//------------------------------// // Chapter 1-3: The Beggining // Story: Hand in Hoof // by Hidden_Blade_Attack //------------------------------// Hand in Hoof Where would I start such a story of this manor? Would it be long ago, or in a faraway place? Once upon a time or our story begins? I think the most appropriate beginning should be unique. Of course the story in its self is unique. It is of my little pony but in a different never quite seen form, or at least in more depth. A one of love quite bizarre, opposites do attract but this isn’t the case, nor is it similarities. This is in between the two different fabrics of love that eventually wrap all. Where form doesn’t matter, outsides or insides, but something of this level needs to be fought for. It needs adventure, with action, a bit of fantasy and a lot of romance mixed in of the weirdest of sorts. Any ways, I should begin, I’ve kept you waiting much to long with answers without questions and statements unfinished. So without further ado, the story that proves to be a good one… Chapter 1: Rumours Wind past through her rainbow mane. Wind buzzing past her ears. The fastest Pegasus in all of Equestria (a far away land where ponies rule). She whizzed by any and all Pegasi who dare challenge her. Her name was Rainbow Dash. Flying through the air at very high speeds, she was helping her friend Twilight Sparkle. Twilight was testing her speed of magic by trying to freeze the seemingly unstoppable Pegasus. Unfortunately she couldn’t. ‘Rainbow Dash can you slow down a bit, we’re trying to see how fast my magic is not how fast you are.’ The lavender unicorn reminded. ‘Fine, I’ll let up a bit.’ Rainbow Dash replied slowing down. Once again Twilight was unable to stop her. ‘A little more?’ Twilight begged. Rainbow rolled her eyes and slowed her speed even more. Finally her magic stopped the speeding Dash. ‘I need to practice more.’ Twilight said disappointed. ‘You do that I’m going to go hang somewhere else.’ Dash said speeding away before the unicorn could reply. Rainbow Dash did enjoy helping a friend but she was fast and sped through her day, some say she’s missing life, she says life is missing them. Little did she know a certain strong and powerful thing would slow her down and enjoy certain moments. Once again I leave you to wonder on these hung notes. Meanwhile a baby purple dragon named Spike was talking to two…slow male ponies. Their names are Snips and Snails. They were talking about girls as they do. Although Spike was technically still a baby but dragons age differently and he was really mature for his age. They were talking about two ponies that were quite hot; they were referring to Bon Bon and Orange Pop. ‘I think Bon Bon is really hot.’ Snails said dreaming about the pony. ‘Nah, Pop is way hotter.’ Snips said disagreeing. They argued like this for awhile. Where did Spike fit into this? He had no care for the two girls. He had his eye on another prize, a well kept true lady named Rarity. He had a love for her every since he first saw her elegant eyes. He wasn’t going to comment any better on anypony as long as there was a chance, any wrong move could tip his chances overboard to the trash. ‘It doesn’t matter majority wins.’ Snips said feeling he had won. ‘Dah but, you don’t have majority’ Snails pointed out. ‘Yeah, Spike’s on my side. Right Spike?’ Snips asked the dragon. ‘Personally I see them equal (which is actually low) in prettiness.’ Spike said staying loyal to Rarity even though she wouldn’t know or probably care. Snips and Snails were mad at his disapproval and went back to arguing. Spike thought it was dumb, he found the two girls lack class. Which they do in a certain sense. ‘She is way prettier, her mane is way neater and her body is more attractive.’ Snips said, Snips could actually beat Snails. But their relatively pointless argue continued. ‘If you’re looking at body, then you’re looking at the wrong ponies.’ Rainbow Dash said out of nowhere as she landed into the group. She was of course referring to herself but the two ponies were blind to this. ‘I think we can judge ponies pretty well. We got the right ones.’ Snails said not picking it up. Spike rolled his eyes knowing that Rainbow Dash was flattering herself, but thought It was funny the two didn’t pick it up. ‘Anyways, Orange Pop is obviously hotter, just look at the curve there.’ Dash said pointing it out. ‘Hah! I was right!’ Snails said in triumph. ‘Well, uh, who is Rainbow to judge she’s a girl!’ Snips said not backing down. Spike did wonder that, who is she to judge, her opinion shouldn’t matter or even pop up in a discussion like this. Just then he noticed the two girls they were just talking about were right there. ‘You honestly don’t know why she can judge, her opinion should count for this.’ Bon Bon said butting in. They were a bit surprised they were there but surprisingly recovered. ‘Ha, thank you. My opinion always matters.’ Rainbow said, she didn’t need they’re approval but it helped. ‘Obviously, you see us in the same way they do.’ Pop said. Spike had a thought of where this was going, but I’ll let the story explain itself for this. Rainbow Dash was stopped by that. ‘What is that suppose to mean?’ She asked knowing the outcome was bad. ‘Don’t try to hide it. We know you’re a lesbian.’ Bon said. Spike heard of that rumor himself. He thought it was defiantly a possibility but wasn’t going to bring it up and thought everypony would do the same. But now that it was in the open it was forcing a fight on the rim. ‘I am not a les! Where did you hear that from!?’ Rainbow Dash asked completely furious. She was sure she was not lesbian. Sure she didn’t like anypony but still, it’ll happen. Sooner then she thinks actually. ‘Everypony knows. It came from you being a lesbian simple as that.’ Pop said. She was very mad. ‘Also you always tell boys how hot girls are and aren’t into anypony.’ Bon added. It was true, but she was just throwing her opinion, so she at least thinks. She knew she had to be straight, right? I of course know the answer but I’ll leave you to guess. ‘I’m just sharing my opinion and plus I am into somepony!’ She said. As I had just previously state she isn’t. But if they believed so they would lay off her back. Spike and the other two were lying low until they passed. ‘Really, who is it?’ Bon asked. Rainbow needed to think of something fast. ‘It’s a-uh a secret. Yeah a secret. But I’m going to ask him out soon.’ She made up on the spot. ‘We’ll see.’ They both said, and with that they left. Leaving Dash alone with her thoughts. Actually not quite yet. ‘Do you actually have a crush on a boy, how bad f-*’ Snails was saying but Spike covered his mouth. He knew the slow brained bafoon would blow it. Rainbow glared at him. ‘Of course, I’m straight you idiot!’ Dash said getting annoyed. She has a right to be. She knew she couldn’t be les, no matter the situation. But she knew that the two girls wouldn’t let her slip away like that, even if she is Rainbow Dash. She had to prove herself and like I said, she isn’t into anypony. She was nervous of this; those girls could come at any time and out of nowhere. Spike noticed the worried expression on her face. He knew she was lying, but what about he wasn’t sure. He wanted gems, there a dragon’s delicacy. He knew how he could get some easy. ‘I hope this crazy situation works out for you Dash.’ The dragon said as he got up and left. He had a trick up his sleeve and he was going to use it. The next day Spike rounded up most ponies in Ponyville (who ever cared about this anyways) and told them to place a bet on who Rainbow would like. Most of their bets he found ridiculous but Rainbow Dash’s Situation was equally ridiculous, which scientifically should make her choice equally ridiculous. But what Spike was doing was serious and he had to hide it from Twilight. Ponies were betting fortunes on something silly all in Spike’s plan. Spike was maturing and had nothing to focus his growing greed to but gems so really it wasn’t his fault. Meanwhile Rainbow Dash was trying her best not to run into too many ponies knowing that Bon and Pop would spread her news like wild fire. She knew they wanted to know the truth as anypony would. But she had no real way to prove it so her situation is to fake it which is hard because she doesn’t care for love and isn’t in her schedule. Little did she know Spike had planned a bunch of ponies to be at the café where she I bound to get to eventually. Poor Rainbow Dash, who still didn’t have a clue who she was going to ‘ask out’ or who she had a ‘crush’ on, was just entering the café. ‘Ha! Finally. We got you Rainbow Dash!’ Bon said as she came in. Two ponies guarded the way out. Spike was there and so was everypony in the serious bet. ‘Huh, for uh…why?’ Dash asked trying to act like she didn’t know. ‘To answer the biggest question of the year…’ Bon continued over…actually it could very well be the ‘biggest question of the year’. Many ponies really wanted to know. The thunderbolts wanted to know for personal data (Aka whether they should go near her or not) and everypony else had their own reasons. ‘Who do like *fake cough are you les or not*’ Pop finished for Bon. Rainbow Dash was mad and nervous and scared. ‘I’m not LESBIAN!’ She yelled. She was getting very frustrated and was not ready to back down. Spike felt good about this. Most ponies were bound to be wrong leaving him with a good loot. How could it go wrong, he wasn’t doing anything bad, she did say she liked somepony after all. Though he did know (or at least was very sure) she was lying but he ignored the guilt. ‘Then who do you like?’ Spike asked what all ponies were bound to repeat anyways. Rainbow hesitated but she wasn’t going to for long for how she sped through life. ‘So Dash who is it?’ Pop repeated impatiently. She then gestured to Pinkie Pie. ‘He should be glad to have you like him’ She said very meanly I should add. Even though narrators shouldn’t have opinions…I’m different so suck it up! ‘I um…’ She thought her head racing, this was a lot of pressure for her and Spike who was hoping it was nopony or somepony who had low bets on. She couldn’t think too much pressure but she couldn’t stand their looking like an idiot who after all was rumored to be les… that’s what got her. She was not lesbian after all I should finally mention. She didn’t care who she picked she just wanted a boy, not one she hangs out with too much but somepony who she doesn’t so it doesn’t look obvious she’s faking… she had the perfect idea. Well not perfect but an idea. You should keep in mind this was happening in seconds of low thought, it was Rainbow Dash. ‘I, Rainbow Dash, have a huge crush on Spike!’ She yelled pointing at the little purple dragon. Everypony was in total shock including herself. Spike was filled with joy of all the gems but then in astonishment with the fact of the crush he thought Dash possessed. ‘Spike?’ Twilight and many other ponies said in question. ‘That’s right, I like Spike, and he’s just great.’ She said playing along as she flew beside him. ‘It’s me you all heard it loud and clear. You all lose fair and square.’ Spike said as he lifted the sack of gems onto his back. ‘Wait lost what?’ Rainbow asked. ‘Hey you! I know what you did.’ Iron Will said who had joined the bet. Spike didn’t realize how much gems he actually got. ‘You panned this to rob us blind. No way would the fastest Pegasus in Equestria like a slow scrawny dragon like you.’ He said in his face. Low and behold Spike didn’t plan that, he also didn’t plan this. Dash was still confused. She did feel bad that the hurtful words that were said to him. But before she could speak he continued. ‘Don’t you all see, he’s a thief who’s trying to get away with our fortunes just so he could eat ‘em.’ The Minotaur said. The other ponies began to agree. Twilight was mad at him and Dash was starting to make sense of it all. Spike realized he had an angry mob on his hands. ‘Wow, wow hey, I’m not stealing, you gave it to me the bookkeeper of the bet and you all lost.’ The dragon said backing to the wall. Dash saw the routyness of the crowd and realized that this could be bad. ‘He’s lying. Get the thief and take him down, no thieves in this town and get his partner in crime!’ Iron Will said, Rainbow realized they meant her. The crowd rushed them and starting ripping at them as Spike held the gems away. Spike did not expect this. Twilight had to let Spike get away so they could deal with this civilized. She used her magic to pull the crowd away a bit. ‘Run, hurry!’ Twilight yelled to them. Chapter 2: I Got Your Back Spike and the cyan flyer were pretty beat, but they knew they had to run. Spike used his hard head and smashed through the window. ‘Come on Dash!’ He said to her. The mangled Pegasus climbed out. Spike still had the sac. She glared at Spike. ‘So now you’re using bets to satisfy your own needs.’ She said really upset. She had didn’t know if it was betrayal. But it wasn’t right. ‘Yeah well. You like like me.’ Spike said trying to change the subject. She felt embarrassed that she had the lie trick and now she’s stuck with that. ‘We gotta get out of here or they’re gonna get us.’ Spike said desperately. Rainbow was mad and didn’t care she just wanted to leave. ‘Good idea. See ya.’ She said getting ready to take off. Spike couldn’t out run them and was hoping she could help. Wait can I come?’ Spike asked getting scared as he heard smashing and banging at the wall. ‘Nah I’m good next time, don’t make bets on me.’ She said beginning her flight. ‘No please Rainbow.’ The dragon said clutching her hoof. She hated anypony touching her hoof. She took off but couldn’t fly properly with the dragon miss balancing her. So she banged into a tree. She noticed he was gone. ‘Finally.’ She said in relief. Then she realized he had to be falling she turned to check, he was. She flew as fast as she could and swooped down and caught him. She knew the right thing to do… ‘Fine I’ll help you.’ She said throwing him on her back. ‘Thank you so much.’ The little dragon said still grasping the sac. She saw tears in his eyes and felt pity for him. She flew very far away, but she knew there were Pegasi there and they would be trouble. But she needed to clear up some things first. ‘Spike why did you do that bet thing?’ She asked him. ‘I just wanted gems and I knew you were going to tell us anyways so I thought it would be fine.’ He said it with a shaken voice, he’s obviously terrified. ‘Really.’ She said. ‘I’m super sorry I’ll do anything if you help me out of this, anything!’ He begged. ‘Drop the gems.’ She said to test if he was worthy of her help. ‘Huh?’ Spike replied hoping his ears were lying. ‘Drop the gems.’ She repeated. Spike hesitated but he knew he had no other choice. He dropped the gems to the ground below where they would fall and smash. ‘Wow you did. Okay I’ll help you. But you owe me big time!’ She said since it’s his fault they’re in this mess. ‘Thank you so much. Do you actually like me?’ He asked curiously. ‘You wish.’ She joked. ‘Y-yes, of course.’ He said knowing it to never be true. He tightened his grasp on the Pegasus but he accidently hit her wing off balance. She spun out of control. ‘Oh god. Hold on!’ she said as they smashed into a mountain the two of them tumbled down it and off a shear cliff. Rainbow Dash’s wing sliced off of a sharp rock she attempted to fly but her wing was too damaged. Spike was caught by a root but Dash missed, she slid to a graspable rock so she caught it. ‘Help Spike I can’t fly!’ She yelled as she began to slip. ‘I’m coming!’ The dragon yelled. Without a second thought he jumped. He just missed Rainbow and feel to a very tiny foot hold. ‘Spike, I’m going to have to save you now.’ She said since it seemed he got himself stuck. He feel back but grabbed a vine, he then realized a small cave near him. ‘Jump to me!’ He yelled. ‘You can’t hold me, plus I’m coming to save you.’ She called back as she awkwardly attempted to get out of her situation. Spike knew she was too stubborn to come. ‘Just because you’re really fat doesn’t mean I can’t take your weight.’ Spike teased, he knew she couldn’t resist fighting against that statement. ‘Oh really Mr.-*’ She was distracted and fell. She fell and she was screaming. Spike never saw her so scared. Rainbow wasn’t use to falling uncontrollably she was terrified. Spike realized the trouble her friend was in and he needed to come to her aid mentally and physically. ‘Rainbow aim for me!’ He yelled. ‘Help, I’m going to die!’ She yelled. She was too terrified to notice his words. Spike prepared for the impact. He caught her and then, using the vine, he swung her and him over to the small cave. He held her expecting her to release her grasp but she didn’t. He realized she was crying. ‘Rainbow…’ He said. ‘You saved my life, against reality.’ She said with a teary voice. There actually shouldn’t have been a way the tiny baby dragon could support the Pegasus from falling and use the momentum like that, he should’ve have been crushed or fall under pressure, but no, a force stronger than that in him that wanted to be noticed decided he wanted her to live, no matter what. The act of pure bravery and strength and kindness alone, made the Pegasus saw the baby dragon in a new way. They’re friendship grew in trust, at least on one side of it. Rainbow stayed wrapped around the dragon her head lying on his shoulder. ‘It’s okay, you can relax we’re safe now and we are going to be fine.’ Spike was trying to put up her spirits. She saved his life, too. Also it’s what friends do. Of course Rainbow understood she’s safe and her life was saved. But the fact that she was powerless in the air spooked her enough. It would be like if you all of a sudden couldn’t walk with complete safety and it was hard, like you had no control over your main travel, it would be quite terrifying in more ways than one. And she also had injured her wing before, but never in this much danger, not even close. Spike provided her with solitude, and a helping hand…or claw. Because of that, Spike made her feel stronger in the new environment they were stranded in along with the lack of flight. ‘Can you please always have my back?’ She said still being held by him. He provided unexpected warmth and comfort. ‘Yes, as long as you have mine.’ Spike said in this tender moment. Chapter 3: Side by Side All of a sudden Rainbow Dash pushed away from Spike. ‘He he, thanks.’ She said blushing slightly and wiping dust off her now filthy fur. Spike didn’t notice the blush and blushed himself. ‘No Problem, what are friends for?’ Spike replied feeling equally embarrassed. Then Rainbow punched him in the arm pretty hard. ‘Hey!’ He said clutching his hurt arm. ‘That’s for calling me fat! What was that for, I’m already a lesbian.’ She said tearing up. ‘I’m sorry I-*’ Spike began but was cut off by Rainbow hushing him and then she walked to the opposite side of the cliff. The rest of the day was quite, Rainbow Dash sat at the ledge while Spike just wandered around. The sun was setting now. ‘Here, look I’m really sorry.’ Spike said beside her offering her barriers he found. She brushed him off. ‘Come on. I only said that to get you to come down, I knew you wouldn’t and would have been probably hurt, I’m really sorry. ‘He said still offering the berries ‘Really?’ She said not quit believing him. ‘I swear. I did it because you are my friend and I care for your safety.’ He said. ‘Okay I believe you. But your apology isn’t nec-*’ She was cut off by her stomach growling. She blushed. He knew she couldn’t resist. ‘Alright.’ She said grabbing him and giving him a nugie playfully and eating the berries. ‘And that les thing. Those ponies don’t know what they’re talking about.’ Spike said. ‘Your alright Spike, just lower your greed.’ Dash said noming the berries. ‘You want any?’ She asked. ‘All yours. By the way, I wouldn’t rather be here with anypony else.’ He said. ‘Huh, really not even Rarity?’ She asked. ‘She wouldn’t appreciate this moment.’ He said. It was true; she hated dirt so this would not work. ‘I feel the same way.’ She said giving a gentle smile. Rainbow didn’t know why she said that. At first she thought maybe to make him feel good, but it was true. Something was happening to the Pegasus. She ignored it, but she knew it was something because she thought that Spike looked very handsome with the sunset bouncing off his scales in millions of colours. Rainbow scooted over to the dragon. Spike felt something slowly creep up on him from inside, too. He also ignored it and told himself it was nothing. Was it nothing, I don’t know, well I do, but I’m not going to spoil it. Spike wanted to annoy the Pegasus so he put his arm around her all romantic like because he knew she wouldn’t like it. To his surprise she seemed fine with it. ‘If your arm around me makes you feel good and dominant, fine I’ll let you have it.’ She said teasing him. He blushed and began to move it away but she nudged it back meaning it to stay. ‘It’s not for that, it’s for the sunset.’ He said teasing more. ‘Hey, I’m way out of your league.’ She teased back. ‘You’re the one with the crush on me.’ He said referring to her statement earlier. She punched him playfully. The two of them enjoyed the sunset.