//------------------------------// // Chapter 16 (The Search Engine) // Story: The First Year // by TwilightsmyMare //------------------------------// I unwillingly awoke the next morning to an insistent nudging then pushing then all out hopping up and down on me accompanied by. "Dad, Dad! Wake up, wake up!" As slightly annoying as it might have been I couldn't help but smile remembering last night... Last night! I sat up suddenly grabbing Scootaloo and pulling her in for a hug just before she tumbled off the bed. I looked over to find Twilight awake and watching us with a smile. Did that happen…? Last night? With Luna? With Scootaloo... She smiled and sat up and joined me in hugging our squirmy Pegasus. "Ahh! No fair!" I tickled her a bit giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks Angel." She looked at me strangely. "For what?" Twilight and I shared a smile. "Just for being you honey." "Oh." She smiled shyly not really understanding. "I'm bored! There’s nothing to do here and we've got no food!" She grumped her tummy grumbled suddenly as if to agree with her assessment. I faked a shocked look. "What?! We can't have that! To Cadence and Armor’s to fill up my hungry little filly!" "Yeah!" She galloped downstairs excitedly as I got dressed then Twilight and I followed her down grinning to one another all the while. It was still quite early but there were few ponies out and about. We made our way to Cadence and Armor’s and were just about to knock when the door flew open and Cadence rushed out to hug us both tightly. We were both surprised and hugged her back awkwardly while Armor smiled at us from the door Shimmer and Prism on his back. "Thank you, thank you..." She sobbed and we both hugged her even tighter. Scootaloo looked at us strangely. "What’s wrong?" The twins too easily picked up on their mother’s distress and were both getting a bit teary eyed. Cadence moved back and put on a smile wiping her tears away. "Nothing... Nothing at all... I'm just so glad to see you all again. Come in! We'll get some breakfast in you." "Ookay..." Scootaloo trotted in clearly not fooled at all. "We'll talk after." I squeezed Cadences shoulder comfortingly, she smiled and we followed her in. We all sat down and had a nice breakfast it was clear to see Armor and Cadence were both very worried and after eating we all sat outside on the deck watching over Scootaloo and the twins running and playing in the snow. "We never imagined it could have been so serious... Thank you for asking, getting Luna involved... What if we had just let it go?!" Armor whispered. "How could have we been so blind!?" Cadence cried. "Cadence, Brother... You couldn't have known! We had no idea either; I was going to wait to research on it until we got back to Ponyville. I hope nothing bad would have happened but... Rick just thought of asking Luna and we were lucky that she came to us in our dream; she told us a lot... What did she tell you?" Cadence sighed. "I know some of the story about what happened with my aunts, Armor does too of course being the head of the royal guards. But the Miasma I had never heard of... Oh Shimmer!" She collapsed against Armor crying. "Cadence... Luna was sure Shimmer is in little danger, truly you and Armor as well as anyone else nearby are the ones in danger. She and Princess Celestia will think of something you'll see. And Twilight and I are going to check deep in the archives to find whatever we can that could help." "It'll be ok love." Armor comforted wiping her tears away. "Luna spoke to us each in our dreams last night and Princess Celestia sent us a scroll outlining their concerns... We had best get to the palace to speak with them." "Definitely." Twilight and I agreed, before we left Twilight and I called Scootaloo over to explain what was happening. "We're all going to go to the palace Angel, Shimmer... She’s very sick, and we need to see what we can do to help her." "Sick?! She’s fine, see?" Scootaloo picked her cousin up standing awkwardly on her back legs her wings beating to help her keep her balance. Shimmer enjoying this game squealed with delight. Despite the situation we both found ourselves smiling as Scootaloo put her down. "I'm afraid it is serious honey. It’s a magical disease deep inside her." "Is she gonna be ok?!" "We hope so, that’s why we're going to see the Princesses and search the archives there for any clues. If it was a normal disease I would try to heal it myself right?" "Yup!" "Sorry it’s not going to be much of a vacation honey..." "That’s ok! As long as she’s going to be alright!" "That’s what we're hoping too Angel." We both gave her a squeeze and then we all headed out to the palace. There were plenty of ponies out and about now but the palace was still quiet, Armor led us directly to Celestia’s throne room where she and Luna were both waiting. "Here we all are... I'm sorry for us all to meet under these circumstances and during this happy time of year. Luna has informed me of what we face and while I knew this could and would happen again I am sorry to say I still have no definitive idea of how to deal with this problem." Celestia began. "For now the Miasma appears dormant but there is no telling when it may awaken and attempt to take over..." Seeing Armor and Cadences panicked looks Luna held up her forehoof quickly. "But. As I told Twilight Sparkle and Rick there is little danger it could consume her as it did me and..." She broke off with a sob and Celestia wrapped a wing around her comfortingly. "In the thousand years my sister was gone I searched for the cause and researched the Miasma all I could in the hopes of helping her when she returned but truly the governing of a kingdom leaves little time..." She sighed heavily looking at her sister. "I wish it had not been so long, that we could have known the cause sooner... Done something! Oh Luna! I'm so sorry!" She collapsed against her sister crying surprising Luna as well as all of us. She always put up such a brave front, strong and always in control... For a thousand years despite being surrounded by ponies day in and out I think she was just as alone and trapped as Luna had been... We all remained quiet not wanting to interrupt the two sisters comforting one another. Shimmer and Prism however had no such social qualms and crept forward looking up at their aunts towering forms, somehow... I don't know... They empathetically knew they needed comforting and each of them hugged a foreleg tightly. Luna and Celestia both looked down at the little foals and smiled drying their tears. "What can we do?" Cadence asked desperately. "We need more time, thankfully as long as it stays dormant in Shimmer we have time, while we do Twilight and Rick Sparkle have offered to delve deep down into the archives to seek out what information they can..." "Can't the Elements of Harmony stop it?! Like they did before?" Armor burst out. Luna shook her head sadly. "While they could certainly destroy the Miasma there is an all too good chance they would harm poor Shimmer no matter how careful the bearers were." She gently ruffled Shimmers mane as she continued to cling to her leg. "Let the Miasma take me! Then use the Elements on me! That could work right?!" Cadence offered desperately. "Dear niece, your love for your daughter is beautiful to behold. But within you the Miasma would take your deepest, darkest fears and worries and transform you into something horrible. We do not know how quickly it could happen, before the bearers could act you might be overtaken and teleport away, attack or anything. It would simply be too dangerous for you and within you..." She held up her forehoof seeing Armor about to speak. "You as well Shining Armor, I would not wish to see any pony... Or human..." She added with a nod to me. "Afflicted with this malady. If we have no other choice we will use the Elements in the safest manner possible. I know you are anxious for Shimmer, I too am but we must tread carefully. The last time this happened... Well, we all lost..." Celestia hung her head sadly. Luna wrapped a wing comfortingly around her now and continued explaining. "We all have our roles, my sister and I will do all we can but we still must maintain the kingdom, Armor we still need you more then ever now to continue your duties. Should any word of this malady leak out it would cause much panic. Cadence we cannot nor would we dare to try to separate you from your foals but we must insist you stay here in the Palace for now with us so we will know and be able to react the moment the Miasma awakens if it does. Twilight and Rick, I do not know what sort of information there might be down in the archives. I only hope you can find something and I can think of no better couple to find it. And you young Scootaloo..." "Me?!" "Of course we wouldn't forget about you, we need you to continue to play with and watch over your cousins. Any change you might see come over either of them could be very important. Can you do that for us?" She stood up straight saluting with her wing. "You can count on me Sir! Oh! I mean Princess! Uh Princesses'es... Everyone!" We all chuckled at that as Twilight and I squeezed her proudly. "We knew we could honey." Our plans made we all headed out, Princess Celestia led Cadence, the twins and Scootaloo off while Armor headed to his duties. Luna meanwhile led us down, down, down deep into the bowels of the castle. We came to a massive old oak door and she produced a key from somewhere handing it to us. "These are the archives, very few every set hoof down here. Good luck, I must get some rest..." "Of course Luna, thank you. We'll try our best!" "I know." And with a flash she was gone. I fit the key into the lock and it turned quite easily. The door glowed slightly, sending a strange but mild electric feeling charge up my arm then swung open smoothly and silently to reveal nothing but darkness. As soon as we stepped through the entry lights began to appear nearby, circular glowing orbs hanging from the roof exposing row after row of towering ten foot tall bookshelves that seemed to go on forever... The door clicked shut quietly behind us as we looked to one another. "Well... I guess we'd better get started." Twilight smiled undaunted by the task ahead of us and clearly excited to find so much written material. Her excitement turned to outraged annoyance soon enough though, whoever was or had been in charge of this collection had no system for arranging them, it appeared year after year they had simply come in and filled shelves with books, scrolls, letters and strange items of every kind and in no order. We decided the most direct approach would be what we would have to use, I went left from the door and she right. After a kiss for good luck we began the arduous task of sorting through the seemingly never ending horde of items. Most of the books and scrolls near the door seemed newer and I didn't hold much hope for any of them having any clues but I was determined to check each, even a small thing could make all the difference. I couldn't help but smile as I occasionally glanced to the side and found Twilight levitating dozens of books at a time a so cute look of concentration on her face as she checked them, then instead of putting them back arranging them neatly on the floor until she could put them on the shelves in the proper order. I had a feeling if we were here long enough this whole archive was going to be turned upside down and organized to a tee as no one but my beautiful wife could do. I wasn't trying to organise so much but I did have an ulterior motive as well, don't get me wrong I wanted to help Shimmer very badly but while I was going through book by book I was still searching for any other useful magic or information that might help me better fulfill my role as a Knight not to mention protect Twilight and Scootaloo... Several hours passed and I needed a break, I gathered up my promising books and headed back to the open area by the door. I dropped off my books and walked over to where Twilight was still working. Impressively she had gotten at least twice as far along as I had though I wasn't surprised by that, she too had a stack of books she was keeping aside from the piles she was sorting. I came up behind her and embraced her from behind kissing her neck. "How about a short break love? We can compare notes." She turned and kissed me back. "Good idea. Whew, so much to go through. I found a few so far that might be helpful... And a few I just want to read..." She said blushing slightly. I laughed and gathered up her stack of books. "You and me both Twi." We made our way back and sat on the floor passing books back and forth for awhile. "Hmm... Nothing much." I stretched with a yawn. "I should have thought to bring down some food and drinks now we'll have to walk all the way back up..." "Not at all sir. What might I bring you?" I was interrupted by a soft and calm voice. Twilight and I both spun around searching for its source but could see nothing. "Who’s there?! Show yourself!" Twilight demanded. "Ah, my apologies. When one spends a few centuries alone in the dark you tend to forget others cannot see you unless you wish them to." Suddenly before us materialized a pony of sorts... A unicorn, very light blue with a short white mane and tail, even stranger he was translucent almost ghostlike. Undeterred by Twilight and I's shocked looks he bowed with a slight smile on his face. "Pleased to meet you both, I am Alizarin. I was very surprised and shocked to see a human in the archives, much less one working alongside a Unicorn but it has been over two thousand years since your kind was last seen here a lot has likely happened. But how would I know? Stuck down here, no one to converse with..." He trailed off for a moment but then shook his head smiling. "At any rate I am certain that even if you had somehow stolen the key the magic’s protecting the Archives would not have granted you entry without just cause. Might I know your names?" "I'm Rick... Rick Sparkle." "And I'm Twilight Sparkle... Who... What are you?" She asked circling him curiously. "I'm quite sorry to provide such confusion to you both. As you see I am no true Pony, long ago I was created to watch over the lower levels of the castle and these archives in particular. Many dangerous and powerful items, spells and documents are contained within. King Night Sky and Queen Solar Wind created me when they first decided to make this their home creating their castle here and a city grew within it." He sighed. "Those were good times, someone was always down here researching or dropping off more items for me to store. When the humans came I was very busy, no... None of them were permitted down here but they brought a great many items, books and scrolls with them to trade. In fact it was the humans 'cultural contributions' that moulded the very way ponies speak today. Back then we had language of course but it was only partially vocal relying a great deal on body language as well. It served us well but the King and Queen once they managed to master the human tongue found it was much more useful as well as being far more expressive in written form..." He cleared his throat. "Terribly sorry, you didn't come here to hear the ramblings of an old magical construct. You said you were hungry and thirsty correct? What can I get for you?" "Wait... Wait! You've been here this whole time? And you've handled all the items that have come down here?! You could show us... Give us all the information on the Miasma!" Twilight exclaimed excitedly. He stopped and cocked his head slightly the look on his face reminding me nothing more then that of a computer or robot might have sifting through its memory when a particularly difficult search for information had been initiated. "I'm sorry, the Miasma you called it? Is an unknown term to me. While I most certainly stored all these items I have no knowledge of them or their purposes. If anyone were to force their way down here I would hate to be tricked or blackmailed into being an accomplice in helping them locate dangerous items, I assume the King and Queen felt the same..." Twilight sighed and sank back down I squeezed her shoulder comfortingly. "That’s alright Alizarin it would have made our task easier but we'll keep searching. Just some cold water, fruit and vegetables would be great if it’s not too much trouble?" "For my first guests in a hundred years? Hardly." And with that he vanished. "That was... Odd." "I had no idea the Princess's parents created something like... That, it’s... I mean, he’s amazing! Oh Rick he might not know exactly where we should look but I bet he could help us immensely in the search just by narrowing down the timelines!" She smiled happily sitting down and opening one of her books to peruse while we waited. I sat as well and opened one of my books; we sat there back to back enjoying the feeling of one another as we read. Before too long a tray containing a pair of beautiful crystal goblets a similar decanter with them as well as a plate with a selection of fruits and vegetables floated up accompanied by a cheerful humming. It stopped before us and Alizarin reappeared levitating the decanter and filling the two glasses. "Here you both are. If you need anything else please feel free to let me know, I am here to serve." Twilight spoke up before he faded out again. "Wait Alizarin! Please stay, I have so many questions! But most of them will have to wait for now. We're trying to locate information to help out our niece; she’s a beautiful little foal and this... Thing! Is inside her, we've got to find something!" "I wish I could help you I really do. But as soon as I release an item upon the shelf, floor or anywhere... I forget about it, I don't mean I have bad memory goodness no! It’s just... The way they made me." He paused to think for a moment. "However. I can see no problem with helping you to search; in fact my abilities could be of great use to you. Not in searching through the tomes as soon as I read it and put it down I would forget everything and what use would that be?! But I can set them aside and separate them for you and as I have no need for sleep, food or rest much could be accomplished." "Are you sure Alizarin? I mean I know you were made to help down here but we don't want to take advantage of you." He laughed loudly; who knew a simulacrum could have a sense of humour? "It has been long indeed since anyone pony or otherwise has had any consideration for my well being and I appreciate it greatly. For the past thousand years or more they would simply open the door dump whatever they had to be shelved and leave. Your companionship and the stimulation from this situation as a whole is making me feel... Well as close to an approximation to feeling as I can manage, but good. Very good, I am grateful to King Night Sky and Queen Solar Wind for my very existence but it has been a long time since I have felt any real... Purpose. Oh I tend to the lower levels of the castle of course but they are largely uninhabited other then the very occasional guest in the dungeons and storage for the various items Canterlot needs for day to day operations. My little trip up to the kitchens to acquire your repast is the first time in ages I've been above ground. I dare say I must have startled a few ponies invisibly gathering what I needed but I felt manifesting might have put them off a bit more wouldn't you say? So to sum up what I am trying to say, you need my assistance so please, please allow me to help." "Well thank you very much Alizarin, with your help we have an even greater chance." I reached out clasp his shoulder but my hand passed right through to my embarrassment. "Ah... Sorry." "Not at all, I appreciate the gesture. Now you two relax and finish eating and I will begin separating. Quite counterintuitive of my usual duties but as you have requested it I shan’t have a problem with it." With a bow he disappeared and across from where I had been working books and various items began to float off the shelves and separate into neat piles on the ground. I'll admit when I first saw this place I thought we were going to have an impossible task ahead of us love. I know. I love to organise but the amount they have collected over the centuries is amazing! I wonder if Princess Celestia and Luna know he’s down here? I mean they must right? I would think so... We'll ask them tonight. Good plan, back to work? Back to work. Love you. Love you. We finished eating and got back to our respective bookshelves, looking across I could see Alizarin had already removed and separated nearly the same amount as I had managed taking him fifteen minutes what had taken me three hours! Time passed swiftly and late afternoon was quickly upon us. I had almost finished going through one whole bookshelf while Twilight was more then halfway through her second. Alizarin however was just finishing up his third; there were plenty of piles of books for us to go through tomorrow. If he continued like this I imagined Twilight and I would simply be going through the piles he was leaving for us separated by title, content and time. It would make things much faster, we both walked over to the door the most promising of what we had found today with us as well as a few books we each were personally interested in reading. "Alizarin!" I called out and in a moment he materialized in front of us. "How may I assist you?" "You've done so much for us already today! So thank you very much from me and my husband." "Oh? Ahh now I see! You two are pair bonded, I never understood the whole process personally but it does seem to make those involved happy." I smiled and squeezed Twilight gently. "It certainly does, we're both tired and going to call it a day. You've done more then enough... I mean, take a break? Rest? Do you sleep or...?" "Thank you again for your consideration but I am active at all times. I shall continue the process; honestly I am enjoying it very much. It is... Different." "I'm sure it is. Is it alright if we take these..." I gestured to the books and scrolls we had. "With us to read?" "Naturally, as you have the key and the permission of the ruling aristocracy it is fully acceptable. Sleep well Rick and Twilight Sparkle I hope to see you again tomorrow." "You will Alizarin, thank you again!" Twilight called out as he disappeared. I opened the door and Twilight levitated our bounty of information out and we trudged up the many, many stairs. Getting back to the main hallways Twilight quickly oriented herself and led me back to Celestia’s tower to her meeting room near the top... More stairs ugh... By the time we were admitted by the guards below and finally staggered into her chamber we were both exhausted. We sank down together on the couch piling the books and scrolls on the table. No one was here yet so we had some time thankfully to relax and get our wind back. We cuddled together kissing and talking about what we had found today until the door opened and Cadence, Scootaloo and the twins entered. "Mom, Dad!" She galloped over for a hug Shimmer and Prism hot on her hooves climbing up us to get some hugs and kisses of their own. "How was everything Cadence?" Twilight asked concerned. "Fine... Nothing happened but... Just this situation has me on edge. I hope we can come up with something soon! Any luck in the Archives?" She asked hopefully. "We brought up some material to look through but it may take a long time Cadence there’s hundreds of thousands of books and scrolls down there. But we may have an edge now..." I explained. "What is it?" "We'll have to discuss it when Princess Celestia and Luna come." I got up to make room gesturing for her to sit. "Rest here with your foals for now Cadence, don't worry, don't stress..." Twilight got up as well and Cadence laid down Shimmer and Prism cuddling up against her happily. "Well... I am exhausted, thank you." Within moments the three of them were passed out as Twilight, Scootaloo and I sat at the table sorting out what we had brought. The door opened again and we managed to 'shh' Armor before he awoke anyone. He joined us at the table and we showed him what we had found whispering quietly. Cadence and the twins slept peacefully for about an hour as we looked through what we had when the fluttering of wings announced the arrival of Celestia and Luna landing on the balcony. Cadence awoke and gently wrapped the two foals in her wings and joined us all at the table. "I hope everyone’s day went well?" Celestia asked, at everyone nod she continued. "What have we found?" "No change in them I could see! And with the other foals at the daycare center they had plenty of fun... Though a few fillies and colts my age would be nice..." Scootaloo grumped. "We'll see what we can do young Scootaloo..." Luna smiled. "Uh no! That’s ok, I need to be focused! I don't want to miss anything important!" "You are a good cousin Scootaloo, thank you keep up the good work." Celestia then turned to Twilight and I and our pile of books. "Anything?" We both shook our heads sadly. "We've looked through what we could find today but no useful information... We'll keep trying Princess until we find something that can help!" Both Princesses’ smiled. "We would expect nothing less from you and your husband Twilight. Luna and I have set up many wards throughout the palace we hope will inform us and contain any individual that... If the worst should happen we just want to be prepared." "I understand Princess; I only hope they'll never be needed for Shimmer, Prism, Cadence or I. Or anyone for that matter. We'll weather this..." His bravery exhausted for the moment Armor sat back down beside his wife they both leaning against one another. "We will. It has been a long day and your foals are clearly tired as are you both. The chamber just below mine above here is for you, sleep well." They left and we sat in silence a moment Scootaloo sitting in my lap her little head nodding sleepily. "Alizarin." I said quietly. Both Princesses sat up looking at me. "What?" Luna asked. "That name... So familiar..." Celestia pondered. "It... He is down in the Archives, your parents created him to watch over the lower levels!" Twilight explained. Recognition lit up their faces. "And he’s still down there after all this time? Truly how could I have forgotten? There have always been rumours of how the lower levels of the castle were haunted I just never made the connection..." "I do remember as well... We used to hide down there when we were in trouble didn't we Tia? We'd talk to him and look at all the artifacts! I... I haven't thought of him for... Well, I must go down and see him before the night court starts. Sister?" "Yes I believe I will join you. Twilight, Rick we have a room prepared for you and Scootaloo just a floor up from the ground." She added with a sly grin as if she knew very well how many stairs I had been climbing today. I gathered up my sleepy Angel and Twi levitated the books and we followed them out and downstairs. We bid them goodnight at our door and they continued down the staircase talking together excitedly. The room was quite nice... In fact it looked somewhat familiar... Twilight saw me looking around and smiled. The same room she gave us when we came to see her the first time. Really? Wow... That Celestia doesn't miss a thing. There was an addition, a small bed setup beside the large one and Twilight and I tucked Scootaloo into it. "Do you think you'll be able to find something to help Shimmer?" She asked sleepily. I gently brushed her mane off her forehead kissing it softly. "I do Angel, it might take awhile but we'll find something." She smiled happily and closed her eyes. I got undressed and followed Twi into bed she had a few of our 'extracurricular' books with her and we lie side by side reading a bit. I hope we find something soon. Me too, but we might have to face the reality that it might take some time. I know... I'm just worried... Worried for them but for us too! What if something goes wrong?! Oh! Am I a bad pony?! I held her tightly kissing her passionately. For being worried about the ones you love? Never. Celestia and Luna will do their best to make sure nothing bad happens and their best is considerable I'm sure. She snuggled against me as we put our books aside and turned out the light. Your right, we better get some sleep. Lots to go through tomorrow especially if Alizarin is working all night! She giggled quietly. I'm sure the Princess's will keep him busy for awhile but even with what he’s done so far we'll be busy. We lay there quietly for a moment getting sleepy. The first time we were here... I never thought in a million years you could be interested in someone like me... I felt the same, so unsure... Do you think Princess Celestia knew? How this would all turn out? Not the Manticore, but us...? I'm not sure but she does seem to always be a step ahead doesn't she? Like a good leader should I suppose. Definitely. Goodnight. I Love you. I Love you Twi. Sleep overtook us as we cuddled together. Busy day ahead... We've got to find something...