For-never Alone

by Troypony

Forever Alone

Why did being frozen have to be so boring?! There wasn't any chaos, and laughter, any fun! All that can be done is think!

Of course, all Discord could do was think. It was all he could do as he was taken from his resting place in Ponyville into the palace gardens in Canterlot. It was a long and grueling journey, with nothing to do but stare at the blue sky with stone eyes. At least these eyes can still see and be used, allowing him to witness everything around him, to an extent. He still couldn't turn his head, but his eyes could still move. Along with his eyes, his only other sense he had left was his hearing. Though frozen, Discord could still hear and see, and he hated every moment of it. He'd rather be dead, really. If he died, there could be the possibility of an afterlife, where he could be free and cause all the chaos he wanted. But no. He had to suffer through the pain of living the rest of his life in the least fun conditions of his life. Again.

Well, he would have to stay this way for, who KNOWS how long. Forever, maybe? He didn't know. He hadn't managed to ask the Elements about it while he screamed in pain and agony. He didn't think anypony would think of asking while they were experiencing immense pain, so he didn't either. He kinda wished he could, but pain seems to block out any other thoughts.

After what seemed like weeks, Discord had finally arrived in Canterlot. Twilight and her friends make this trip quite a few times, and Discord couldn't imagine how they did it without dying of boredom. Discord would have, but Discord was currently a huge slab of stone.

With a few strong workponies, Discord was heaved up onto his "feet" and onto a wheeled platform. Slowly, he was dragged to his old standing ground outside the Royal Gardens, where he had defeated the Mane Six. Or so he thought. They had regained their personalities and rightful places as the Elements, and turned him back to stone. Funny to think that this all happened today...

The workponies removed the platform below Discord, ever so slowly so as to not damage the statue in anyway. Once finally in it's place, everypony left to go on with their lives.

"At least they still have lives," Discord thought to himself. "While they are off living their lives, I'm forced here against my will to stand in the same position with no sort of entertainment whatsoever!"

Discord couldn't help but get angry. There's probably worse creatures than him, why did he have to get locked in stone? Of course, the one creature that couldn't stand not doing anything just had to be the one that couldn't do anything but nothing! Did anyone realize how torturing this was? Did anyone, creature or pony, really deserve to be left with nothing but their thoughts? Discord could think straight, not after today's events. Might as well try to wait until the next day after some sleep. Well, if he could. Being a statue could change some things, especially relating to sleep. Hopefully, he could still sleep, or not get tired if he could not. He would only have to wait and see...


Discord couldn't sleep. Luckily, he didn't get tired either, just incredibly bored out of his mind. Nopony was out at night, which made it even less eventful. Ironically, Discord was starting to go crazy over his ability to do nothing. He tried everything he could think of to break out. He had an increasingly large list that brought him into the afternoon once he had tried everything. He longed for freedom, to fly... laugh.

That's when he heard a laugh come from somewhere nearby. A light-hearted laugh, most likely a mare's. Or an alicorn's, in this case.

From behind him came Celestia. She spoke as she circled him.

"Well, Discord, looks like you're back in the Royal Gardens." She sighed. "Sometimes, I just wish you would learn your lesson. It never seems that way with you, though. Always with chaos, never order. You almost succeeded, though, so now I can't trust you. Or any Draconequus, for that matter. Which is why I came to talk to you, to update you on the effect of your chaos."

"Well, a least I'm being kept in the loop", thought Discord. "Maybe I'll have something else to think about other than my imprisonment here?"

"I've made a decision regarding the Draconequus population in Equestria. Because of your noncooperation, I've decided that the population as a whole must leave Equestria, or suffer the same fate you have. Any who are uncooperative will be turned to stone, just as you have. I know it may not be a worldly accepted decision, but it is the best for the whole of Equestria if these chaos causing creatures do not reside here any longer. I'm sorry, but it is the action I have chosen and I will stick with it."

Discord was awe-stricken, but that could also be because of his frozen face in his last moments of truly living. Once it finally sank in, he was furious. Why would the rest of the Draconequus race be forced to suffer because of him? It was his doing, only he should be punished! Celestia hadn't changed since when he met her as a filly...

Celestia's face was beginning to change, as if watching a horrible sight take place right before her. Discord began imagining what he would do to her once he got out of this prison, such horrible things...oh yes, SO horrible...if Discord could, he would be maniacally laughing right now, filling his soul with the happiness of laughter.

Celestia, however, had a much different emotion going through her. Her face had a look of dread, along with one Discord hadn't seen for a while.


As if on cue, Celestia turned and sprinted off and taking to the skies, aiming straight for the castle, leaving Discord dumbfounded about what had just taken place. Celestia had looked frightened, more so than he had ever seen. It was almost as if she could read his thoughts...or maybe he was sending his thoughts to her?

Suddenly, an idea snapped into his head. Tormenting the other ponies with horrid thoughts would make for great entertainment! Oh, the fun to be had tomorrow! Unfortunately, Discord couldn't think of that right now. Instead, he could only think about the rest of his race, now being kicked out of their own homes or even being turned to stone. And all because of him! Maybe he was the bad guy after all. He never noticed how much his chaos had hurt others, and now he's hurting his own kind because of it! If any of them heard about this, it would be the end of him. He HAS to stop this, but cannot, of course. At least he doesn't have to witness the pain they have to go through, he wouldn't want to see the faces of Draconequus being solidified, as that might haunt him for the remainder of his life!

He suddenly thought of something. If Celestia's freezing the uncooperative Draconequus... then, where is she putting them?