Synthesis of the Atheist

by BlackRoseRaven

The Coming Of The Wild Hunt

Chapter Seventy One: The Coming Of The Wild Hunt

Celestia looked quietly over at Luna Brynhild, both mares already dressed in their full armor: there was no telling if and when Thesis would attack, but neither wanted to be caught unawares. They were standing outside the one gate of Ponyville that hadn't been locked down, facing towards Canterlot: Celestia anticipated that it was from this direction the attack would most likely come. Ponyille was otherwise well-insulated by woodland and other harder terrain, after all: the highway towards Canterlot had the most wide open area, suitable for an army to march.
Luna sighed after a moment, then turned a small smile towards Celestia, her mane pulsing slowly along with her horn, a faint flush in her cheeks, and the ivory mare closed her eyes before she said quietly: “I'm worried about you. You drank that elixir we mixed together without hesitation. So did Scrivener Blooms and Twilight Sparkle. And while I'm glad it seems to be working...”
“It was Valthrudnir's recipe, aye, and it contained diluted Ambrosia. But we also added the binding agent... 'twill give us great strength for a few days, but it will fade from our systems. None of us seek permanent benefits.” Luna looked forwards again and shook her head a little. “We only desire to be prepared as possible. And thou art the one who once worked gladly alongside Blood Seers to gain the information thou required.”
“Yes, and then I murdered them all. I am not a good example to use when arguing about doing what is necessary. Even when you're arguing with me.” Celestia seemed to relax a little all the same though, studying Luna for a few moments before asking quietly: “How does it seem to be working?”
“Well enough.” Luna straightened, then hesitated before muttering: “And if thou must know, 'tis not Valthrudnir that worries me any longer. That parasite seems to be in check for the moment: but I have no doubt I will have to call upon Nightmare Moon's aid, and I do not like the thought that I shall be indebted to her tonight. She has become... powerful, Celestia.”
Celestia nodded slowly at this, lowering her head and sighing a little before replying softly: “I know, Luna. But if Thesis really is on the move, then we're going to have to be prepared for the worst. I hate to say it, but even Nightmare Moon and Valthrudnir are... are welcome allies, at a time like this.”
There was silence for a few moments, and then Luna asked quietly: “Has Ponyville been evacuated, then? And what of Canterlot?”
“We've warned everypony about the danger and that they have to leave quickly. There's a few more ponies that will be evacuating, but the rest are all intent on staying and most of them are at work right now.” Celestia paused, then looked towards the castle of Canterlot in the distance, saying softly: “Selene will also be arriving in a few hours with a cadre of demons. We expect the attack to take place in the evening, correct?”
“'Tis what Valthrudnir had suggested. Should we anticipate the attack sooner?” Luna asked nervously, glancing towards the mare, but Celestia only smiled faintly and shook her head slowly.
“In this case, I agree with Valthrudnir's assessment. I think Thesis is going to march directly on us, show off whatever force he's gathered against us, likely earlier in the evening. He wants to intimidate us, so he wants us to see what he's bringing against us... but at the same time, night beginning to settle in will make it almost impossible to estimate the true size of his forces. He might bring a thousand soldiers against us, or he might just bring a hundred carefully spaced out.” Celestia shook her head slowly. “That's why I've asked Cowlick to set up spotlights. I've also asked Rainbow Dash to lead a team of Pegasi to encircle Ponyville with storm clouds.”
“Thesis will doubtlessly see them and have them dispersed somehow, one way or the other, if he has any Clockwork forces vulnerable to the rain.” Luna said with a frown, but when Celestia only nodded, the sapphire mare nodded as well after a moment, saying slowly: “But with luck, 'twill distract him from the defense system around Ponyville.”
“That's what Cowlick hopes, anyway.” Celestia said quietly, and then she hesitated before looking back and forth and asking finally: “Where is Scrivener Blooms?”
“A little further than 'tis recommended, I can already feel my damnable stomach cramping.” Luna muttered, shaking her head in distaste. “The strengthening from the elixir is shielding us a little, but... not enough to make a difference as Valthrudnir had hoped. He is assisting the Nibelung with fortifications, see?”
Celestia glanced over her shoulder, looking up towards the top of the wall, and a familiar stallion waved at her before the ivory mare leaned forwards a little, then said calmly and clearly: “Scrivener Blooms, your nose is bleeding.”
Luna blinked, then narrowed her eyes and peered towards the wall in the distance, frowning curiously as Scrivener Blooms reached up and rubbed at his muzzle, gazing back at the small shapes of the mares a good sixty or so feet away as he muttered: “That's impossible, I...”
He stopped, then looked dumbly down at the black gunk on his hoof as one of the Nibelung workers beside him asked awkwardly: “You okay, pony-pony?”
“I... yeah. But I better go, otherwise I'm going to just bleed all over you guys up here. Don't worry, Luna and I will still set up Cowlick's insane spotlights.” Scrivener said mildly, and then he headed quickly along the small walk towards the ladder, hopping on and sliding down it as he felt a throb go through his head, grimacing a bit. “Goddammit.”
You seem to be feeling the effects more than the Valkyrie. Interesting. Valthrudnir remarked in a murmur, and Scrivener glanced up towards the sky as he strode quickly down the path, feeling the mental pain immediately beginning to lessen as he drew within fifty feet of Luna. I would estimate more like forty-eight.
“Gee. Thanks for being so helpful.” Scrivener said dryly, and Valthrudnir growled at him in distaste as the stallion muttered: “Hey, look. We might have to work together, but we sure as hell don't have to get along or anything.”
“Although it would be nice if you would try at least, Scrivener Blooms.” Celestia almost chastised as they drew close, and the stallion smiled lamely up at her before the ivory mare shook her head slowly, hesitating only a moment before asking quietly: “Does Valthrudnir have anything further to suggest for our fortifications?”
Assuming the ignorant masses are working to the best of their limited ability, we should be able to at least hold Thesis' forces back at this point, and hopefully draw him into the confrontation. Although I have to admit I find it sickeningly ironic that you've chosen a stupid animal and a dress-up doll to guardian the thing Thesis is most determined to get. Valthrudnir said moodily, and Scrivener thought he caught an image of the dragon calmly sitting at a large table, files and maps and schematics laid out all over its surface.
“He says he really, really appreciates the trust and kindness we're showing Cheshire in having him help look after Innocence.” Scrivener Blooms said loudly, and Valthrudnir muttered irritably in his mind as Luna grinned wryly. Then the sapphire mare softened as the charcoal stallion hesitated, before asking in a quieter voice: “He did... choose that himself, right? He understands what's going on?”
“Twilight Sparkle spoke to him at length, as you know yourself. When I spoke to him...” Celestia hesitated, then nodded slowly. “I think he understand what's going on. I think, even more importantly than that, he understands that Innocence is in danger and he wants to protect her. Specifics, I don't think any of us can know for sure but... he wants to protect her.”
Luna and Scrivener traded looks, then slow nods before all three ponies fell in step and began to stride back towards Ponyville, Celestia saying quietly: “Rarity, Spike, Antares, and Sleipnir are all hard at work at the forge, making last minute materials for us. Cowlick has her own projects underway that she's promised will be ready before tonight, and the Nibelung are setting up traps outside of Ponyville. We have a few surprises in store for Thesis, but I just don't know if it will be enough. I... I wish...”
They halted just past the gates, and Celestia turned her eyes towards Scrivener Blooms, taking a moment before she asked him hesitantly: “Have you ever found yourself wishing that... you really were a Tyrant Wyrm, Scrivener Blooms? Do you think that is where this transformation, this evolution, is going to end up taking you?”
Scrivener looked down for a moment, and then he felt Celestia gently touch his shoulder, leaning in towards him reassuringly, and after a moment the stallion smiled faintly and closed his eyes, nodding slowly. “Yes.”
Celestia studied him silently, and then she smiled wryly and shook her head slowly, looking away and murmuring: “And here, sometimes I find myself wishing that you were as well. We'd stand a much better chance against Thesis if you were, and...”
The golden-armored mare didn't finish, instead shaking her head and picking up in a drier voice: “I have to go and attend to overseeing the other preparations, ensure that our soldiers are getting ready and see what else we can prepare before this evening. Luna, Scrivener, the best possible thing you can both do right now is go see Twilight Sparkle and your daughters. I know that this must be incredibly difficult for Scarlet Sage, after all.”
“Aye. And if Thesis' forces so much as brush against her, I shall tear him limb-from-limb.” Luna muttered, and Scrivener grunted in agreement before both ponies watched Celestia only nodded before walking slowly away. And after a moment, Luna sighed tiredly and lowered her head, murmuring: “My poor, beloved big sister. She is confused and... I am a little jealous.”
“Well, I feel warm and fuzzy. It's nice knowing that mares want me to become a weapon of mass destruction and infection.” Scrivener said dryly, and Luna gave him an amused look as he gazed back at her thoughtfully. “Am I a bad boy or something?”
“Only in the sense that thou art a complete idiot.” Luna replied, leaning forwards and gently bopping him with her horn, and the stallion sighed a little but smiled in spite of himself, nodding thoughtfully before Luna said gently: “In any event, Scrivy, Celestia is right... as she all too often is. There is no room at the forge for us to work and soon enough 'twill be too late to be tempering gear, in any event. Let us instead turn our eyes to the library.”
“Yeah.” Scrivener quieted, the two turning to stride quickly down the street, before the stallion murmured: “And I do want to become that sometimes, Luna. Maybe so I could finally be the one taking the punches to the face instead of you. Kind of embarrassing that I'm supposed to be the big tough stallion, but you're the one always throwing yourself between me and... everything.”
“Not everything. I use thee as a... what is the term... 'meat shield' quite often, do I not?” Luna replied easily, smiling slightly over at the stallion, and Scrivener laughed and shook his head with a look of entertainment despite himself. “Precisely. So do not be an idiot, Scrivener Blooms.”
Scrivy grunted and shrugged, and Luna huffed after a moment before saying finally: “Very well, then... then do not be an idiot about this. Thou can be an idiot later, about other things. Is this fair?”
“Fair enough.” Scrivener smiled despite himself, shaking his head with a look of entertainment at the mare before he sighed a little and glanced up towards the sky, studying the clouds beginning to gather overhead as Pegasi quickly pushed them into place and molded them together. “It's funny, isn't it? At times like this I kind of wish that we still had total control over nature and everything else. And Celestia could screw Thesis over by... I dunno, dropping the sun on him.”
“Oh, there thou goes, proclaiming Celestia the more capable than thine own beloved wife again!” Luna complained loudly, and Scrivener rolled his eyes before wincing and then cursing when Luna firmly smacked him thrice in a row with her horn. “I shall have thee know that thou art nothing but a grand poop.”
Scrivener opened his mouth... then closed it and made a face, muttering: “Every response I have to do that sounds really, really gross. You're a horrible pony, Luna.”
“Thou art a horrible face.” Luna retorted, and Scrivener huffed at her before the mare poked at the stallion's bare shoulder firmly a few times, making him wince a bit. “And look, thou art not even in thine armor! And thy collar is all... blemished!”
The stallion unsuccessfully tried to look at the platinum collar around his neck, before he said grouchily: “It's probably a bloodstain I missed cleaning off because you never let me take this thing off and it's really hard to clean something you're wearing around your neck. So. That's your fault.”
Luna huffed at this, glowering at the stallion before he glared back challengingly, and then they almost shoved their faces together before the mare suddenly leaned past him and licked firmly up along the platinum encircling his neck. Scrivener's glare turned to a stare of disbelief, and Luna smacked her lips a few times before nodding thoughtfully. “Aye. 'Tis thy blood.”
With that, she turned back ahead, striding a little faster towards the library, and Scrivener dropped his head a little as he mumbled: “Oh Horses of Heaven. Why does that just make me love you even more? What is wrong with us?”
Luna only smiled amusedly over her shoulder in response to this, tossing a wink to Scrivener Blooms, and the stallion hurried to catch up to her, smiling a little despite himself as they walked side-by-side. They were silent, and yet they carried on their conversation with their movements, their body language, their eyes... and all without needing to trade a single thought or emotion through their link, even as their feelings naturally slipped now and then between one-another.
The library had been locked down, shutters sealed over the windows and the door carved with a series of protection runes, as well as reinforced by a sliding metal door that would be sealed into place once Thesis' forces began their approach. Inside, Twilight Sparkle was seated at the table beside Scarlet Sage, the violet mare trembling a little but still the one doing all she could to reassure the Pegasus, who kept rubbing uneasily at her belly and tossing worried looks towards Innocence.
Cheshire was sitting in a corner with the little filly, quietly reading to her from a book of fairy tales: no one was sure if Cheshire was actually reading, since his eyes tended to wander back and forth, but he was still reciting the story smoothly and quietly, and Innocence was happily curled up against the Replicant, her own eyes closed as she dozed a little and burbled a bit now and then.
Eventide was also here, the Nightmare bowing her head politely to them, and Luna smiled at the creature as she passed: Eventide was dressed in modified Yamato armor that had been painted silver and black to make her easily distinguishable from the other Yamato guard, and was further distinguishable thanks to the fact that Morning Glory had been kind enough to add a series of rune-based enchantments along the legs of the armor.
The armor allowed Eventide to walk freely through daylight without being burned by the sun, protected her from most light- and holy-based magic, and the enchantments etched over the limbs greatly enhanced both her strength and mobility. She was almost as powerful as a middle-tier demon in the armor... which was taking her some getting used to, since Nightmares usually relied on deception, trickery, and cunning to get their way, instead of force.
Eventide had been blessed and anointed for her new position as Innocence's guardian by Scrivener, Luna and Twilight, confirming her position and bonding her to the child. Even if it was really nothing more serious than a very solemn promise, Eventide still acted and felt as if her life was pacted to the foal's... and she didn't seem to entirely mind being an odd sort of bodyguard-nanny. She often looked tenderly over the filly, and seemed like she was trying to remember something from a life long since passed.
Luna and Scrivener traded tight hugs with Scarlet Sage, then with Twilight Sparkle, as the pregnant Pegasus asked worriedly: “Are... are you guys sure about this? If Thesis is coming here, why don't you bring Innocence to Subterra?”
“Why will thou not go to Subterra?” Luna asked gently, and Scarlet Sage shifted uneasily as the sapphire mare looked softly at her daughter, reaching up to take her hooves silently. “Aye, we are not going to let Thesis or his soldiers trespass inside the borders of Ponyville, but all the same this is dangerous. Thou art seven months pregnant, Scarlet Sage. Thou art in a fragile state. 'Tis very wonderful and sweet of thee to desire to stay here to support us, but-”
“I... I can still help. I can still be good help.” Scarlet Sage said empathetically, holding out a forelimb and showing the bandage around it. “Right now, Red is going around and painting blood seals over the gates, just like I showed her how to. That way I'll know before anyone else when and where Thesis' forces break through, if they get past you somehow.”
“Assuming they go through the gates, but... aye. At least thou will be able to warn the others here but... come now, Scarlet Sage. Thou should not be doing this. Thou should be thinking of thyself, and thy babies.” Luna said almost pleadingly, squeezing her daughter's hooves gently as Scrivener looked softly to the Pegasus. “Please.”
“But that's why I can't leave, Mom.” Scarlet Sage shook her head, smiling faintly as she looked up and swallowed a little. “I don't want to bring my babies into a world where we only care about ourselves. I want to be part of this because... I want to make sure I teach the twins from the start to always help their friends and family. Even when... it's this scary.”
Luna sighed tiredly, dropping her head forwards and resting for a moment against Scarlet's stomach, and then she smiled faintly as she felt something shift: maybe a gentle kick, maybe just some other movement or rumble inside the mare's body. “Damnation, thou art as... as stubborn and stupid as thy father. But thou must at least agree to stay in the guest room or Celestia's room. Even if the walls are thin as paper, it may still make all the difference in the world.”
“I promise I will, Mom. And besides, Chess and Eventide are here, and Celestia's going to have her Yamato stationed outside, and I know a few more demons are coming. We'll be okay.” Scarlet Sage said softly, and Luna nodded hesitantly before the Pegasus gazed into her mother's eyes quietly. “But you have to be okay too. You and Mom and Dad, Móðer. No... no dying like heroes. You're not heroes.”
“Oh, thanks.” Scrivener laughed despite himself as he smiled and sat up, and he nodded after a moment as Scarlet Sage blushed but smiled in return before the stallion turned his eyes towards Innocence as she crawled away from Cheshire to scramble up to her claws and scamper over to him.
He scooped her up off the ground, hugging her tightly up against his chest as Luna turned to embrace both the stallion and the filly, and Innocence giggled as she exclaimed: “Dada! Mutt!”
“That's right. Dad and Mutt.” Scrivener said softly, and Luna huffed but only dropped her head down, blowing a gentle raspberry against the filly's neck and making her squirm and giggle loudly, flailing a little. Then the stallion shifted the babe to Luna, reaching up to ruffle Innocence's mane once and make her huff and flail violently.
He strode past after gazing tenderly over the strong-willed, gorgeously-strange little filly, turning his eyes with a smile towards Cheshire. Cheshire nodded once to him, looking like he was trying to smile, and Scrivener nodded back before he studied the enormous behemoth: he was wearing his harness-jacket, but he had finally managed to tear off the mittens around his broken claws, and Scrivener hesitated only for a moment before asking quietly: “So you know bad things might happen tonight, huh?”
Cheshire looked quietly back at Scrivener Blooms for a few moments, then nodded hesitantly before he rose one of his mangled front hooves, flexing it slowly and studying the malformed digits. Then the Replicant's eyes flicked up as he murmured: “We are the sum of all our experiences, and yet still they expect our parts to be polished; our clockwork hearts to be without rust or stain when they cut us open to examine the mechanics of our souls...”
“That's... uh...” Scrivener closed his eyes, then grumbled and rubbed at his forehead before guessing finally: “Dally?”
“Absent Rhythm.” Cheshire corrected, and Scrivener grunted and nodded before the behemoth Replicant hesitated, then leaned down and looked past Scrivener at Innocence pointedly.
The charcoal stallion only sighed a little, smiling faintly as he reached up to carefully, gently pat Cheshire on the shoulder, and admittedly feeling a bit of relief when the Replicant didn't twitch too much or attempt to squish him. Chess was still getting used to moments of contact, after all. “She's going to be fine here, and... that's... that's why we asked you. Look, none of us think it's a good idea for you to be on the field but... you are really strong and... if you're really offering your help, you actually understand what we're up against here, then... we're definitely not going to turn you away. We're trusting you to look after our daughter.”
Cheshire nodded firmly a few times, looking across at Scrivener Blooms before both stallions watched as Innocence wiggled away from her mother and bounced down to the ground, then scurried quickly towards the two stallions with a bright smile. Scrivener smiled faintly in return, reaching down to touch his daughter's face gently even as he sighed inwardly, asking quietly: “So you know you're going to have to be a good filly for Scarlet Sage and Cheshire tonight, right?”
“Good fee.” Innocence agreed solemnly, nodding a few times before she smiled up at Cheshire, pouncing towards him and grasping one of his forelegs, and the Replicant only looked silently down at the filly even as she giggled and tried to wrestle the limb. “Chesshure! Chesshure play! Chesshure... Chesshure, play?”
The filly looked up worriedly after a moment of getting no response, and the sadness, the pain and worry Scrivener saw in Cheshire's eyes confirmed for him that the Replicant did understand what was going on, and maybe better than the rest of them. But after a moment, Chess leaned down and suddenly swept the little filly up in a tight hug before tossing her into the air, and Innocence laughed loudly as Twilight stared in horror and Luna only smiled a little and shook her head slowly.
Cheshire caught Innocence and quickly set her down to the ground, and Innocence laughed brightly before she toppled backwards, but sparked out of existence before she could hit the ground, reappearing on her back a few feet away and still giggling wildly. Cheshire leapt towards her, and Innocence scrambled to her hooves before bolting away, and Cheshire hopped after her even as Twilight winced and said awkwardly: “Okay, Sin, that's... that's wonderful, but please, this is a library... a library that I... still help keep clean and organized so...”
“Oh cease, Twilight Sparkle.” Luna said softly, and the Lich sighed and smiled faintly as she turned her eyes towards the sapphire mare, nodding a little. “Aye, precisely. Let them have their fun. I am all too sure that... fun will soon be in shorter supply than 'twas during Celestia's rule, after all.”
Twilight sighed and nodded a little, and Scarlet Sage turned an apprehensive look towards her mother again, but Luna only shook her head quickly and murmured: “Nay. I think 'tis simply all the negativity speaking, that is all. Thou knows I cannot always be optimistic, after all... tell me, daughter, where will thy wife be? Staying inside Ponyville?”
“She's part of the rifle squadron. I'm... I' m proud of her, but at the same time I guess I'm kind of mad at her for not staying back with us, stupid as that is.” Scarlet Sage said quietly, rubbing at her stomach slowly and smiling faintly, but Luna only nodded and gave a soft laugh as Twilight reached up and squeezed the Pegasus' shoulder gently.
“Aye. I know the feeling well. And believe me, strange as it may seem, thou will be glad for that feeling one day. Senseless anger is the easiest way to know whom we care for.” Luna said gently, and Scarlet Sage laughed a little even as the sapphire mare smiled slightly over at Scrivener Blooms. “Just try and ensure thou art a little more intelligent in dealing with it than myself and thy father usually are. 'Twill save thee both bruises and arguments, and I know not which is more important to avoid.”
“Arguments, definitely. Bruises we still both get all the time.” Scrivener said mildly as he approached the table, and he reached up to gently grasp his daughter's shoulder, looking down at her softly. “None of us are going to...”
He halted, then looked down as Scarlet Sage gazed up at him silently: he wanted to reassure her, but she wanted the truth, and she was no little filly anymore... hard as it was for him to remember that sometimes, even if they had gotten to watch their daughter grow up. “We're going to do everything we can to stop him. But as long as Luna and I are still able to move, we're not going to let Thesis lay a hoof on Innocence or even get close to you.”
There was silence for a few moments, and then Luna said helpfully: “Besides, Thesis is not after thee or thy babes, Scarlet Sage. He is after thy little sister.”
Scarlet Sage and Twilight Sparkle both glared at Luna as Scrivener sighed and dropped his face in a hoof, and the sapphire mare huffed loudly as she looked back and forth, asking flatly: “What? 'Tis only the truth! Would thou prefer to live in fearful ignorance?”
Scrivener sighed again... but shortly, things calmed down, and soon enough Innocence was curled up with Scrivener Blooms and Twilight Sparkle, going over some basic reading and educational exercises. The stallion usually resisted as much as possible when it came to helping with these, and then usually just made a mess of the simple exercises after being harangued into trying to teach his one year old daughter the ABCs or how to count to ten, but today he was trying a little harder than normal.
It wasn't for Innocence: he knew that his baby girl was smart, yes, and he wanted her to be the very best pony she could be, but she still had a very limited vocabulary consisting mostly of parroting her parents' words. Not to mention she hadn't even started potty-training yet, and Scrivener had always felt learning to not poop yourself came before learning how to sing about the letters of the alphabet, if at all possible.
But it helped Twilight, and that was what mattered to him, to Luna... to Innocence too, he thought, which was why the filly was being remarkably well-behaved and only fidgeting a little now and then. She was no little Antares, who had been all-but-able to read his parents' minds even as a baby, but she loved her mother, had a bond with her, and could feel her emotions even when Twilight was doing everything in her power to cover them up.
Just as they were finishing up, the door opened and Antares entered with a small smile and already dressed in full armor, the unicorn nodding awkwardly to his family before Luna quickly stood and strode across the room to hug her son fiercely. Antares returned the embrace just as tightly, closing his eyes and looking only a little embarrassed before he laughed when Innocence bolted across the room and tackled one of his legs. “Tares!”
“Hey, Sin.” Antares reached up and ruffled Innocence's mane gently, and the filly huffed a little before the stallion glanced up, asking quietly: “So are you ready to make the final preparations and everything, Móðer? We should get going if that's the case, Cowlick's just starting to get Nibelung to start dragging stuff to the entrance point.”
Luna smiled a little at this, reaching up and adjusting Antares' armor gently as she glanced over his breastplate, softening a little as she always did at the almost-seamless patches on his back that filled in the no-longer-necessary wing holes. “Do not grow up too fast, son. But aye, I suppose we are. Where is Meadowlark, with the medical teams?”
The sapphire mare glanced towards Scrivener, and the stallion nodded quickly, standing up and heading to the guest room to put on his own gear as Antares nodded and cleared his throat quickly, lamely brushing at his own armor. “Thanks Mom. But yeah, she and Zecora and a few others, they'll be working alongside Fluttershy and her Phooka, who are gonna try and drag anyone that's hurt to safety since they can't be hurt very easily themselves. Or at least we hope not... Fluttershy says she's worried about what kind of weapons these Clockwork forces might use.”
“Our hope is that their Clockwork number are not many, although it makes sense that any army Thesis can raise will be mostly comprised of Valthrudnir's old forces and experiments, aye.” Luna grimaced a bit at this, but she heard a muttering in her mind from the Jötnar that made her uneasy: something she didn't think she was even supposed to hear from him, but a concern that it might not be just Drones and Dullahan they would be faced against. “And does thou remember thy own orders and position, Antares Mīrus?”
Antares nodded firmly, half-saluting with a slight smile. “I do. I'm in charge of defending Ponyville with my friends, although we might be called to the battlefield depending on the way the fight turns to deliver a final push back. Avalon, Aphrodisia, Tender Trust, are all with me. We'll be stationed to the southwest, where it's more likely that Thesis will try and stage a surprise attack.”
“Correct. And remember Antares: unless thou art given the order by messenger, do not move from that area, no matter what thou hears, no matter what thou sees. Even if it seems as if Ponyville is being overrun, do not leave the area. This is very important.” Luna said firmly, and Antares nodded awkwardly as the sapphire mare softened. “And I do not lecture thee like this simply because thou art my son. I lecture thee like this because thou will be one of the few ponies protecting Ponyville, and this library, where thy sisters will be. And I shall have thee know that even Morning Glory thought better than to argue with me upon this subject.”
Antares smiled and nodded lamely, and then he softened a little as Innocence bounded over to Cheshire, who glanced up curiously from the book he had been reading before wincing when the mare plowed headlong into his stomach. The Replicant grumbled, then whined when Innocence grabbed wildly at his chest, skittering backwards before she growled up at him almost challengingly and bounced around his front hooves, earning a flat look from the behemoth. “Don't worry, Mom. Even if on the off chance something does get by us, I don't think you have to be afraid of anything happening to my sisters. Not just because Sin is a little nightmare, but because I think Cheshire would rip the head off a dragon if it so much as looked at her wrong.”
“And then shove it up that dragon's own buttocks, aye.” Luna agreed with a firm nod, and Cheshire blinked and looked up dumbly before yelping when Innocence firmly bit him in the ankle, staggering away from her as Twilight winced and almost fell out of her chair while hurrying over to chastise Innocence. But the filly only skittered behind Cheshire, and the Replicant winced as Antares smiled amusedly.
Then he blinked when Luna reached up and touched his shoulder, saying gently: “Now see, Antares? This is how Innocence treats all of those she loves. Aye, I know that in spite of being a little filly, she has a remarkably-wicked bite and very scratchy little claws in spite of how often we may manicure them. But would she be half so rough upon thee if she did not love thee at least as deeply as she plainly loves Cheshire?”
There was silence for a few moments, and then Antares nodded a little, rubbing at his throat as he smiled faintly and watched Twilight unsuccessfully trying to catch her daughter, now clearly not knowing if she should laugh or scold the filly or what else. Luna smiled wryly, shaking her head slowly before calling clearly: “Come now, Twilight Sparkle, 'tis enough of that. Let thy daughter play and misbehave a little. There is no better time than now, is there?”
Twilight sighed and slumped a bit at this, but then she turned a small smile over her shoulder and finally, hesitantly nodded before turning her eyes back towards Cheshire. The two looked at each other: Cheshire with his glinting staples as well as the stitching that seemed to hold him together, so similar to Twilight Sparkle's, and both of them with those same amethyst eyes before the mare sighed a little and reached up to gently touch under his chin. “Don't let her bully you too much though, okay? And you hear me, Innocence? I'm keeping an eye on you. You really are earning your nickname lately, you know.”
“Sin!” the filly proclaimed, and then she darted out between Cheshire's legs and leapt up to tackle one of her mother's limbs, and Twilight laughed as she scooped the filly up and hugged her fiercely to her chest.
A knot formed in Twilight's throat, one she couldn't swallow as she trembled for a few moments and held tightly onto the little filly, just keeping her close against her bare chest. Innocence closed her eyes and rested her head against her, breathing softly and smiling, but Twilight Sparkle felt like crying as she cradled the babe into her body.
Innocence shifted a bit against her, and Twilight leaned down and quietly kissed beside the baby's horn, giving a single, shuddering sigh before she finally forced a smile and set the filly down. Innocence only looked up at her with those big, emotional eyes of hers though, studying her mother before she reached her little claws up and asked quietly: “Mama?”
“Yeah. It's okay. I just... it's going to be okay.” Twilight said finally, reaching down and silently picking up the babe again, studying her with a small smile on her features before she nuzzled the child softly and swallowed thickly. “Mommy just loves you so, so much...”
“We all do, Innocence. Fear not, child... all is well. All will be well.” Luna said soothingly as she stepped forwards, wrapping a foreleg around Twilight Sparkle and squeezing the mare gently, as Antares and Scarlet Sage both smiled faintly at their parents and Cheshire shifted quietly. “Is that not correct, Scrivener Blooms? Do we not love our little girl, whom we shall do anything for?”
“Yeah. But I'd do anything for any of my kids.” Scrivener said softly from where he was now standing at the top of the stairs, smiling a little as he adjusted his platinum collar, and then he strode down the steps to join the others, heading over to Twilight and sliding a foreleg around her, and the violet mare smiled faintly as she closed her eyes, relaxing visibly between her two strong partners in the one place that made her feel safest in all the world.
She breathed softly in and out, and Innocence gazed affectionately up at her parents, looking back and forth with happiness at the three ponies. There was silence for a few moments, and with it came a feeling of safety that filled the entire room before Twilight finally rose her head, nodding a little and murmuring: “Yeah. Yeah. We're gonna make sure... everything works out okay.”
Luna Brynhild smiled a little at this, turning her eyes down towards Innocence as the filly gazed up at them affectionately before she bounced on her hooves happily. Her eyes gleamed as she gazed over her parents, but then Antares cleared his throat and smiled awkwardly, waving a hoof as he said: “I hate to... you know, rush you guys and everything, but... we really should get moving. Cowlick and all that. I don't want to get shot at.”
The sapphire mare grumbled under her breath as Scrivener smiled a little bit, and Twilight nodded before turning one last soft look down to her filly, saying softly: “We'll be back soon, okay sweetie? You behave well for Cheshire and your big sister Scarlet, okay?”
“No!” Innocence chirped happily, and Twilight sighed even as Scrivener and Luna both laughed and Antares grinned. Even Scarlet Sage gave her baby sister a look of entertainment, rubbing at her stomach slowly as Cheshire only cocked his head, and Eventide fidgeted quietly in the corner of the room where she was trying to hide herself.
Innocence giggled as if she had meant to make the joke, and Scrivener honestly wasn't sure whether or not the filly had. She could be smart as well as precocious, after all. She was going to grow up as smart as her mother, maybe... and by that Scrivener definitely meant her mother, and not Móðer.
“Oh shut up. She will have my personality, Twilight's brain and... perhaps thy mareness. That would make her the ultimate mare.” Luna paused, looking reflectively at the filly before she winked over her shoulder at Antares. “Not that thou art not a handsome and admirable stallion thyself, my son. But I do fear that all the mare thou hast been exposed to has outweighed my mighty stallionhood.”
“I don't even want to correct that sentence.” Scrivener said mildly as he turned and strode away, and Luna laughed and shook her head as Twilight sighed, then leaned down to try and kiss Innocence's forehead quickly, but the filly babbled and flailed at her before almost falling over and bolting off.
Twilight sighed and smiled faintly, then called a quick goodbye to Scarlet Sage before turning and hurrying after Luna and Scrivener, taking one last, longing look over her shoulder before sighing and closing the library door behind her. Her partners gazed back at her supportively, and then Luna Brynhild said gently: “Patience, Twilight. We shall return here shortly, my darling mare, worry not. There shall be time yet before we have to part from thy foal... and... Twilight, as thy friend as well as a mother, know that we shan't-”
“No. No, no... I trust Cheshire and Eventide and Scarlet to do... absolutely everything in their power to protect Innocence. And I can be of more use out in the field with you...” The Lich smiled a little after a moment, saying softly: “Besides, I feel everything you two do, remember? Even with the boost from the elixir. And I know you two won't let Thesis in here without a fight that leaves you beaten to a pulp. Better I'm out there, getting beaten up with you, than just sitting back in the library and bleeding on everything.”
“That's a very mature and rational response, Twilight.” Scrivener was unable to keep his amusement of his voice, and Twilight laughed a little despite herself, shaking her head slowly and gazing softly over at the stallion as he shrugged a bit and gave her a quietly-entertained look. “Not that I ever expect anything different from you, of course. Except it's weird how eager you seem to join me and Luna in getting beaten up all the time.”
Antares sighed and shook his head, turning to lead his parents onwards as Twilight laughed and shrugged in return, falling into pace with the others and hurrying up between the two ponies, smiling amusedly from Luna to Scrivener. “How is that weird? You two actually feel pain. I'm the one who... you know... doesn't.” Twilight hesitated, glancing down at herself and saying in a quieter voice: “I'm the one who... well...”
Luna only chuckled softly at this, however, murmuring: “As if thou art the only sadomasochist here. Nay, we share everything, Twilight Sparkle... and thou must not be ashamed of... of who thou art. For 'tis our fault in much part what thou hast become and... Twilight...”
“You don't have to apologize for that. Ever.” Twilight said softly, looking down and giving a small smile, and there was silence for a few moments before the mare closed her eyes and murmured: “I am what I am, and I am who I am. I think I've always been this way, deep down inside... maybe that's why I found it so hard to make friends, to reach out to others. I was scared that... I'd let them down, or they'd see... see what's down there, deep inside me. The chaos and the darkness and... this. All this. The real reasons I can be so... understanding towards so-called 'evil...'”
There was silence for a few moments as Antares tried to keep his eyes ahead, clearing his throat awkwardly and not looking back at his parents as they strode side-by-side-by-side. Thankfully, he was given an excuse to turn his attention away as he looked up to see Selene calmly approaching with her masked bodyguards escorting her, and the two group stopped to acknowledge each other, Luna grunting moodily and Selene bowing deeply as she murmured softly: “Hello Mother, Father. I am more pleased than I can express to be here to fight alongside you, and help defend you from the enemy. You have my promise that I shall show Thesis no mercy.”
“Because thou art such a wonderful example of 'showing mercy.'” Luna remarked dryly, and Selene only smiled kindly, bowing her head respectfully.
“Perhaps not in the mortal sense. But I like to think that I have learned mercy well from you, Mother. I have learned to kill quickly, and not sacrifice the innocent along with the guilty. I have learned that I must be more responsible than that.” answered Selene in a kind voice, looking almost like a filly proudly reciting a lesson she had just recently learned to her doting mother... although the expression on Luna's face was anything but tender. “I have also learned that I must put others before myself, and I am to serve loyally, and not give in to my jealousy, or my anger, or my bitterness. You and Father love me as much as I earn, and will treat me as I deserve, that is all. And I am grateful for these lessons and these gifts.”
There was silence for a few moments, Scrivener, Luna, and Twilight all trading uneasy looks as Antares shifted carefully on his hooves, before the Nephilim smiled softly and looked up towards the sky. “Destiny approaches, Mother and Father. I shall be there to meet it with you. I am only the forgotten, wanted and yet not-wanted child of an angel and a demon, but I will still offer my allegiance, my love, and all of my power.”
“Thou hast our thanks then, Selene. Please. I am sure thou hast preparations to make for the coming storm.” Luna said politely, gesturing moodily to the side. The Nephilim nodded to the sapphire mare, then gave her a strangely adoring look as she strode slowly past, leading her cadre of masked demons onwards as Luna shivered a little despite herself and muttered: “By the Aesir. I often dread what Selene must do with all those handsome, large males in her spare time. And the thoughts which come to mind are all far more disturbing than I quite dare to express.”
Scrivener glowered over at Luna as Twilight wrinkled her muzzle while Antares tried to look pointedly ahead, before the glossy-black unicorn stared in horror over his shoulder as Luna continued grouchily: “Well, I shall have all of thee know that in the old days, Freya was known for not only taking her pick of the choicest warriors we came across, but for being too greedy to wait for-”
“Let's not keep Cowlick waiting!” Antares declared in a strangled voice, shivering and adding in a weaker voice: “And... come on, Mom, can... can we please not talk about my aunt like that?”
“And I have not even told any of thee the stories that made even we Valkyries blush. Besides, 'tis not like I myself...” Luna grinned despite herself as Antares bolted off down the street at a run, looking after the stallion with relish. “Excellent. I see I have not yet lost my touch. Look at how cutely he runs in his armor, 'tis so agile compared to when he was but a foal in diapers who used to regularly fall upon his own face.”
Scrivener sighed tiredly at this, as Twilight remarked dryly: “You also haven't lost your libido, your ability to disturb both myself and Scrivener Blooms, your absolute disregard for the seriousness of any situation or to appreciate-”
“Oh, what have I done that is worthy of scolding? Antares is the one overreacting.” Luna said grouchily, huffing a bit and raising her head primly with a sniff. “Thou does not see me scurrying for cover every time one of thee mentions something that makes my stomach quiver or my mind ache with foul images.”
Scrivener and Twilight traded dry looks, but neither bothered to respond: it would end with Luna whining at Twilight and bopping Scrivener Blooms... the latter of which happened anyway, but the stallion sighed in relief as Luna's horn only banged lightly against his horned helm. But then she firmly poked him in the cheek with it and made him wince, and Twilight glowered at the sapphire mare until they reached the city gates and were greeted by Cowlick shouting: “There you idjits are! I've been sitting on my flank getting bored out here, what'd you three do, stop to grope each other while Antares wasn't looking? Well, actually, by the hurry he was in to get here, maybe he did look...”
“Oh shut up, Cowlick. Thou hast such a dirty mind.” Luna said mildly, and Cowlick only favored the mare with a dry look, Luna huffing a bit at this. “Well, 'tis true.”
“Yeah, and you're a real sweet innocent little filly. Bet you sing in the church choir and everything.” Cowlick intoned wryly, and then she grunted and gestured over her shoulder at several massive arrays of what looked to the ponies like some kind of enormous lamps. “Need you to use your fancy-flank unicorn powers and lift these things up to the top of the gates. Nibelung have all turned into whiny pansies on me. Don't worry, should be obvious even to you where you gotta set them, bases are all set up and everything. Thanks for helping with that by the way, Scrivener, you did a real great job. That much delegation you can be a politician one day.”
“I plea beginning to bleed to death. Not that you care, I'm sure.” the stallion replied, and after a moment Cowlick grunted in agreement. “Wonderful. Alright, then I'll get up there and help set them up once the useful members of my family do all the heavy lifting.”
“Aye, that is usually how it works. Thou art the mare, after all.” Luna remarked, and then he turned her eyes curiously towards Antares. “Can thou lift one of the odd devices thyself or will thou instead provide us with guidance?”
Antares hesitated, glancing towards the large, rectangular sets of lights, and then he smiled a little before turning his eyes back to his mother. “Yeah. I better just help you guys guide them up. They look pretty heavy, after all.”
“Yeah, well you can still...” Cowlick halted, then cleared her throat awkwardly and gave Antares a lame look, and the unicorn smiled faintly as he glanced over at her, even as he heard in his mind what she had been about to say. But unfortunately, it wasn't like he any longer had the wings to fly up and do things physically anymore. “Uh. Sorry, kid. You can still get up there afterwards with your Daddy, though, and glue stuff together. Usually little colts like playing with glue, right?”
Antares sighed at this, shaking his head slowly before he asked: “How are you not beaten up on a regular basis, Cowlick? I'm just curious here.”
“Hey, who the hell ever said I ain't?” the engineer retorted as Luna and Twilight stepped forwards, their horns glowing as they both carefully lifted the large, rectangular structures of glass and metal into the air. “By the way, I'll be working with the rifle teams to try and watch your backs. I gotta find a good place to set up with Artemis still, though. Shiny's also helped me jury-rig a nice surprise for those sons of bitches, and our rifle corps has got carbines and a few grenades just to help show Thesis we mean business. I'll see what else I can set up over the next few hours too.”
Antares nodded a little as Luna grunted and kept her focus on the task, levitating the floodlights slowly upwards, and Cowlick hesitated before saying quietly: “Look, this ain't like me, but... you guys all watch your flanks out there and come back in one piece, because I promise you I ain't gonna let a damn thing happen to your baby, Twilight. Or any of the other kids here, as a matter of fact. And shut the hell up, Antares, because in my eyes you still are a kid.”
“Yes Cowlick.” Antares mumbled awkwardly, saluting lamely after a moment, and Cowlick grunted and nodded firmly. The stallion couldn't help but shake his head even as he smiled despite himself, then he looked up towards his parents, silently hoping himself that everything was going to go as well as possible... and lacking that, that Luna and Scrivener and Twilight weren't going to throw themselves into senseless danger.
They worked in silence as Antares did his best to swallow most of his thoughts, helping the Nibelung and Scrivener to bolt the massive lights into place while Luna flew back and forth to help Cowlick run cables, grumbling and complaining the entire time about the work. Predictably, Celestia showed up almost the moment they were done needing their help with something else, so Antares stayed to finish helping the Nibelung. His telekinesis wasn't strong enough to lift larger objects, but he had more than enough magic and strength to rivet the plates into place.
Twilight hurried off to start checking everyone's status, while Celestia insisted on pausing for a moment when they passed several old ponies trying to hurriedly load up their wagon. They helped store their things for them and sent them on their way, and Luna couldn't help but smile at her sibling: it was hard to believe that this was the same Celestia who once preferred to simply kill possessed ponies instead of exorcising them to ensure the demons wouldn't escape and wouldn't return.
They arrived at the smithy to find Sleipnir out in front, tossing a large quiver into the back of a supply wagon packed with shields, crossbow bolts, and other pieces of equipment. Two more wagons were waiting nearby, and Sleipnir smiled over at them, saying easily: “Celestia, thou art much more useful putting thy terrible mind to use than thy terrible body. Allow little sister and brother to aid me here. Thou should go and check upon the others, thou can rest assured that we can handle transporting these supplies to the soldiers.”
“Twilight can handle it, and I've gone over every possible detail I can. I'd prefer to be doing something instead of sitting around, doing nothing.” Celestia replied quietly, the ivory mare shaking her head and giving a small smile. “I think you of all ponies can understand that, Sleipnir.”
“Aye, far too well. Very well, then... Spike is finishing his own batch of supplies, bullets for Cowlick's awful guns and other tools for that terrifying alchemist. I am sure he shall appreciate thy help in transporting them.” Sleipnir replied kindly, bowing his head towards her, and Celestia smiled a bit before Sleipnir gestured calmly towards the other two wagons with his head. “Luna, Scrivener, if thee do not mind...”
“Of course, Sleipnir.” Luna and Scrivener harnessed themselves quickly up as Celestia strode into the smithy, and then Luna smiled a little as Sleipnir began to lead them down the street, the sapphire mare asking quietly: “So thou art worried?”
“Can thou not feel it?” Sleipnir asked quietly, and Luna frowned and tilted her head a little as Scrivener looked up, and the vine-maned earth pony smiled faintly as he turned his troubled gaze ahead. “Nature is screaming. She is in agony, little sister... aye, I feel her, writhing beneath my hooves, and none can do anything to comfort her. Look to the skies, sweet Luna... see how the air tries to speak to us, the fading light tries to warn us.”
“Thou hast always said that air and earth are opposing forces, the sky and ground jealous of each other even as they need each other...” Luna murmured, and then she hesitated before saying softly: “So Thesis has arrived... and has brought with him that which would threaten both.”
“A Tyrant Wyrm. And perhaps more than one... perhaps other machines of destruction as well. We are in grave danger here.” Sleipnir said quietly, lowering his head and gritting his teeth, and Luna looked worriedly at her older sibling before he looked up and laughed faintly. “Aye, 'tis hard even for me to smile, much as I desire to. Much as I wish I could be happy instead of sad or furious at this moment, but 'tis hard, Luna. 'Tis hard even for me, when so much is threatened and so much is at stake. Oh sister... sometimes, Fate can be truly wicked.”
“Nay, I do not believe in Fate, and thou shall shut up and put on thy smile, Sleipnir.” Luna said firmly, and Sleipnir looked up in surprise, glancing quickly over his shoulder as Luna looked firmly forwards. “We have a mighty foe ahead, aye. And our enemy is not only powerful, but has allies of fearsome power and strength as well. And if Thesis brings even Wyrms against us, then truly, he has not half the dignity he claims himself to possess. But does thou not remember when we battled the Broodmother? 'Twas only Celestia, myself and thou, faced not with a single dreaded monster, but two high-order Wyrms and their terrible matriarch! And did we not survive?”
“Aye... aye, we did. We did and more!” Sleipnir rose his head proudly, smiling warmly over his shoulder. “'Twas by the very skin of our teeth, of course, but Celestia demolished the Broodmother and thou and I both tackled and destroyed our own Wyrms... but sometimes I think we were stronger back then, sister, living in the wild and traveling constantly as we did, apart from a few decades here and there spent regenerating old wounds and aiding in the building of some city or settlement or another.”
Luna grinned at this, replying easily: “Perhaps thou hast grown slovenly and lazy with thy fat flank, brother, but I shall have thee know that I have never felt stronger nor better. Very well, I shall propose to thee a deal. We shall both keep track of our kills and see whom does better by the night's end. And yes, yes, invite thy wife to play, too, 'tis only fair. There is little chance thou could win without Pinkamena's aid anyway.”
Sleipnir huffed at this, but he was grinning despite himself as he nodded firmly. “Excellent! Aye, I feel my blood surging through my veins, my warrior's soul raising its head, and joy returning to me! Oh, what foolishness it is to have ever been sad at all; nay, rejoice now! I shall raise up my head proudly, and meet whatever awaits us fearlessly and with all my stallion's fortitude!”
“Just do not grind thyself against it. There was little more awkward than when thou wert trying to pin that demon one time and thou ended up looking as if thou wert attempting to mount it.” Luna remarked mildly, and when Sleipnir huffed, the mare only grinned and winked at him. “Although 'tis clear to me now that should have been a hint of what was to come with thy future relations.”
Sleipnir only rolled his eyes and turned his gaze back forwards, before he smiled despite himself as he gazed down the street, continuing to pull the wagon along with Luna following close behind and Scrivener last. All three ponies glanced up towards the sun as it began to sink through the sky, but all three were also feeling more and more ready for tonight, trying to push through anxiety and nervousness to remember one simple thing: if they could lure Thesis out, they could put a stop to him, and then never have to worry about this again.
Inside Scrivener's mind, Valthrudnir shifted uneasily, the remnant of the Jötnar shaking his head slowly in disbelief... but there was also envy there, too, at their sense of hope. And maybe, for just a moment, a trickle of understanding how they had always surpassed him, and even a whisper of admiration that almost made Scrivener stumble in his steps... before he looked up in sharp surprise as the dragon's voice murmured through his mind: Good luck... Scrivener Blooms.
Luna looked over her shoulder in surprise, but Scrivener only smiled and shrugged before both ponies gazed forwards, following in the wake of the enormous stallion now laughing loudly in the face of oncoming, almost-certain defeat and death. Thesis was coming for them, that was true... but what Thesis didn't know was that he was about to send his army against a front that had managed to unite even the very worst of enemies, if only for a moment. And no matter what Thesis brought with him, there was no way any of them were going to let the Replicant walk away from this confrontation, no matter what the cost.