New World, New Rules

by Zilver5664

Chapter 2: Hospital

(AN: This is my first time using Luna as a dialogue, I will most likely need pointers, however I can say one thing, she doesn’t talk in old equestrian anymore, she talks modern equestrian. Save for extreme moments)

Time: 2:54 A.M
Date: Oct 12, 2013
Location: Ponyville Hospital

Regaining consciousness I realize that I am on a bed, bloody comfy too. Quickly making sure that I am not broken in any way whether physical or mental, I slowly open my eyes to be greeted by darkness.

After waiting for my eyes to adjust I realize that I have been relocated to a hospital, it has a window to the right of me and there appears to be an extra bed for another patient that is unoccupied, there is a faint glow coming from a doorway that leads to the offices of the doctors, most likely a light. It’s night time according to the window showing outside.

Slowly moving around I shuffle my way toward the edge of the bed and slide out, after stepping onto the floor I feel a slight pain in my right calf, Probably from the slash, taking a look at it, it seems to have healed tremendously, as all that’s left is scar tissue. Ignoring most of the pain and chalking it up to magic (Because here logic just up and flew out a window), I notice that I am also in a hospital gown, not liking these kind of garments I take a look around for my usual clothes. I find them located in a brown bag located on a chair next to the window. Making sure that I won’t be disturbed, I grab my clothes and find a secluded area, and begin changing. After I finished I folded the gown and placed it back on the chair. Looking around for my backpack, I find it underneath the chair where my clothes were. After making sure that everything was in there I grab the pistol and knife from the pack and attach it to their respectful places. Knowing full well that I am done with getting ready I make a mental note to have the doctors release me by this morning.

Having no idea what else to do I turn on my HUD and start exploring it. It had a kind of old feeling to it, the HUD was yellowish and the graphics looked like something from a Pip-boy. Ignoring it I decide to explore around the computer, however as soon as I turned it on I was greeted by a message notification. Clumsily looking through the computer I finally find the messages folder and bring it up. Apparently I was given a letter or two. Bringing up the first one I began reading.

“Hello and thank you for putting on Computer LG-1441 HUD. We apologize for any discomfort you received when you put this on and we hope you can forgive us. Moving on we would like to inform you that this Computer is the first commercial HUD to be made, meaning that this is a incomplete project and it will be VERY likely it will have bugs. If you encounter any of this please send a report and we will begin working on a patch to fix it up. Also please take note that there are a couple of SusSMskaAsksLS---“

"Great. I only just put this on and I already encountered a bug, this is gonna work just fine," I say dryly.
After closing the letter I rummage around the computer looking for the bug report file. Finding it in the settings menu I immediately send a bug report to who knows where.

‘It’s not like it will actually work,’ I thought hopelessly.

I got my thoughts handed back to me as soon as my computer blacked out and automatically split itself and rested on the sides of my head again. Wondering what just happened I wait a couple of minutes before the computer turns back on and merged with its other half after returning to the front of my head. As soon as it turned on, it began with a refined loading screen, what I mean is that instead of a pip-boy look, it seemed to have improved its graphics to that of a MAC computer. Not sure about the processing power though, but hey surprises, surprises. Luckily it kept the same layout as before so I was able to navigate to the messages window fairly easily. When I got there I was greeted by a new message, pulling that one up I began reading:

“We thank you for sending in your bug report; we have updated your software from 1.00 to 5.64. You should now be able to do most activities without any problems. If you encounter a bug, please send a bug report. Thank you and have a nice day.”

‘Meh, nothing new’ I thought.

Deleting that message, I move on to the last and fairly recent message before the patch. Bringing it up I was surprised to see it came from someone in this dimension. I began reading, hoping I could get some answers:

“Hello Chris, I am glad to see that you were able to put on the device I assigned to you. I must express some sorrow as it was likely very painful when you put it on. You most likely have plenty of questions for me and I will attempt to answer them to the best of my ability when we meet face to face. Right now I will just give answers to the questions I might guess, the most common question you probably have right now; you are in Equestria. No, this is nothing like that TV show “My little Pony: Friendship Is Magic” Although the events taken place is accurate, here in Terra we only have the traits of the creature in question. In order to elaborate; where you are; which is Ponyville, everybody you see will most likely have a horn or wings. (Tail is always) these represent the ponies in your case. Buffaloes, griffins, zebras will have their respected attributes as well.

Moving onto your next common question, who am I? I am Princess Luna, Co-ruler of Equestria, and little sister to Princess Celestia. You may remember me by the corrupt, Nightmare Moon.

“How do I know all this?” It’s because I have been watching you, a month before your hospitalization to now. Unfortunately you had to wind up in the hospital because of a malfunction in the teleportation spell I used on you to bring you to Equestria. That’s why you ended up in the Everfree Forest and was attacked by the Timberwolves. Good job on defending yourself by the way. Not many people are able to take on a pack of Timberwolves and come out in one piece.

After your little episode; Celestia’s student, Twilight Sparkle, brought you here to the hospital. In which you were patched up and healed. And now it brings us to the present where I will be expecting an update from someone on your condition, as this message was sent while you are unconscious in the hospital from the attack.”

Princess Luna

Co-Ruler of Equestria, Little sister of Princess Celestia, Princess of the night.

The letter ends right there. I was left open-mouthed at my current situation; I was in Equestria, I was dead in my dimension, pretty much everything made me feel like I wanted to just start laughing hysterically and begin banging my head against a wall.

Closing the computer but keeping the Glasses on, I look out the window and start taking a look at the outside world. From my side of the building I was given a view of a forest. Everything was quiet, nothing was making a sound, and everything seemed so…Peaceful.

Looking past the forest I spotted a silhouette of a mountain that looked like it was holding a castle on its side. The laws of physics should be preventing the castle from even being there without collapsing, but as I said before; Equestria = Fuck logic.

Taking a closer look at the castle I notice that lights are being emitted from the castle. Unfortunately, I can’t see any more other than what I can see from here at the hospital. Almost giving up, I then realized that I am wearing a super computer disguised as Sunglasses. So of course my mind decided to try and see if I can unveil a surprise. Bringing up the main menu (It is actually the HUD showing where I am at the top left, compass at the bottom, and a spot at the bottom right for any weapons I would be using.) I than begin to speak to the computer.

“Computer, Zoom in, 20x,” I commanded quietly.

Just as I figured the visor did as I commanded and started zooming in on the castle like a pair of binoculars.

‘Wow, that place is amazing,’ I thought as I scanned the castle.

I continued scanning the castle until I reached a very unusual area. It was a balcony, and on that balcony was a telescope. Normally I would just question the reason a telescope would be there. But the reason is actually behind it. Behind the telescope I can see a silhouette. And apparently this silhouette is watching me from the telescope. Judging by the evidence that was presented to me through the letter, I could probably guess that the person watching me would be Princess Luna.

Moving away from the window I disengage the zoom feature and bring up the messages application on the visor. Getting the letter that was sent to me by Luna, I decide to play a joke on her, so I reply to the letter in the most vaguest and creepiest way ever.

“I see you…”

Sending the letter to her, I return my vision back to the window and activate the zoom feature once more and aim it at the castle balcony. As I suspected the letter appeared next to her in a form of a scroll. She directed her attention to the letter and moved away from the telescope to grab it. After reading the note, she glances back and forth between the letter and the telescope for about five seconds before she rushes back to it and looks through it to see me waving at her. After she sees me she backs away from the telescope and admits defeat, she summons a scroll and begins writing on it. After a couple of minutes she sends it and it appears as a text message on my visor. Opening it up I began to read.

“You bested me, good to see you awake. Although I am somewhat surprised it was at this time of night. If you want I can arrange a carriage for you to bring you to Canterlot.”

Grinning at my joke, I bring my attention back to the HUD and reply to the message.

“I would say ‘Yes’ but you do realize I am still waiting to get discharged from the hospital, unless you have something else in mind,” I reply, from then on it acts like a text message conversation.

“Who said I was coming to get you?” she replied.

“What do you mean, if I want to get out you have to discharge me, there is no other way unless….Oh. You expect me to sneak out.”

“That is correct, think of it as a test, you succeed you get to come to Canterlot, you fail you stay in the hospital.”

“……Challenge accepted,” I replied.

“Very well, see you on the other side, the carriage should be located on the outskirts of Ponyville, and you have two hours.”

Closing my HUD but keeping the visor on the main menu, I take a look out of the window and try to survey my surroundings. I’m most likely located on the south side of the hospital, as I can’t see a gate, my best bet is to climb out the window and walk to the other side. It will be hard as I can see patrolmen going about with flashlights.

“All right, let’s do this,” I say quietly.

Unclasping the latch on the window, I push it out and quietly move from the inside to out. The temperature is slightly humid, nothing I can handle. After making it out the window I turn around and gently close it to not arouse suspicion.

‘Wait, did I ever bother to look at which floor I was in?’ I ask to myself.

I look down and sure enough, I was on the second floor of the hospital. If I jump down I might get broken legs. Keeping to the ledge I look around and see where to begin, I begin side-stepping my way toward the corner of the hospital. Whenever I come across a window, I check and make sure it’s occupied or not and if it is, I drop down and shimmy to the other side.

After I round the corner I see a platform on the second floor, taking a closer look it’s the roof of the gate to the entrance, if I drop down now I might get caught in plain sight. In the distance I can see the town and past the town I can see a carriage, wanting to get a closer look, I activate my HUD and zoom in.

Apparently the carriage is being run by actual Pegasi, and it’s being driven by a guardsmen. After a while of me watching it, it drops down and lands on the other side of town, judging the distance; if all goes well it would take at least thirty minutes to run from here to the other side, to the carriage.

Side-stepping the rest of the way to the platform, I crouch down and survey my surroundings. I see two patrolmen both on the left and right, I decide that as soon as they look away I will launch myself from the platform and make a break for it.

I step away from the edge of the platform and take three steps back, I watch as the patrolmen turn to move away from the gateway. As soon as they completely turn around, I launch myself off of the platform. Upon reaching the ground I roll to reduce fall damage, as soon as I stand up I spring to the nearest bush. Heartbeat races, legs tensing, adrenaline rushing, It didn’t stop until I jumped into the bush.

After calming down I look around to make sure if any patrolmen spotted me, being lucky for once I was safe.

Making my way out of the bush, I make my way to the other side of the town, passing stalls, houses, even a giant tree. I turn on my HUD to make sure I’m heading in the right direction, as soon as I think I’m home free. I hear an alarm go off.

I swear for a moment I saw an exclamation mark above my head.

The alarm reverberates all around town waking everybody up, just then I hear the alarm stop and someone beginning to speak.
“THE PATIENT HAS ESCAPED!” I hear the hospital scream.


Knowing my cover is half blown I make a full on sprint to the carriage, I still have fifteen minute running distance and according to my HUD I have bogeys on my tail.

Thinking I won’t be able to outrun them I turn a sharp corner into an alley and wait for them to pass by. I see the red blips on my map coming closer. Soon enough I see the Pony/People running. My heartbeat stops as they run by thinking I will be caught. After the last of them run by, I emerge from my hiding place and take a different path to the carriage, cutting my time off by two more minutes. I run the last of the path with no more problems and I can see the carriage once more, unfortunately I was left with a nasty surprise, everybody who was chasing me has crowded around the carriage wondering what it is doing here. I can see guardsmen waiting for my arrival are now trying to hold back the crowd. Grunting with distaste, I make my way back into an alley and contact Luna.

“Luna we have a problem,” I write.

“I can see your predicament, what is it you want me to do?” she replies

“Oh I don’t know send discharge papers!?”

“That won’t be necessary, just run,” She advised.


“Trust me, run at your top speed,”

“….” *sigh*

Putting my trust in Luna for all I know is a stranger, I emerge from my hiding place and get down in a running stance, taking a few deep breaths I stand up and begin running. Slowly picking up speed I turn into a full-on sprint, the people start to notice that I am running towards them, they begin to form a blockade in an attempt to capture me. I was having none of it, continuing my sprint I realize that I was picking up speed way past my previous run. Right then I felt a sudden burst of speed, my feet feel like they are lightweight and they have no resistance.

Everybody in front of me looked surprised and faltered their defense for a moment; they soon regained it after a second, but are looking at me with uncertainty in their eyes. Wondering what’s going on I look down at my feet and see that there is blue lighting emitting from them every step I take.

Surprised with the new discovery I almost faltered for a moment but quickly regained my composure, the lightning is allowing me to run faster than before and it feels like there isn’t any resistance from the ground, almost like I’m running on clouds, minus the falling.

Not wanting to hurt anybody in my way I am forced to come up with an alternative, just then an Idea comes to mind. If the lightning allows me to run faster, why not jump higher?

Running towards the crowd more determined than before, I tense my muscles the closer I get. The crowd is getting the idea that I might plow right through them, but I have other ideas. I continue sprinting until I am five steps away from the first person of the crowd, from which I launch myself into the air. The lightning emitted a tiny shockwave that gave me the boost I needed to jump over the line of people. In the air I decide to enlighten some of the people and do a flip, as I look down I see tons of people with surprise in their eyes, some where even discontented they were unable to capture me.

I land safely (And by safely I mean I almost tripped) behind the guardsmen and make my way towards the empty carriage in front of me, as I look around I notice there are other carriages but more armored, presumably for the guardsmen. I enter the carriage and tell the driving guardsman my business, identification, and objective. He complies and has the pegasi take launch; I look back at the crowd and see that one girl who brought me to the hospital at the front. What was her name again? Ah yes; Twilight Sparkle was it? She seems to be looking at me with surprise, uncertainty, and a tad-bit of concern.

Luckily I’m wearing my visor so she can’t see my expression, not that It was showing anything in the first place…OK I was showing a bit of uncertainty, OK a lot of uncertainty. I have no idea what Luna wants with me, what she’s going to do with me, and how’s she’s going to do it. For all I know I could be walking into a trap, or my demise…I have trust issues…I blame my childhood.

Oh well, we’ll see what happens.