The Adventures of Sundude and Moonbro

by MetalGearSamus

Sundude and Moonbro go into a basement

Many adventures later, Sundude was awoken suddenly in the middle of the night by his brother, who looked super stressed about something.

"Whoa, bro, what is it?" Sundude asked, "I was just having the most radical dream..."

"Sorry, dude," Moonbro said. "But I had the most bone-chilling nightmare just now!"

"Nightmare? But you took the night shift. Why were you sleeping on the job, bro? That's totally uncool. What if another super-mega-timberwolf-hydra-hybrid-that-is-also-on-fire attacks? I don't want to have to clean up another seven tonnes of burnt clouds."

"No, I know, dude," Moonbro said, "That's what's so freaky. I was completely awake one moment, and the next thing I know I'm dreamin' that I'm runnin' down to the castle's basement and then through some sorta giant maze of hallways. It was really dark, and there was this big ugly guy laughing at me in the distance."

"That's sketchy, man," Sundude said. "What happened next?"

"I woke up and ran in here," Moonbro replied. "Stuff like that shouldn't happen to us. I mean, we really don't even need sleep. 'Cuz of the whole immortality thing."

"Yeah, but it's hard to chill when you're up all the time."

"Yeah. But anyway, it felt like another one of those Zebra herb trances. Only without all the stellar babes."

"Oh, bro, don't remind me about those," Sundude said, "They were much too trippy to be good for us."

"I know, dude! I'm still afraid of that broom closet," Moonbro replied, shivering at the memory, "But what do I do about that dream? It was too much for me, dude."

"Hmm. This is indeed a most perplexing... thing." Sundude thought for a moment. "I know! Let's go down to the basement, 'cuz that was in your dream, right?"

"Yeah," Moonbro replied.

So they went. The castle basement was dark and dank and dead silent. There looked to be an infinite expanse of nothing in front of them.

"Whoa," said Sundude, "Who makes a basement like this, anyway?"

"I know, right?" said Moonbro, "This is totally creepy."

The two battle-hardened bros walked into the pitch black darkness, and suddenly found themselves teleported into a small stone chamber with no exit.

"What the crap!?" cried Moonbro.

"Language, bro!" said Sundude.

"Oh, right, sorry dude," apologized Moonbro, "But this is totally wack."

"Indeed!" boomed a voice from somewhere above them. "Your situation is quite perilous."

"Who's there?" cried Sundude, "Come out and fight us!"

"Oh, no, I do not wish to partake in combat with the two of you. I only wish to disconnect my quintessence from this quasi-physical prison and possess one of your visages until I can harness the power necessary to reconstruct the physical body that once I reigned over this land in."

"I don't understand a word of what you just said," Moonbro said, "But you'd better let us out of this place or we will beat your ass most righteously into the ground."

"Whoa, bro, language!" said Sundude.

"Sorry, dude," Moonbro apologized, "But this guy is totally wack."

"Defeat me?" The voice laughed. "I think not. No, you two shall be implemented as tools for my escape, and then cast aside like nothing more than-"

"Bro!" said Sundude, ignoring the purple prose, "Hoof me!" And he stuck out his hoof to his brother.

"On it, dude!" replied Moonbro. He stuck out his hoof to meet his brother's, and their brohoof glowed with magical bro-power. The light expanded, and then burst forth in an awesome rainbow of sparkling color. It destroyed the walls around them, and the brothers found themselves once again in their basement, only now it was a small wooden room with only a lame old broom and some cobwebs.

"Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude!" exclaimed Moonbro, "That was AWESOME."

"Aw yeah, bro," said Sundude. "Even after the sixth time that never gets old."

"Not so fast," said the voice, which now came from the broom, "I shall still find myself the victor after this night!"

"Whoa. Bro," said Sundude. "Is that broom talking?"

"I am no mere broom!" said the mere broom, "My being is one of the greatest coalitions of power ever known to this mortal world. And it is with that power I shall enpurpose my will through you!" And with those words the broom exploded into a magical purple mist, and rushed toward Sundude.

"Look out, dude!" cried Moonbro, and he threw himself most heroically in front of the magical broom-thing. It hit him, and he fell to the ground in truly uncool pain.

"Bro!" cried Sundude. But it was too late.

"I am no longer your sibling!" said the now-possessed Moonbro. "I have reestablished my hold on a mortal form, and shall now reconquer this land of equines. I am—!"

"Mirror Broom!" cried Sundude. "You took over my bro's body! You will suffer terribly for this most uncool act!"

"Mirror what!? Where did you ever conceive of such a name as that?" scoffed the gentlecolt formerly known as Moonbro. "No, the name which strikes fear into all inhabitants of this land and all lands within its vicinity is none other than—!"

"Shut up, you evil-broom-guy!" said Sundude, who was more mad and angry than he had ever been in his life, "I'll stop you with the ultimate power: the love between true bros!" And with that he summoned the Elements of Bro-Harmony to him, and used them to send a wave of pure bro power at Mirror Broom, who looked like Moonbro.

"Your efforts are futile!" cried the Moonbro-who-wasn't-really-Moonbro as he was engulfed in an awesome rainbow of light, "You may halt my progress momentarily, but I shall come forth from my prison once more and overwhelm all who would dare oppose me and my wish to establish personal rule over all this world's people and landmasses, for I am unstoppable, unrelenting, unresisting! I am—!"

But he was cut off as the power of bro surrounded him and blasted him away with a flash of light. But Moonbro's body was gone too. Sundude did not know what to do.

"Bro? Bro, where are you? Nooo! Bro-oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!" he cried to the sky. "How could this happen to us? The Elements of Bro-harmony did their thing, right? We won most victoriously... right?"

"Sundude!" cried the pony-guy from the first chapter, who had arrived a minute too late on account of his laundry, "Sundude, there's something I forgot to tell you about your castle!"

"Is it that there's a lame broom down there that can take bros away?" said Sundude in a sad and defeated manner. "Because I vanquished Mirror Broom most awesomely with the Elements of Bro-harmony, but Moonbro is gone, man."

"Yes that's exactly—! Oh." The pony-guy from the first chapter understood. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. That was weak of me."

"Totally weak, dude," said Sundude.

"But don't worry, Sundude," said the pony-guy from the first chapter, "He's probably not dead. Just sealed away in the moon. With the spirit of the possessed broom. And by the way, his name is—"

"Sealed away?" Sundude asked "In the moon? But it's so lame there! Trust me, I know."

"Well, he'll probably get out in a thousand years* or so," said the pony-guy from the first chapter, "But you still gotta figure out how to get rid of—"

"Don't worry, bro!" Sundude cried to the sky, "I'll get you outta there! I'll find a way to get rid of that lame Mirror Broom once and for all!"

"Actually his name is—" But at that moment the pony-guy from the first chapter had a fatal heart attack and the knowledge was lost forever.