Guardian of the Light

by DawnCrusade


Chapter Three: Recovery

Wryn's dreams were filled with pain, it seemed to follow him no matter what he was dreaming, his first dream was of his friends in Ponyville surrounding him, the dream fades to black and he is wracked with pain. The next one comes in a flash, a white earth pony is standing above him with a nurse cap on, again the dream fades away, leaving him in agony. His latest dream was by far the most painful he has had, Twilight was beside him crying. Wryn woke up in a large room with a vaulted ceiling, his head was aching something terrible. He tried to close his eyes to block out the blinding sunlight, "Where am I?" he thought. The sound of hooves echoed throughout the room, and Wryn tried to elevate himself to see who it was. It was Twilight, her head held low as she made her way into the room, "What happened?" Wryn thought. He curled back up into the covers and heard a gasp come from Twilight, he got back up and found himself muzzle-to-muzzle with Twilight.

Twilight reeled back, her eyes wide, "He's awake!" she cried. Wryn managed to prop himself up and tried to speak, but found that his mouth was as dry as a desert. Twilight floated a glass of water to his lips and he drained it's contents in a flash. "We thought you were going to die," Twilight whispered, "You were in terrible condition after helping Rarity, why didn't you rest?"

Wryn looks at her, his eyes are a fierce sapphire-blue, and gives a weak smile, "I wouldn't be doing my job then would I?" he responds. "It's my duty to help, no matter what condition I'm in," he states, "And to protect those who are hurt and defenseless."

Wryn heard more hoofbeats upon the marble floor as the rest of the gang galloped in, "What's happened Twilight?" asks Applejack.

"He's gone isn't he?" Pinkie says, her hair starting to slowly deflate.

"Uhh, not exactly," Wryn says, "It'll take more than lost energy to make me kick the bucket." He looks at the ponies who entered, "What? Was it something I said?" They all dashed to the bed and gave him a group hug, crushing his lungs, "Ouch, that stung a bit."

"Thank Celestia your ok!" Fluttershy cried, "I don't think I could stand losing a friend."

"Me either," added Applejack, "Even though we only just met, after what you've done it's as if I've known you forever."

Rainbow Dash hugged Wryn tighter, "You healed my wings without thinking twice, knowing that you were out of power, why?" she sobbed.

Placing a hand on her head, Wryn looks at the ponies around him, "I'm a Divine Dragon, a Guardian, it's my job to protect those I care about." He takes a deep breath, "Back where I grew up I never had any friends, I was the son of the town leader." He clenches the sheets and continues, "Only one person wanted to be my friend, her name was Aya, she decided to be my friend even if the others rejected her." Wryn hangs his head, shaking with anger, "And on the day of the attack she was killed, my only friend was gone and I was all alone." He looked up at the ponies gathered around him, "But ever since I arrived here I felt as if I've found a place that I belonged." "And that's why I risked my life for you Dash, I've let one friend down, I won't let it happen again."

"Well, we're glad to have you back Darling," says Rarity, "No one can deny that."

"How long have I been out?" inquires Wryn, "It seems like it's only been a day."

"It's been about four days, and let me tell ya, they weren't easy," answered Applejack, "Twilight said that she wouldn't leave here until you were all fixed up."

Wryn turned to look at Twilight whose face was turning pink, "Thank you Twilight, for taking care of me," he says.

Suddenly there is a flash of light, as Wryn's friends bow before a regal-looking alicorn, she notices Wryn, and walks over to the infirm dragon, "Feeling better I hope?" she asks.

"Much, thank you for asking," Wryn replies, staring into the alicorn's violet eyes.

Twilight stands up, "Wryn, this is Princess Celestia, she and her sister Luna are the rulers of Equestria."

"It is an honor," Wryn says trying to bow, but finding that tough to do laying in a bed.

"Twilight has told me alot about you Wryn, and how you've helped her and her friends," said Princess Celestia, "You are indeed a kind and trusting friend, and obviously protective of those who befriend you."

He nods, "I'm here to warn you of an imminent threat to your world, a human is sending a scout force here to exterminate any resistance," Wryn says.

"I'm sure we can find a way to repel this 'force'," Celestia chuckles, but when she sees how serious Wryn's face was she stopped.

"I gurantee that there is only one way to beat them, they are sworn to the ancient evil that has taken control of the human," Wryn states. "It's either we kill them, or they kill us, I've tried to talk with them and I recieved a scar on my back in return," he continued. "They're not even sentinent anymore, only having knowledge of violence and hate," he said, knowing that the ponies wouldn't harm anything unless they had to.

"All in good time," sighed Celestia, "You need to rest longer to fully regain your strength, then you can teach us to defeat these monstrosities."

One week later, Wryn was well enough to start the training, it was early in the morning, and his 'students' would be arriving soon. Wryn sat down on the stump where he first met his friends nearly a month ago, he had cast a soundproof barrier over the clearing so no curious ponies would wander in. As his friends filed into the clearing, Wryn noticed they had brought along another pony, she was an alicorn and had a moon-shaped cutie mark, "That must be Princess Luna," he thought. Wryn stood up on the stump, "Welcome my friends, to your first day of training," he announced, "Today we will work on basic weapon usage and techniques, then I will meet with each group of you individually throughout the week, earth ponies, pegasi, then unicorns," he states. He then sets out weighted hoof-wraps, "You will be wearing these the entirety of your training," Wryn says.

"Ah just have one question, why?" asks Applejack, looking as confused as the rest of the ponies.

"They provide resistance, strengthening your body far faster than conventional training," Wryn admits with a smile. After they fastened on the weighted bands, Wryn had them line up, "Now, we run to town and back," he said as he started to run.

At the end of they day they had covered hooves-on combat, combat using steel-plated hoofguards, and how to avoid attacks.

Wryn jumped back onto the stump, "Ok, everypony go get some rest, Pinkie, Applejack, see you again bright and early tomorrow morning," he announced. Wryn walked home with Twilight since she'd offered to let him live with her. "So what did you think of your first day of training?" Wryn inquired, "I hope I didn't push you all too hard."

"Well, it's more than I'm used to, but it is necessary to help protect Equestria," Twilight groaned as they entered her home.

"Thanks again for letting me live here with you Twilight," yawns Wryn, as he laid down on the couch.

"I have to ask you something," whispered Twilight, "Why us? Why did you come here first?"

Wryn flipped on his back, gazed up at the ceiling and said, "You don't have an active guard system, and just repeling them won't work, they'll just come back with more." He lets out a sigh, and adds, "And I don't want to see this world torn up by war and fighting, like mine is."

"Well, the princesses are out warning everyone and telling them to group up here so they can be safe," mentions Twilight.

Wryn sighed again, "Hopefully they have some that would like to train, and help protect the town."

"Goodnight Wryn, see you in the morning," Twilight yawns as she goes up the stairs.

"Goodnight Twilight, and rest up, you worked hard today," Wryn said, yawning as well.

Wryn had told Applejack and Pinkie to meet him near a ravine he discovered on his way to Ponyville. When they arrived he motioned them to follow him into a crack on the side of the ravine's rocky wall.

Pinkie jumped with excitement as they entered the crevice, "Is there a suprise on the other side?" she asked.

"A suprise of sorts," Wryn explained, "I was when I first found this place." The two earth ponies were indeed suprised as they entered a huge cavern. There is a waterfall in the center that is fueled from a lake above ground, but what suprised them the most were the crystals. They dotted the floor and walls of the cave, and varied in size and shape. "These crystals," Wryn called from the top of a gigantic crystal, "Are pure diamond, and will be used to train on." Their jaws dropped when they heard this, "I expect that in time, you both will be able to shatter one of these," he continued. "The waterfall will halp with meditation, and how to learn to use your avatar," he says, "Since you have neither magic, nor wings, your avatars will be your primary offensive ability."

"Ah didn't know we had such a power," admits Applejack, "Then again, Ah didn't know there were other worlds either."

"Not many people do, an avatar represents the will of a soul, and from what I've seen, earth ponies have extremely strong souls," Wryn commented. "I'll give a demonstration," he says as he began to channel his energy. Strands of light weaved it's way over Wryn's body, forming a kind of armor around him. Wryn opened his eyes, and they were a deep sapphire blue, shattering it. The armor dissipates and he walks back to the gawking ponies, "The energy is maintained inside your body so you won't get tired, unless the armor takes a hit, then it uses some to repair itself," he mentions.

"So how do we do it?" asks Applejack, "Anythin' special?"

"All it takes is time, it can take anywhere from a week to years, but the best way is to practice," explains Wryn. "Here," he says as he hands each of them a package, "They are like the weighted bands from yesterday, just slimmer and have protective padding on the end for training." "Let's get started, try to focus on the diamond, the shape, the size, and try to make your inner energy flow to your hoof and into the stone," he says. Wryn then steps into the waterfall and begins to meditate, leaving the two earth ponies to their training. He then feels an enormous release of energy being given off from the duo, and opens his eyes to see Applejack and Pinkie standing among the shattered remains of their diamonds. Wryn lets out a chuckle, "Now that's what I call progress, this may not take as long as expected." After training they all went their seperate ways, excited about how fast they were advancing. When Wryn returned home, he found Twilight already fast asleep, "I guess I should do the same," he thought, going down the stairs and collapsing on the couch.

The following day Wryn met Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash in a huge forest with trees that touched the clouds that would serve as their training ground. He laid out two bundles that held a set of lightweight armor for each of them, "This armor will protect you from attacks, and when you attack," he explains. Wryn's own wings unfurl and he ascends, "They are also weighted to provide the same resistance as the bands from the first training session would," he continues. "Follow me," he says as they fly up to the lowermost branches of the tree, which were about 500 feet off the ground.

"Um, why are we up so high?" Fluttershy asked, "I can hardly see that tree stump over there."

"That's your target," Wryn says, "Pegasi have an ability called Eagle Eye, which allows them to pick out a target and it's weak points." "You may notice the wing guards on the armor have pointed tips, they are for passing a target at high speeds, then leaving it in pieces using the air," he explains.

"So how does this 'Eagle Eye' technique work?" asks Rainbow Dash, trying to see the stump below.

"First, make a mental picture of the target, since this is a stump there are no real weak points, but try to analyze where you want to place your attack," Wryn explains. "But in a fight, the enemy will be moving and revealing several different weak points, try to just focus on one," he continues, "Let me show you." Wryn launches himself off the bough of the tree, going into a dive, then pulling up when he is level with the stump. He speeds past it, leaving a huge scar on one side, "See, it's about timing and accuracy," he calls out as he glides back up.

"Here goes nothin'!" Rainbow Dash shouts as she dives off the branch, flying extremely fast.

"Remember! The armor is weighted, so you'll have to pull out of the dive earlier than usual!" Wryn calls, hoping that she heard him.

"I guess I should try too," whispers Fluttershy, as she also jumps off, heading into a dive.

When they both finish, Wryn has them fly down to examine the damage they've inflicted upon the stump, "Nice work you guys!" Wryn compliments as he looks at the two clean cuts in the bark of the stump, "It seems that you have a basic understanding of the Eagle Eye." He started to fly back up, "Now, let's see if you can attack a target multiple times in succession without losing speed," says Wryn. At the day's end both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash knew how to use Eagle Eye, and how to fight using their wings. Once they had said their goodbyes, Wryn flew back home and carefully opened the door so he wouldn't disturb the sleeping Twilight. He stumbled over to the couch and flopped onto it, "It's nice to see how hard these ponies are willing to train," he thought as he drifted asleep.

Twilight woke up Wryn early the next morning so they could get to the ruins of the castle in Everfree Forest. She had asked him why they were going to train there, but all he had said was that it was a suprise.

Rarity was already there waiting for them, and when they arrived she hurried over to join the duo, "I thought you two would never come," she puffed in indignity.

"Wryn, why are we headed to these ruins?" demanded Twilight, "Why can't you tell us?"

Wryn lets out a laugh, "There is no secret, it's that we are going to be using very strong magic, and I don't want Celestia to yell at me if something explodes," he admits. He is slapped over the head with a book, and he turns around to find an annoyed Twilight, "Ouch, I'm sorry!" he apologizes. "Here we are," Wryn announces as they enter the ruins, "And here is a gift from me to you." He hands them each a jeweled shoulderguard, "These pieces are what I call a vessel, they can hold energy that you put into them," he explains. "Meaning that during a fight you can utilize the energy within, while conserving your own, or have the energy act as a personal barrier," he continues.

"And they look fabulous!" squeals Rarity as she admires the guard, twirling around.

"This is nice, but aren't we here to learn some magic?" says Twilight, "Something that will benefit us offensively?"

"But of course!" Wryn exclaims, "Try to focus on a certain element, any element, then let it flow to your horn." He takes a step back as both unicorns begin to channel their energies, and an aura starts to surround them. Stones began to rise up around Rarity, flashing in the light, "I assumed that she would focus on gems," he thought. When Wryn looked at Twilight however, he saw that multiple elements were swirling around her in a vortex, "Uh oh, I need to tell her to not ue so much power next time," he thinks. "Ok, you can stop now," he calls as their powers started to peak, "Twilight, try not to put all of your energy into it next time."

Twilight looks at the ground dejectedly, "Did I do something wrong? It usually is tough to use my magic."

"Did she not see what she did?" Wryn thought to himself, "No, you did it perfectly! I didn't want to blow up this place on our first day was all!" he said, congratulating her.

Twilight lifts her head, "Really? Thanks!" she exclaims with glee, "Now what is that used for?"

"Well, you can use the element to attack your opponent constantly without having to charge up an attack," Wryn explains, "But it continually drains your energy, so be careful." The rest of their time in the ruins was spent learning how to launch attacks using the auras they created. "Goodnight Rarity, I hope you learned more about your inner abilities," yawned Wryn, tired after the week of training.

"Thank you Darling for dedicating yourself to help train and protect us," Rarity calls back as she headed in the direction of the Carousel Boutique.

Wryn spread his wings and lifted the sleeping Twilight onto his back, "Let's get you home sleepy-hooves," he whispered so she wouldn't wake up. He glided high above the clouds, looking down at the forest that was beneath him, and the lights of Ponyville off in the distance. "This time I'll be ready, and now I have the comfort knowing that my friends have my back," he thought as he descended towards home. Wryn lands on the balcony and deposits Twilight in her bed, after which he slowly glided downstairs and onto the couch.

The next month was filled with training, Wryn was constantly awake training the ponies to learn more about their abilities so they could fight. Applejack and Pinkie had both learned how to activate their avatars, and they began to spar with each other, and even against Wryn at times. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy have mastered the Eagle Eye technique, and could fight with perfect accuracy and speed. Twilight and Rarity learned to maximize their energy pool, and have stored immense amounts of energy into their vessels. Wryn was beaming with pride when he met with them on their last day of training. "You have all worked incredible hard, and your work has paid off, I'm honored to have trained you," Wryn announced.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna appeared in the clearing, "We would like to have a cerimony to officially commemorate this occasioin," declared both Princesses.

"What are we waiting for then, let's go!" Wryn shouted as he took to the skies, "Let's make and entrance that nopony will forget!" Both Princesses arrived before the group, and signaled that the cerimony was about to begin. Twilight and Rarity both teleported onstage, followed by Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash who swooped down from the sky. Applejack and Pinkie were in a headlong canter when they reached the stage, and Wryn flew in once they were there.

Cheers rose up from the crowd as Celestia began to speak, "I would like to introduce Wryn, he came here two months ago to protect us from an evil empire." More cheers went around as she continued, "And he has been training these six ponies to help him do that-."

Princess Celestia is cut off as a metallic voice calls out mockingly, "Are they supposed to stop the might of our Dark Lord?" A cloaked figure steps forward, "You are helpless to stop the Swarm from cleansing the Sphere!"

Wryn steps forward, "Everypony get to safety, we are going to deal with this!" he shouts. Wryn's eyes shift to a deep sapphire blue, "You picked the worst day to show yourself spawn!" he shouts at the dark figure, and launches himself off the stage.