A Chirp in the Dark

by Permafrost

Chapter 2:Warning

Chirp yawned lightly and opened her eyes, seeing dirt, grass, and small rocks as her eyes focused. As she looked up, she saw she was on someone's back in a forest, darkness and trees surrounding her as she the figure carrying her walked on. She looked to her left, a familiar hat perched on the head of her carrier which gave away his identity.
"Pinchers, I was j-just...um..." Chirp started, her voice shaky and confused. She tried recalling what happened to her last, hoping to remember how much Pinchers could have figured out when he grabbed her.
"Just what?" Pinchers asked, a hint of anger in his voice as he pulled his hat down over his eyes. "What if somepony found out about you before I did? What if your disguise slipped again? We can't afford you exposing yourself when you are out where they can see you. You're barely trained enough to be out here with me!" He sighed lightly, his voice lowering in volume. "I hope you know Carapace has heard about this and will meet us before we get home."
Chirp gulped lightly in understanding, ears falling back as green flames engulfed her, reverting her to her original form once more. Carapace was one of Queen Chrysalis' top generals, mainly for his hatred towards ponies. Rumors have spread that he has gotten close to the queen and has been advising her. It was also said that Carapace is the one who wrote out the plans for the Canterlot invasion, though he hasn't brought it up and continuously denies any rumors involving himself. Why did he hate ponies so much? He won't comment on that either, yet some have said he had some close friends found out by the royal guards, captured and executed.
Soon Pinchers walked into a small clearing, the sun casting down light from above. All that was in the spot was grass and a stump, a peaceful place where one could gather their thoughts. As Pinchers let Chirp off him, she noticed how quiet it was. No birds chirping, no breeze whistling around them, just dead silence.
"Pinchers, are you sure this is the right spot?" Chirp asked, sitting on the stump and looking over him. She noticed that he was tense and became concerned after a few moments when he hadn't responded. "Pinchers, is there something-"
"Of course there is something wrong!" He nearly shouted, lifting his hat some and glaring at her. She reeled back in surprise, not expecting the sudden outburst. "You need to learn that ponies are dangerous. We may feed on them, but that doesn't mean they like us. Do you want to get locked up? Starved!? You remember what happened in Canterlot, so listen to me when I say ponies can and will kill you."
Chirp was hanging off the stump, staring at Pinchers wide eyed, scared, and confused. Were ponies really so bad? So dangerous that it would anger Pinchers' to yell at her? Before she could ask she heard a rustling behind her and looked back as two black hooves walked out of the bushes, each holed up. Her eyes trailed up to purple armor and a face, two glowing blue eyes staring at her under a helmet. She looked back at Pinchers to see his reaction, but he was already gone. It was just her, the general, and a tree stump.
"What is this I hear about you and ponies from Pinchers, Chirp?" He asked, his eyes narrowed and glaring. His voice far from one of patience.
"I-I was just...u-um..." Chirp stuttered, trying to think of a good excuse as quickly as possible, her confidence dwindling with every moment he towered over her. "I-I was thinking maybe the ponies...aren't as bad as we th-think."
Carapace remained quiet a moment as if considering something before leaning in, his voice monotonous and as cold as ice. "I think you may need to be taught once again about ponies before you make a dangerous and reckless mistake."
"A...m-mistake, sir?" Chirp asked, trying to act oblivious through her nervouseness, but knowing all too well what he was referring too.
"Yes, a mistake" Carapace said before turning, starting back through trees, his voice softening up some. "Come along, unless you want the creatures to find you in the dark alone."
Chirp quickly scrambled to her hooves and followed close, a slight whimper escaping her. She was far from skilled with fighting, let alone fighting in the dark. She noticed that the sky was slowly starting to darken above, but she was still able to clearly make out the general in front of her.
"Now Chirp," Carapace started, staring straight forward as he talked. "I know you are young and didn't participate in the Canterlot invasion, but I can assure you it was a horrible defeat on our part. We did make our own mistakes, even the queen agrees with this. However, if it were not for Princess Cadence and Shining Armor..." he trailed off, muttering something to himself.
"And Twilight Sparkle" Chirp added, having heard the many stories from those that returned to the hive after the attack.
"Ah yes, Sparkle. I almost forgot" Carapace groaned. "She is by far the biggest thorn in our sides...you didn't hear what happened after we got thrown out of Canterlot, did you?"
Chirp shook her head, though she remembered those who left were gone for at least a week if not more. She wasn't the greatest with memories, and it showed often.
"Good." Said the general in a commanding tone, looking up at the darkening sky. "Let's just say that the queen made the best of things, but even that was a disaster." He sighed a moment before continuing quieter. "She just wants what is best for us, Chirp. Those ponies don't care for us. They never have, and they never will."
The rest of the walk was silent, neither changeling wanting to speak to each other, both lost in their own thoughts. Chirp wondered how ponies could be so delightful to be around, so kind and nice, yet be so cruel? Perhaps it was Carapace who was wrong? She was so busy speaking she almost walked into the general as he stopped, standing in front of the cave-like opening that was the hive, their home. Two guards were stationed at the entrance, both of which bowed at the appearence of Carapace, who simply nodded. He glanced back at Chirp before proceeding inside, leading the way.
Inside the hive changelings went about their business, some selling objects and making deals, others working, fixing formations with their slime-like drool. Much of the city-like changeling utopia was covered in the slime, some fixing structures that were falling apart, other times it was used to cocoon creatures that could be used later. As Carapace led the way into his home, or as many changelings preferred to call them, his "comb", Chirp noticed a few younger changelings learning to fly with one of the teachers. They bumped into each other, buzzing just inches above the ground. Chirp smiled softly before hurrying after Carapace, the instructor groaning in annoyance from one child who was afraid to leave the ground. Chirp always loved children, but decided to be apart of the scouting and farm units because of how much work had to be done at the nursery, and she wasn't great at her own shapeshifting and flying, so how could she teach it?
"Now let's get this silly fantasy out of your head, Chirp" Carapace started, sitting in a chair beside a work desk. He leaned back ever so slightly as Chirp stood, herself unsure of how long she'd even be here. "You are a changeling, right, Chirp?"
Chirp nodded lightly and sat, sitting in front of him like a child listening to a storyteller.
"Good. Now, how do ponies see us again? What do they view us as?"
Chirp shrugged lightly, once again trying to make herself seem innocent and clueless, though her ears folding back gave her true thoughts away.
"They see us as monsters." Carapace said with a low growl, letting chair fall back on four legs and leaning so face is close to hers. "Parasites. Even if you get one pony to befriend you, what will others think of you? They aren't nice, they aren't caring, and they certainly aren't forgiving. We have taken a number of things from their society and adapted them to our own needs, but that doesn't make us like them, Chirp. They may seem ok, but if you were to drop your disguise, you'd be tackled and dragged off in chains."
Chirp sat quietly, shivering from what Carapace stated as fact. He kept his face close and eyes narrowed, staring into hers. After a few moments she scooted back and stood up. "I-I...understand...General Carapace." She said quietly, slowly walking back out of the comb.
"For your sake, I hope so." The general muttered before waving her off and turning to his desk. Before he was fully situated Chirp was already out and hurrying to her own comb. A few changelings glanced at her but none made any attempt to follow her or ask where she was heading so quickly, sticking to their own business. As she buzzed inside she closed the door behind her and slumped back, breathing shakily.
After taking a few moments to calm herself, she stood and walked to her bed, glancing at the pictures around the house as she passed them. Many had her friends and classmates, saying their names in her head as she passed. Swarm, Antenna, Pinchers...did they all think the way that Carapace did? She stopped at her bed and reached under it, pulling out a small box labeled "secret".
She took off the lid and fumbled with the objects inside. A small stick, an apple stem, a spur, and a picture of Sweet Apple Acres. She put her hoof on her chest and sighed, looking at a clock on the wall. It was getting late, and she had plans with Swarm tomorrow. She closed the box and pushed it back under the bed before curling up under a blanket, sniffling lightly. As she drifted off to sleep, she simply muttered to herself one word.