Transformers Prime: Friendship is Magic (A Hub Crossover Special)

by thelastprime

Chapter 14

In the royal palace of Canterlot, The Grand Galloping Gala went on. The guests in attendance where still enjoyed themselves, and had no idea of the danger looming nearby. Princess Celestia continued to host her gathering to promote peace and prosperity throughout all of Equestria, as Luna and Cadance kept the guests busy. Shining Armor, and the guards still continued their security sweeps, all the while, Trixie had begun to perform on stage once again, wowing the crowd, as they where greatly entertained by her show.

Twilight Sparkle couldn't help but smile, as she watched Trixie perform. She wasn't boasting as much, and had a more humble attitude. To her, Trixie seemed to have learned her lesson in humility, and decided to get her life together as a traveling show mare.

However, she then looks at Optimus, the main guest of honor, as he too witnessed Trixie's show. The Autobot leader however, had a somewhat worried look on his face.

"Optimus, are you alright?" Twilight asked, concerned. "Is something troubling you?"

"I, am.... not exactly certain." Optimus replied to the young Alicorn Princess. "I feel, as if, all is not right."

As much as he was enjoying the event, something inside of him felt as if, all wasn't what it seemed.

Twilight gave a light sigh, then smiled at the Autobot.

"Hmm, I think you had a long day. I didn't see you power down last night. Maybe you should take a break, and rest up." Twilight inquired to the bot.

"Perhaps." Optimus said, "As wonderful as the Gala is, I still cannot shake this feeling of uneasiness. Perhaps I should step out for a bit, and clear my processors."

"Of course." Twilight politely stated, "Take all the time you need. I'll be right here if you need me."

"Thank you, my friend." and with that, Optimus began to walk towards the main door.

Princess Celestia notices this, and walks over to her student.

"Is everything alright, my faithful student? Is there something bothering our guest?" the princess asked.

"I think he'll be fine. He just needed to clear his head and take a brisk walk." Twilight answered.

"Well, as long as there isn't any trouble. I can say however, this is one of the most successful Grand Galloping Gala yet!" Celestia happily stated, "We've helped spread friendship and understanding to all races in Equestria. It's a big step in the direction of peace."

"I'm quite happy too, Princess Celestia, especially with Optimus here with us. I think his presence has really made a difference." Twilight beamed to her teacher.

"Indeed, Twilight. Indeed." Celestia smiled back at her.

About several minutes pass, and Optimus returns through the main entrance. Many of the guests quickly move out of the way for him to walk through.

"Ah, dear Optimus, are you feeling any better?" Princess Celestia asked the Autobot.

"Somewhat..." Optimus replied, "However, I still cannot seem to shake this odd feeling that seems to be ebbing at me. Something is not right, and I cannot figure out what it is."

"You're probably just overwhelmed from the events of today." Cadance added, "I'm sure after you recharge on that Energon substance, you should be as fresh as a daisy."

"Hmm.... Perhaps you are correct, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza." Optimus addressed her.

"Please, call me Cadance." the pink alicorn commented

"As you wish." Optimus nodded, with a smile.

Just then the lights in the room began to dim, as the guest also began to quiet down. Everyone present then sees a spotlight shine on the main stage. Princess Luna then takes center stage as she was preparing a speech, as Celestia stood next to her.

"To all the citizens of Equestria," Princess Luna began to lecture, "It was a great honor having you all to come to our event. I am quite pleased that you all traveled here to meet with us, face to face, to spread love all over the land..... Yes, such love.... such, wonderful......powering.......DELICIOUS LOVE!!!!!"

"Luna?" Celestia asked in concern, "you're acting, rather strange."

Suddenly, the night princess began to giggle, then laugh, then suddenly cackle.


"LUNA! What has gotten into you?" Celestia spoke in a stern voice, as the guests looked on in confusion.

"You fool! All of you are so certain that you're safe here in the royal palace, that nothing can touch you. How pathetic." Luna shouted.

The crowd gasps as they hear these words.

"Little do you any of your feeble minds know, this land will soon come under NEW rule! All of you, and your false sense of security have made you vunerable! Now you're all MINE!" She said, in a dark tone.

"That's enough!" Princess Celestia yelled, "I don't know what has gotten into you, sister, but your behavior is unacceptable. I must ask you to return to your chambers."

"What's gotten into Princess Luna?" Twilight Sparkle asked in concern.

"I... Don't know, Twilie." Shining Armor was dumbfounded, while Cadance watched in shock.

Optimus simply stood silently, he had a hunch that all was not right, and it appeared he was correct, though he wished it weren't so.

"Still haven't figured it out, dear Celestia?" Luna taunted, as her eyes began to glow green. "You're even more naive than I thought."

"Wait, you're NOT Luna!" Celestia said in shock.

"Right you are, Princess, and Now, for the MAIN EVENT!

Suddenly, Princess Luna, had enveloped herself in a green flash of light, and slowly, her features began to change. Her blue fur, was soon replaced by a black colored shell, and not before long, another figure stood in her place.
The new figure gives off an evil, sinister grin.

Everyone in the room gasps at this revelation. Queen Chrysalis had revealed herself to all the guests present.

"Surprise, surprise, everypony." Chrysalis mocked, "Do you fools really think you could defeat me so easily?"

"No, it CAN'T be!" Princess Cadance said in horror.

"I can't believe it, she's here?!" Twilight Sparkle replied in shock.

"She's back!" A random pony shouted.

"Run for your lives!" another guest called out.

Panic began to grip the guests, as many ponies, griffons, and minotaurs began to run.

"No one leaves without my permission!" Queen Chrysalis shouts, "Now my children!"

Suddenly multiple ponies, and other guests in the room began to envelop themselves in green flashes of light, and in their places, changelings stood. They had infiltrated the Gala. Soon half the room were filled with the intruders.

Trixie, seeing this shrieks in terror, as multiple changelings surround her.

"No get away! The Great and Powerful Trixie demands you to stay away!" She shouted.

The changelings merely hissed, and laughed as they began to advance towards the terrified guests.

"Stop this at once!" Celestia commanded, as Shining Armor and the rest of the guards stood behind their princess, ready to do battle if they must.

Optimus Prime also stood firmly, with his blasters drawn, and pointed at the Queen.

"I don't know how you and your minions infiltrated my palace, but you will leave this instant. You will also tell me where my sister is, NOW!" Celestia demanded.

"You are in no position to make demands, Princess." Queen Chrysalis mocked, "I have you all, exactly where I want you. You're all mine, and I will take Canterlot in one fell swoop."

"Not while I still function, Chrysalis!" Optimus replied as he stepped forward. "As long as I remain upon this world, I will not allow you to spread your tyranny and oppress the innocent."

" Well well, the famous Optimus Prime. We meet again. What a sap you are. You're pathetic, you know that?" Chrysalis mocked, "Besides, I'm the least of your worries. I think you should take a little look at your precious force field outside, Celestia."

"What do you mean?" Celestia demanded again. "What have you done?"

With that, Princess Celestia, and Shining Armor quickly peer out the window, to see that the force field was beginning to weaken, as multiple changelings were slamming into it.

"The same trick won't work twice, you witch!" Shining Armor proudly stated. "We've reinforced the shield with multiple unicorn guards producing it."

"I've noticed, which is why my children have already incapacitated those creating it." Chrysalis explained. "Such harsh language. Do you kiss Cadance with that mouth?"

Shining Armor growled angrily at the changeling queen.

As they look on, they realized that the force field had begun to crack.

"But that's impossible. The guards...." Shining Armor began to say.

"Have been taken down by my minions!" Chrysalis interrupted. "Without the guards to reinforce it, your force field will weaken, and break!"

Chrysalis then cackles madly as the shield eventually shatters.

"No!!" Twilight cries out in terror.

"By the Allspark." Optimus said under his breath.

Seeing that the city had now lost it's primary means of defense, Optimus activated his faceplate, and approached Queen Chrysalis, with a blaster pointed at her.

Aboard the Nemesis, Knockout was monitoring one of the sensors on the computer screen, as a signal suddenly disappeared.

"Lord Megatron," He called to his master, "Looks like the bugs pulled through after all. The force field protecting the city has been nullified."

"Good. Have the troops prepare themselves. And resume our coarse to the Capital. We shall take down Optimus, and obtain the means of returning to Earth."

"As you command my liege. It's a shame that the weapon systems on the ship are still offline, otherwise we would have blasted our way through their shield and taken the capital by now ourselves without having to deal with that insect, Chrysalis." Knockout replied.

"I do not enjoy allying myself with inferior beings either, but as of now, proceed as planned." Megatron ordered.

"You will not subjugate the inhabitants of this world. I WILL stop you!" Optimus stated.

"I'm the least of your worries, Autobot." Chrysalis said.

"What are you talking about?" Celestia angrily seethed at the changeling queen.

"Oh let's just say, you're not the only ones who made some..... otherworldy friends...." The Queen replied. "In fact, I suggest you look towards the north balcony."

Hearing these words, Princess Celestia, Twilight Sparkle, Shining Armor, Princess Cadance, and Optimus Prime quickly ran to the balcony to see what Chrysalis was talking about.

What they see, is a large flying object, heading towards the capital.

Seeing the flying fortress, Optimus' optics widen, and he clenches his fists.

"Princess Celestia, what IS that??" Twilight asked.

"I have no idea, my student. But whatever it is, it can't be good." Celestia answered her.

"No....." Optimus muttered, "It cannot be.... How is it possible?"

"Optimus, you know what that is?" Twilight asked the Autobot.

"Indeed, young Twilight." Optimus replied, "That, is the Decepticon Warship, The Nemesis. Megatron's flying base of operations. The Decepticons are here.... On your world!"

Hearing this revelation shocked the ponies.

"What??? Decepticons? How did they get here?" Shining Armor asked in puzzlement.

"I do not know, but I will tell you this. With Megatron on your world, all who inhabit Equestria, are in danger." Optimus grimly stated.

"What are we going to do?" Princess Cadance asked.

"Mobilize the guards, and prepare to defend the City!" Princess Celestia ordered. "We must stop this invasion."

"Yes, your majesty!" Shining Armor saluted, as he gallops off to rally his troops.

"Princess Celestia, I mean no offense, but your military will not stand a chance against the Decepticon forces. I must contact the other Autobots, and help repel this attack on your home." Optimus objected.

"I appreciate your concern, Optimus, but I can't just sit idle and allow these Decepticons and Changelings to ravage my kingdom. We must defend it." Celestia replied.

"Then allow me to assist." Optimus said as he activates his communicator, "Optimus Prime to all Autobots, We have a dire situation in Canterlot, Priority Prime! Please respond."


"Bulkhead, Smokescreen, Arcee, Wheeljack, Bumblebee, do any of you read?" Optimus tried again.

Still nothing but static.

"It is clear that the Decepticons are jamming our communications. No doubt, Soundwave's handiwork." The Autobot leader stated.

Celestia, with a worried look on her face, then turns her attention to Twilight.

"Twilight, you must retrieve the Elements of Harmony, and gather your friends. They may be our only hope, and quickly rally the other Autobots. We must stop the Queen and her new allies. Go Twilight, swiftly!" Celestia ordered.

"I won't let you down." Twilight said with confidence.

She quickly gallops towards the exit.

Princess Celestia then quickly turns towards the Autobot leader.

"Please go with her, see to it that no harm comes to my precious student." Celestia pleaded.

"With all my spark, Princess, I swear I will protect her." Optimus promised, "Are you certain however, that you will be alright on your own?"

"Don't worry about me, I may look delicate, but I'm made of sterner stuff." Celestia dryly joked. "I'll be fine, now please, go on."

With a nod of understanding, Optimus Prime transforms into his truck form, and rolls out the door, to follow Twilight Sparkle.

"You know it's useless. You'll never reach them in time." Chrysalis taunted.

"I have had enough of you!" Celestia said, "You and your changelings now face the power of the Sun!"

Celestia's horn began to glow, as she charges her magic.

"Oh I wouldn't." Chrysalis warned, "Defeat me now, and you'll never find out where your precious Luna is."

Hearing this, Celestia had no choice, but to relent from her attack.

"Only a coward would resort to taking hostages." Celestia seethed.

"But an effective tactic. I will use whatever means to achieve victory." Chrysalis shot back at him.

The entire castle then seems to vibrate, and a large shadow has now been cast over the building. The Nemesis is now directly over the capital.

As Megatron stood on the deck of the Nemesis with Dreadwing standing next to him, an entire platoon of Vehicon seekers stood in rows in front of him. Megatron then looks down at Canterlot, and the assembled royal guard, ready to battle the invaders.

"The defenses of this world are rather pathetic." Megatron observed, "The fools, do they really think that spears and swords can pierce Decepticon armor? How laughable!"

Megatron then rallies his troops.

"Today is the day we achieve ultimate victory over our enemies! The Autobots have either been captured, or dealt with. All that remains is Optimus Prime, and these pitiful organics. We will crush them if they stand in our way. Show no mercy, and bring Prime to his knees. Today, we WIN this war! DECEPTICONS, TRANSFORM AND RISE UP!"

With that order, all of the seekers present, quickly make a mad dash and run towards the edge of the ship and jump off. Soon they transform into their jet modes, and swoop down towards the city.

Countless Seekers soon joined by multiple Changelings began to decent into the city.

It was pandemonium and utter chaos throughout all of Canterlot, as the Decepticons began to fire at buildings, while the changelings began to terrorize ponies throughout the city.

The air horn alarm system went off all over Canterlot, as ponies ran screaming everywhere. The Vehicons and the Changelings marched through the streets, crushing everything in their path with no regard for who, or what got in their way. Never had the Ponies been subjecated to this kind of violence. There was little place to run, and even less means to fight back.

"Wretched creatures!" a Vehicon seeker shouted "Probably leave their scrappings on the street too."

It checked it's feet make sure it didn't step in anything. Another Vehicon trained his cannon on a few more houses.

"Target Practice." He sneered.

He was interrupted by a blast of energy that struck him in the chest, knocking the Vehicon back several steps. The Con turns to see a white unicorn stallion, with a blue mane, and wearing a fancy red dress shirt and glowing horn glaring at him. Behind were a squad of armored unicorns and pegasi, ready to defend their home.

"You're gonna pay for that , fleshling." The Vehicon shouted, "OPEN FIRE!"

The rest of the Vehicon troops began to blast laser fire at the royal guard, as several unicorn guards activated a shield bubble to protect their ranks.

"Royal Guard, Counter Attack!" Shining Armor ordered, as a squadron of Pegasi guards took to the air.

Armed with crossbows, they rained a flurry of arrows onto the Vehicons, but their armor was too tough, and their projectiles merely bounced harmlessly off.

Multiple Seekers transformed into jet mode, and began to engage the pegasi guards in aerial dogfights. The guards didn't stand a chance, as many of the seekers shot at them, forcing the guards to retreat.

"Unicorns, covering fire!" Shining Armor commanded, as he, and a number of unicorn guards began firing bolts of magical beams at the Vehicons.

This proved slightly more effective, but it still wasn't enough, The Decepticons, now joined by a large swarm of changelings that flew overhead, continued to press forward.

Many changelings fired green bolts from their horns at the guards, and some tackled the ponies to the ground.
The Decepticons were also swatting pegasi out of the sky, and kicking unicorns out of the way with their massive hands and feet.

Shining Armor saw that it was a losing battle. He had no other choice if he were to save his brothers in arms.

"Retreat! Retreat!!! All units fall back! Regroup at the castle, and safeguard the Princess!"

Hearing the order, a Unicorn guard levitated a horn to his lips, and blew on it, signaling the withdrawl.

The royal guard began to head back towards the castle as the changelings and Cons gave chase.

Shining Armor seeing that the enemy was still attacking his troops, then took matters into his own hooves. Galloping at full speed, he jumps on a makeshift ramp made by debris from a building, and bucks a Vehicon in the face. As it begins to fall, he rams his horn into it's optic. Blinded, and struggling to get the unicorn off of him, the Vehicon lashes out violently, firing blasts blindly into his own ranks. He shoots two of his own troops, before Shining Armor charges up his horn, and with a large magical blast, completely destroys the head, blowing it clean off it's shoulders. He then levitates himself safely to the ground.

But seeing that he's still out numbered, He too begins to fall back, as multiple Changelings swoop down at him.

Shining Armor stood in defiance, waiting for the attack. However right as the changelings were about to reach him, he sees a purple force field envelop him, as the attackers slam into it. Turning around he sees Twilight Sparkle charging her horn.

"Twilie! What are you doing here?"

"Sorry BBBFF, but I just couldn't let you face them alone." She answered.

The changelings regain their composure, and attempt to attack again, but this time, a massive giant fist knocks them away.

Optimus Prime stood ready as he towered over them.

"I too made a promise, to safeguard your lives. Now quickly, we must resume our mission to recover your relics, and contact the others." Optimus stated.

"Thanks, Commander Prime. I need to head back to the castle and see to it that Princess Celestia is ok. I don't trust leaving her alone with that witch." Shining Armor said.

"Quickly then, return to your post. I will handle the Decepticon invasion. Good Luck, Captain." Optimus replied.

Shining Armor gave a salute, and quickly retreated.

The Vehicons began to shoot at Twilight and the Autobot, as Optimus transformed, and opened his doors.

"Quickly, inside!" He called out, as the young purple pony jumped into his truck mode.

Optimus then drove forward at full speed.


He rams into multiple Vehicons and changelings, sending them flying.

"The tower that holds the Elements of Harmony just ahead next to the castle." Twilight pointed. "I used to keep them around me in Ponyville after Discord's reformation, but when Sunset Shimmer stole the Element of Magic, which is also my crown, Princess Celestia, and I decided to return them to Canterlot under lock and key for safe keeping."

"Understood." Optimus replied, as he speeds up.

"It appears the battle continues to be in our favor, Lord Megatron." Dreadwing stated as he watches the chaos unfold from the deck of the ship.

"Indeed Dreadwing." Megatron answered, "Once we've crushed this weak opposition, the search for the spell will commence. Any sign of Optimus?"

"I believe he still may be in the main palace." Dreadwing reported.

"Then let us greet him, and the rulers of this world. Come Dreadwing!" Megatron ordered, as both he and Dreadwing transformed into their jet modes, and took off towards the castle.

As Optimus and Twilight continued their way to the Element's tower, he pics up two distinct signals headed towards the castle. Optimus comes to a halt, with Twilight confused about his actions.

"Optimus? Why did you stop?" She asked.

"I am picking up two Decepticon readings headed towards Princess Celestia's location." He answered. "She may be in danger."

"Oh no, Princess Celestia! We have to do something." Twilight shouted with worry.

As on cue, they both hear the roaring sounds of jet engines flying nearby. Twilight looks up, to see two flying objects headed towards the castle.

Clearly the objects didn't detect or see Optimus, as they continued their course.

"Look!" Twilight called out as she pointed towards the sky.

"No...." Optimus replied. "It is Megatron himself, and his second in command, Dreadwing. They are heading straight for the Princess. I am afraid we cannot resume our current mission. Princess Celestia's life is now at stake."

Twilight gasps in horror, as Optimus quickly reverses his course, and heads back to the castle.

As Megatron and Dreadwing approach the castle from the air, the Decepticon leader fires at one of the walls of the castle, blowing a large hole in it. He and Dreadwing then enter, and transform into robot modes as they land.

"A rather, Majestic establishment." Dreadwing said as he looked at his surroundings.

Megatron paid no mind to the statement, and continued to press forward, only to be greeted by a number of guard ponies, led by a white unicorn with a blue mane.

Shining Armor glared at him.

Megatron stood over Shining and glared back.

"So. From what I understand you are Knight's Captain." Megatron addressed his opponent.

"You'll go no further, villain." Shining Armor shouted. "So, you're Megatron. You're just as evil, and UGLY like I imagined."

"Brave of you to use such a tone towards me, pony." Megatron stated, unamused. "Clearly, you are outmatched."

"I don't think so. Guards, let's do this!" Shining Armor commanded as he and the unicorn platoon began to charge at the two Decepticons.

"Such a feeble and ultimately futile attempt at resistance." Dreadwing said, as he pulls out his cannon, and opens fire.

The blasts hit the ground around the guards, causing them to lose their footing. Dreadwing open fires again, this time towards the wall, causing debris to fall onto the pony guards, knocking most of them out.

Shining Armor was now the only one who stood between the Decepticons, and the throne room.

"Fighting your kind is beneath me. This doesn't even qualify as a battle, but a slaughter. You obviously have no true experience in such matters." Megatron goaded the unicorn prince.

"Don't underestimate us Megatron." Shining Armor said in defiance.

"Look around you. YOU CALL THIS AN ARMY? Everything about you, this, place, the way you carry yourselves show that your role is little more than that of a figurehead. You know NOTHING Of Real Battle. YOU KNOW NOTHING OF WAR!" Megatron gloated.

"Well, forgive me if I'm not a power hungry tyrant like you!" Shining Armor bravely stated.

"Evidently, you are clearly, suicidal." Megatron replied as he charged his cannon.

Megatron then fires a blast at Shining Armor, who quickly jumps out of the way, he returns fire with his horn, striking the Decepticon leader in the chest. But then something strange happens. The blast is absorbed into Megatron, then in shoots back out at the unicorn. Shining Armor was hit by his own magic, and collapses on the ground.

"What.....what happened?" He weakly replied.

"Fool, you know nothing, of true power." Megatron taunted. "Dreadwing, this one is finished. Come, let us make an audience, with this world's ruler."

"Cadance.... Twilie... I.... I'm so sorry..... I failed." With that Shining Armor passes out.

As Princess Celestia and Queen Chrysalis continue to lock eyes, glaring at each other, the guests were still being held hostage by the changeling troops.

"Release the Great and Powerful Trixie, and she shall grant you three wishes!" Trixie pleaded with the changelings surrounding her.

They merely just scoffed, and laughed at her.

"I don't think, that's going to work on them." Cadance said to the show mare.

"It was worth a try." Trixie answered.

Just then, they all hear a loud banging sound coming from the main doors. Then they burst open, as many of the Gala guests quickly take cover.

Celestia's eyes widen as she sees the dust settle, and a giant monsterous silver figure begins to walk into the room. Multiple ponies and other guests were terrified at this newcomer and trembled upon seeing it enter. This was indeed, a most intimidating creature.

Behind him, another large blue figure followed.

"So.... This is where the magic happens.... Quaint." The silver colored newcomer stated in a sarcastic tone as he looked around the throne room.

"Well, it's about time you showed. I was getting bored." Chrysalis scoffed, as she flew up to the metal creature and landed next to him, as he stood before Celestia and her throne. "Took you long enough to get here."

"Do NOT try my patience, Chrysalis. Now, where is Optimus?" Megatron demanded.

"Megatron, I presume." Princess Celestia said to the Decepticon leader.

"Ah, so my reputation proceeds me." Megatron remarked. "And you must be the famed Princess Celestia I heard so much about."

"Why? Why have you attacked my kingdom and it's citizens? And why have you allied yourself with this vile creature?" Celestia demanded.

"All I seek, is a way to return to Earth, and the destruction of my most hated enemy. I have no interest in your pitiful world." Megatron answered. "Now stand aside, and tell me where Optimus is!"

"I will never cooperate with tyrants!" Celestia glared.

Megatron pointed his cannon at the princess.

"You will answer our master, organic." Dreadwing demanded.

"I will not ask again!" Megatron threatened.

" You may have destroyed your own world, but I won't allow you to take ours. No more terrorizing my citizens! If I must, I will protect my beloved subjects myself!" Celestia boldly stated.

She then charges her horn, and with a brilliant glow, she unleashes a massive yellow beam of light as it heads straight for the Decepticon leader.

"Ah, haha. This is it...." Queen Chrysalis said, licking her lips in anticipation.

Just as the beam was about to strike him, Megatron pulls out a shard of dark purple crystal, and holds it in front of him with his left hand. Once the magic pulse struck the vile crystal, like with Chrysalis back on board the Nemesis, It backlashed on to Celestia. She was engulfed in a storm of dark energy and hew own magic. She cried out in pain and collapsed to the floor.

Chrysalis let loose a wave of evil laughter, while Megatron just glared at down at the fallen princess.

"If you were truly is the highest ruling power of this world, then this wretched hole is even more worthless then I thought." Megatron scoffed.

All of the guest of the Gala gave a shocking gasp in horror. Princess Celestia was defeated.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Candence cried, as she rushed to Celestia's aid.

You... YOU MONSTERS!" The pink alicorn cursed.

Chrysalis simply smiled evilly while Megatron grunted in disgust. Dreadwing merely looked on, with a blank slate on his face.

"And what are you going to do about it, oh Crystal Princess?" Chrysalis taunted.

The vile queen, then approached the fallen princess, ready to finish her off, when a loud shout was heard from across the hall.


All who were present, looked to the source of the voice, to see Optimus Prime, with Twilight Sparkle standing next to him, helping a limping Shining Armor.

"Optimus Prime, you never disappoint." Megatron said in a mock friendly tone.

As the three heroes enter the room they see the aftermath of what had transpired.

"PRINCESS CELESTIA!" Twilight shouted, as she and her brother made way to the fallen alicorn.

Twilight quickly nuzzled her fallen teacher, with tears in her eyes.

"Please, you have to wake up." Twilight pleaded.

Optimus was equally shocked, and appalled.

"By the Allspark Megatron, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE??!!" Optimus demanded, nearly losing his usual cool composure.

"This? Heh heh, you should have known, that the power of Dark Energon has rather, ill effects on the native lifeform's arcane abilities." Megatron gloated.

"Dark Energon?" Twilight Sparkle asked as she looked up at the Decepticon leader.

"Indeed little one, the blood of Unicron the Chaos Bringer. It is the anti-spark. Only I can control it's will. BEHOLD IT'S POWER!"

In all of her years, with all of the villains she faced in the past. From Nightmare Moon, to Discord, and Chrysalis, Sunset Shimmer, and even King Sombra, Twilight Sparkle had never felt so terrified. This Being, Megatron, is a conqueror of worlds. He had single handedly destroyed his own home planet, and took the lives of countless billions. Something about his aura mortified the young Princess. This being, was pure EVIL, with no hope of redemption or rehabilitation, and it filled her heart with overwhelming fear.

"Twilight, we have to get Princess Celestia out of here." Princess Cadence pleaded.

"I know, but how?" Twilight asked.

"None shall leave without my aknowledgement." Megatron stated as he glared at Twilight.

"Ah yes, you fear me, don't you, pony? As you should." He gloated.

Your battle is with me, Megatron, leave her kind in peace." Optimus demanded.

"How predictable of you, Optimus. You wish to protect these, lesser lifeforms." Megatron taunted.

"Why Megatron? Even upon this peaceful world, your war mongering knows no end." Optimus demanded to know.

"I will take whatever means necessary, to achieve ultimate victory. The weak, will perish." Megatron says as he extends a blade from in front of his fusion cannon.

Optimus, disgusted by both Megatron's and Queen Chrysalis' disregard for innocent life, turns his hands into his blades.

"Not while my spark, continues to burn!" Optimus threatened.

Dreadwing aims his cannon at Optimus, ready to do battle.

"Dreadwing, stand down. Optimus Prime, is mine, and mine alone." Megatron commanded, as Dreadwing relented.

"So be it Megatron. No more innocent lives will be lost by your hand." Optimus stated.

The two opposing Cybertronians then charge at each other, and clash their blades.
Optimus takes a swipe at Megatron, who parries with his blade, then kicks him off, he swings his blade at Optimus, who dodges, and does a spin kick to Megatron's side. The Decepticon leader is knocked back several steps, and retracts his blade. He then begins to fire his fusion cannon at Optimus, who deflects the shots with his blade as he rushes forward.
Optimus lands a massive punch on the Decepticon's jaw, knocking him down, and then lands another blow to Megatron's abdomen.

Megatron quickly recovers, and grabs Optimus by the arm, then he knees him in the midsection, and throws the Prime to the ground. Optimus stands back up, and the two combatants lock blades again.

All the while Twilight runs up to Cadence.

"We need to get everypony out of here. It's no longer safe." She explained, as Cadence nodded in agreement.

Twilight then sees Trixie, huddling in a corner. She calls for her former rival.


"What do you want?" Trixie asked in a slightly annoyed, yet fearful tone.

"You're the only other unicorn around with enough magical ability to help. My brother's been hurt, so please, we need your assistance." Twilight answered blue unicorn.

"I don't stand a chance against those beasts." Trixie shivered.

"Of course you can, you're the Great and Powerful Trixie, Remember?" Twilight said with a wink. "If you don't help us, both Queen Chrysalis and Megatron will turn all of Equestria into a barren wasteland. It'll be the end of all life as we know it."

Trixie put a hoof to her chin and contemplated the thought, then gave her answer.

"Alright, I'll do it. Even I can't stand these nasty changelings and their queen." Trixie said, with a new boost of confidence, "Let the new COURAGEOUS and HEROIC Trixie take center stage!"

"Then let's get the other civilians out of here." Twilight said, glad that her self appointed rival was willing to put aside her differences to assist in a greater good.

Cadance quickly assisted her injured husband as they both tried to move Princess Celestia, who was only partially concious out of the throne room. But they were met with heavy resistance from the changelings around the room, and Dreadwing.

The changelings hissed, and attempted to tackle the royal couple, as Cadance erected a force field around her.
The changelings slammed into it repeatedly, As Shining Armor attempted to assist.

"Don't strain yourself dear, and let me handle this." She said.

"But, I have to do my duty." Shining Armor replied.

"Let me do the rescuing today." Cadance said back to him, as she opens her wings, and places Shining Armor on her back.

She then attempts to use her magic to levitate Celestia, but was interrupted when Dreadwing draws his sword, and points it at her.

"You will not be leaving." He proclaimed, "Lord Megatron's orders. Stand down, and I will see to it, no harm comes to you."

"What are you doing? Finish them off!" Chrysalis shouted to the seeker.

"You do NOT command me, insect. I only accept orders from my one and true Lord!" Dreadwing shouted at the changeling.

"They're distracted, now's our chance!" Cadance then attempts to levitate Celestia and make her escape.

"You fool! You're allowing them to escape!" Chrysalis yelled, as she cuts them off.

"Cadence, Shining Armor...." Celestia weakly muttered, "Go, save yourselves. Get the others out of here....."

"But Princess, we can't abandon you." Cadance objected. "We need you. Equestria needs you."

"I understand your plight, but you must go. Please, find out what happened to Luna, and see to it that she is rescued. That, is my order." Celestia said, still weakened from the magical backlash. "See to it that Canterlot is evacuated. Get everypony to safety."

"We're abandoning Canterlot?" Shining Armor asked in shock.

"As much as it pains me, as this city has been my home for over a thousand years, we must vacate. There is no time..... to waste." Celesia said, wincing slightly in pain.

"Princess!" Twilight Sparkle called out, as she and Trixie, with a number of Gala guests ran up to her.

A large number of changelings then began to converge on them.
Trixie stepped forward, and started to work her magic. Holding off the changeling hoard by distracting them with a fireworks spell. She then conjured up a number of flowers, and blew the pollen at the attackers, causing them to sneeze out of control.

"That should distract them long enough." Trixie stated.

"Come on, we have to evacuate the city. Princess Celestia's orders." Shining Armor sadly stated.

"So it's true? We have to leave?" Twilight asked, with tears in her eyes.

"I'm afraid so." Her brother answered.

"None of you are escaping." Chrysalis shouted as she flew up to them.

She then envelops herself in a green light, and turns herself into a giant spider.

She then shoots a string of webbing at the fleeing guests, webbing them against the wall.

"How rude of you to leave without saying goodbye." Chrysalis taunted.

"How are we going to stop her?" Twilight asked in desperation. "Her magic is too strong."

Dreadwing merely watched, completely uninterested in the scuffle with the ponies and the changeling queen. He was more concerned with the batle with Optimus and Megatron. But what he sees next made his optics widen.

"By the Pit!"

The ponies then see Optimus, raising Megatron over his head, and toss him towards the changeling queen. Chrysalis quickly turned herself back to her original form to dodge the attack. Megatron slams into a wall, leaving a large hole in it.

"Lord Megatron! You will pay for this outrage, Prime!" Dreadwing stated as he drew his sword and charged at the Autobot leader.

"Not on this day, Dreadwing." Optimus heroically stated, and grabs Dreadwing by the arm, and flings him over his shoulder. Dreadwing hits the ground hard..

The ponies and guests give a loud cheer upon seeing this.

"Optimus! I knew you would save us!" Twilight beamed.

Megatron climbs out of the hole, and growls angrily at Optimus. He then charges at the Autobot leader, swinging his blade.
Optimus again, parries and blocks with his own blade. Megatron then fires his cannon again, this time striking Optimus in the shoulder. The Prime clutches his wound, but still continued to press forward. Then suddenly, a green beam of energy strikes the Autobot in his back.

"UUUUAAAAAGGGHHH"! Optimus yelled in pain, as he falls over.

"OPTIMUS!" Twilight, Cadance and Shining Armor yelled out in unison.

Trixie looked on in shock. The Gala guests could feel all hope fading away.

Chrysalis observed her handiwork, and began to cackle.

"So much for the avenging hero!" She mocked.

Megatron then angrily approached the queen, and fired a shot which blew a massive hole in the ground right in front of her.

"You insolent worm! You DARE to interfere with my destiny to destroy Optimus?" Megatron fumed.

"Hmph. You're welcome!" Chrysalis said in an annoyed tone.

"Let me make one thing clear, the one who finishes off Prime, will be me, and no one else! Do you understand??!"

"Yes, of course, oh mighty Lord Megatron." Chrysalis replied in a mock tone.

"No Optimus! Not you too... Please, get up!" Twilight pleaded as she rushed up to the Prime's face, and hugged it with her forelegs tightly.

"Twilight....." Optimus weakly muttered has he retracted his faceplate, showing his mouth again. "You must go. Find the others, warn them. Get your friends to safety."

Twilight was in tears. First, Canterlot was invaded by the unholy alliance of Decepticons and Changelings, then Princess Celestia was defeated, now Optimus Prime had fallen. She couldn't imagine how this day could get any worse.

"Go Twilight, you must leave, and take Princess Celestia with you. Your world needs their leader." Optimus said, still injured from the blast and lying on his back. He then goes into stasis lock.

"Optimus....." Twilight cried, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I'll get help, I promise."

With that, Twilight Sparkle reluctantly left Optimus' side, and rejoined Cadance, Shining Armor and Trixie.

"Let's get everypony out of here." Twilight said, as she took charge. "Especially Princess Celestia."

But then suddenly, Princess Celestia's body was enveloped in a green aura, then it floats away, and lands at the feet of Chrysalis.

"That's what you think. No pony will be stealing MY prize!" Queen Chrysalis gloated as she eyed the fallen princess.

"NOOO!" Twilight shouted in horror. "Return her back to us!"

"Now my children, take them!" Chrysalis ordered, as the hoard flew towards them.

"Twilie, I don't think we have a choice, We have to go. Now." Shining Armor said, with great regret in his voice.

Seeing no other options, Twilight Sparkle, Shining Armor, Princess Cadance, and Trixie retreated, without Celestia, or any of the Gala guests being held by the changelings. They reach the main doors, and make their escape.

Dreadwing seeing them escape, began to give chase.

"Dreadwing, don't bother. They are of no threat to us." Megatron ordered.

"What?" Chrysalis yelled in surprise. "You can't let them escape. Especially Twilight Sparkle. She's one of the bearers of the Elements of Harmony."

"I will not waste my time or resources chasing and hunting down pitiful organics. I have what I want. Both Optimus Prime and the Princess are at my mercy. Victory has been achieved. The Autobots have been defeated, and all that remains, is for us to return to Earth."

Chrysalis glares at Megatron.

"I warn you, Megatron, Your overconfidence of underestimating Twilight Sparkle and her friends will be your downfall. You have no idea what the Elements are capable of."

"Spare me your lecturing," Megatron scoffed, "These ponies aren't even at Earth's level of development. I do not fear these primitive weaklings."

"Hmph, your funeral." Chrysalis stated, "No matter, With Celestia out of the way, my changelings will soon take Canterlot, and then, ALL of Equestria. We will thrive!"

She then walks over to one of the balconies, an peers out to watch the ensuing carnage as the changeling and Decepticon forces continue to lay waste to Canterlot.

As Chrysalis finishes her song, Megatron and Dreadwing simply looked at her with confusion.

"Was that.... truly necessary?" Megatron muttered.

"Oh live a little." Chrysalis mocked back.

"Dreadwing, take Optimus and the Princess back to the ship, and place them in holding cells with the rest of our....guests."

"Do you not wish to terminate them here and now, Master?" Dreadwing asked.

"Not quite yet, for I have something special planned. Yes, indeed. Why simply extinguish their lives, when I can break their spirits, and make them suffer a fate, far worse than death." Megatron said, as he gave an evil laugh.
It was a dark day, for Equestria indeed.......