Bionicle: The Darkness Within

by FenrisianBrony

Across the Great Sea

The small ship floated across the calm surface of Protodermis, a small light flashing on its prow, intermittently bringing light to the inky blackness the craft found itself in. Everything the light flashed, five figures were briefly visible to any observer, before they were bloated out again by the darkness.

"Vakama." Spoke the black figure, "Are you sure that this is the right way? We wouldn't want another detour, would we now brother."

"I am Whenua." Vakama said, turning to face his friend. "The energy trails of the Makuta are difficult to miss."

"Even with your navigational skills. Right Nokama?" The brown figure laughed.

"My navigational skills are perfect." The blue Toa said, with a touch of indignation.

"Oh. I'm sorry, but how did are last little journey on a ship end up?" Sniggered the white Toa.

"I believe we decided that was a pilot error Nuju." Nokama said, gesturing towards the cockpit.

"Heh." Came the indignant voice of Matau. "I was only order-taking."

"Enough." Vakama said, silencing the other Toa. "Bickering gets us nowhere. We need to find the Makuta and retrieve the Matoran he took. Everything else is secondary."

"I just hope this expedition turns out better than our last one." Nuju shuddered, "I'd rather not think about what could lie in an unexplored region. Any ideas Whenua?"

"We're off all the charts I could find in the archives." The Toa said, thinking back to his days as a Matoran. Wherever the Makuta's running to, no-one else has gone there before, or at least, no-one’s documented it properly."

"So we can rule out any Onu-Metru going there then?" Nuju asked, his red eye shutter squinting at Whenua.

"Yeah. My people would have hauled half of it back to Onu-Metru to study it."

"You still want to keep going fire-spitter?" Came Mataus' voice from the cockpit.

"Of course not. We're not going to be scared off because the Makuta's running away from us. For a person who supposedly is the embodiment of shadow, he seems to be running from ours."

"Great. If we get poisoned again, I swear to the great spirit." Matau grumbled, as he steered the ship onwards, following the commands that Nokama was giving.


High up on the mountains, the city of Canterlot slumbered. The ponies of the town were all asleep, save for the odd Luna guard, their bat-like wings fluttering in the slight breeze as they patrolled the city.

Higher still rested the castle, a majestic sight, visible from halfway across Equestria. On one of its many balconies, stood a lone midnight blue Alicorn, her midnight mane blowing in the ethereal winds that surrounded her and her sister.

Princess Luna looked over the city and sighed. Although ponies were no longer afraid of the mere mention of her name, they still refused to leave the comfort of their homes during her glorious night, preferring the heat of her sister’s sun as they had done one thousand years ago.

"Your highness." Came a voice from behind her, causing Luna to turn around a confront the source of the voice. "The captain of the Luna guard reports that all is clear. Only one minor incident occurred during the night, bars brawl, if I remember correctly." The Bat-Pony said smartly.

"My thanks. Inform the guard they may begin to wind down. My sisters guard will relieve them of their duties shortly."

"As you wish your highness." The stallion said, bowing low, before backing out of the room.

With a sigh, Luna turned back to the balcony, looking out over the horizons, where she could already make out her sisters sun attempting to crest the mountain tops and replace her darkness with its light.

'How easy would it be for her to simply reach out and stop the sun from rising?'

'She could do it, easily in fact. All it would take was one little...'

NO! She had gone down that path once before, and she had paid the price for her hubris. But still. She could not quite shake the idea from her head entirely. It was as if there was a voice in her head, slowly crawling its way deeper into her thoughts. Was it just her being paranoid? Or was the voice familiar? Something from a long time past.


"Matau!" Came the desperate voice of Nokama, "Bring us to a halt!"

The Toa of water ran towards the back of the boat, unsheathing her weapons as she went. Desperately looking for something to attach her Hydro Blades to in the great empty expanse of water around them.

"Nhhh...Trying." Grunted Matau from the cockpit, who was frantically trying to turn the wheel on the ship, eventually causing the ship to stop with a jolt.

"Nokama!" Shouted Vakama, running up to his sister. "What is it?" He asked.

"Look ahead." She said, pointing to the front of the ship.

Following her finger, Vakama stared out infront of the ship, a single entity catching his eye. Bubbling across the surface, was a swirling mass of glowing liquid, a whirlpool, formed from energised Protodermis.

"Matau?" Vakama asked slowly, drawing his own disk launcher wearily "Status?"

"I can't...nhhh...turn the wheel." Came the reply from the cockpit.

"What's happening?" Came the voice of Onewa, the Toa of stone, leading his two brothers, Whenua and Nuju, towards the bow.

"That's happening." Said Vakama simply, pointing at the energised protodermis ahead of them.

"Great. And here I thought our pilot would be able to get us to our destination alive for once. What is this? Two for Two on crashes Matau?" Whenua said sarcastically.

"Hey. Don't blame me. I just order-take, not order-give." Matau said indignantly.

"The location is correct. Makutas’ signal leads there." Vakama said hesitantly.

"You can't honestly be thinking of trying to sail through that can you?" Asked Nokama.

"Nokamas’ right. Who knows what will happen if we touch that stuff. Bad things happen when things touch that stuff." Whenua said carefully. "We had a leak in the archives once. Nasty stuff."

"We can't allow the Makuta to escape us again. Every Matoran he keeps from us is one to many." Vakama said confidently. "It changes nothing. We simply go in, and hope for the best."

"Because that turned out so well last time. I am not going to get poisoned again am I?" Quipped Matau.

"We cannot leave the Matoran with the Makuta. I agree with our brother here." Onewa said, standing next to Vakama.

"As do I." Nuju said, standing by his brothers side.

"It is not our destiny to fail now." Nokama said slowly, walking over to the group forming around Vakama.

"Ahh. Fine. If we don't make it fire-spitter, I'm coming back to haunt you." Said Matau, the green Toa stepping out of the cockpit and moving over towards the group. "You coming Whenua?"

"And miss the chance to save all your sorry butts again? Not likely." He said, walking over to the group, placing his hand into the middle of the group.

As one, the remaining Toa all place their hands on top of his.

"Unity. Duty. Destiny." They all said together, before breaking off and walking towards the railing on the front of the ship.

"Matau." Vakama said confidently. "Take us through."

Running back to the cockpit, the ship slowly began to edge forward, picking up speed as it got ever nearer to the maelstrom of energised protodermis infront of them.

"Everyone hold on!" Shouted Nuju, gripping the railings as the ship touched the edge of the whirlpool.

A flash of light broke the darkness of the night, lighting up the surrounding area for a fraction of a second, before fading, leaving the sea around the swirling maelstrom empty once again.

A flash of light lit up the sky above Equestria, catching Lunas' eye from her vantage point atop the Canterlot Castle.

"Sister?" Came the concerned voice of Celestia. "What was that?"

"I do not know. It looked like it was centred over the Everfree forest though." Luna replied, turning to her older sister. "Should I send a detachment of guards to check it out?"

"No. But I would like you to travel to Ponyville. I will send a message ahead to spike. Twilight will be expecting you."

"I would feel safer taking a contingent of guards with me." Luna replied.

"Fine. You may take who you believe is nessissary, but I would like you to bring Twilight and her friends with you when you inspect the cause.

With that, Celestia edged passed Luna, her horn beginning to glow as she slowly began to move the sun above the horizon. In tandem with Celestias horn, Lunas began to glow, taking hold of the moon and beginning to move it out of the heavens. Eventually, night gave way to day, and Luna walked down towards the Lunar guard barracks.

Upon entry, Luna was greeted by the commander of the Lunar guard, a stotic, pale bat-pony.

"To what do we owe the pleasure your highness?" The stallion asked.

"There has been a development Castelian. I want you to gather nine of your most trusted warriors. I want them ready for deployment under my personal command in thirty minutes."

"Your will. My hooves." Castelian said simply, bowing, before turning and exiting the room.

Half an hour later, Luna stood in the courtyard. In front of her stood ten guards, each bedecked in the attire of the Lunar guards elite.

"Princess. May I present the members of the Moonlight Wardens." Castelian said smartly, walking out from the line and saluting crisply.

"They are impressive Castelian. Prepare to move out. We must reach Ponyville within the hour."

Silently, the eleven ponies filed out of the room, the guards allowing Luna to exit first, before they exited as well, their onyx armour seemingly drawing in the light from their surroundings.


"Twilight. Twilight." Called spike, walking around the library.

"What? It's six o'clock in the morning spike." Came Twilights voice from upstairs, proceeding the mare as she wearily walked down the stairs.

"I got a scroll from the princess. Looks important." He said, as he waved a piece of parchment in the air.

Almost immediately, the scroll was surrounded in a bright glow, and was wrenched out of spikes claw by an instantly awake and enthusiastic Twilight. As soon as she had the scroll infront of her, she began to read it verociously, her eyes darting across the page, and her expression falling the further in she got.

"So Twilight, what's it say?" Asked spike as soon as Twilight had put the scroll down.

"Apparently something caused a disturbance over the Everfree forest. Luna's bringing some guards to check it out, and she wants the elements of harmony to be with her when she does."

"Does this mean we have to go and wake everypony up?" Spike asked exasperatedly

"I guess so. You go get Rainbow Dash, I'll get the others." She said, before running out of the library.

"Wait. Don't you want me to get more than one of them?" Spike called after her.

"I'll help you when I'm done." She called back, racing towards Sugarcube corner.

"But I..." Spike began, but Twilight was already out of ear shot. With a sigh, Spike turned around and began to walk through town towards the large mass of clouds just visible on the horizon.

Waking Rainbow Dash up was not going to be easy.