//------------------------------// // Good to be back // Story: EquineKiin // by Youcannoterasethepast //------------------------------// After the fiasco at the guard tower, you were brought back to court, where lawyers were lining up to represent you for saving relatives and friends in the royal guard. You chose a stallion by the name of Terrence E. Sekt (initials!). He had represented you better than the headmaster of the Bard's College could, and the Jury ruled you free of all charges. You've travelled all around Canterlot (It was, in fact, called Canterlot) and couldn't find anything to do. It had never occurred to you how much you rely on fighting throughout the day. You even tried bungee jumping off the side of canterlot. The enchantments that must be on that stretch of rope baffled you. And the epic story continues You've gotten a job as a librarian, which certainly isn't your strong suit. You just sat behind the counter reviewing your shouts and dragon tongue when a chestnut colored mare comes to you. "Mail for... eh... Doe-vay-keen" "Yes, thank you" As you take the the small envelope, you feel a slight tingling in your hand. This was written with magic, so it wasn't from a pegasus or earth pony. The only unicorn you knew was your boss. Probably got fired... you think. You rip off the top and take out the contents. Why wait, it's not like you have customers lining up to read on a monday. What comes out is another envelope, only this one has a oddly familiar seal. Whoever sent you this must hate you. You rip the top off once again and what comes out is a tightly folded piece of paper. You unfold the paper and read it. Dear Dovakeen, you are invited to Canterlot Palace for a party in your honor. You are allowed a plus one, and any relics from your world that you would like to bring. It will be tomorrow, Hay 25th, from 3:45-7:00, Refreshments and dinner will be served. The award ceremony will be at 6:15. For any further questions, talk to Colonel J'zargo in front of the guard tower. Yours truly, Princess Celestia. You break into a massive grin. If you were an honored citizen of canterlot, there wouldn't be a single employer who wouldn't hire you! You stuff the note into the pocket of your fine clothes (because the librarian wouldn't let you wear your usual equipment) and head to your boss's office. Your boss was an old green and yellow mare. "Yes, (name)?" "Ms. Battleborn, I am officially an honored citizen of canterlot, and I can go anywhere with my new life. I don';t need to be surrounded by these stupid books anymore!" "Erm...what?" "I quit!!" You take a deep breath and prepare to shout "Wuld nah kest!" You are immediately out of the office and out the door, with the power of a mighty gale pushing you all the way. As you stop, thanks to years of practice, the air pressure behind you drops drastically, allowing you to come to a more sudden and stable stop. You felt as if a mammoth had been sitting on you since you started working in that dull old place. Now, you feel the invisible mammoth leaving you. Wait... you look around at the fresh layer of snow on the ground I left my coat at the front desk! You know you have to walk by Ms. Battleborn's office to get it back. "What an adrenaline killer..." You walk slowly back into the library, trying to be as unnoticed as possible. As you walk by the open doorway of Ms. Battleborn's , you see your coat on her desk, and Ms. Battleborn with a look of utmost amusement. "I... ah... left my coat" "Yes, I know" You take your coat and walk quickly out of the door. You hear her laughing behind you as you put your coat on and leave the library for what is hopefully the last time. As you open your eyes, you are almost blinded by the light overhead. You were so tired after after a night of drinking and celebration, you didn't even turn it off. You count to ten, recall the events of last night, remember your quest, and after a few more memory and comprehension exercises, you are fully awake. You feel only a dull, dull headache. Thank the (nine/eight) you aren't going to be too terribly hungover for the party in your honor. You roll out of bed and hit your apartment floor. As you stand, you look around for your {armor} [robes and mask]. You see them hung on a hook by the door. You grab your dragonborn apparel, and quickly throw them on. You check the mirror, looking for any dents or in your {armor} [morokei] that needed fixing. You see the one you got when the chicken you're not allowed to kill attacked you in Riverwood. You grab a dagger you always kept on you and ran over it a few times to make the scratch look like it could be from something more menacing, like a horde of skeevers. You walk out of the apartment building like you own the place, and head to work. No, wait, I quit work you forgot to cover the major events of yesterday in your morning exercises. You look at Big Bill in the center of town. It was 3:00. By the time you got to the palace, it would be about 3:15. You set off toward the guard tower, to practice archery and such. You were about half way there, when you hear a piercing scream from an alleyway. You sprint toward the alleyway, to see see a white and purple, oddly familiar, unicorn being mugged by two stallions. You start running toward the first stallion. When the mare gasps, they turn around, but too late. {You pick one up and slam him into a wall} [You spray him with a non-lethal but painful dose of frost]. The second stallion, trembling in fear, attempts to run. Why not help him? "Fus ro dah!" the wave of voice quickly gains and launches him out of the alleyway, and into a building on the other side of the street. Curious bystanders poke their head around the corner to see what caused it. You pick up the first stallion, who is far too {beaten} [frostbitten] to complain, and head over to the other one. "Thank you (something that sounds similar to your name but isn't your name)!" You didn't look, but it was certainly the unicorn getting mugged. Her voice sounded familiar too. You sling the second, unconscious stallion over your shoulder, and head to the guard tower to have them both arrested, wondering how the mare knew your name.