//------------------------------// // Thank You Very Much // Story: Pretty Little Ditty // by Closer-To-The-Sun //------------------------------// Thank You Very Much “Thank you very much,/The pleasure is all mine./The presence of the innocence is so divine.” –Hey Ocean!, “Thank You Very Much” I’m a doll. A stuffed, patchwork pony. Made with bits and pieces of fabric lying around Twilight Velvet’s sewing room, some fluff, and two buttons, my life as Smarty Pants came to existence. I’m not much, I know that for a fact. Yet I still live in the heart of my first owner, Twilight Sparkle. I remember our first day together. Velvet was working at the sewing machine, stitching my body, putting the pieces in place. A purple unicorn filly looked up at her mother with stars in her eyes, curious of what her mother was doing. The unicorn told her daughter to be patient as she began to put fluff inside, bringing me to life. Closing me with one last pull of the thread, Twilight Velvet gave me to the filly. The wide-eyed unicorn stared at me, and I back at her. Full of joy and excitement, Twilight Sparkle hugged me closely. Wasting no time, she dragged me along to her room where we began to study. Over the years, Twilight Sparkle gave me everything I could ask. She gave me much love and affection. She would bring me along everywhere she went. I was taken to the stores when they would go shopping. I would often go to her school, where I would be the topic of her show-and-tell activity more than once. She would often take me to the library with her, where she would give me my very own notebook and quill so I could do my homework while she did hers. Often times, we would hide inside a construction of books that she would make in her room, she affectionately called it her book fort. We spent late nights in that monument of books; looking at picture books, studying magic, or being whisked away into a world of fantasy. She loved books and studying. I never could understand why she did, but I didn’t care. As long as she was happy, I was happy. In time, she grew up. It’s inevitable. Twilight Sparkle always was an excitable little filly, yearning to grow up to be a powerful unicorn. But as she grew, she left home. Called upon by the regal Princess Celestia, she literally jumped at the opportunity to learn at her hooves. Twilight Sparkle left home to learn from the princess, leaving her home behind, including me. I was happy for her, really I was. But those feelings of sadness and neglect outweighed my happiness for her. It was if she left me for bigger and better things. Years past and I remained in her old bedroom, staring at the towering shelves of books that bordered the room. One fateful day, however, the Twilight’s door opened. The familiar purple unicorn entered her old room. I could tell she changed. She had grown up, a cutie mark upon her body, truly her mother’s daughter. Twilight Sparkle looked around her room, as if she was searching something. Her eyes locked on to me and she picked up me. She spoke to me, “There you are, Smarty Pants! I’ve been looking for you everywhere! We’re going to be heading to a new home!” I was puzzled, but she continued, “You know, I would never have gotten into Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns if it wasn’t for you helping me study!” Twilight chuckled lightheartedly as she went on to add that we would be going to a new town at the request of Celestia; Ponyville. In Ponyville, we all lived in a library, which was very fitting for Twilight Sparkle. She and her assistant dragon Spike seemed to have a natural talent for their new found occupation. Nevertheless, it seemed that the unicorn had forgotten me yet again. But I was fine. I was placed in a spot of honor on her desk. Every so often she would take me down and cuddle me, reminiscing of her childhood and our time together. She told me she valued our time together. I did as well. One day, however, something odd happened. In an attempt to write a letter about friendship to the princess, Twilight showed me to three little fillies. I could tell they were not amused with me or my appearance, something I don’t hold against them. Twilight Sparkle then used her magic to make the three little ponies desire me. This quickly escalated to a large group a ponies fighting over me, a patchwork doll that is already falling apart. Princess Celeista was quick to intervene and dispel the magic. Quickly, all the ponies left me on the group, except for one. A red stallion seemed to be genuinely interest and desire for me. He was quick to take me back to his home. He cares for me. He loves me. It’s as if I’ve been given a second lease on life. I might be just a fluff-filled doll. All I know is the life I’ve had with Twilight Sparkle and now with my new owner, who is called Big Mac by his family. But to that purple unicorn, I miss her. I love my new home, but to her, I owe everything. I owe her my memories, my happiness, and my life. I might never be able to tell her myself, but if I could just say one thing to Twilight, I want to say thank you for everything. She has given me a wonderful life that I wouldn’t ever trade for all of Equestria. So Twilight Sparkle, thank you very much, the pleasure was all mine.