//------------------------------// // Chapter 8 He's a Carnivore (Revised) // Story: Dreaming of the Moon // by BeardedRedMane //------------------------------// Letting out a loud yawn Spike stretched his limbs and blinking the sleep from his eyes before continuing down the street. Today was the day that the creature named Anon was going to be released from the hospital. Unfortunately… Spike had overslept and to make matters even worse Twilight had thought it best to let him sleep. Though he really couldn't blame her since she was the reason why he was lacking in sleep. Twilight had spent the past few days scouring the Library to find any information she could about Anon, her search thus far had been fruitless. The first destination Spike had reached was the cleanup of the party thrown in Anon's honor; he had apparently missed them by a good hour which meant that they would now be on the tour of Ponyville. Spike thought that if he hurried he might be able to meet them just as they were leaving Rarity's house. Twilight had made a VERY specific schedule and knowing her unless Discord got loose they would stick to it. Unfortunately his second destination was another dead end, which caused Spike to nervously glance around to see whether or not chocolate rain would be falling. Fortunately some other disaster must have happened to throw a wrench in her schedule. This is what led him on his way to Applejack's, if they were still sticking to that schedule Twilight made the next destination would be Sweet Apple Acres for sure. As Spike was making his way from Rarity's house out of the corner of his eye he caught five familiar fillies, a wheelbarrow and a tall bipedal figure. • • • Fluttershy was perhaps the only pegasus in existence who preferred walking rather than flying but this being an urgent matter Fluttershy had no choice. Anon the scary bipedal creature that helped save their lives had disappeared, this being the second time today. She had been "volunteered" along with Dash to get a bird's eye view of the farm to see where Anon had wandered off to but secretly she had hoped that Dash would find him first. Although she knew he meant well and was a nice "human" she still felt a little unsettled by him, she still couldn't shake the images of him fighting brutally against the nightmare all the while wearing a smile on his face. A smile of sharp teeth. Being Ponyville's doctor of sorts when it came to animals she held a vast knowledge of everything from mammals to reptiles and there was one thing that she knew about animals, flat teeth meant a diet of vegetables while sharp ones indicated a diet of… meat. He was a carnivore. Suddenly a high pitched voice pierced her thoughts, bringing her back to the task at hand. Looking down she noticed five fillies surrounding a wheelbarrow talking in raised voices. Unable to hear what they were saying Fluttershy was going to land to see what they were talking about before her body went ice cold. Inside the wheelbarrow bound and gagged was an angry looking Anon. Fluttershy literally dropped a good twenty feet in fear, her mind freezed and took seemed to take her motor skills along with it. "Creature tamers huh? You morons can't even walk him properly let alone tame him!" "That's not true!! We can train him easily, and we'll get our cutie marks while we're at it!" "Th…they hog tied Anon and--… oh my!" Fluttershy was already beginning to hyperventilate, the gears in her head churning trying to think of a solution to the situation before it got any worse. The look of anger on Anon's face increased tenfold. Fluttershy turned her head towards the farm debating how fast she could fly back and get help before-- • • • Anon was quite bored, after giving up trying to break free he was content on finding ways to entertain himself. Anything from trying to name clouds that were in particular shapes to counting his own teeth, to which he was proud to say still had all thirty-two. Apparently his mouth was just the right size to accommodate all of his teeth. Or was. "Hey where are you three losers going with that wheelbarrow?" came a voice that forced the wheel barrow to a halt slamming Anon face first into the side of it. "Yeah, where do you think you blank flanks are going?" came another voice, or it could have been the same one to Anon. He was too busy cringing in pain. "Why that's none of your business Diamond Tiara!" Apple Bloom screamed back in anger, then catching herself she added, "We're just bout to get our cutie marks in creature taming! We caught em ourselves!" Fucking kids, picking on each other, fuckin' lame. Face hurts.. God damn it. "Is that so?" came the first voice as she jumped onto the wheelbarrow and into Anons' field of vision. "He looks stupid and kind of weak, but then again he must be if he got caught by you three lame-o's!" I.. Oh no you didn't… Anon's face began to burn red with embarrassment and anger as the filly with a gaudy looking tiara on her head berated him. Had Anon been twelve years younger he'd have slammed her face into the pavement… But being a reasonable adult, not to mention a foreigner in a strange land full of mystical ponies that could lynch him for such an act-- calmed his train of thought for the moment. "Creature tamers huh? You morons can't even walk him properly let alone tame him!" the annoying filly gave a loud laugh as her minion cackled along with her. "That's not true!! We can train him easily, and we'll get our cutie marks while we're at it!" Sweetie Bell yelled as her voice cracked in frustration. The others also raising their complaints, Diamond Tiara looked as if she was loving every minute of it. Anon could see the gears turning in her head as she smirked, the little filly wanted nothing more to see them fail. Not on my watch. "Well then." Diamond Tiara smiled innocently, "Why. Don't You. Prove it." Jumping off of him and onto the ground she waited as the three crusaders eyed each other with fear filled determination. Nodding to each other they each jumped up into Anon's view. "G..girls.. are you sure about---" "There's no way we're letting her make fun of us like that!" Scootaloo cut off Sweetie Bell. "Yah and think, what if it really is our talent? Then we'd be able to show her!" "Well? What's taking so long? I don't have all day, I want to see the three of you fail, now." The three of them peered down nervously at Anon as Apple Bloom hesitantly removed the last of his bindings, the gag being the last before they hopped out of the wheelbarrow. Trying to hide his smile Anon stood up to his full height causing the crusaders to gasp and backpedal a few steps. Anon wasn't that tall of a guy, just two inches under six feet, one inch on a good day. However being in a land of miniature ponies meant that he towered over full grown ponies by over two feet and these were even smaller! The crusaders eyed each other nervously with a "What now" kind of look. Furrowing her brow a single thought popped into Apple Blooms mind, Well maybe he's like a dog like Winnoa. "Ah…Ahlright.. C-Come boy?" On command Anon jumped down from the wheelbarrow and walked up slowly to Apple Bloom, trying not to scare her more than she was already. Stopping a foot from her Anon knelt down on one knee and dipped his head down and slightly to the right. "N…now s..s..shake!" Apple Bloom stuttered while extending her hoof, visibly nervous. Shake? Really? You've got no fingers, where did the concept of hand-- hoof shaking even come from" Following his orders Anon reached out his hand and "shook" her hoof. The initial impact sent a shiver of fear down her body before she calmed down looking up at Anon in a confused awe before back at her friends. "Ok, good boy! Now… Oh!" looking around her Apple Bloom picked up a stick in her mouth and tossed it a surprising distance into the air. "Fetch!" • • • Spike wasn't sure what in the world was going on. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell seemed to be playing with Anon like he was a dog. Then there were also two fillies that he remembered were Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon looking on mouths agape with a certain confusion that was probably on his face as well. Apple Bloom had climbed on top of Anons shoulders while Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo were in his right and left hands respectively all the while Anon was running circles around Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. "Faster, Faster!" Scootaloo cried, she was being supported on her stomach by Anons left hand as she flapped small wings as fast as she could. With Sweetie Bell in Anon's right hand it looked as if she were racing Scootaloo. "Yeehaw!" somewhere along the lines Apple Bloom had tied the rope into a makeshift harness and was steering Anon around. "What're you guys doing?" Spike asked walking up to them with utter confusion on his face, "How come you're not on the tour?" Anon slowed down as Apple Bloom steered him toward Spike. "Oh, hey Spike! Look what we found!" Scootaloo exclaimed as she was lowered to the ground along with Sweetie Bell. "We caught ourselves a pet!" Sweetie Bell screeched. "And Ah tamed him! We were just showing him off to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon." Apple Bloom added. Spike looked from the crusaders to the two fillies behind Anon with confusion in his eyes before looking up at Anon who winked at him while bringing a single finger to his lips. "Yeah, just watch this!" Sweetie Bell exclaimed before turning to Anon raising her fore hooves. "Sit!" Anon did as he was instructed opting to sit indian style. "Well it doesn't matter if you somehow trained that ugly thing!" Diamond Tiara announced finally pulling herself out of her shock. Walking up to them she pointed her hoof at their flanks. "You're still a bunch of blank flanks!" The crusaders looked back at their flanks before dipping their heads down in disappointment while the other two fillies laughed. A thought came into Anons mind as he got up on all fours and began growling at the two fillies. "W..what, control your mutt!" Stuttered Diamond as she backpedaled a few feet, Anon slowly following her. "I mean it! I'm the richest most popular pony, I'll have my dad lock up your--- ah!" Anon began barking causing her to lose her nerve and turn tail full speed, leaving a visible trail of dust. Spike and the crusaders instantly broke out into a fit or laughter, Anon waited until the two girls turned a corner before cracking a smile, "Well, that'll show those two." Anon stood up and brushed himself off as he headed back toward the now dumbfounded crusaders. "Hey Anon, how come you aren't with Twilight and the others? Shouldn't you be at Sweet Apple Acres on a tour around Ponyville?" questioned Spike after he finally managed to calm down his fit of laughter. "Well I was, but…" Anon looked over at the bewildered crusaders before continuing, "but I decided to take a detour." After a few moments of silence a uniform look of horrified realization passed over their faces, "Not like I didn't have fun though, I was just helping Apple Bloom and her friends out." finished Anon as he winked at the trio. And with that not a soul will ever find out that the mighty interstellar hero Anon was brought down by a group of little girls, Anon breathed a sigh of relief unaware of a cream colored pegasis flying overhead. "Well ok," Spike said completely oblivious to Anon's wink, "We had better get back to the farm and continue the tour." • • • "Huh, so Anon got wrapped up with mah little sister and her friends?" Applejack said without much surprise. "At least we know they're outta any trouble, what with missin' the party." "Yes, they were heading back this way." Fluttershy technically wasn't lying, she was just telling part of the story but to her she thought that she owed Anon at least this much. Thinking back on her actions she felt a little foolish about being wary of Anon, even after learning that he helped save their lives. "Oh, and Spike was with them too." Twilight perked her head up turning toward the conversation, "Really? I thought that he would be sleeping a little while longer, the poor little guy hasn't been getting much sleep." "Hard not to blame him." Rarity began, "With that evil nightmare that was on the loose I can only imagine the nightmare it showed my poor little Spike."