//------------------------------// // The Right Thing // Story: Opportunities // by QuirkyQuills //------------------------------// "It's the right thing to do," Big Macintosh said, voice low and firm. Applejack scowled, stealing a glance over her shoulder before looking up at her brother. "After what happened last time they came around? Them two're vultures in ponies' hides an' you know it!" Big Mac heaved a heavy sigh, shaking his head. "Not this time, sis. Look at 'em." "Don't want to," Applejack said huffily. She was being childish, she knew, but the very idea of old enemies on her farm made her pelt bristle. Big Mac only gazed solemnly down at her a moment before looking pointedly at the ponies behind her; Applejack willed herself to not follow his gaze. She knew what he was trying to do - if she looked at the sad-sacked, disheveled, too-thin ponies longer than necessary her resolve would crack. Letting them lie on the beds they'd made was the right thing to do. Couldn't Big Mac see that? Her brother, always a pony of few words, simply looked at her again and she scowled. It was the right thing to do, the sensible thing to do, so why did his patient, solemn gaze make her feel wrong? "They've got nothin' on their minds but takin' us for every bit we got." "They want to work. Just to get back on their hooves." "They've never rested on their own hooves in their lives! Just standin' on other ponies' backs!" "Then we'll show 'em how." She ground her teeth, hooves scuffing the wood floor. "They'll... they... they ain't been nothin' but strife to us, an'...." "So be the better pony." Big Mac chanced another glance at their unwanted guests before looking at Applejack again. "Be the better pony, and maybe you'll find out you're wrong." "And if I'm right?" "Then you'll be right and get to chase 'em off our farm." Big Mac took a breath. "But it is our farm. Not just mine, not just yours, and havin' 'em here affects everything. So if you really think tossin' 'em on their tails is the right thing... well, I'm sure all of Ponyville will agree with you." She nodded at that, unable to meet his gaze any longer. She was right, wasn't she? Let those ponies reap their own harvest! It was just, it was right, extending a hoof would only reward their behavior! Applejack took a breath, doffing her hat and peering into it until her eyes rested on her father's name stitched inside. The right thing isn't always the easy or popular thing, Applejack. It might not even seem like a good idea at the time. But you have to try, look at it from all sides, and do what you think is the honest best. "Big Mac. I don't want 'em here. They're trouble through an' through. You cut them ponies an' they'll bleed snake oil. An' if I'm gonna be honest with myself - an' I pride myself on honesty! - th'right thing is pretty clear to me." She put her hat back on and marched toward their visitors, steps steady and a scowl on her freckled face. She stared at the nervous ponies a long moment before taking a deep breath. "All right, you two. What y'said earlier, 'bout us not owin' you a dadgum thing? That's plain truth. No arguin', no way around it. An' I don't think a single soul in Ponyville ever wanted or expected t'see your faces again. You ain't earned no handouts an' y'don't deserve 'em. We clear?" They exchanged a glance before nodding in miserable unison. Applejack nodded in satisfaction before speaking again. "Good, we understand each other. So we all know y'all are gonna earn your keep. No shirkin', no slackin', no... doin' what you do, just good, hard work. You're good at sellin', so let's see you sell an 'honest pony' act." She paused as they looked up, wide-eyed, and she managed an approximation of a smile. "Y'all can sleep in the barn. Supper'll be th'last free thing you get here - you start earnin' your meals bright an' early tomorrow. Are we clear?" The twin unicorns exchanged another glance, surprise still clear on their faces. Then the cleanshaven one managed a sprightly hop despite his obvious exhaustion, both ponies sweeping off tattered straw hats. "Abso-lute-ly clear as the fine springs of this lovely little burg, madam, clear as Celestia's magnificent dawn and Luna's crisp starlight, bright and shining like the very apples of this orchard!" Flim announced, bowing theatrically. "My brother and I will not disappoint!" "Farm ponies ourselves, I must say," Flam said, a bit calmer and more stately as he too bowed. "You've done the right thing, Apples." Applejack grumbled, pushing her hat down over her eyes so she wouldn't see Big Mac's approving smile or the unicorns prancing toward her beautiful barn in matched step. "Horseapples. It better be right."