//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: The Jungle // Story: The Trans-Dimensional War // by Moon Dash //------------------------------// My first night in the jungle I've made it about two Kilometers while surely not being chased down by my first pony assailants. When I set up camp I think "should I set up a fire? The Pegasus might see me from above, I'll have to risk it" I say to myself as I took out my lighter from my side storage compartment and light the small stack of branches I have stacked next to me; They'd have to look very hand to see me as I put a cover over my tent, taking away most of the ability for the light to surpass the lowest of branches and slight fog. As I am lying down to start to sleep, I see multiple stripes, I scream out, "Who are you, A man, or ponies?" "You must learn a lot, If you expect to not be jungle rot" The zebra says in a calm tone I'm amazed that any kind of pony could form something as witty as that single rhyme, I reply back to the zebra "Ok then, who are you and what do you want from me?" "You must learn patience, if you will defy the pony queens, Celestia, Luna, twilight, and Cadence" calmly says the zebra "you must first assimilate into the herd, before you are that very absurd." Suddenly, Rainbow Dash crashes down onto the ground with earth shaking force. As two small flashes appear next to her, a now princess version of the purple pony appears with a pink pony with some sort of cannon. Rainbow Dash rears up to jump at me and starts to fly at me. I grab onto her wing and hold on with all my might, ripping the first one off. The second one isn't strong enough to hold the horse up, so I throw back the wing to give them a fighting chance should they try to mend it. "where's your alicorn goddesses now ponies?" I yell to them from accross the clearing. the purple one steps up closer to me "pinkie, FIRE THE PARTY CANNON!" An audible "YAY!" Can be heard from the pink pony as streamers, glitter, and confetti blasts out of the cannon with a loud Kazoo noise, getting all over my Helmet and getting on my visor, Impairing my vision could be the end of me, so I take off my helmet for the time being. Throwing it to the muddy ground, the alicorn takes this as her chance to take me down. She screams "Shoot the friendship darts! Throw the Tolerance gas cans!" Just as the poisonous darts start to fly and the sleeping gas cartridges are flying, I take my confetti'd helmet and run towards the alicorn, Smashing into with all the force of a Gravity Hammer (Halo 3+) into her, brutally bashing her body with the Butt of my rifle. Until the Darts hit me. I have been hit with so many darts, my mind goes almost utterly dark. I can't see anything except for a blur of colors. I can only hear ponies singing dreadful songs about some "winter wrap up" thing and then about smiling for some reason. On the outside I'm sure my sclera (the usually white part of the eye) is turning into the colors of the rainbow as I'm being seduced into nothing more than the cognetical activities of an ant so they can drag me away silently. The thought of his still frightens me today from their attack in that jungle. The next two days were a massive blur of the zebras carrying me to the pony's FOB (Forward Operating Base). All I remember was that all I was ever given to eat was some apple product or some kind of bread. My head started to clear up when we got to the base. By that time, I had been dragged, with rainbow sclera through the jungle for 10 miles a day. During that walk, Galaxy joined us after she had recovered from my first contact with ponies, she often used her magic to keep me off the ground to be a nice filly to a guy like I. While she was walking beside me, I talked to her and we realized we have a lot in common. We both like to play Halo and Skyrim, I ask her if she wants to know more about humans. Without notice, a mint green unicorn runs up to me and starts to jump up and down excitedly screaming "Teach me! Teach me!" The pony exclaims as Galaxy says to her "calm down, nobody is going to be talking about humans, Lyra" "She sure is excited over nothing" I tell galaxy as the mint green pony walks away distraught as though she had just lost a dear friend. "she was dating a human during the ceasefire one and a half years ago" Galaxy mummers to me as I'm floating and she's walking, "She never got over her loss of her Super Special Somepony, she's never recovered since." Says Galaxy with a now grim face, her whole body seems to get greyer as she says it, her head starts to droop during this. I realize this so I bring it back to a topic we can relate to. Gaming. As were going into the FOB, Galaxy knocks me out without warning, the last thing I remember is a large steel gate with a dark inside. 'This must be the warp gate' I think to myself as I am half floated half dragged into the portal's dark center. All goes black after this point, I feel as if I'm going to die going through the gate to the ponies homeland. Equestria.