The Adventures of Sundude and Moonbro

by MetalGearSamus

(Super Non-Canon) Sundude and Moonbro go through a mirror

"Yo Moonbro," said Sundude one day.

"What's up?" replied Moonbro.

"Festeggiare Tutta La Notte just sent me a letter, apparently he found a wicked cool mirror in his basement. You can walk through it into other worlds 'n' stuff."

"Aw, sick!" exclaimed Moonbro.

"Yeah, I know, wanna go check it out?" asked Sundude.

"I would, dude, but you know how we feel about basements," Moonbro reminded his brother.

"I know bro, but it'll be cool. Feste had it moved up into his living room," Sundude replied.

"Okay, that's cool then. Let's go!" cried Moonbro.

And so they went.

* * * * *

"So, Festeggiare," Sundude asked some time later, "we just gotta step into it and it'll take us into an alternate plane of existence?"

"Yup," said Festeggiare Tutta La Notte, who was decked out in so much bling only Sundude could look at him without squinting.

"Radical," said Moonbro, "Let's try it out, dude!"

"Whoa, hold on bros," said Festeggiare, "There's one thing you gotta know before you use it: whatever you do, don't go through more than once a day. Otherwise it starts to freak out."

"You got it, broskie," replied Sundude, "Now let's go, bro!"

And so they leaped through the mirror.

* * * * *

"This is so laaaame," moaned Moonbro sometime later, "I hated high school when we weren't being stared at for lookin' weird."

"Yeah, I know, bro," replied Sundude, "I thought we'd be thrown into a most awesome and twisted version of our own land, but this is just so completely... not awesome." They were sitting in the middle of the school's quad, watching all the freaky inhabitants of this alternate universe walk to and from their classes. Most of the oddly-proportioned hand-people were gawking at them because, well, they were still horses. It was a pretty weird thing to see at school.

"Holy crap, did that horse just talk?" one of the hand-people shouted.

"Are we not supposed to do that?" Moonbro asked.

"Dude, a talking horse!" another shouted. "Someone get the principals!"

"Did that little dude just say 'principals,' bro?" asked Sundude.

"I think so, dude," replied Moonbro.

"What kinda crazy school has more than one principal?"

This school, apparently, because it was at that moment that a couple of babes with suspiciously familiar color schemes stormed out to see what all the fuss was. The one with the albino-ish complexion was the first to react.

"Why are there horses in my quad?" she demanded.

"We prefer to be called 'ponies,' babe," Sundude corrected.

"Yeah, horses are lame!" Moonbro added. The pale babe was stunned into silence.

"Did... they just... talk?" her blue-ish/black-ish companion asked.

"Well duh," said Sundude, "It's not like that's what we've been doing this whole time."

"You're... you're not supposed to talk..." the stunned babe muttered.

"Well excuuuuuuuse me, principal," Sundude snapped, "Come on, bro, let's blow this joint. I can tell when we're not wanted." He donned a pair of sunglasses to demonstrate his indifference to their world.

"Yeah, screw you, hand-people," Moonbro, also wearing sunglasses, said as they moonwalked away, "We're goin' back to Equestria where it's cool to talk!"

"You said it," complimented Sundude.

And so then they leaped back through the mirror-portal, but not before the stunned principals muttered something about 'Sunset Shimmer.' Well, they didn't actually mutter it, in reality they turned to each other as a realization dawned on them and said "Equestria? We'll have to talk to Sunset Shimmer about this. She'd better not be up to something again," but saying they muttered something vague makes everything more mysterious. Builds suspense 'n' stuff.

* * * * *

One transitional sentence later, the two alicorn bros stumbled out of the other side of the mirror, however when they looked around they realized not everything was as it should be.

"Dude, what happened to all the Swag Empire's swag?" asked Moonbro.

"I dunno, bro," replied Sundude, "Everything's all... crystal-y now. This is most bizarre."

"You said it," said Moonbro.

The two wandered about the palace, totally weirded out by how everything was crystals. Eventually, they ran into a guard who was patrolling the halls. He was also crystals, and he gasped in surprise when he saw the pair.

"Princess Cele—wait, you're not—who are you?" he stammered.

"Bro, you don't know who we are?" asked Sundude.

"That's not cool," added Moonbro, "We freakin' saved you dudes, like, a bunch of times. You could at least recognize us."

"Naw bro," said Sundude, "This is the Swag Empire, we only helped them that one time, I think. It's cool if they don't remember us."

"Whatever, the dude's gone anyway," said Moonbro.

And indeed he was. The guard had ran off to report his strange encounter to the princess.

"Well now what are we going to do?" asked Moonbro, "Something weird happened to the Swag Empire while we were gone. How are we gunna to fix it?"

"I dunno," said Sundude with a shrug.

"Okay," said Moonbro.

And so the two kept wandering around until suddenly two other ponies teleported in front of them. Two tall, suspiciously familiar ponies.

"Whoa bro it's you! And me!" shouted Prince Sundude.

"Holy crap it's us as chicks!" cried Prince Moonbro.

"Egad! 'Tis a pair of doppelgangers!" proclaimed Princess Luna.

"Oh my, it's... us," said Princess Celestia.

The four stared at each other in silence for a moment before Moonbro leaned over to Sundude.

"I think this is what Festeggiare meant when he said the mirror might freak out," he whispered.

"I think so too, bro," Sundude whispered back.

In silence, the pairs kept on staring at one another, Moonbro frozen in his leaning position.



"They're kinda hot," he finally said.

Then they f*cked.