//------------------------------// // Chaos the Great Question // Story: The mission of Buzzbot // by Golden Paw //------------------------------//         Buzzbot could feel her magic flowing through the repaired circuits! Before she could stop herself Buzz bounced up and down with excitement. She looked up to Celestia and Luna with a huge grin on her face. Completely forgetting herself Buzz dived forward and hugged the surprised Celestia’s foreleg. Luna gave a little laugh, quickly joined by the rest of the room before Buzz looked up into Celestia’s gentle eyes and felt her return the hug tenderly. ”Now my little pony, I have returned enough of your abilities to make sure you can get back to your own time and so you can move among my ponies without causing alarm. You can only assume this one disguise until you’re fully repaired. The rest of your damage is a reminder of the lessons you had to learn here. Show them to Tinker Track when you get back, so he can see the troubles he caused and it might put him off trying something like this again."         Buzzbot nodded in understanding, but then a thought came to her. "Does this mean I don't have to leave right away?" Luna nodded this time and smiled as Buzz made a sound of pure joy and did a little happy dance.           "From what I understand, you still have some more things to learn from our little ponies here before you report back to Tinker Track. I would hate for your assignment to be incomplete. You can now go about and learn with Luna’s and my consent. I want you to take everything you have gained here and help Tinker Track. From what you have told me he's a very lonely stallion and could use some lessons on making friends along with their importance."         Buzzbot could hardly believe her ears. She could spend some time with her new friends before she headed back! Buzz could achieve her mission and she could do it while being herself! It was more than she dared have hope for. There were so many ideas and things she wanted to ask the 'Heroes of Equestria' that she couldn't decide which to do first. Buzz looked around to the other six ponies with tears welling in her eyes and rushed up to give them hugs too before quickly finding herself at the bottom of a pony pile.         The group had permission to leave, and as the doors closed behind them Luna turned to Celestia with a little smile on her face. "I remember all the trouble Star Swirl got into with those time spells of his." Celestia chuckled too and replied. "He was on his third time round his own time loop when you and I had to step in."           "One of these days ponies will stop trying to rewrite their past and work to making their future better. Thank you for showing me that Celestia," Luna added with a pensive smile. Celestia moved over to her younger sister and embraced her warmly with a wing.         "You’re most welcome Luna. You know I would have gone back and stopped the whole ‘Nightmare Moon’ event if I could have," Celestia said with a melancholy tone.         "I would not have listened to you sister, sometimes ponies have to go through their own mistakes or they will never become better. If we could learn from others and avoid their mistakes that would be best, but you know how we ponies can be. Often we choose a tougher path in life, harder than it needs be, but as long as we learn from it and become better it's worth it. Thank you and I know you would have come back for me, that's what counts."  Luna reassured Celestia.                           The time spent in the past was now a joy to Buzzbot rather than just an assignment. The Princesses were true to their word and Buzz was allowed to gather first hoof accounts of so many special events in equestrian history.         She listened intently to Rainbow Dash and her account of the Wonderbolt Academy and laughed heartily at the whole silly mix up at the Equestria games held that year at the Crystal Empire. Buzzbot made sure she took no major part in these events, simply observing them firsthoof. Her only small bending of this resolve was with Discord.         Buzzbot had kept well out of events when Discord was released again. She only risked meeting the draconequus after it was reformed, well mostly. Nopony really believed they could totally re-educate him, but then he wouldn't be Discord if they could.         But once Fluttershy had worked her special brand of magic on the wayward creature, Buzzbot took a chance to go see him. The 'safer' beast of chaos was still mad by normal pony standards, but he had curbed his more destructive tendencies and now was happy to just do some background mischief.         Discord had found some areas where he could be a great help. Celestia had given him some 'official' office space in a heavily magically warded section of Canterlot. There he could rent out his 'particular' brand of fun to the ponies of Equestria. Discord had gotten quite a following with the younger and more eccentric ponies. They saw him as the ultimate prankster and spending time with him was a good way to blow off steam after a hard day. Often in a literal way with Discord. It was all monitored of course and had been a real hit with the locals.         This wasn't all, the way Discord could think his way around a corkscrew gave him an edge in the asylum wards at the Ponyville and Canterlot hospitals. There he really put the adage of 'takes one to know one' through the ringer, helping interpret what the mentally ill were going through.         He even had some of more disturbed ponies working for him as personal assistants. They could be as crazy as the liked in his buildings as long as they didn't hurt anypony or themselves. It was kind of like a fun holiday for them, this seemed to be working as they were totally lucid the rest of the time when out in ‘normal’ society.         Buzz's first meeting with Discord was not what she expected (then again nothing ever was with Discord). Pinkie Pie was going to ask if he could bring some chocolate rain for a party she was planning and had invited Buzz along. Discord was pretty much allowed to have things run the way he liked within his work space so once Pinkie and Buzzbot climbed in through the decorated window (the building was upside down today) they were given a warm welcome. Buzz looked at the mad thing before her: Serpentine body with mishmash of limbs topped with a rolling pair of yellow eyes that sent a shiver down Buzz’s spine. Upon seeing Pinkie Pie Discord coiled and snaked his way through the mismatched furniture of his ‘office’ and bowed before her.         "So good to see my favourite pony, how are things going Pinkie Pie? Discord extended a lion’s paw to Pinkie who shook it without a second glance. “So glad you came to see me and who's your friend? Do I sense another outcast brought into the fold?” Discord proceeded to study Buzz closely, filling her vision with his goat like face and odd horns. Buzz leaned back only to meet Discord’s eagle claw barring her retreat.         “You simply must come in and make yourselves at home!” Discord declared before ushering Pinkie and Buzz around the chandelier that hung upside down from the floor. No, Buzz saw as she looked up in confusion, the ceiling.         Discord lead his lopsided way around the desks, his hoof and dragon claw feet making an alternating ‘clicks and thomps’ on the plaster ‘ground’. His progress lead past a giant marshmallow to his own impressive workstation. Ponies with various distant expressions watched Buzz as she followed Discord, and the general sense of madness hung heavily in the air. They were all smiling, in a creepy kind of way, a dreamy/happy look on their faces that didn’t feel quite right. Buzz tried to ignore stallions playing with small pies, coconuts and cheese wheels and instead focused on keeping her eyes straight ahead.         "Hi ya Discy, this is my friend Buzzbot, she's not from around here," Pinkie Pie introduced and in a flash Discord disappeared. The next thing Buzz knew there was a ‘clinking’ as Discord tapped her side. Buzz thought she caught a knowing look in his yellow and red eyes.         "Hmm how odd, Seems your friend is had a bad case of ‘tinny-itus.’ You should really get that seen too you know," Buzz looked around only to find Discord had gone again. Before she knew what was happening the draconequus was sliding along between her hooves using his odd wings to push himself along.         "Such a good disguise too. I’d love to take a look under the hood," Discord added before sliding backwards. Buzzbot tried to follow him with her eyes, ending up looking between her fore hooves, to her underside where Discord had opened her mid section and was rooting around inside her! "Well that explains it all." He said with conviction, rubbing his paw and claw together with glee.         Pinkie Pie's head zipped into view looking at them both from behind Buzzbot's orange tail. "So Discy I wanted to hire you. We’ve got 'The Equestria Games go to the Crystal Empire party' and I was hoping you could fly over a few chocolate rain clouds, it would make it super duper fun." Discord frowned before snapping his fingers and the hatch that was on Buzzbot's chest disappeared. He then sank into the ceiling, leaving a mosaic of himself flowing in a ring around the chandelier         "Now, now Pinkie Pie you know I can't do the same trick twice. If word got out that I was getting predictable where would it end? It's bad enough that Celestia has me doing a desk job." Discord stepped out from behind a curtain that hadn't been there a few seconds ago and waved a paw over to where his table was set out for business.         Disordered pens and a ‘ruler’ without a single straight edge were the prominent objects amongst the clutter. Behind the desk was a picture of Discord giving Fluttershy friendly noogie, the frame hung at a crooked angle. Discord then flapped his wings, inverted on his axis so that his hoof and dragon claw were on the 'floor' before looking Pinkie Pie right in the eye.         "You know I ensure that my works are all original, the whole idea of repeating..." He raised his claw to his forehead with a dramatic cry of dismay. " I'm sorry Pinkie Pie I just can't do it, I have my reputation to maintain."         "Awwwww, can't you do it just this once old Discy? It would mean so much to us all." Pinkie Pie gave him the biggest puppy eyes she could manage but to no avail.         "Now, now Pinkie Pie," Discord said with waving both his lion and eagle index claws back and forth at opposite directions. "Fluttershy tried the eye trick on me before and you know how well that worked out."         Pinkie Pie looked crestfallen. "Well then I guess I can't give you this then?" Pinkie was suddenly holding a solved Rubik's cube.         Discord looked hungrily at the proffered item, before he covered his eyes and looked away. "Oh Pinkie Pie you had to go and pull out the big guns didn't you. Tell you what I'll make it raspberry flavour flakes instead?" Buzz could only glance back and forth between Pinkie and Discord in mounting confusion.         "Okie, dokie, lokie, Discy. Make the clouds cherry flavoured and you've got a deal," With that she tossed the small toy to the waiting Discord with a grin to Buzzbot. Watching in fascination Buzz saw Discord make short work of it, the colours were mixed up with blurring speed before the cube transformed into a small tea cosy and Discord sighed contently.         "Oh Pinkie Pie, you know how to twist a creature’s horns, one order of cherry clouds and raspberry flakes for your party, i’ll even throw in some sugar sprinkles," Discord proclaimed with a twirl of his antler and blue horn. He then turned his attention back to Buzz. "Now what can I do for your companion, Buzzbot was it?" Discord asked with a glint in his eye. "Oh I don't want anything. I’m just keeping Pinkie Pie company," Buzz assured.         "Come now, one free gift on the house, a new customer and all that?" Discord said in a friendly way. Buzz had no idea what to ask for, or if she really should. Even though Discord was technically reformed she had heard lots of stories about his 'gifts'.         "Oooo Oooo, I know a river of custard, or no wait a real gingerbread house?" Pinkie Pie began rattling off all the crazy things she could possibly want, Buzz only half listened. If she was able to ask for one thing for herself, what would it be?         "Does this offer have to be taken up now?" Buzzbot asked with a thoughtful expression "Or can I save it for a better time?" Discord wiggled a finger in his ear, causing his eyes to spin vertically.         "Well my dear, I can't be sure. You know how things get when you’re never in the same shape or state of mind one moment to the next. You could try your luck but I don't promise anything," Discord replied in a philosophical tone.         "I think I will Discy," Buzz decided, picking up Pinkie's nickname for him. It was better to think this one through before making a choice. With their task completed Pinkie and Buzz retraced their steps back towards the window. Discord went back to un-sorting his paperwork but as the two ponies were about to step out it seemed Discord wasn't done.         "I wouldn't leave it too long Buzz. I have been known to change my mind, it would be such a shame to miss out on some reformed chaos time!" With that Buzz shut the window and headed after Pinkie Pie deep in thought.         The question of what to ask Discord for wouldn't leave Buzzbot alone. It rattled around her head until the small hours of the night. For the first time Buzz could think about what she wanted, not what she was programmed to do. The idea was kind of scary and fun at the same time.         Her report to Tinker Track was pretty much ready to go, she had spent as much time with the Element Bearers as she could have wanted. Twilight had even offered to teach her a revised version of a memory spell, so if she needed Buzzbot could let Tinker Track see all Buzzbot had witnessed firsthoof.         She’d planned to stay just long enough to attend the coronation of Twilight Sparkle. Any day now the Princesses would give the unicorn her final test and Twilight would become an alicorn. Yet again it was one of those private events that Buzzbot didn't dare intrude on.         The robot had sensed in a way she couldn't explain that she had to make up her mind and do it soon. Certainly before she went back to the future. So that only gave her a couple more days to decide. Buzzbot pushed this thought to the back of her mind, get the report ready then work it out.         But as Buzz mentally thought back over the last few weeks and of all the things that had happened to her the question persisted. Then in a moment of inspiration she realized what she wanted, it was a small thing but it would make her whole mission to the past complete and would help answer a lot of other questions she had. Her mind made up Buzzbot let herself out of her room and headed for the warded sections of Canterlot.                  Buzzbot knocked on the cellar doors to Discord's office, the building was currently submerged under the streets tonight. After a few moments they swung open to show small a lilac pony with a tangled mane that had purple and white stripes running through it. She just stood there staring at Buzz. No, Buzz discovered. The lilac pony floated with a little propeller hat on her head and  Buzzbot began to doubt her plan, “Maybe this was a bad idea after all.”          "Oh, hello, you must be Buzz" The obviously unhinged pony said in that happy way of a pony that knows something wonderfully funny but can't tell anyone. "Daddy has been expecting you," With that the strange pony bounced down the stairs         The offices were totally different from when Buzz was here yesterday. The floor was being put to its proper use again but was now tiled different shades of orange and blue. There were now giant playing cards lining the walls, but at least the floor was where it should be.         Buzz saw that the crazy ponies from before were still present. They were all smiling and a couple even gave her little waves of recognition. They all seemed to be expecting her return and Buzz wasn't sure if she should be worried about that.         "It's good to have those ponies that can see my skills in their true light," Buzzbot jumped as Discord appeared behind her. "Well my dear I see you’re back once again, sooner than I had anticipated. I was hoping to have the spinners installed, but this will have to do. So you have decided what you would like me to do for you?"         Buzz had another uneasy feeling and didn't dare ask what the mysterious 'spinners' were. She was still unsure if what she was about to ask for was what she really wanted. She looked over to the ponies all with their smiles. It was more than a little creepy. Discord followed Buzzbot's gaze as it returned to the staff in his office and shook his head sadly.         "Don't worry, they are quite happy here. I can let them have a break from the world outside that they find so hard to understand. When they step out again they are more prepared to deal with it," Discord said in a slightly sad tone.         Discord, to Buzzbot's surprise, kept explaining, "You know I used to think that the most fun would be to share my chaos with everyone, whether they needed or even wanted it. But I always found myself empty after, oh I had a good laugh but it would never last. Then, a certain yellow pegasus of our mutual acquaintance showed me that there was so much more to my chaos when used the right way."         Discord looked at the picture of him and Fluttershy, which hung totally upside down now. "She looked past the outside and saw what I was missing and made sure I found it. Now I have more friends than I could ever hope for. Once they are cured of their illnesses they can go out into the world knowing that I helped them. I can know I helped them and that's a feeling that lasts and lasts."         "My silly little ways help fix them and they will always appreciate that and even come to visit. So now that happiness can keep on going." As far as Buzz could tell there were genuine tears of joy in Discord's eyes. She still didn't trust Discord and with good reason but she now felt it was worth a try.         "Why are you telling me this Discord?" Buzzbot asked honestly. She couldn't even begin to try to understand the creature and whatever answer he gave would be suspect. But curiosity compelled her to ask anyway.         The draconequus smiled, coughed a little embarrassed and then quickly changed the subject. "Why you’re a pony looking for your centre. A reason to do more than just exist? To understand why you are the way you are? Am I right?” Buzzbot raised an eyebrow, “And you can give me that?” Discord grinned widely, “Of course not, what a load of mumbo jumbo.” He lowered his head to her level, “It’s your choice, what would you have me do?”         Buzz whispered in his ear and Discord's eyes went wide with surprise, "You really want me to do that to you, it could be very dangerous, very few normal ponies can take that kind of knowledge and with your logical programmed mind it could...." Discord's warning never finished when confronted by Buzzbot's determined stare. Her resolve tempered into something stronger than steel.         "I want to know, I want to understand," Buzz confirmed and Discord shrugged.         "You understand that you will probably never be able to tell anypony about it you know, should you even survive the experience," He cautioned.         Buzzbot still nodded, "I've got a back up information core if I fail. I would never rest easy if I didn't at least try." Buzz smiled, she was being so reckless and it was fun and terrifying all at the same time. She didn't know what had gotten into her. She would never have done this when she first came to the past. But here, in this place, it felt like just the right thing to do.         Buzzbot then related something she heard another tell her only a little while ago, "It would be such a shame to miss out on some reformed chaos time." She said in such good replica of Discord's voice that he clapped his paws/claws and chuckled to himself.         "Well said, well said. I'm eager to find out what will come of this and admire your gumption Buzz," With that Discord dropped his odd sized eyes and looked right into Buzz's determined brown ones. Then with a snap of his lion paw the world went white for Buzzbot and she got her wish.         A way away Pinkie Pie felt a shudder run through her spine, spun around and did one final 'robot' dance before the 'combo' resolved itself. She knew deep down whatever had been causing it was resolved. Something magical had just happened, some mystical answer had been gained and something learned by those who mattered. Shrugging Pinkie smiled all the wider and went on consuming the muffins she had started.         "Is she broken Daddy?" came the first voice through the haze of Buzzbot's mind. It was a young mare's and Buzz knew she should recognize it, but her thoughts were moving in strange ways.         "Well ‘broken’ is such a subjective term my dear, is she in full working order? No. Is it in need of repair? Yes. But she didn't explode so that must count for something," a second voice came in reply, a male voice that was full of interest.         "Awww but that would have been so pretty, woomf-boom-balooga!" The first voice said in a disappointed tone.         "Now now Screwball, remember the one rule here in my office," The second voice reminded the first.         "No hurting other ponies or wishing them harm or thinking of harming them or 'playing' too rough with them or......" The male voice cut the filly's off at this point. “Yes, yes there were so many sub-clauses to rule number one. Now be a good girl, now go and watch the door again while I see to this pony."         Buzzbot's vision was coming back and she focused about the room until finally focusing on Discord who was looking at her with a mixture of admiration and interest. She paused for a moment before a little grin crept onto her face. It all made sense now! Buzz looked up into Discord’s face and the grin only grew wider.         "Is it really that simple?" Buzz inquired with a note of surprise. Discord just nodded and gave a little round of applause. "But no pony would get it if I tried to explain it to them would they?" Buzz continued, half to herself as she went about exploring the new concept in her mind. Buzzbot's thoughts were jumping and skipping with joy.         "Well you came through that rather well I thought, last time I gave somepony a similar wish they didn't move for three days," Discord rubbed his chin with his paw, "You knew what you have learnt would be of little use, no pony would believe you even if you tried to explain it." Discord went on. "So what did you hope to gain from me revealing that little morsel to you?"         "It's a thing for me and no other pony. Everything I have done up to now has been to follow my directive. What you have taught me today, I am happy to know it. I wanted it because I wanted to know for myself, not from any programmed drive or compelled order. It's my own little bit of truth and I don't have to share it if I don't want to."         She screwed up her face, “I don’t know if I’m making much sense?”         Discord grinned, “Of course you can’t prove that you’re more than just a machine by performing acts beyond your programming.”         Buzzbot smiled again in a knowing way before giving Discord a huge hug. He stiffened and actually looked embarrassed, "Thanks Discy, you've given me something that is truly mine and have proved to me that I’m more than just a metal shell with some clever circuits. I couldn’t have put it better myself." Discord tried to shrug again, except Buzzbot's hooves were wrapped around him making it difficult to do so. "We aim to please in the strangest manna possible here," Discord vanished out of Buzz's grip and returned the hug with a cheerful nooige of his own. "You know the fact that you were having feelings, real ones, already proved you were already more than just a machine right? You didn't have to go through this to prove it," Discord informed Buzzbot.         "Yeah, but where’s the fun in that?” Buzzbot finished with a smile so big it threatened to remove the top of her head.         Discord raised an eyebrow so that it floated above his head, "Indeed. Well now you've had your own little taste of chaos, you can never go back," Discord announced as he dropped Buzz and then went on with a dramatic flourish: "Now you had best go out there and see what this new chaotic world holds for you!"         Buzz left ‘chaos central’ and after a short time Screwball wobbled up to Discord before asking, "Well Daddy she seemed pleased with her gift. But I still don't know what you gave her?" Discord patted Screwball on the head and chuckled softly.         "I gave her a little of what she needed and a lot of what she asked for," He informed his most dedicated follower. Screwball wasn't satisfied with that response and pressed Discord further.         "Awww please Daddy, I really want to know," Discord looked down into Screwball's spinning eyes and his heart melted.         "Oh fine," He rolled his eyes in opposite directions. "I gave Buzz something that few ponies have ever dared ask for. I let her understand the mystery that is Pinkamena Diane Pie."         “Really Daddy?” Screwball asked in surprise,“ and her head didn’t explode?”         “Funny thing,” Discord said almost absently, “It was quite a mess in there already, almost as if I had….” Shrugging Discord went back to his work.