.

“What type of questions?” Blu asked in curiosity.

“Magic use, friendship lessons, physical exertion.” the studious mare listed. “Celestia let me know a couple things and I’m basically your line of communication to her until the Summer Sun Celebration.”

“Figures.” I said plainly. “Well, I can list off a couple things..”

“Wait! What did Celestia tell you?” Blu asked once again.

“Relax, anything she told Twilight is safe for her to know. If it isn’t, she wouldn’t know.” I told him a little softly, though not softly enough to avoid the faithful student’s ears.

“Anything I needed to know, I know.” she defended. “Though if there’s any other information you’d like to mention, that would be helpful.” she finished with a cynical smile.

“I think we’re good.” my blue unicorn friend said slowly. He obviously wasn’t used to seeing that smile very often.

I chuckled. “Don’t worry about it, I think he’s a bit paranoid and doesn’t want you to know about a certain crush.” I ended with a whisper, also earning a swift nudge to my side.

“Err, okay then.” Twilight said with her smile diminishing into one a bit more awkward with a small blush. A small cough put it in it’s place, mostly. “Anyway, let me get my paper and write down your recent experiences. Put in as much detail as you like.”

After our recent experiences of the day were written, there was one last question.

“Can you two name any specific lessons you’ve learned today?”

“Erm, how about ‘Those who run fast shall stumble?’ Like that one Slender Skim guy said.” I started.

“Yeah,” Blu continued for me. “I kinda learned it the hard way when Rainbow helped push the wagon to its sorry ‘accident’.”

“Good, good. Second day in Ponyville and you’ve already learned something. It’s not exactly a friendship lesson, but it’s close enough.”

Of course it wasn’t a friendship lesson, but like she said it was close enough that it hit me.

“Where are we going to stay for the night?” I blurted out suddenly.

Blu blinked. “Oh fudgesicle, I do believe you have a point for once.”

I nudged him briefly. “Derp. I don’t really want to spend our hard-earned bits on the inn again.”

“You think we could convince Muffin Drop or Derpy to house us for a night or two?” he suggested back.

“Or you could sleep with Twilight.” I suggested with a laugh, and then came the glare. “Oh please, I’m kidding.”

“Well, I do have some room down here if you really wanted to, but I don’t know if I could house the both of you.” the lavender mare piped back in with a small blush.

“I’ll go somewhere else. Blu, you can stay here and I’ll house with Derpy or Muffin.” I offered.

The blue pony sighed and looked down, but not before I caught the slight smile on his muzzle. “Okay then, but if you can’t, we can probably go back to the inn before we find a more solid place to sleep.”

“If I can’t, I’ll head to the Inn myself you can stay here.” I countered.

“Same price for one room. That’s it, that’s the deal.” he countered back, raising a hoof.

“I could argue about this for another few minutes but that would get us nowhere so let’s just meet the other two at the inn.” I said, not wanting this to go farther in front of Twilight. Giving him a brohoof to seal the deal and bidding farewell to Twilight we headed out.

Surprisingly, we could still navigate around Ponyville at night. We walked inside the inn only to find Derpy eating a tasty muffin and four flasks on the table, not surprisingly, they were all empty. ‘I knew we shouldn’t have left those flasks with them.. I thought in regret, but hey, it was just Equestria’s best cider. I piped up vocally, “Hey, where’s Muffin Drop?” I asked.

“Over here.” the voice from the other table said. “I almost fell asleep waiting for you guys. Why do you guys always take so long?”

“Just a small argument about where we’re going to sleep tonight. Blu wants to sleep with Twilight.” I joked.

“Your kidneys will be mine if you keep spreading that around.” Blu warned.

“Oh don’t be so serious.” I countered once again, trying to keep the mood light. “We don’t want to spend 20 bits on a room in the inn tonight. Last night was free since we did that one job for Mayor Mare.”

“I have a bit of room I think.” Muffin Drop offered. “Only if you feel comfortable sleeping on the same bed as me.” she said with a wink.

“Err, I’m not so sure.” I said with a blush forming.

“Oh, am I not the only one with a crush now?” Blu chuckled.

“Shut up. At least she offered it. Now you can cuddle with Twilight.”

“I was joking actually.” the purple pegasus laughed. “There is a bit of floor space I can offer, but that’s about it.”

“Why if it ain’t the four ponies from this morning.” we heard from behind the counter.

“Hey Skim.” I said, waving a wing.

“I hear you’re looking for a place to stay for the night” he said.

“Yeah, that would be him.” Muffin said as she pointed towards me.

“OK, well here’s the deal: One of my employees couldn’t come in tonight so how about you work the night shift and you’ll receive a free room and let’s say, 10 bits?” he said with a raised eyebrow.

“When do I have come to this job?” I asked.

“Well, it’s still quite early so how about in two hours?” he suggested. “I can handle anything that’s thrown at me for a while, since it’s usually a small crowd, but come a couple hours from now and it does get a bit busy for one pony alone.”

I nodded. “Sound good then.”

“I’ll research a bit of magic at Twilight’s when you have to go. It shouldn’t be too hard.” Blu figured.

“Alright, but what do we do until then?” I asked plainly.

“We’re going to go see Ponyville.” Muffin Drop bounced back into the conversation. “That was the plan Derpy and I made before you two took so long. Two hours should be alright.”

“For all of Ponyville?” Blu questioned.

The two pegasi giggled, Derpy getting up from her spot and stretching out. Muffin did the same and walked up to us with a sly smile. “You’ll see.”

~~~~Viewpoint: Blu~~~~

“So where are we going exactly? I asked.

“Dude! That’s the fifth time you’ve asked.” Hotshot said as he shot him a look.

“You’re worse than a little filly!” Muffin agreed.

“Well, if the smart one of the group would tell me, I wouldn’t have to ask, now would I?” I shot back sarcastically.

“Well, I’m pretty sure you’ve heard of a surprise right?” she questioned teasingly. “Or are you too much of a filly to know what that is?”

“I’m more intellectual than the three of you combined. It doesn’t take a filly to know what it is, it just takes a simple.. realization that you’re probably going to tease me for the rest of the walk, aren’t you?” I said, ending slowly as I proved my own point.

“Trust me you’re going to want to save your energy for where we’re going.” Derpy said after being quiet for so long.

“If you say so then.” I sighed as the walk kept going.

“Uh, guys?” the green pony asked as his ears peaked toward a nearby building. “You hear that sound?”

Muffin Drop smiled. “Music to my ears, my fine green friend.”

It only took a few more moments until we were right in front of the bright neon sign that shone: “Club Ponyville: Vinyl Records and Cold Bottles”

Outside the club stood a black-suited bouncer and a few posts that held a lineup.

That is, if there was one.

“Hey there, bud!” the purple pegasus greeted to the bouncer warmly, having to speak louder from the amplified music inside. “How’s the club doing tonight?!”

“Could be better, but it’s roomy enough in there, so that’s probably good for you and.. Well now, who’s your friends?” the stallion asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Just Hotshot and Blu. They came into town yesterday I think. You were there last night at that ‘surprise’ party, weren’t you Derpy?” Muffin asked her curiously. The grey mare simply nodded in response. “Long story short, we met them, helped them get a shot at work here, and it’s been a long day. You mind letting us in so we can have some fun?”

“Always a pleasure to have you around, just remember to watch out for your friends in there. You know how it is.”

We all nodded to this, though I was a little bit nervous. Hotshot wasn’t fooling anyone either with a slight tensing of his body as we went inside.

The scene was quite dark, besides the array of lights inside. Hotshot was the first to comment on this.

“I.. Don’t know what I expected. I mean, this is a pretty typical club scene that I always imagined, it’s just. I can’t really see too well in here.”

“I get what you mean. This is pretty cool though, and the music is awesome as ever.” I commented.

Derpy smiled. “Ohh, I love this song!” she exclaimed as she started singing.

Shutting out the universe,
Your adventure is your curse,
You never want to say goodbyeeyyeeyyee..

“No wonder this music is so good! Look who’s the DJ!” Hotshot said pointing to the booth.

Vinyl Scratch spotted the four of us and gave a wave, then continued headbanging as we weren’t very close to the booth for speaking distance in this place.

“You know what? Why don’t we get a drink?!” Muffin suggested.

“Why not!” I said, lightening up for a little.

“Finally, some tasty liquid! Order up!” the Alicorn yelled in excitement.

A few minutes after, and we were chilling at one of the tables along the inner walls of the building. I held a nice peppermint-flavoured schnapps, Muffin Drop, a raspberry liquor, Derpy Hooves, a cherry vodka, and finally, Hotshot got his well deserved cider mixed with some ice cold whisky.

“Ah, this is actually quite nice.” I commented happily, one of my favorite drinks at hoof. “So, what do you two usually do here, besides drink?”

“Mmm, stuff.” Derpy answered vaguely. “Drinking is fun though.”

“It’s not the only thing though.” Muffin Drop assured responsibly. Although, by the second round of drinks, it seemed Hotshot sided with Derpy and already seemed to feel a warm buzz from the alcohol. This also caused him to fall to Muffin Drop’s side in a slight daze. The pegasus, luckily for him, didn’t seem to mind.

I giggled like a filly at the sight, while he gave me a glare that easily said ‘I know what will make you stop laughing.’ I did stop eventually when an announcement rang from the booth.

“Hello everypony!” Vinyl called from the booth. “This is your obviously rockin’ DJ here with an announcement! Every able pony that can dance, sober or drunk, now is your time to dance it out on the dance floor! Let’s make this club BOUNCE!”

A look to Hotshot’s side showed Muffin Drop downing her drink and showing a smug smile. “You. Me. Floor. Now!” she ordered boldly. His first dance with a buzz in his system; at least he doesn’t have to worry about stepping on her toes.

Derpy also looked to me sitting beside her. Most likely a look of ‘Monkey see, monkey dance.’ Hotshot gave a chuckle. “You’re coming too, there’s no avoiding it.”

I shrugged and hopped down. It seemed I could hold what was in me a little better than Hotshot could. Or my drink was just lighter than his most likely. Though I had just enough in me to stop caring and blindly go where my hooves took me. This was going to be fun.

Luckily, both for our bit pouches and stomachs, that was about it for alcohol. The dancing went pretty well though. No major wrong moves, other than possibly me warming up to Derpy too much. I ended up blushing for a minute straight.

We left the club. I was slightly drunk, Muffin more drunk, both Hotshot and Derpy fully intoxicated. Our multitude of hooves started walking in the direction of some hills just outside of Ponyville.

“So, was that fun or what?” the tipsy purple pegasus asked as we walked.

“Yes, I think that went quite well.“ Hotshot commented, looking over to me. I must have been still blushing, as I was keeping a little distance from my grey pegasus friend. I did kinda like her, along with Twilight, but I was uncertain what to do about it. Maybe I’d talk with Hotshot later about it.

“Where are we heading now anyway?” I asked, looking forward at the hills.

“Just a spot we sometimes chill after spending time at the club.” Derpy answered. “It get’s a little musty in there from all the dancing.”

I nodded. Even with the remaining buzz in my system, I could still feel a bit of stink and sweat we worked up. The soft wind outside was enough to deal with both issues as they faded into nothingness.

There wasn’t much to add after that so we simply enjoyed the peacefulness of the night as we walked up to the hill. When we got there, we laid down in the grass next to each other and just stared at the stars.

“The sky is sure beautiful tonight.” Hotshot said with a dumb look on his face due to the alcohol.

“Yeah, Luna likes her nights.” I figured.

“I wonder who’s dream she’s invading tonight.” Muffin said with a smile on her face.

We all gave her a bewildered look. ‘I’m feeling invaded already...

Despite the feeling, I yawned and went close to Derpy. The previous comment was shrugged off quite easily, it seemed, as Muffin Drop couldn’t help but smile a little. “That’s adorable.”

The blue unicorn flailed a hoof in her direction. “Shut up, I’m tired.”

“Mmm, I don’t mind it. Probably the drinks that’s doing it anyway.”

“Hey, didn’t you have to be back at the inn, Hotshot?” I asked him.

“Oh shoot! That’s right,” He said as he jolted up. “Anyone care to join me on the walk there?”

“Sure, why not?” shrugged Muffin Drop. “Got nothing better to do.”

“I should start heading to Twilight’s.” I said tiredly.

“I’ll come along!” exclaimed Derpy. “Besides, you’re too drunk to walk alone anyway.”

"Am not!" I retaliated with a laugh. "Though the company would be nice, thanks."

She nodded with a grin and we all parted in our coupled groups.

In light of all that happen, the walk to Twilight's wasn't very eventful, besides having to keep Derpy on course, but that wasn't a problem with her almost leaning up against me.

"Blu, do you like Twilight?" she asked curiously.

I looked at her with as much curiosity. "Well, yeah, she's a leader, she's kind, smart, cute in her own little way. I can't really do anything about it yet, cause we need to hang out way more before I should even think about it. But in short, yeah, I do like her."

She nodded. "You need any help with it? I dunno what I could do, but I could be your wingpony! Err, if you need me, that is."

I blushed a little. I hadn't even thought of getting help from her, but since she offered.. "I'd love the help, thanks." I gave her a small nuzzle to show said thanks, which emitted a blush from my pegasus friend too.

How she was going to help, I had no idea, but I didn't have time to figure it out as we reached the door to the giant tree. "Thanks for walking me here, Derpy."

She smiled cutely. "No problem. See you tomorrow."

I nodded, and with that, she took off. As I watched her go, she lopsided to the left, but quickly straightened herself out. "Hmm, maybe I should have walked her home instead of the other way around." I thought to myself, but as I turned and knocked on the door, the thought left my mind as fast as it came. Not that I didn't care if she made it home alright or not by the way, but more so, I knew Derpy knew this town better than I did.

Oh, and because I had Twilight to focus on.

"Who's there?" a feminine voice rang from inside.

"Blu." I responded simply.

"What's your quest?" she questioned again.

"To get inside, it's a little chilly out here, you know." This was likely because there was some sweat left on me, but I didn't want to mention that.

"Alright, how many times did you just knock?"

"Uhh, seven?" I said slowly with my eyebrow raised.

The door suddenly opened, revealing the purple mare with a smile on her face. "Well done, you passed my test. I was checking if you still had a buzz in your system."

"Wait, how did you-?"

"I happen to look out my window and saw you and Derpy walking close together. And it isn't really that late so I didn't suppose she was just tired. So on a hunch, I wanted to have a little fun." she ended with a giggle.

I sighed with a chuckle. “Fun?”

“Do you think I regularly quote ‘Monty Pony and the Holy Horseshoe’ when someone knocks on the door?” she asked with a hunched eyebrow.

I smiled and shook my head. "I see your point. Can I come in now?"

She nodded and allowed me to enter, shutting the door behind me.