The unlikely adventures of Windblow Scratch

by BronieFreak23

Chapter 1

If you could describe the whole feelings that Vinyl Scratch, the famous DJ of Pony Ville and maybe the best one in Equestria had right now you could put it into one word:
Bored beyond any bucking limit Twilight Sparkle could imagine.
She was in her bead starring at the star painted ceiling in her room, as she had literally nothing to do, nopony had contracted her to any party since last week and Octavia, her mare-friend, had recently went in a trip alongside the Canterlot Orchestra and wouldn’t come back in one week. With nothing more to do she let a final sigh before standing up and going outside ‘Anything can be better that rotting myself in my house’ she said as she levitated her glasses and headphones, she was about to go out when she looked her image in a mirror “Sweet Celestia, no wonder why Octavia became your mare-friend, you’re a piece of a sexy mare aren’t you Vinyl?” she told herself before shutting her mouth ‘Okay I really have to go outside and do something before I start to have a conversation with the toilet’ she walked through the door and went to the central street of Pony Ville.
‘Sweet Celestia, I was so bored that I even forgot to eat something’ she thought as she rubbed her growling tummy, she continued until she arrived to a bench, she had been outside for at least 5 hours wandering around, she wasn’t a slot but she hadn’t as much stamina as an earth pony, yet the hunger problem remained, she could easily go to that bakery, what was its name? Oh! Sugarcube Corner, but she then remembered that eating too much cake would make her fat, she didn’t actually cared for those things but she knew that unless you were Pinkie Pie it wasn’t healthy to eat that much sugar in one time, as she wandered around she reached an apple stand with an orange furred earth pony standing beside it ‘I know that pony, I’m pretty sure I’ve seen her at least once in one of my parties’ thought Vinyl as she walked to the pony.
“Do you sell these?” asked Vinyl while pointing at the delicious looking apples.
“Of course ah do, name’s Applejack the best apple breeder in all Equestria” said Applejack while giving Vinyl an eye wink
‘Applejack…’ thought Vinyl while rubbing her chin “By any chance did you once had a party being led in a barn with a lot of apples?” she asked
“Now that you mention it, I think ah did, but actually it was mah friend Pinkie Pie who organized the party ah just borrowed her the place” answered Applejack
“Oh! Now I remember you! You were that pony that gave me those apple pies and that apple cider after the party! Man that was some good stuff” answered Vinyl while remembering the curious party she assisted that night, if Applejack was the one that sold those apples then hay she would buy them.
“Ok, ten big apples, six bits please” said Applejack as Vinyl handed her the bits
After taking one apple out of the bag Applejack gave her she decided to go for a walk and the best place for a walk would always be...
‘The frontier between Ponyville and the Everfree’ thought the DJ pony as she walked through the frontier, she still found ridiculously the fear everypony had about even getting close to the Everfree, ‘There are pretty dangerous creatures that might get out and trap your or eat you or’ that’s sacredly ponies buckshit, it is known for everypony that the creatures don’t come out nor attack unless they’re tempted to; Even Fluttershy, the pony known for being scared of her own shadow, practically LIVED in the Everfree.
She walked slowly enjoying the wind that blew through her mane; she took a deep breath and decided to take her shades off allowing her ruby red eyes to wander off the beautiful sight beside her, the wind blowing, the flowers moving by the wind, the birds singing, a human like figure lying unconscious in the ground…
“What the heck!?” yelled the unicorn while staring at the unconscious creature, it seemed like a monkey yet it5 was hairless, it seemed to be pretty young, not a baby but it had the age of a colt or a filly, it was also barely dressed, a ripped plain red shirt with a pair of shorts and tennis with socks, with the shorts filled with dirt and the tennis practically white with some stains of black on them, Vinyl supposed it had to be a boy as she noticed that his facial features were tougher than a female from any specie, it had elbow length spiky dirt white hair and a weird pattern of black and gold tattoos on his arms, it seemed like if it was about to wake up as he started to mumble, Vinyl decided to hide in the bushes and observe the boy.
After 5 minutes the boy woke up, he seemed to feel dizzy for some reason as he started to walk slowly, Vinyl was glad that nopony was on the streets right now because they would cause havoc for a creature like him walking in the streets; the boy continued walking until he saw a blue building, it was Vinyl’s house, she face-hoofed herself for the fact, ‘how couldn’t I remember that my own house was in THAT direction’ she didn’t thought about it anymore as she decided to continue observing, the boy walked to the entrance and entered through the always open door, Vinyl always let it open since she thought that nopony would be stupid enough to steal anything from her or from Octavia. Vinyl followed the boy to her house and found him observing her music equip, he grabbed the headphones and pushed the play button, the boy’s eyes widened at the sound that came from them, it was Vinyl’s last record: ‘Totally Royal Fiasco’ a performance that Luna requested for her last party, it was a unique mix of guitar, drums, and bass, the boy looked around until he found her disk-jockey, he stared at it for a moment until he sat on Vinyl’s chair and started playing.
Vinyl was surprised, the boy was pretty good, in brief moments the boy started playing a weird yet cool song, Vinyl was amazed, the boy could easily be her assistant and she didn’t just allowed somepony to touch her disk-jockey, it had to be pretty good, as she was the best, the song he had played sound like a mix of her style and Octavia’s, a mix of instruments and techno music.
After he finished the boy smiled and dropped his body at her chair, he seemed pretty tired from the performance he just did and decided to rest, Vinyl smiled at his act ‘Just like a child’ she walked in and stepped hard in the floor with her hoof waking the boy in the act and making him fall to the floor ‘Oops’
“And who might you be?” asked Vinyl with a false serious tone in her voice
“Umm sorry miss, I just woke up in the floor, I can’t remember anything but I’m pretty sure that I’m not from here” said the boy as he took another look to Vinyl’s house “Are you a musician, miss?”
“Cut the formalities kiddo, course I am, the name’s Vinyl Scratch, best DJ in all Equestria” said Vinyl proudly while sending her hoof to her chest “You seem to be pretty good with the disk-jockey”
“Yeah I think I am” said the boy while blushing a little at Vinyl’s comment, this earned a giggle from her, the boy was just too innocent
“So dude, do you remember who your parents are?” she asked; the boy’s face fell and Vinyl got worried about it, it couldn’t be right? He had to have someone to look after him right? Such a piece of talent couldn’t be wasted.
“That’s the only thing I remember miss” mumbled the boy, Vinyl could swear she saw a tear rolling down the boy’s face “my mom and dad are not with me anymore, one minute I saw them and the next one they were gone”
Vinyl felt a tear roll down her face but she didn’t care, she fought to resist the urge to ran and hug the boy, it wasn’t fair that he didn’t have anyone to relay on, nopony deserved that kind of fate, she thought for a moment before an idea formed in her mind ‘Well I always thought that the colts were pretty cute, so what about having a very unique child?’.
“Hey kid I think I have a solution that will help us both, y’see I like you kid and I think you might have a chance to be somepony in Equestria, and I had always wanted to have a child of my own alongside my mare-friend, so-” Vinyl could not finish her sentence as the boy practically tackled her to the ground while saying “Thank you” uncountable times; after that the boy fell asleep in Vinyl’s legs, she put him on her back and put him in the couch before levitating a sheet and putting it on him.
*Fifteen minutes later*
“Vinyl! I’m home!” yelled Octavia as she entered to her house while dragging a huge suitcase
“Hi Octavia, what are you doing here? I thought the tour would make you busy until the weekend” asked Vinyl while approaching to Octavia and giving her a peck on the cheek
“Yes, it was supposed to last longer but due to an accident we had to finish it early” answered Octavia while getting a worried look from her mare friend
“What accident?” asked Vinyl worried that something might had happened to Octavia in the tour
“It wasn’t dangerous, but for some reason the instruments simply wouldn’t make a sound” answered Octavia a little confused
“What do you mean?”
“I mean what I said, the instruments didn’t emit any kind of sound, Celestia knows we tried for over two hours and nothing, I even changed all the strings from my cello but it didn’t work” said Octavia still confused about the curious case.
“Well at least something good came out of this, I got to spend more time with YOU” said Vinyl while kissing Octavia right in the lips, the kiss wasn’t hard nor long but it was needed for both of them, for Octavia it made her relax, and with Vinyl it made her excited, these was one of the reasons that allowed their relationships, with Vinyl, the always stressed Octavia could bring out her wild side without giving a damn about what anypony would said, and with Octavia, Vinyl felt the urge to see the true mare that Octavia was, that wild, love crazed mare that she loved.
“How about we continue this in the couch?” asked Octavia as she started to walk to the couch
“About that...” Vinyl was interrupted as Octavia stopped right in her tracks, Vinyl sighed as she waited for the inevitable reaction
“Vinyl” said Octavia not moving an inch from her position
“Would you care to explain why is there a hairless ape sleeping in the couch with one of our sheets?”
Vinyl sighed and walked to Octavia, this was going to be a long day
*Another fifteen minutes and an explanation later*
“And then I dragged him to the couch” said Vinyl as she finished her explanation to Octavia.
“Wow Vinyl, this is truly something, I’m not against taking care of the boy but are you sure this is right?” asked Octavia with a serious tone
“I truly don’t know, I guess it won’t be long until Celestia comes here to ask us about the kit but even then I’m sure that I won’t let him alone, the child deserves a family and no one with such an amazing musical talent will be alone in my guard” answered Vinyl, Octavia couldn’t help but smile, Vinyl could be boyish, loud, party loving and a musician with a style completely different to hers, but she had a golden hearth like no one in all Equestria.
“Well I guess it’s settled, so can you help me with something?” asked Vinyl taking care to not wake up the sleeping boy
“With what?” asked Octavia not getting the question
“The kid needs a name but I’ve been thinking all the afternoon and nothing came out, he said he doesn’t remember his and I don’t think he will in a long time” said Vinyl with a thoughtful face
“Hmm” mumbled Octavia “You said that there was a very strong wind right before you found him right?”
“Yeah I did” said Vinyl before snapping and realizing what Octavia meant “That’s it!”
“SHHH!” said Octavia after shutting Vinyl
“Windblow Scratch…” said Vinyl “yeah I think it’ll work”
Octavia nodded it was indeed a good name and according to what Vinyl said it matched perfectly with Windblow’s personality
“Well Windblow, welcome to the family” they both said before planting a peck on Windblow’s forehead, he smiled still asleep as they both went up and tried to sleep, it was rather difficult as they now had something exciting in their lives, since tomorrow they would be mothers.