Short Shorts

by Coranth

5. Pet! Rainbow Dash (Original)

Flat out on the bed within her cloud house, utterly insensate and more relaxed than she'd ever felt in her life, Rainbow Dash groaned softly as her human struck at her again and again, and again with the one weapon she had no defense against: his hands. His hands... oh, Faust his hands! He wielded them so effectively; every comb through her mane, every scratch behind her ears, every touch upon her wings, body and even her hooves - the parts of her body she usually hated having others touch - was a crippling blow to her pride, her ego, her tom-colt machismo... and she loved it!

When she was home, here in her room with her human, the facade she wore - 'The Rainbow Dash' - could be set aside; she could let her mane down so to speak. Gentle grooming, massages, preening, hooficures... her human could do it all and she would shamelessly allow him to do it all. Just then, a stuttering gasp escaped her as those wondrous fingers worked a feather from her wings which had been bothering her for weeks on end... and then he pressed gently against that spot between her wings and she whimpered in ecstasy before he moved on, working to massage away tension in places she didn't even know she had. "Th... Thks..." she murmured - or, at least she thought she did. She couldn't get her tongue to work properly, so insensate with pleasure was she. "Don't mention it, Dashie..." her beloved murmured. "Sometimes you do too much; you're not Supermare, you know..."

The price for heaven was to act like a pet for him sometimes, and for him she did it gladly. Truthfully, during those times there was always the battle - 'Rainbow Dash the Tomcolt' would not submit easily - but in the end 'Dashie' always won. Those damn hands of his... mmh... oh they helped... by Faust they helped! Dashie adored being dressed to kill in the latest fashions; Dashie adored being touched, stroked, and hugged as much as possible; Dashie loved to be held and cuddled, loved playing simple, non-competitive games, loved to go for 'walkies' in her Tack and utterly adored being fed simple things from his hand, or nosing into his coat pocket for a treat.

Dashie didn't have to be strong for her human; she could be the weakest mare imaginable and her human would always adore her. She knew, however, that she couldn't keep doing this in secret forever. She would have to reveal this secret side of herself to her friends one day; they already knew she was happier and far less abrasive; they just didn't know why. But what would they think should she tell them about... about this? Her reputation would be ruined! 'Shut up! Shut upShut upShut upShut up...' ... And then all thought was lost as her human rubbed and massaged along her sides just so... Rainbow Dash would tell her friends about Dashie... one day. But not today.