//------------------------------// // Rules of Nature // Story: The Equestrian Hero's Call: Homecoming // by Genis94 //------------------------------// The return to our respective hotel rooms was certainly a welcome one, especially considering the fight and the new questions that were raised. I sat on a chair in my hotel room, which I was sharing with Luna, staring out the window as I thought about all that had happened in the past few hours. It seems that Luna noticed my silence as she tapped me on the shoulder. "You've been staring out the window for a while now. Is everything alright." She asked in genuine concern. I gave her a comforting smile. "Yeah, I was just thinking about what we've learned recently. It's throwing my entire perception of my world on it's head, like how I thought mythological creatures and deities were just the tales of the superstitious." I paused as I gave it some more thought. "The fact that the monster we fought wasn't summoned, but rather sealed, could mean that they aren't just myths. Perhaps there was magic on this world once." Luna thought about it for a moment. "Now that you mention it, there is an abundance of mana on this world, yet none of the creatures are capable of using it. Perhaps something happened in the past to cause all of the current inhabitants to be unable to absorb or manipulate it." "Maybe that's what's happening with me! I mean, I absorbed Teruza's spell back in Canterlot, and now I'm immortal, plus there was that time stopping spell I got just a little while ago." I deduced. Luna's eyes went wide as she realized her theory may just be fact. "You're right! Creatures can't just become able to use magic; it's something you're born with. You and other humans may not have been able to use magic before, but that may just mean there is some sort of force preventing you from using it as you currently are. When you absorbed the spell in Canterlot, it must have been powerful enough to short out that block, allowing you to absorb and use magic." I grinned ear to ear as the possibilities began to bounce around in my head. "So you're saying I could learn how to use magic like you and the others?" Luna rubbed her chin in contemplation. "Perhaps... But you would have to learn how to focus your magic without a guide like the spells you've absorbed, though you may not have been able to do something on that scale before anyway." "So I would need to train to focus it through something, kind of like your horn?" "Exactly." "Well, how about the spell from earlier?" I asked. "What about it?" "For starters, it tired me out after a couple of seconds of maintaining it. Why did that tire me out, but I don't even feel the immortality spell?" "Simple." Luna nodded with a happy grin. I guess she was elated to have a student in magic like her sister. "Your immortality is maintained by using the mana you naturally absorb at a fixed rate. This mana flows through your body like oxygenated blood, giving energy to you when you use magic." "So it's like when I push myself too hard exercising?" "Correct. You catch on quickly." Luna complemented. "Aww, you're making me blush." I said as I rubbed the back of my neck modestly. "Anyway, how did I focus that spell?" "Like I said earlier, the spells you're absorbing are acting like a natural guide for your mana, almost like an enchantment." "This is all really fascinating... *Yawn*." I chuckled as my body was sending me rather obvious signals. "I guess I'd better hit the hay. It's great that we finally have our own beds this time." "Y-yes." Luna said, uncertainty lingering in her voice. I would have inquired about it, but I was certain it was nothing. "Well, good night, Luna." I said, making myself comfortable under the covers. "Good night..." -------- Somewhere about an hour or so into my sleep, I felt something enter the bed alongside me. I soon felt a pair of arms wrap around me in an embrace that was not simply one of affection, but also one of security. Knowing there was only one other person who could enter the room, I groggily addressed her. "Luna...? What are you doing in my bed?" I asked, yawning after I had finished. Luna's voice shuddered as she answered. "I-I'm sorry... I'm being selfish right now... I... I just..." I turned around to face her, my expression sympathetic as I saw the tears in her eyes. "Luna, you can tell me anything. What's wrong?" Luna shied her gaze away from me in shame. "I've never told anypony before... whenever I go to bed, I always feel so lonely." "Why would you feel lonely?" "I keep thinking about... that time..." "You mean... the Moon?" I asked, afraid of her response. "You have no idea how lonely it was. 1000 years trapped on the Moon, my only company being my own shadow, and the voices of the nightmares that turned me into the monster I was. Every time I went to sleep, my eyes would be puffy and red from the tears I had shed while I was awake. But that was only when I was in control. When Knightmare Moon was dominant, she would curse out my sister's name, promising to do the most foul and horrific things to her once she broke free. I couldn't bear the thought of such things, so I shut myself away from society once I returned, because I didn't want to look at the faces of the ponies who I swore to crush beneath my hooves." I hugged Luna tightly to my chest, stroking her hair in the most soothing way I could. "That wasn't you, and that never will be. You're not a monster, Luna, and you never have to be alone ever again." Luna began sobbing away her sorrows in the comfort of my chest, and I embraced her fully. "You must think so lowly of me for acting this way... Throwing my emotional burdens onto you is truly unbecoming of me." She said once she regained her composure. I kissed her tenderly on the lips to silence her doubts. "You're you. That's all that matters to me. I'm always going to be there for you whenever you need a shoulder to cry on, and I'll help carry your burdens. Just please don't cry; it tears my heart to see you like this." "I'm truly lucky to have you." She said as she snuggled closer. "So am I, Luna. So am I." -------- Luna and I woke the next morning still locked in our warm embrace. We soon joined the others after we got dressed for the flight back to the United States. The flight was full of friendly conversation and reminiscing on good memories. When we touched down back at the airport, we all gladly stretched our stiff limbs before climbing into the limo back to the 'Embassy'. "Glad to have you back home, sir. I trust your trip to Egypt was eventful?" Walter asked during the ride back. "Oh, you know. Visited the Valley of the Kings, fought a giant sand monster that was sealed away for who-knows how long, and I learned how to stop time for brief periods." I listed off nonchalantly. "So basically just another day at work for me. ...Man, my work is weird." "So now you can return to Equestria, sir?" I found myself unable to respond as I thought about the mysterious figure who managed to swat us away like flies. Celestia took the liberty of answering for me. "I'm afraid we'll be staying here a bit longer. Whatever dragged us into this world is still on the loose, and we now know that it's power is incredible." "That's perfectly alright, Princess. It's a pleasure to have you around." We arrived home at around two in the afternoon, one of the small blessings of a flight that 'chases the sun'. Rainbow Dash said she wanted to stretch her limbs after being cramped on the plane for so long, so we all enjoyed another swim in the pool area. After we all dried off and had our dinner, we decided to all enjoy a movie. "Hmmm..." I hummed to myself as I browsed our selection. "Too raunchy... Too violent... Ewww! Twilight!" I said, eliminating all the poor choices. "I-it wasn't me! Pinkie's the one who ate that bean burrito!" Twilight blurted as her cheeks flushed crimson. "What are you-?" I sniffed the air and realized what she meant. "Aww! That is just nasty!" Pinkie was waving her hand in front of her nose in desperation. "Don't try and throw this on me, Twilight!" Twilight's entire face became one bright shade of red. "My digestive system is completely different in this body! It's not my fault!" I cleared my throat in slight embarrassment myself. "Uh, Twilight? I wasn't referring to you when I said that. I meant the movie Twilight." Twilight's blush somehow found another shade of red to turn as everyone else began desperately trying to avoid laughing like hyenas. "A-anyway, I think I found the perfect movie for tonight." I said as I produced a DVD case with a grin. "The Mask?" Vinyl asked. I did a spin in place before striking a pose. "Ssssmokin'!" -------- We had all spent the past hour laughing our behinds off at the cartoony antics of Jim Carrey. Man that guy is the perfect comedic actor. We were finally at the scene where he was at the club trying to stop the mob from blowing up the place with a bomb. He dove behind the counter of the bar while holding the Mask, gunfire splintering through the wooden barrier. After a few moments of silence, he vaulted up onto the counter and took a seat, though he now had a green cartoonish face and a suit/fedora combo. "Did you miss me?" He playfully asked the mobsters. He then took a nearby drink and began to down it. The liquid soon returned to sight as it spurted out of several holes in his body. "I guess not!" He quipped as he grinned at his assailants. He jumped down from his seat as the three henchmen began to reload their guns. "Now you've gotta ask yourself one question. 'Do I feel lucky'? Well..." He then produced two massive guns that were a mish-mash of several lethal weapons ranging from mini-guns to rocket launchers. "Do ya... punks?" He asked as some of the guns began to click. The three men dropped their guns and ran as fast as they could. Several flags popped out of the barrels of the weapons, each one with the word 'Bang!' written on it. "He he he he he!" He snickered as he swung the weapons into his pockets. "Stanley!" Cameron Diaz shouted from her position tied to a fake palm tree. Stanley quickly ran over to where she was tied up and quickly picked up the bomb that was about to detonate. Rather than try to disarm it he simply ate the entire device whole. A muffled explosion was heard as his chest expanded slightly, and he soon belched up smoke. "That's a spicy meatball!" he said in an Italian accent. Everyone let out another roar of laughter at the hilarious antic. Soon Peter Greene, the villain of the movie, ran over in an attempt to kill Stanley. Stanley looked at the screen in annoyance. "This guy's incorrigible." He whipped out a set of paint and quickly painted a lever labeled 'Flush' on the side of the palm tree. As soon as Peter jumped in the water, he pulled the now real lever, flushing all of the water and Peter with it. Stanley pulled out a cigar. "You were good kid, real good. But as long as I'm around you'll always be second best, see?" Everyone began to let out their final laughs as the movie reached it's ending. Celestia wiped a tear from her eye before she spoke to me. "Oh my, I haven't laughed like that in quite some time!" "That's Jim Carrey for ya." I replied. *Hiccup!* "What was-?" I began. *Hiccup!* We all turned to Luna who was beginning to panic as she tried to fight this strange sensation. "Sister! What's happening?!*Hiccup!*" Celestia let out a small chuckle. "Nothing is wrong Luna. You simply have the hiccups." "Hiccups?*Hiccup!*" I raised a brow in disbelief. "You've never had the hiccups before?" "P-please! Tell me how to cure this affliction!" She said in her 'Olde' voice, a nervous habit of hers. "Pinkie, if you would be so kind?" I asked. "Boo!" She shouted as she burst from between the couch cushions, a feat I'm still not certain of how she accomplished. "Ahh! Why did you-" Luna paused as she noticed she didn't hiccup. "They're gone...!" She wrapped Pinkie in a massive hug. "Oh, thank you Pinkie!" "*Giggle* At your service!" She giggled. It was honestly a really heart-warming sight to see just how far Luna had come socially. When I first arrived she was still taking baby steps ever since her visit during Nightmare Night, but now she was really following after her older sister and allowing herself to drop formalities and simply be an equal. I let out a tired yawn. "Well, I'd better get some rest. Goodnight everyone." "I shall join you. I'm beginning to grow tired as well." Luna said. Vinyl let out a suggestive whistle. "Can't wait to climb into the same bed, eh?" *Smack* Vinyl clutched the top of her head in pain. "Ow! What was that for, Tavi?!" "Do you really think it wise to talk to the Princess in such a way?" "I was just joking around! C'mon Robert, tell her how we do this to each other all the time." "Well, it is true that we have teased one another like that, but please don't make it so lewd." I responded. "Fine, fine. Could ya tell me where you keep the beer?" She asked. "Not legal for you to drink in America, Vinyl." I told her. "H-huh?!" She blurted in shock. "Yeah, the drinking age is 21. You're just a year short." "Aww, man. I didn't even have a buzz, and yet I'm pretty sure you killed it." She muttered. I shook my head and chuckled at her pouting as I ascended the stairs. Luna followed me shortly after as I plopped down on the plush bed. "*Sigh* I've gotta hold onto this." I told myself as Luna climbed into bed. "What do you mean?" "Moments like these. It's what keeps me going even when the odds are against me. It's what gives me a purpose to fight." I turned to her and gave her a small peck. "And of course you're always in my thoughts too." I told her with a smile. "As you are in mine." She replied. -------- The next morning came with an early rise. "Robert!" ... A very early rise. "Ughhh.... Wha...?" I moaned as I barely managed to open my eyes. I got up and looked at the clock. It was 2 A.M. "*Sigh* I know there's only one reason you would wake me at an hour like this, Celestia. Where is it this time?" One plane ride later... "Whoa! This place is so sunny and warm!" Rainbow admired. "And look at all the people!" Pinkie added. "Welcome to Rio De Janeiro, ladies. The Capital of Brazil." I told them. I was feeling much better thanks to the nap I caught on the plane ride. I was feeling nervous considering we were in a major city on such a delicate matter. "So where to, Celestia?" I asked, wishing to get this done as soon as possible. "It seems to be coming from this direction." She said, pointing down an alley that I assumed lead to a favela. "Alright, everyone stay close. Unfortunately we could run into thugs." "While you have a big sword and shield strapped on your back and a bunch of magical ponies turned human with you?" Vinyl chided. "...Valid point." We made our way down the alley, all the while the sounds of the people began to drown out, yet I felt some kind of presence following me. *Krz* An electrical sound was heard from above. I instinctively changed my weapons into Hallowed Light, my two handed sword that combined both weapons powers and boosted them. I just barely managed to parry an overhead strike from a red blade that crackled with red electricity. I barely had time to react before the attacker back flipped and casually rested the katana by the dull end on his shoulder. "And you are?" I asked as I took a defensive stance. The attacker was clearly of Brazilian descent, though he only had his face visible; the rest of his body was covered by some form of white bodysuit that almost seemed like an advanced exoskeleton of some kind. His face had a few scars, complementing his thin beard/mustache and he had his brown hair in a top-knot. He flashed what I can only call a "Shit eating grin". "Samuel Rodrigues, though you can call me Jetstream Sam." "Alright then, Sam. Why are you after me?" I asked. "Oh, I'm not here to kill you. I was simply testing your skills. That was a very good parry for someone who was self taught." "How did you-?" "It's quite easy to tell by your stance and movements." "So you were testing me with an attack that likely could have killed me?" He chuckled at the question. "Perhaps it would have killed an ordinary man, but you aren't a normal man, are you?" "How do you know so much about me?" I asked, my frustration mounting. "I am from Ascension. I believe you've already met us? Though, we're under new leadership now. No more orders from that idiot, Anderson." "So what? You're here to play nice now?" "Yes." I was shocked by such a blunt answer. I glanced at Applejack. "He's tellin' the truth." She answered with a tip of her hat. "So these are the Equestrians, eh? They look nice enough." Sam said with a friendly grin. "Eep." Fluttershy squeaked as she shied away from view. Sam sheathed his blade and stepped towards Fluttershy. I allowed him, but kept my blade ready to strike. He reached out a hand to shake. "A pleasure to meet you." Fluttershy slowly reached out a shaking hand and returned the gesture. Satisfied with his progress, he turned back to me. "We heard that you were heading in this direction, so I was sent to join up with you." "Are you sure this is alright? An agent for an American agency deployed to another country like this?" "The UN really got the picture of what's going on when they saw photos of that sculpture you made in Egypt. I guess it just takes a potential disaster to finally get politics fast-tracked." "Can you ask them to let us keep it? Spike here earned that little trophy." I laughed as I patted Spike on the head. "I'll put in a good word, but for now we should get moving. What's the monster this time?" He asked. "Hopefully nothing if we can stop it. How far to the focus point, Celestia?" I asked. "I've lost the signal!" She gasped. "That's not good..." I muttered. My gloom was justified when we heard a primal roar and a massive beast rose from the buildings. "Run. Now." I told the others. They followed my order and made for the opposite direction. The beast seemed to be a giant bipedal lizard with two large 'wings' for arms. It was jet black with chitinous skin and an orange glow emanating from it's maw of a mouth. "Still want to help?" I asked Sam. "Things just got interesting." He said with a confident grin. "Let's go!" I shouted. We both made a sprint for the nearby buildings, both of us rising to the various ledges and windows with precision and speed to climb to the roof. The massive monster took a glance at us and roared loudly, drowning out the panic of the civilians sprinting away for safety. The beast reared back it's head to slam into the section of the roof where I stood. I reinforced my blade with shadow energy and parried the incoming strike, dazing the creature long enough for Sam to slash into it. "Rrrreeeee!" It screamed in anger. I could see red-hot lines from where Sam's blade made contact, but it didn't seem to be enough to really damage it. The monster raised up one of it's massive legs to try and crush Sam, but he simply cartwheeled to the side to avoid the impact. "Ha! Pathetic!" He taunted. The monster, clearly infuriated by Jetstream's taunts, opened it's mouth which began glowing with orange energy. "Uh oh." I groaned. Sam and I both dove to the side of the beam, still feeling the searing pain of the glancing blow. I leaped up in front of one of the wings of the beast and used my newly acquired ability to freeze time. I began slashing mercilessly into the black plates of the monster, which began to cut away slowly. I quickly threw Hallowed Light up to the ankle of my leg, securing it with shadow energy and bring down the light charged blade with a powerful axe kick. I landed back on the roof and panted from exhaustion from using up my reserve mana. The beast roared out in pain from the loss of a limb, but it was not defeated. The beast prepared to crush me with a swipe of it's tail, but Sam sliced off the appendage. "Mind if I cut in?" "Go nuts." I chuckled. Sam did just that and began to cut away at the beast with inhuman speed. The monster managed to throw him off into a nearby building side, but Sam recovered by launching himself off and landing another cut. He then sheathed his sword as the beast made ready to crush him with his remaining wing. "What are you-?" *Bang!* He pulled the trigger on his hilt, sending his sword flying out at lightning speed. He caught the handle and swung with such force that he cut cleanly through the remaining wing. I took the opening and jumped right on the head of the monster, stabbing my blade into the center. With a firm grip on the handle, I ran down the length of the beast and jumped off. The monster was effectively cut in half, ending the terror to Rio. "Excellent work." Sam cheered from the roof top. "Not bad yourself." I replied. I soon felt an energy wrap around me. The magic about it was full of resentment and hate. I felt the mana around me build to a crescendo, then there was only a bright light that remained.